Why does a child have dry palms?

Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Area of ​​practical interests: infections in children, treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections, vaccine prevention, medications, fevers of unknown origin, prolonged fevers, diseases accompanied by exanthemas.

If you notice that the skin on your palms or fingers is peeling, there may be several reasons for this problem. Allergies, fungus, inappropriate cosmetics or excessive dryness are just some of them. Certain symptoms are also important, because in addition to peeling skin, peeling, severe itching or a rash may occur. A certain set of signs indicates different diseases. Read more about why the skin on your hands peels and how to deal with it below.

What is peeling skin on the palms

Hands are one of those parts of the body that are more susceptible to negative external factors than others. It is natural for the skin to renew on them within a month, when the upper layer of the epidermis is replaced almost imperceptibly. If this becomes obvious, then there is definitely a problem in the body. You should be alert to the skin on your hands bursting, flaking and hanging down in the form of rags that can even be torn off. This is peeling, which affects the fingers and hand as a whole, and often even both.



Skin peeling is manifested by several simple signs - it bursts or cracks, after which pieces of the epidermis appear on the surface, which peel off on their own or can be torn off. Such symptoms affect the fingers as a whole, the surface between them and their pads, the palm itself and its back side. The skin may peel off on a certain part of the hand or all at once. A reason to consult a specialist are other signs that may be present along with peeling:

Why does the skin on the palms of the hands peel?

There are many reasons why palms and fingers peel and peel. It all depends on the individual, his skin and occupation. One of the main ones is an allergy to:

  1. cold;
  2. caring cosmetics – creams, ointments, soaps, etc.;
  3. food consumed;
  4. medicines;
  5. dishwashing detergent, especially if used frequently without gloves.

Another reason that the skin peels is the lack of proper hand care, including insufficiently deep moisturizing. This is especially true for those who have naturally dry skin. From a lack of vitamins, peeling of the epidermis is also often observed. With a deficiency of microelements, the elasticity of the skin decreases, which can cause cracks. Vitamin deficiency occurs in autumn or spring. In winter, peeling is a consequence of exposure to cold. Among the more general factors that cause peeling are:

  1. prolonged exposure to the sun;
  2. dry air during the heating season or hot period of the year;
  3. the habit of constantly scratching your palms, which causes infection in the tissues;
  4. contacts with cement, dust, earth and other construction work.

A separate reason for peeling skin is a fungus. In this case, the manifestation of symptoms along the edges of the palms is especially characteristic. If the skin on the palms and other parts of the hands peels off, this may indicate some other diseases, such as:

  1. eczema;
  2. dermatitis;
  3. psoriasis;
  4. lichen planus;
  5. scabies (the skin peels off on the palms and between the fingers).


In this case, not only does the skin peel off, but also itching, redness and a rash appear. Changing cosmetics will not help here. Treatment is carried out after tests and can only be prescribed by a doctor. In addition to skin pathologies, the reason that the skin peels off is also diseases of the internal organs, parasitic, infectious, etc.:

  1. lupus erythematosus;
  2. parakeratosis, hyperkeratosis;
  3. syphilis;
  4. staphylococcal infections;
  5. scarlet fever (fingertips peel off);
  6. helminthic infestation;
  7. dehydration (skin peels off, hair becomes dry);
  8. stress and neurological disorders;
  9. pathological processes in the pancreas;
  10. hormonal imbalance;
  11. reduced immunity.

The skin on the palm of one hand is peeling

The reasons why the skin peels off on the palm of one hand are the same as in the case of both hands. Although more often this phenomenon is observed in the event of contact with this hand of some kind of irritant. This is how an allergic reaction to detergent, cosmetics, food, sun or dry air manifests itself. Skin diseases can also be the cause of peeling palms. Often psoriasis or lichen appears on some parts of the body, and not necessarily on both arms. Lack of vitamins is also a factor in the fact that the skin begins to peel off.

The skin is bursting

A more serious problem is skin popping. It may be more painful. Among the external reasons for this phenomenon are:

  1. exposure to frost;
  2. aggressive household chemicals;
  3. unsuitable cosmetics;
  4. contact with solvents, paints and other compounds used during repairs.

There are a number of diseases that lead to the skin on the palms or arms in general bursting and peeling off:

  1. eczema;
  2. avitaminosis;
  3. fungal infections;
  4. psoriasis;
  5. dermatosis;
  6. metabolic disease;
  7. hormonal imbalances;
  8. heredity;
  9. taking antibiotics;
  10. inflammation in the body.


The skin on the child’s hands is peeling

In young children, peeling skin on the palms of the hands is often a consequence of vitamin deficiency, reduced immunity, or hormonal imbalance. For children, this condition can be very dangerous, so you should immediately consult a doctor. Preschool children have a habit of scratching their palms, which also leads to peeling palms. When peeling is combined with a rash and redness on the face, a child may be diagnosed with dermatitis.


