Moisturizing oily skin at home

Do you know what happens to oily skin if you don’t take care of moisturizing it? Now we’ll tell you (don’t be afraid, everything can be fixed) and give you some tips on proper care. And at the same time, we’ll explain why it’s not at all necessary to cleanse your face “to the point of squeaking.”

  1. Features of oily skin
  2. Why oily skin is prone to dehydration
  3. Preventing dehydration
  4. Composition of skin moisturizers
  5. Cosmetics review

Features of oily skin

Dermatologists often classify oily skin as problematic, and this happens for a reason. Among the main characteristics of this type:

overactive sebaceous glands;

with age - a tendency to sag in the chin and lower jaw;

predisposition to the formation of comedones and acne.

Oily skin especially needs hydration © iStock

Why oily skin is prone to dehydration

To answer this question, let’s remember what mistakes girls with oily skin make when caring for it.

Due to the overactivity of the sebaceous glands, owners of oily skin suffer from an oily sheen and the feeling of an oily film on the face. In this connection, they try to clean the skin “to the point of squeaking.” And they do it wrong: too thorough cleansing disrupts the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. There are at least two negative consequences.

The skin becomes defenseless against bacteria and aggressive environmental influences.

The epidermis stops retaining moisture.

To somehow compensate for the loss of moisture, the sebaceous glands begin to produce sebum with double intensity.

Many people think something like this: my skin is oily and quite dense, there are no wrinkles on it, which means it is already well moisturized, so you can safely refuse day cream.

By ignoring the hydration stage, owners of oily skin provoke a thickening of the stratum corneum and a slowdown in the process of epidermal renewal, which, in turn, leads to clogging of pores and the formation of blackheads and acne.

Moisturizing oily skin is no less important than cleansing and toning it.

Oily skin is prone to dehydration © iStock

Preventing dehydration

Let's focus on the basic rules.

Daily use of peelings and scrubs leads to a pronounced thinning of the lipid layer, which becomes a serious stress for the skin. It can react with redness, pimples, peeling, and itching.

It is recommended to use products with exfoliating and abrasive particles no more than twice a week.

Regular washing with water is not enough for oily skin. Use gels, foams and mousses that contain both exfoliating (salicylic and fruit acids) and healing (aloe vera and green tea extracts) components. It is important that the products are washable.

Immediately after washing, apply a refreshing toner to your face. It will perform several tasks at once:

removes remnants of cleansing foam or mousse;

evens out skin texture;

visually tightens the pores and prepares the face for applying gel or fluid.

If you use the toner regularly for a month, your skin condition will noticeably improve.

Those with oily skin are advised to regularly carry out cleaning procedures in the salon and acquire a cleansing device at home. For example, the Clarisonic Mia2 gadget is suitable. Choose a nozzle for deep pore cleansing and use it every morning or every evening.

The bristles not only cleanse the pores, but also massage the face, thereby improving blood flow and absorption of care products.

Optimal textures for oily skin are light, non-greasy and non-sticky gel, cream-gel, fluid. The day cream should contain moisturizing (hyaluronic acid) and sebum-regulating (salicylic acid, minerals, clay) components.

Once or twice a week, cosmetologists suggest making detox masks with clay or charcoal. They “pull out” toxins, prevent inflammation and also help reduce sebum production.

Composition of funds

Let's list the main components in formulas for oily skin care.

Exfoliating and sebum-regulating: hydroxy acids, bentonite, sugar cane, allantoin, ginger root, witch hazel, hibiscus.

Calming: aloe vera, green tea, chamomile, blueberry, sage, ylang-ylang oil, rose oil, geranium, panthenol, bisabolol.

Moisturizing: hyaluronic acid, glycerin, seaweed, soybean oil, urea.

Cosmetics review

Absolue Precious Cells Cleansing Foam, Lancôme

Cleansing toner Purefect Skin Toner, Biotherm

Cleansing gel “Endless freshness”, L’Oréal Paris

Cleansing toner “CLEAN SKIN”, Garnier

Product name Active Ingredients Action
white iris and proxilan complex Cleanses pores of impurities and refreshes the skin.
L.Digitata extract and zinc Exfoliates dead cells and tightens pores.
Gallic rose and lotus extracts Does not contain soap, so there is no feeling of tightness after washing.
salicylic acid and zinc Fights blackheads and slightly mattifies the skin.

