I lost weight, wrinkles appeared, what should I do?

Olga Kartunkova, 38 years old

Olga Kartunkova proves by her example that getting rid of extra pounds is comparable in effect to plastic surgery

Catherine Deneuve once said: “At a certain age, a woman has to choose - either her face or her figure.” And it’s true - the problem of such a choice sooner or later faces each of us. They say that the eternally young Svetlana Bondarchuk, having crossed the 40-year-old mark, decided to gain a few kilograms precisely for the sake of maintaining a youthful appearance. And it worked: 47-year-old Svetlana’s face today really looks phenomenally fresh and at the same time absolutely natural. But Bondarchuk, even with the kilos she gained, remained as slim as a doe. But what if you really need, on the contrary, to lose weight, but don’t want to lose face?

French cosmetologist Jean-Louis Seba, who has worked with Cindy Crawford and many other stars, believes that the main thing is to find your ideal weight and stick to it. This recommendation is most relevant for those who have given birth. “The worst thing you can do, especially after giving birth, is to constantly gain weight and then lose weight. Keep in mind: changes in weight will cause wrinkles to form on your face.”

So, the main thing is to find your ideal weight and maintain it without unnecessary rushing.

Where does fat come from?

“When you lose weight, the weight cannot go only from the stomach or only from the hips - it melts evenly: your face, arms, and legs lose weight,” says the famous cosmetologist, anti-aging medicine specialist Dr. Daniel Sister in his comments to the British newspaper The Telegraph. “And the older the woman, the more clearly the following pattern is expressed: first the fat leaves the face, then the body.”

Therefore, the first rule is simple: find a weight that will be easy for you to maintain. Not the smallest one you've ever had, but a comfortable one. “This is one of my beauty secrets,” says Cindy Crawford. “I found a weight that I don’t “fall out of,” either gaining or losing the unfortunate five kilograms. It's easy for me to maintain the status quo. Thanks to this, my skin does not experience overload, its elasticity does not suffer.” However, you must first get to this desired figure. And it’s better not to rush in this matter - now you’ll understand why.

Losing weight slowly

Nutritionists agree: proper weight loss without stress to the skin is slow. “Try to lose no more than one kilogram per week,” says the famous nutritionist expert Amelia Freer. — Rapid fat burning will not lead to good things. So many of my clients complain that they have never been able to maintain their desired weight. And all because they simply didn’t find that comfortable point where they don’t have to go out of their way to maintain it.” I agree with the Western expert and Alexandra Chuprakova, master trainer of group programs at the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit: “Natural weight loss without violence to the body involves losing no more than one and a half kilograms per week. Even if there is a lot of excess weight, this regime will be effective, and wrinkles will not appear. Never starve yourself. The ideal solution: along with losing weight, engage in sports, facial exercises and, if possible, add massage.”

Don't drastically cut your diet: first, give up dairy products and baked goods made from white flour. When the first results appear, proceed further: gradually eliminate sweets and potatoes from the menu and switch to vegetables in combination with protein foods.

How to train

There is no doubt that it is necessary to train. If you haven't started doing this yet, improve urgently, because the latest research from scientists at Canada's McMaster University proves that all types of fitness effectively slow down aging. You just need to train wisely.

Alexandra Chuprakova has a different point of view: “I certainly consider running to be a priority workout for losing weight - this is cardio training that promotes the active movement of blood in the vessels. It does not allow dangerous fatty deposits to accumulate on the walls of blood vessels. Regular jogging protects a person from atherosclerosis and slows down the aging process in the body. Some people believe that running can cause sagging facial skin due to shaking. This is wrong. Running, on the contrary, causes a kind of vibration massage of the muscles and skin of the face, which is even useful.”
However, the expert does not limit us only to running: “The list of workouts must include aerobics, fast walking, as well as strength training - working with a barbell, dumbbells, shock absorbers and functional training. Yoga and Pilates can be added if desired. The range of classes is individual and depends on the health status of each person and his goals.”