It is difficult to identify exactly the reasons why the skin on both palms is peeling off on your own, because some tests are needed. During a visual examination, the doctor notes other symptoms, such as cracks, pain, redness or itching. He also determines the places where these signs are noted, if they are not only on the hands. The doctor looks to see if only the fingers or palms as a whole are peeling, identifies the patient’s skin type and inquires about how long the problem has been. To diagnose hidden diseases, blood and urine tests are prescribed. A skin sample helps identify an external irritant, such as a fungus.

What to do

A dermatologist can correctly diagnose the reason why the skin of your hands is peeling, so if you have such a symptom, it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist. Until this point, you can try to improve the condition or at least alleviate it. The first thing you need to do is start taking care of your skin. After washing, they need to be dried thoroughly. Twice a day, the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing cream containing chamomile, glycerin or aloe. The following will help improve your condition:

  1. Baths. A very effective recipe is 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Leave your hands in this composition for about a quarter of an hour, after which they are blotted with a napkin and lubricated with cream.
  2. Masks. Honey ones are especially useful. Honey should simply be applied to the skin. After half an hour, it is washed thoroughly.
  3. Lotion. Rub your hands with a piece of cucumber, then lubricate them with a mixture of glycerin cream and lemon juice.


A certain therapy is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosing the disease. It may include medications and a number of care products, including traditional recipes. It can be especially difficult to get rid of fungal infections, but after identifying its type, this is quite possible with the correct selection of ointment. In case of an allergic reaction, completely different medications are prescribed - with antihistamine properties, and in case of vitamin deficiency - with a complex of vitamins. Even salon procedures such as paraffin therapy, hot or spa manicure can prevent peeling.


The prescription of drugs is determined by the reason why the skin is peeling. In case of fungal infection, treatment is carried out using such means as:


Therapy may not be very quick and may take a long time, up to several months. If the cause is an allergen, then you need to limit contact with it. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to take antihistamines, for example, Suprastin or Zyrtec. In addition to them, sorbents are often used that remove toxins from the body. When treating more severe diseases, such as eczema or psoriasis, the doctor himself determines the therapy. It includes:

  1. corticosteroid drugs – Advantan, Lokoid;
  2. anti-inflammatory medications - Elokom, Bepanten, Fenistil.

Self-medication is unacceptable here, as is the case with syphilis, lupus erythematosus, scarlet fever, scabies and other diseases that cause peeling. If the problem is a lack of vitamins, then you should take a multivitamin complex and additionally eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Ointments designed to regenerate the upper layer of the epidermis can be auxiliary products in the treatment of skin. The highest quality restorative drugs are:

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes are also effective in combating peeling hands. Although it is better to use them as an adjuvant to the main therapy against a specific disease prescribed by a doctor. If the skin peeling is not caused by serious pathologies, then you can use the following folk recipes:

  1. Celandine ointment. To prepare it, add 1 cup of vegetable oil to the leaves of the plant. Then you need to boil this mixture, add 20 g of wax to it and keep it on the fire until it is completely dissolved. Apply the resulting composition to the damaged areas 2 times a day.
  2. Gelatin. Baths are made from this product. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of gelatin into 1 glass of water. The mixture is boiled for 40 minutes, then allowed to stand for a while. You need to place your hands in the warm mass and hold it until it cools.
  3. Honey with oatmeal. A mask is made based on them. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of each ingredient, mix and leave for a couple of minutes. Leave this mask on the skin of your hands for about half an hour, then wash it off with warm water and lubricate the skin with a rich cream.


Proper regular care is very important for hand health. Cosmetics in the form of creams, ointments, lotions and other types help to carry it out. Preparations with the following components will be effective for the health and beauty of the skin:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. linoleic and linolenic acids;
  3. hexahydric alcohol sorbitol;
  4. collagen;
  5. glycerin.


These components help provide hydration to the epidermis, stimulate cell renewal, increase protective qualities and add elasticity. Moisturizers based on olive oil, jojoba oil, grape seed and apricot are also very useful. Any fatty ointment with these components has a positive effect. Baby cream and Lyubava cream are suitable for any skin type. Regardless of the drug, it is applied in a thin layer to the skin, allowed to absorb, after which the excess is removed with a sponge.


Regular preventive measures can help prevent skin problems. It consists of good hand care, which includes:

  1. Dry your hands thoroughly after washing;
  2. refusal of antibacterial soap in favor of a soft gel for sensitive hand skin;
  3. drink up to 2 liters of fluid daily to prevent dehydration;
  4. use sunscreen in summer;
  5. in cold weather, always wear mittens or gloves;
  6. maintain proper nutrition so that the diet is rich in vitamins;
  7. use rubber gloves when doing housework;
  8. use hypoallergenic cosmetics;
  9. Lubricate your skin with moisturizing creams daily.

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