Why do acne appear on the chin?

Acne on the chin is mainly associated with hormonal imbalance or clogged sebaceous glands. However, there are other reasons why painful acne appears on the chin, which will be discussed in more detail below.

We will also consider how to get rid of acne on the chin.

Types of rashes

First you need to understand what types of rashes exist:

  1. subcutaneous pimples appear due to clogging of the sebaceous glands with a mixture of excess fat or dead skin cells, which is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microbes. A bump appears on the skin, like a bump, with slight redness. Subcutaneous pimples on the chin take quite a long time to mature and are also very painful when touched;
  2. purulent pimples are the result of an inflammatory process, as well as the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. In terms of severity, such rashes are not inferior to subcutaneous ones. Under no circumstances should they be squeezed out, as there is a risk of infection spreading to healthy areas of the skin;
  3. Blackheads are the most common skin condition that is caused by blocked sebaceous glands. It is possible to remove such a pimple yourself, but it is not advisable, as this can lead to worsening of the skin condition.



Causes of acne on the face

Many women wonder why pimples occur? What changes in the body is this associated with? What internal organ is wrong?

Basically, the appearance of rashes is associated with menstruation. They appear during ovulation and indicate hormonal changes in the female body these days. However, if acne on the chin occurs constantly and cannot be bothered, then it is worth thinking about more global causes.

In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  1. pimples on the cheeks indicate problems with the respiratory system; they often occur in smokers, as well as in people with allergies;
  2. the forehead is subject to rashes of small pimples due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. the appearance of rashes on the nose indicates a hormonal imbalance, as well as problems of the cardiovascular system, allergies, and respiratory diseases;
  4. What do pimples around the mouth mean? The appearance of rashes in the area near the mouth indicates disturbances in the psychological state, constant lack of sleep, and prolonged emotional distress.


Causes of acne on the chin

Let's look at why acne appears on the chin:

  1. Weak immunity, which leads to frequent colds, affects all organs and leads to skin rashes, including the chin.
  2. Poor functioning of the endocrine system leads to an imbalance of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. In both men and women, this leads to increased sebum production, which clogs the pores. This, in turn, leads to the occurrence of large and small inflammations.
  3. Poor diet is one of the most common reasons why acne appears on the chin. Large consumption of salty, spicy, sweet, flour foods leads to deterioration of the skin condition and the appearance of characteristic rashes.
  4. Digestive diseases are associated with the accumulation of harmful toxins inside the body, which causes acne to immediately appear on the chin.
  5. Hormonal changes are mainly related to age and pregnancy. In girls from 11 to 14 years old, as in women after 40, subcutaneous sebum with a low content of fatty acids is produced. In a viscous environment, a large number of microbes develop, and dead cells also accumulate, which leads to the appearance of rashes. Pimples on a child’s chin are also associated with the hormonal system, which indicates its immaturity and the inability of the sebaceous glands to function normally.



Treatment options

What to do if a subcutaneous pimple appears on your chin and a bump appears? What products are best to use if your face is constantly covered in dust? For the treatment of acne, complex therapy is indicated, which includes taking medications, physiotherapy, changing diet and lifestyle.

  1. Salicylic acid.
  2. Zinc ointment.
  3. Tincture of calendula.
  4. Streptocide ointment.
  5. Gel "Baziron AS".
  6. Lotion "Zinerit".
  7. Gel "Mitrogil".
  8. Ichthyol ointment.
  9. Vishnevsky ointment.
  10. Metronidazole tablets.
  11. Anti-acne cosmetics as a prophylactic agent.



  1. Mechanical facial cleansing.
  2. Chemical peeling of the face.
  3. Ozone therapy.
  4. Mesotherapy.
  5. Laser treatment.
  6. Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen).

To improve the functioning of internal organs, as well as to prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands, it is best to remove or minimize the consumption of sweets, animal fats, spicy, smoked and too salty foods, alcoholic drinks, fast food, soda, and processed cheese from the diet.

It is best to give preference to vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, salads with vegetable oil, lean meats and fish. It is also recommended to drink plenty of liquid - water, green tea, fruit drinks, compotes.