Light cream-gel with a mattifying effect Pure Focus, Lancôme

Moisturizing gel Aquasource Gel, Biotherm

Moisturizing gel-cream Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel-Cream, Kiehl’s

Moisturizing “Botanic Cream”, Garnier

Mattifying sorbet cream “Life-giving Moisturizing”, Garnier

Masks are an integral part of facial skin care. In the case of dry skin types, there is no question of additional nutrition and hydration. Recipes for masks for dry skin can be found here. But what to do if your skin is oily, how to choose the right care with moisturizing ingredients, how to prepare your own mask at home.

This is what we will talk about in detail in this article. There is a misconception that oily skin types don't need to moisturize, but that's a myth I'll bust. Under the influence of aggressive environmental factors, the skin becomes dull and loses its elasticity. Inflamed areas may appear, again due to age-related changes.


In addition to the line of cosmetics used, it would not be superfluous to prepare and apply homemade formulations from natural ingredients. It’s quite affordable, and you’ll see the benefits almost immediately. Homemade masks are usually applied a couple of times a week.

Benefits of homemade moisturizing masks

Moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis is necessary for all types. With regular use of care products, your skin will be cleansed of old keratinized particles, will be protected from the premature appearance of wrinkles, and will be saturated with vitamins and minerals.


Oily skin requires hydration no less than dry skin. This will help cleanse the sebaceous ducts and pores from the accumulation of dirt, thereby avoiding the appearance of new acne and inflammatory rashes. The skin will restore its water balance. And this, in turn, will help the rapid absorption of all the beneficial substances from homemade masks.

Another important fact is that homemade homemade formulations do not contain any preservatives, unlike store-bought cosmetics. Therefore, to get the best results from cosmetic procedures, use only fresh products. Home remedies are also not suitable for long-term storage.

10 secrets for use

Those with oily skin type suffer from problems such as a greasy shine on the face, wide pores, and frequent inflammatory rashes. Don’t be discouraged; with proper care, almost anything can be fixed. In addition to all the disadvantages of this type, there is an excellent plus - oily skin is very elastic, which will help avoid premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles.


  1. So, the very first thing you need to do before a home cosmetic procedure is to properly cleanse your skin. To remove makeup from your face, you can use light and mild scrubbing agents. Do not get too carried away with this process, as you can aggravate areas of skin with inflammation.
  2. Before applying the mask, massage the facial area. Another very effective way to prepare your skin is by steaming it. To do this, prepare a steam bath with herbs. Or soak a towel in the herbal decoction, hot of course, and then apply it to your face. The procedure will take you about 10-15 minutes, so you shouldn’t neglect it.
  3. You should also not save when purchasing basic plant or essential oils. Yes, the price for them is sometimes high, but the effect obtained directly depends on the quality of the ingredients used. By the way, before adding oils to masks during preparation, heat them to 30-40 degrees. This way they will be better absorbed by your skin.
  4. The mask you prepare should have a uniform consistency and be slightly stretchy. If it turns out a bit thick in your opinion, you can dilute it with a decoction of herbs or warm milk.
  5. Use homemade masks immediately, do not prepare them for future use. Due to the use of natural products, they cannot be stored.
  6. Before use, make sure that you are not allergic to any particular component. Apply a little solution to the elbow and wait for the reaction. If everything is fine, then you can apply it to your face.
  7. After applying the mask to your face, it is best to take a calm pose so that your facial muscles are in a relaxed state.
  8. Keep any homemade compositions for 15-20 minutes after application, this is quite enough.
  9. Masks should be washed off with warm water; in rare cases, it may cause contrast. It would be even better to remove the mask with a cotton pad and rinse off the remaining residue with water without rubbing the skin.
  10. From what you consider to be proper care, your skin needs rest. Well, first of all, you shouldn’t apply masks more than twice a week. Secondly, after a month of use, take a break for at least a couple of weeks.

Just a little that you need to know. By following these tips, you will always be attractive and irresistible.

Basic rules for choosing ingredients and preparing masks

You probably have products that can and should be used for care products. The most popular are eggs, honey, cucumber, and oatmeal. Milk, herbal decoctions, citrus fruits, rye bread, sour cream, and olive oil are also used. Natural products can bring benefits not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

  1. Use only fresh, high-quality ingredients in your masks. This is important to achieve the desired result.
  2. Do not expect an instant effect, as in the case of cosmetic products from the store, you need to take a course.
  3. Products should be applied with clean hands or a clean special brush.
  4. Avoid the delicate areas around the eyes and lips when applying masks.