What is

During the process of losing weight, the skin needs to be supported from the inside, and for this it is worth introducing the right foods into the diet. The main task is to stimulate the production of collagen in cells, which means you need to eat more of the food that promotes this. "The best thing you can give your skin is healthy fats and water," Freer says. “Along with plenty of fluids, add fatty fish, avocado, coconut oil, and nuts to your diet.” According to the nutritionist, dark green vegetables are especially good at supporting collagen production—introduce them into your menu as much as possible.

Devices and fillers

If it was not possible to avoid sagging skin as a result of losing weight, fillers will save you. British cosmetologist Ravi Jain says: “Hyaluronic acid fillers can effectively restore facial volume and replace lost fat.” However, remember that if you are prone to swelling, you should not overuse injections - they can only aggravate the problem. Among hardware techniques, Dr. Jane recommends radiofrequency lifting as the most effective method for tightening the contours of the face and neck.

A dream come true — you quickly got rid of extra pounds. Now the scale arrow pleases your eyes, but another problem has appeared. From now on, an emaciated face with dark circles under the eyes and a network of small wrinkles around the eyes looks at you from the mirror.

Any strict diet, especially fasting, can provoke undesirable health consequences. After all, insufficient intake of nutrients into the body certainly leads to a decrease in fat reserves, and under the skin of the face they are very loose and therefore are destroyed first. This leads to the fact that our face loses weight faster than the rest of the body and becomes covered with a network of small wrinkles. Moreover, the weaker the facial muscles and drier the skin, the faster wrinkles appear. Therefore, people over 30 years of age should not allow constant weight changes. If you have managed to get rid of extra pounds, strictly monitor your weight and try to maintain a constant body weight to prevent the appearance of early wrinkles and premature aging of the face.

Often a person who has lost weight those around him say that before losing weight he looked better, but now he looks pale and sickly. Such comments are inevitable if you have lost 2 kg or more in a week. But you shouldn’t be upset about this, much less return to your previous weight. After a few months, the skin cells will be renewed and it will tighten on its own. Especially if you are not yet 30 years old. And to speed up the process of restoring skin elasticity, you must follow the following rules:


1. The cause of sagging skin after losing weight is a lack of proteins and amino acids in the diet. After all, to maintain skin elasticity, you need building material for cells, the supply of which is replenished only when you include meat, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, butter and nuts in your diet. There is no need to completely stop eating these foods. They will make your skin firmer and smoother, resulting in your face glowing with health again and your cheeks becoming rounder.

2. Buy a cream or gel for faces, which contains vitamins A, K, C, E and coenzyme Q10. They stimulate the natural restoration of the skin structure and make it more elastic. It is better to apply nourishing cream to your face before going to bed. After all, at night the absorbent properties of our skin are much higher than during the day.

3. Most often the face happens pale and wrinkled in people who are nervous and worried a lot. If while on a diet you didn’t get enough rest, slept little and worked a lot, then it’s not surprising that after losing weight your face looks exhausted and you have bruises under your eyes. To restore your face to its former attractiveness and get rid of dark circles around your eyes, stop being nervous and start sleeping at least 7 hours a day. Remember, constant stress and lack of sleep change the structure of subcutaneous tissue, as a result of which the skin loses its turgor.


4. Our elasticity skin depends on the collagen content in the cells. It has been proven that collagen is produced most when there is a sharp change in temperature. Therefore, to restore skin elasticity and tone, you need to wash your face daily, first with warm water and then with cold water. Start with a small temperature difference and then gradually increase it. An activator of collagen production in the body is also vitamin C, which is found in abundance in citrus fruits, black currants and sweet peppers.

5. For casting skin Massage sessions will help you get back to its former state. It is best to do it in a beauty salon, but for independent procedures you can purchase a vacuum facial massager. To make your face fresh and toned, you can simply massage your face with half a lemon, cucumber or kiwi. Facial masks made from vegetables, fruits, berries and clay also provide an excellent rejuvenation effect.