Where to buy the product

Pharmacy name Address Price, rub
Diaspharm Moscow, Bolshaya Polyanka street, 30 from 69
Lavender St. Petersburg, street 1st line of Vasilievsky Island, 50 letter A from 86
Pharmacy on duty Minsk, Partizansky prospect, 13 from 52
7I Kiev, Sofievskaya street, 6 from 15

Treatment at home

You can treat pimples effectively at home. If you suffer from internal acne on the chin, decoctions of herbs such as yarrow, celandine, and chamomile are perfect for treating them. Infusions of birch buds and aloe juice are also good.


For treatment and prevention, it is enough to wipe the inflamed areas in the morning and evening after washing. This therapy expands the pores and also removes impurities.

Folk signs

Folklore very often associates the appearance of acne with some life event:

  1. Following folk signs, pimples on a pregnant woman’s chin indicate the birth of a son.
  2. If the pimple does not heal for a long time, the birth will be problematic. And if, on the contrary, the treatment was quick and effective, then the birth process will be easy.
  3. If a single woman or girl has a pimple on the chin, this indicates the approach of a new romance, as well as intimacy. The longer the pimple persists, the longer the relationship will last.
  4. Also, the appearance of a pimple on the chin can mean a quarrel with a loved one or the illness of someone close to you. If there are a lot of acne, then perhaps the relationship will lead to a breakup.

Let's look at what acne on the chin indicates during pregnancy:

  1. First of all, about hormonal changes in the body, as well as the dehydration that accompanies them. By consuming a small amount of water, hormones remain undiluted, which leads to increased sebum production.
  2. An increased amount of the male hormone testosterone also accelerates the process of sebum production, clogging the sebaceous glands.
  3. During pregnancy, many women suffer from constipation. Acne under the chin in pregnant women indicates the process of intoxication of the body with harmful microbes.
  4. Also, one of the causes of rashes is the incorrect use of cosmetics and lack of personal hygiene.

What treatments for acne on the chin are acceptable during pregnancy? The most important rule when treating acne is that pregnant women should never use medications, especially hormonal ones, as this negatively affects the development of the fetus. One of the approved medications is Skinoren gel, the active substance of which is low-toxic.

The best remedy for acne during pregnancy is to observe good personal hygiene, regularly cleanse your face using alcohol-free and fragrance-free products, as well as a proper balanced diet.

Acne on the chin can appear in absolutely anyone, regardless of their age and gender. Heavy breakouts are often a reaction to a new skin care product. In some cases, their appearance indicates various disorders in the functioning of internal organs. How to understand why the skin is inflamed, and how to get rid of profuse acne?

Why does the skin become inflamed?

What causes acne and what does it mean? The causes of acne on the chin in women and adolescents are due to hormonal changes that occur in the body. These are natural processes that do not pose a danger to humans. In girls, profuse rashes are the result of incorrectly selected cosmetics. Many cosmetics clog pores, which leads to inflammation and the formation of painful acne.

The causes of pimples on the chin in women are not dangerous if they are not accompanied by additional symptoms. However, if a representative of the fair sex actively fought against them, but there was no positive result, such a combination of circumstances may indicate the progression of a serious pathological process.

The main factors influencing the appearance of rashes include:

  1. endocrine system disorders ;
  2. lipid metabolism failures ;
  3. weakened immune system ;
  4. increased hormone levels ;
  5. hyperkeratosis (excessive development of the stratum corneum of the skin) ;
  6. increased ambient temperature ;
  7. constant squeezing of white pimples ;
  8. hereditary factors .

Endocrine system diseases are accompanied by surges in hormone levels, as a result of which small pimples constantly appear on a person’s skin. A deviation can occur due to a malfunction of the ovaries.

Lipid metabolism disorder , which is accompanied by an increase in cholesterol levels in the body, causes the development of internal acne. They cause discomfort and lead to painful sensations.

Weakening of the immune system opens the “door” for infectious, viral and bacterial agents to enter the body. Their active reproduction leads to disruption of the functioning of not only many internal organs, but also other body systems, which is expressed in profuse rashes on the skin of the face.

Increased hormone levels often recorded in polycystic ovary syndrome. Changes in hormonal levels are also characteristic of different phases of the menstrual cycle. For the female half of humanity, small pimples in the chin area that appear with a certain frequency are considered the norm.