Moisturizing mask for oily skin - a universal recipe

Oily skin types most often suffer from dehydration in the negative conditions of large cities. Trying to replenish the water balance, it becomes rough and porous. Girls, trying to get rid of sebaceous shine, diligently dry their skin with all sorts of cosmetics, which is their big mistake.


In order to return dehydrated skin to normal, there are a number of rules:

  1. Do not use store-bought cosmetics that contain alcohol.
  2. drink more clean water without carbon
  3. wash your face more often using special foams and gels for your skin type
  4. take a course of vitamin E (be sure to consult a specialist before doing this)
  5. Use slightly acidic tonics in the morning and at night
  6. In addition to the main products you use, apply a serum based on vitamin C

Oily skin type is easy to determine; it is characterized by increased sebum production. However, if you have any doubts, you can do a simple test at home.

You need to wash your face without applying anything to your face and wait a couple of hours. Then apply a napkin to your face, as if blotting your face. If a large number of stains remain on the napkin, there is no doubt that your skin is oily.

This type is prone to skin rashes, pimples, inflammation, and enlarged pores.

Do not under any circumstances overdry the skin in this case, the problem will not go away, but will only get worse.

A universal mask will help restore the water balance of the dermis, improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate oily shine, and help get rid of various rashes on the face. It will also even out your complexion and add radiance.


  1. Oil (olive, tea tree, lavender, grape seed) of your choice - tablespoon
  2. Cucumber juice - tablespoon
  3. Aloe juice - a couple of teaspoons
  4. Liquid honey - a couple of teaspoons

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice from the pulp, which, if necessary, strain through a sieve.
  2. Remove the top layer from the aloe leaf and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Heat the oil slightly in a water bath.
  4. Mix all ingredients in one bowl, add honey.

Mask recipes for problematic oily skin

Increased fat content of the epidermis is characteristic of a quarter of the world's population. This is due to genetic factors, unfavorable environment, lifestyle and nutrition.


Homemade masks can improve the overall condition of the skin by cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the deep layers of the skin. An allergy to some components may be a contraindication, but in general this treatment is safe.

It has a beneficial effect on sebum production, reducing its amount.


  1. Cottage cheese – 20 g
  2. Kefir – 30 g
  3. Peppermint essential oil

Preparation and application steps:

Cottage cheese must be ground through a sieve, mixed with kefir, and essential oil added. Massage in circular movements onto your face for half an hour. Carefully remove the mask with a cotton pad and rinse off any remaining residue with warm boiled water.

Blue clay has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the skin of dead old cells, and removes blackheads. The mask will improve complexion, saturate the skin with mineral salts and microelements.


  1. Blue clay – 15 g
  2. Brewer's yeast - 1 piece
  3. Hazelnut oil – 3 ml

Preparation and application steps:

Crush the brewer's yeast tablet and dilute it in a bowl with a small amount of warm tea. Add clay and oil, mix into a homogeneous mass. Apply to face, wait until completely dry and rinse with warm herbal decoction.

The antiseptic effect of the components will help relieve inflammation and soothe irritated skin. Deep hydration and nutrition will help improve the overall condition of the skin.


  1. Pea flour - 30 g
  2. Peach oil – 8 ml
  3. Turmeric

Preparation and application steps:

Grind the peas into fine sand, mix with oil, add turmeric. After application, wait until completely dry. Remove with a cotton pad soaked in micellar water.

This composition can accelerate cell regeneration and improve lipid communication. Removing toxins that cause increased activity of the sebaceous glands. It will relieve acne and flaking, deeply nourishing and moisturizing.


  1. Kelp – 40 g
  2. Activated carbon - tablet
  3. Clove essential oil

Preparation and application steps:

Grind the kelp, cover with warm water for three hours. Crush the activated carbon tablet and add it to the seaweed bowl along with the oil. Apply the mixture to the face for 10 minutes. Wash off with contrast.

Such skin is prone to inflamed purulent rashes that simply need to be dried. The usual well-known aspirin will cope with this task. The solution will also help whiten age spots. Keep this mask on your face for no more than 10 minutes.