6. Restore elasticity skin Facial gymnastics will help remove wrinkles. Of course, it is impossible to pump up your facial muscles, but you can make them stronger with the help of face building - a special set of exercises for training the muscles of the face and neck. There are a huge number of exercise options in face-building, but they all consist of 30 movements of different groups of facial muscles, which must be repeated 5 times.

7. Most often appear early wrinkles in people with dry skin. To prevent excessive drying of the skin, you need to drink enough water and properly care for your face. To cleanse the skin, do not use soap, which disrupts the water balance of cells, but use tonic, lotion, milk or thermal water. These cosmetics must contain panthenol, bisabolol and allatoin. They soothe and restore the skin.

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You have decided to lose weight. What to do with your face when you lose weight? So that the skin does not sag and wrinkles appear? The face loses weight first. Young girls shouldn’t worry, but those over 30 need to think about it. What to do to prevent your facial skin from sagging when losing weight?

An unbalanced diet, an incorrectly selected pillow, sudden changes in weight, poor posture, ignoring exercise - all this is reflected in our face, making it unattractive and aged before its time.

As we age, our skin loses elasticity, an indisputable fact. The most obvious disadvantage of losing weight is deterioration in skin quality. Life will consist of choices. What to choose: inevitable inconveniences and all kinds of sores from extra pounds or wrinkles? What is more important, health or beauty? Excess weight threatens us with high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, joint problems, etc.

Women under 35 years old should not worry, the skin is still elastic and there should not be such problems when losing weight. You shouldn't expect such problems from losing weight.

By the way, sudden weight loss won’t improve your health, but wrinkles or sagging skin can easily. If you lose weight naturally - without violence against the body, then there will be no psychological problems, and the body will have time to react, and there will be no wrinkles from this! It is well known that you need to lose weight by no more than 1.5 kg per week. Even if someone is overweight, 1.5 kg per week is quite a lot. Time flies by, and every week the excess weight comes off. So, after a month or two of such weight loss, without any damage to the beauty of your facial skin, you can get into excellent shape. In addition, gradual but steady weight loss is also wonderful because during the long process of losing weight, the body gets accustomed to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and it will like it more! This means that in the future it will be easy for you to stay in shape! So don't be afraid of any wrinkles! Don’t let this stop you in your quest to look good, otherwise you’ll be afraid of wrinkles and change your mind about losing weight.

To avoid problems with your face and, in general, with stretch marks on your body, when you lose weight, you need to lose weight very slowly. Do not starve yourself under any circumstances. And it’s even better to do some kind of gymnastics along with losing weight.

Exercises and facial massage for weight loss

To improve the shape of your face, you need to do the following exercise: take a deep breath while simultaneously puffing out your cheeks with your lips tightly compressed.

Do a facial massage. Don't limit yourself to just rubbing the cream 2 times a day - consider facial massage as a separate procedure. Facial massage with a wet towel helps a lot. Wet the towel and then lightly pat your face. Pinch massage is also effective in beauty salons. It includes pinching, kneading the skin and even vibration.

Modern cosmetologists suggest learning special gymnastics for the facial muscles, which not only helps maintain the tone of the cheeks and serves as a prevention of a double chin, but also helps to avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles. Do it every day, preferably near a mirror.

1. Take a pencil in your teeth (you can use a pen, a juice straw or a stick) and try to write some word in the air with it, preferably a longer one. The letter M is considered the most “useful”.

2. Cross your arms and grab your shoulders. Rhythmically stretch your neck up and return to the starting position.

3. Pull your lips out and try to pronounce the vowels as clearly as possible and sing them. Of all the ways to lose weight in the face at home, this is one of the fastest and most effective.