Hyperkeratosis indicates a lack of retinol in the body. The disease can also develop with prolonged mechanical impact on the epidermis. Hyperkeratosis is often observed in people exposed to occupational intoxication.

Minor development factors

Purulent acne on the chin should be a cause of concern for both sexes. Often, profuse acne indicates disorders of the digestive system. Such manifestations are typical for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular problems with the intestines. It is believed that acne reflects the true condition of the internal organs. Read about which organs are responsible for acne on the face in this article →

According to experts, persistent whiteheads on the chin may not be a cosmetic problem, but a medical problem. In this case, it is advisable to visit a hospital or private clinic for tests and consultation with a doctor.

Secondary factors for the appearance of acne include:

  1. frequent colds ;
  2. pathologies of infectious type ;
  3. avitaminosis ;
  4. nervous tension ;
  5. high level of humidity;
  6. Improper hygiene measures can also provoke small pimples on the chin .

An experienced specialist can identify what acne on the skin of the face indicates. But which doctor should you contact, and who can help solve the problem?

Which doctor will help?

An endocrinologist and gynecologist will be able to explain why acne appears on the chin of women. As mentioned above, rashes indicate hormonal changes in the body. This condition is typical not only for women, but also for adolescents. In middle-aged people, subcutaneous acne on the chin develops as a result of disorders of the thyroid gland and medications. To confirm the problem from gynecology and endocrinology, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests.

A gastroenterologist will determine what causes acne on the chin in men and women. When the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the body uses the skin as a means to cleanse itself of toxins. The skin is not able to cope with the task assigned to it, as a result of which acne begins to appear on it. Most often they are accompanied by inflammation, which disrupts the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

If everything is in order with the digestive system, and hormones do not go beyond normal limits, then you need to rush to a dermatologist for help. Perhaps the origin of acne on the chin is due to skin diseases.

Painful pimples cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, before you start fighting them, it is recommended to visit one of the specialists presented above. If you have any controversial questions regarding rashes on the lower part of the face, you can contact your therapist. After examining all the patient’s complaints, he will write a referral to the right specialist.

Professional assistance from cosmetologists

If a woman has acne on her chin, which organ is wrong will be determined by a specialist. But if the health condition is normal, the problem must be solved with professional help.

Elimination of acne on the chin in women and men is carried out using the latest cosmetic procedures:

  1. professional facial cleansing ;
  2. laser peeling;
  3. chemical peeling (salicylic, Jessner peeling) - not carried out if the cause of pimples on the chin is somehow related to skin diseases and their sensitivity;
  4. mesotherapy (subcutaneous injections using special medications).

How to deal with acne will be determined by an experienced cosmetologist based on the general condition of the epidermis. The characteristics of the human body and the presence of concomitant diseases are taken into account.

Drug therapy

Acne on the chin cannot always be treated with traditional cosmetic procedures. In this case, treatment involves the use of specialized drugs. If pimples appear constantly, you need to use topical remedies.

Standard treatment for acne on the chin involves the use of the following acne ointments:

  1. Curiosin ;
  2. Zenerite ;
  3. Acne-derm.

They are applied to the skin in a thin layer, eliminate new acne and restore the structure of the epidermis.

An experienced doctor will tell you how to treat rashes with these medications. The presented products are not dangerous, but they must be used according to an individual scheme.

For self-use, gels with an antiseptic effect are suitable, in particular, Levomekol And Sintomycin . They are designed to quickly get rid of rashes of any complexity. On the second day of use, there is much less acne.

If drug therapy does not help eliminate white pimples on the chin, perhaps the problem lies deep within the body. Then you need to start using medications that are aimed at restoring the affected organ or system.

Effective traditional medicine

Eliminating purulent acne on the chin in women and men is possible using traditional methods. But it is worth remembering that alternative medicine is just an auxiliary therapy. It is not recommended to use it as the main method of treatment.

Traditional medicine involves the use of masks based on natural ingredients. Ordinary bananas will help eliminate both rash and inflammation. They are removed from the peel, kneaded into a pulp and laid out on the face. If the affected area is small, it is enough to cut the fruit into circles and apply them to the areas of inflammation. A banana face mask will allow acne to go away faster and speed up the skin restoration process.