  1. Aspirin – 2 tablets
  2. Mango butter – 4 ml
  3. Plantain decoction

Preparation and application steps:

Grind the aspirin tablets as finely as possible to the consistency of sand, mix with oil. Dilute the mixture with a small amount of warm plantain infusion. After the time has expired, rinse with the remaining warm broth.

Removes glossy shine without drying out the skin, moisturizes and nourishes.


  1. Kefir – 20 ml
  2. Black bread - a piece
  3. Almond oil – 7 ml

Preparation and application steps:

Heat kefir in a water bath until warm, add crumbled black bread and almond butter to it. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass, apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water or a decoction of soothing herbs.

Nourishes, moisturizes, evens out skin tone. It also mattifies very well, perfect before an important event to look your best.


  1. Carrot juice - a couple of tablespoons
  2. Milk - a couple of tablespoons
  3. Cottage cheese - 30 g
  4. Vegetable oil - teaspoon

Preparation and application steps:

Mix all ingredients in one bowl and apply a thick layer to your face. Leave the mixture on for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Improves metabolism inside cells. Ideal for cleansing and tightening pores.


  1. Egg
  2. Sourdough without sugar - 30 g
  3. Beans - 20 g

Preparation and application steps:

Boil the beans until soft and puree them. Separate the white from the yolk, beat with a mixer until thick foam. Combine the whipped white with the yolk, sourdough and bean puree. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, rinse with warm boiled water.

Video recipe for a moisturizing mask made from apple and honey

Always be beautiful and attractive, because all you need to do is love yourself and spare no time for the necessary care procedures.

Taking care of oily skin is essential and helps prevent breakouts and an unpleasant appearance. Cosmetologists recommend carrying out a number of daily procedures aimed at moisturizing and cleansing. In addition, you need to do deep cleaning 1-2 times a week and regularly visit a cosmetologist. You can take care of oily skin without the help of specialists at home, using simple recipes for moisturizing and cleansing masks.

Oily facial skin is characterized by a tendency to rashes and a greasy shine. To maintain her health and beauty, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. 1. Double daily cleansing - washing with soft foam. An alternative remedy can be a gentle washing gel, but in no case toilet soap. Water should be cold; warm water promotes the formation of acne and inflammatory processes.
  2. 2. Toning to tighten pores and add freshness.
  3. 3. Moisturizing with day cream containing vitamins and beneficial microelements. Moisturizing and nourishing night cream.
  4. 4. Scrubbing 1-2 times a week. For clean skin, a scrub made from crushed cherry and apricot seeds, as well as ground coffee, is suitable. For problematic ones - with synthetic soft granules, so that hard particles do not mechanically damage the inflamed areas.
  5. 5. Use masks 1-2 times a week.
  6. 6. A healthy, balanced diet, which is based on frequent but small meals, adherence to a drinking regime, the exclusion of harmful foods and the use of gentle heat treatment methods.

Toners for oily skin should not contain alcohol - it dries the skin and accelerates aging. Day cream should be chosen with vitamins A, C and E, and night cream - with polyunsaturated fats, wax, bee products, plant extracts and amino acids.


Moisturizing masks for oily skin are prepared using simple recipes at home. Depending on your goals, they can be nourishing, cleansing and help fight visible defects.

Before preparing the product, it is recommended to make sure that there are no individual intolerances to the components of its composition. To do this, you can test the mask on a small area of ​​skin and track the reaction.


The best cleansing masks for oily skin to help moisturize it:

Product name Active Ingredients Action
brown algae extract and LHA acid The lightest texture of the cream noticeably tightens pores and smoothes the surface of the skin.
thermal plankton extract and mannose Saturates the epidermis with moisture, as a result the skin glows and becomes more elastic.
antarcticin, desert plant extract, glycerin, vitamin E Moisturizes the skin, helps regulate the process of sebum production, and does not create a sticky film on the face.
green tea extract Moisturizes and mattifies the skin, smoothing its surface for subsequent makeup application, suitable for problem skin.
Ingredients Preparation Application Effect
Egg white, 50 ml lemon juice Mix the ingredients until smooth Apply to clean skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with water at a comfortable temperature and moisturize. Cleansing, tightening pores, refreshing, improving color
Any cosmetic clay - 50 g, kefir - 70 ml, lavender essential oil - a few drops Combine ingredients to form pancake batter Apply a thick layer to clean skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, try not to talk or use facial expressions until dry, rinse with warm water, moisturize or treat with nourishing cream Deep cleansing, nutrition with minerals, improvement of color, tightening of enlarged pores, reduction of oiliness
One egg white, a tablespoon each of tea tree essential oil, liquid honey and oatmeal Mix ingredients until smooth Apply evenly, avoiding the area around the eyes, rinse after 15-20 minutes with cool water. Cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition
Any cosmetic clay - 30 g, a teaspoon of lemon juice, 20 ml of liquid honey Combine to the consistency of low-fat sour cream Apply a thick layer to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, do not talk or make facial expressions until dry, rinse with warm water, moisturize Saturation with minerals, cleansing, narrowing pores, improving complexion
Cottage cheese 9% fat - 50 g, finely ground coffee - 20 g Mix with a spoon Apply over the skin with medium-intensity massaging movements for 5-8 minutes, wash with cool water. Moisturizing, cleansing, evening out complexion, getting rid of dead skin
Kefir - 60 ml, whole grain flour - 20 g Add flour to kefir and mix until you get a medium thick dough Apply to clean skin for 15 minutes, rinse with water at a comfortable temperature. Cleansing, relieving inflammation, moisturizing, evening out complexion.


Masks for problem skin are recommended to be applied twice a week. It is advisable to first visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist and use their recommendations.

Ingredients Preparation Application Effect
Natural yogurt - 60 ml, milk - 30 ml, oatmeal - 20 g Mix, leave to swell for 10 minutes Apply evenly onto the face and rinse after 15 minutes. Reducing inflammation, moisturizing, nutrition, evening complexion
Aloe leaves Grind and keep in a glass container for a week or two in a dark place. Apply to problem areas for 10 minutes, rinse with water at a comfortable temperature. Moisturizes, reduces existing breakouts and prevents new ones from appearing
Aloe juice – 50 ml, egg white Store the leaves of the plant in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, then squeeze the juice from the pulp and mix with the protein until smooth. Apply for 15 minutes on a clean face, remove the mask with a damp cloth Moisturizing, nourishing, evening out complexion, getting rid of acne and pimples
Soda, water Dilute a teaspoon of soda in 60 ml of water Apply to problem areas, rinse with cool water after 5 minutes Disinfection, reducing inflammation, getting rid of blackheads
Activated carbon, zinc ointment Grind the coal into powder, add zinc ointment Lubricate the nose, chin, and, if necessary, forehead, remove with a napkin after 20 minutes, wash Elimination of blackheads, moisturizing, nutrition.

The best nourishing products for oily skin are masks based on vegetables and fruits. Honey and fermented milk products have a positive effect on the skin.

Ingredients Preparation Application Effect
Any of the ingredients: tomato, strawberry, wild strawberry Grind vegetables or fruits into puree Apply to the skin of the face, except the area around the eyes, rinse after a quarter of an hour with cool water, treat with cream Evens out skin color, moisturizes, nourishes with vitamins contained in fruits or vegetables
Cucumber Cut into rings Apply rings to the face, including around the eyes, remove after 8-10 minutes, wash Moisturizing, nutrition, anti-aging
Coconut milk - 40 ml, a teaspoon of oatmeal and liquid honey Combine and let brew Apply to pre-cleansed skin, rinse after 20 minutes Fatty acid saturation, nutrition, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory
Cottage cheese - 50 g, kefir - 50 ml Mix until smooth Spread evenly in a thick layer, rinse with water at a comfortable temperature. Moisturizing, nutrition, saturation with vitamins
Cottage cheese - 50 g, 50 ml each of milk, carrot juice, olive oil Connect all components Apply evenly to the skin for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water, wipe your face with a cube of frozen chamomile infusion Whitening, moisturizing, saturation with polyunsaturated fats
A teaspoon of dry yeast, 15 ml each of strawberry juice and kefir Mix until smooth Apply to pre-cleansed skin, rinse after 20 minutes with water at a comfortable temperature, moisturize Nutrition, narrowing of pores, increasing elasticity.

It is recommended to choose vegetables and fruits for masks according to the season - that’s when they are most useful. It is better to buy homemade dairy products and honey from trusted places. If an allergic reaction occurs, the mask must be changed to another.