Other exercises to strengthen your facial muscles:

  1. Exercise No. 1. Jaw movement. Try to tilt your head back strongly. Then move your chin in such a way that the upper lip is, as it were, scooped up by its lower “partner”.
  2. Exercise No. 2. Press your lower jaw tightly against your upper jaw, and pull your lower lip down with maximum tension.
  3. Exercise No. 3. Lower the corners of the tips of your lips. Alternately tense and relax your neck muscles.
  4. Exercise No. 4. Prop your chin with your fist and forcefully press your head down, while resisting with your hand. By the way, this exercise can be performed even by those who work in an office. It’s unlikely that anyone will notice anything, and in the meantime your face will become “slimmer.”
  5. Exercise No. 5. Bending your head slightly, you need to alternately reach for her shoulders.
  6. Exercise No. 6. Tilt your head to the left, try to touch your shoulder with your ear, while helping yourself with your right palm, pressing on your face in the area of ​​the right temple. And vice versa.
  7. Exercise No. 7. When turning your head to the right, gently push it to increase tension with your left hand (in the area of ​​your left cheek). Then do this “procedure” in reverse.

Such events improve blood circulation, which also plays an important role in a healthy and beautiful face when losing weight.

Features of skin care when losing weight

Moisturizing, nutrition - more carefully and actively than in the usual period will help maintain the same facial features when losing weight.

Choose products that contain vitamins A, E, C and K, as well as coenzyme Q10. It stimulates the natural restoration of cells in the deep layers of the epidermis.

To make your face fresher and firmer, you need to massage it daily along the massage lines with tomato halves, applying them cut side to the skin.

Face masks have an excellent effect. Alternate them for a week (at least every other day): when the skin gets used to a certain composition, it stops affecting it. Apply the mask to previously cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

— Grape: tones and smoothes the skin. Remove the seeds from 4-5 large grapes, peel them, mash them and apply the pulp to your face. To brighten it and shrink pores, add a few drops of lemon juice to this mixture. And for dry, aging skin, use a mixture of grape juice and half and half with honey.

Cucumber: nourishes, refreshes, moisturizes and smoothes. After peeling a cucumber for salad, do not throw away the peel, but apply it to your face and neck, covering it with a layer of damp gauze. Remove after 20-30 minutes and do not wash. Ideally, such a mask should be done twice a day: then the effect will be more noticeable!

In the morning and evening, rub your face, neck and décolleté along the massage lines with ice cubes with the juice of carrots, watermelon, melon, peach, pear, pomegranate, grapes, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with cold water and apply a nourishing cream. Instead of fruit juice, you can freeze infusions of chamomile, string, plantain, mint or linden blossom (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of dry herb per 1 glass of boiling water), green tea.

This toning procedure soothes sensitive skin and tightens aging skin, eliminating puffiness under the eyes.

All of the above will not only help make your face look toned, but will also remind you of the need to take care of your skin and body in general.

Appearance Tips

As we age, our face naturally thins. Accordingly, a full face ages more slowly and the signs of aging are less visible on it

Overweight women should not wear small tight curls, curls, or too fluffed hair; large, soft waves are better. If you have a long neck, wear your hair longer and fuller. With a short neck, a short haircut is good; the ears can be completely or partially open. Do not create lush curls at the back of your head if your head is round.

Small facial features will appear larger if the face is framed by small curls. Large features are balanced by large waves. Elderly women do not look good with hair flowing over their shoulders. If your face is long and the top is wider than the bottom, avoid wearing updos. Smooth the hair on top and sides, cover your ears. You can do bangs. A straight parting emphasizes the beauty of a regular oval face ("classic oval").

For obese women, high-quality, soft, flexible fabrics should be used. Fine bouclé and thin drape are preferred. Shiny fabrics are not recommended. Satin and brocade are used only as finishing. Fabrics with slight metallized thread are allowed. Orange, red, yellow and other “warm” tones plump the figure. Large and heavy designs should be avoided. However, fabrics with large patterns in soft colors and elongated lobar shapes, as well as with medium-sized patterns in small and medium checks and narrow vertical stripes - such fabrics can be used with great success for plus-size people.