How to cure severe rashes? In this case, aloe comes to the rescue. This plant is on almost every windowsill. Aloe has anti-inflammatory and healing effects. It helps eliminate existing pimples and fight new breakouts. For this purpose, it is enough to wipe the skin with a product based on plant juice and honey. Face masks with aloe will also be effective.

How to get rid of acne on the chin? The causes and treatment of rashes are two interrelated processes. There are many methods for eliminating acne on the skin. But which technique will be truly effective depends on the root cause of the inflammatory process.

One of the most unpleasant problems that both women and men face, regardless of age, is acne, including on the chin. We will try to explain why they jump up and how to deal with it.

  1. Why do acne appear on the chin?
  2. Types of acne on the chin
  3. How to determine the cause
  4. Cosmetics for acne
  5. Cosmetological methods
  6. Homemade recipes for acne
  7. Proper nutrition
  8. Acne prevention

Why do acne appear on the chin?

Acne can appear at any age. It is important to find the reason. © Getty Images

Our skin is normally home to many bacteria, in particular propionbacterium acne. The peculiarity of these microorganisms is that they lead an anaerobic lifestyle, that is, they do not need access to air. Moreover, oxygen is poison for them. Inside the comedon, the conditions for acne bacteria are ideal: the absence of air with abundant nutrition. Therefore, they begin to actively reproduce, and their waste products provoke the development of an inflammatory reaction, which leads to the transformation of a harmless blackhead into a pimple. There are many reasons for acne. Let's list the main ones:

improper skin care.

Causes of acne on the chin in women

In adult women, the appearance of acne on the chin is most often associated with the following factors:

eating disorder;

stress, especially chronic stress.

It is known that the stress hormone cortisol provokes increased sebum production and, as a result, clogged pores. This is why, and not simply due to the law of meanness, pimples appear on the eve of an important meeting or interview.

Causes of acne in men

Daily shaving is one of the causes of acne in men. © Getty Images

Men's skin is characterized by increased oiliness, which 90% of men actively struggle with. The stronger sex has more sebaceous glands than women, and high testosterone levels make them work even more actively. As a result, both oily shine and inflammation occur.

Types of acne on the chin

Nodules, or internal, subcutaneous pimples.

How to determine the cause

Sometimes during menopause, acne on the chin appears in women who have not previously encountered the problem of acne. It is possible that the issue is a change in hormonal levels. However, in order to properly deal with the scourge, you should consult a doctor. The dermatologist will write a referral for consultation with at least two more specialists - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. A number of studies are also possible. Least:

general and biochemical blood tests;

hormone analysis;

analysis for demodicosis.

Only after receiving the test results can a specialist determine the most appropriate program for the treatment and prevention of acne, including acne on the chin.

Cosmetics for acne

For cosmetic care, products based on proven ingredients are usually used.

Salicylic acid is famous for its exfoliating effect.

Zinc has a drying effect.

Retinol and its derivatives provide a renewing effect.

The doctor will write out a treatment plan, which may include oral medications.

Different categories of products are recommended as cosmetics.

Creams have moisturizing and matting properties.

Serums enhance the effect of the cream due to the high concentration of active substances.

Masks They clean and exfoliate the skin well, which is very important for acne on the chin. At the same time, these products solve problems such as dry skin and have absorbent properties.

Gels used as an alternative to thick cream in the hot season. However, there are gels for local use, which are applied pointwise.

Cosmetological methods

Microdermabrasion. The skin is exfoliated, or rather, polished with a small crystal using a special apparatus. Thus, it is cleared of the layer of dead cells, becoming smoother and fresher.

Laser resurfacing. A directed laser beam specifically damages the skin, causing skin cells to exfoliate and renew themselves faster.

Mesotherapy. A cocktail of vitamins and antioxidants has a positive effect on acne-prone skin.

Homemade recipes for acne

Using a “miracle” ointment mixed yourself in the kitchen, you risk introducing an infection and aggravating the acne problem, so when choosing between homemade products and cosmetics developed in a laboratory, it is wiser to give preference to the latter.