Watery pimples appeared on the body

Watery pimples on the body of an adult can appear suddenly against the background of absolute well-being. The rashes can be localized anywhere, but if they occur on the palms, fingers or face, they cause special suffering to the patient.

There are a lot of diseases that are accompanied by watery rashes on the body. Only a doctor can correctly assess the nature of acne, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, so the main recommendation is to consult a therapist or dermatologist.

Skin rashes comments from a dermatologist!

The most likely and common causes of watery acne on the body of an adult are:

  1. Allergic reaction to foreign antigens (allergic urticaria);
  2. Dyshidrosis (dyshidrotic eczema);
  3. Maceration of the skin as a result of frostbite or burns;
  4. Miliaria (papular, red, crystalline forms);
  5. Mycotic skin lesions (dermatomycosis);
  6. Infectious diseases (infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, chicken pox, molluscum contagiosum);
  7. Dermatosis of pregnant women.

What unites such different diseases is the similarity of the clinical picture - the presence of watery pimples. The rash is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. They look like a tubercle filled with liquid (vesicle);
  2. The sizes of the vesicles are varied - from a few millimeters (the size of a millet grain) to a centimeter (the size of a bean);
  3. The number of pimples – from single to multiple (drain);
  4. Almost always accompanied by itching, swelling and tension of adjacent tissues;
  5. The contents of the vesicle range from light serous to serous-hemorrhagic in nature, there is never purulent content inside, the exception is the addition of a secondary bacterial infection;
  6. After opening a watery pimple, a crust forms in its place, under which epithelization takes place;
  7. Depending on the etiology, the contents of the vesicle may be infectious to surrounding tissues and people (molluscum contagiosum, herpes virus); “Read also: Pimples on the face before menstruation”
  8. The most unfavorable and clinically significant location for watery pimples is the face and hands.

Watery pimples on the face.

Watery pimples on the face have their favorite localization depending on the cause:

  1. Herpes simplex virus. In the acute stage of the disease, vesicles with clear liquid appear on the mucous membrane of the nose, oral cavity, and red border of the lips;
  2. Herpes zoster. Watery blisters are located on the skin of the face along the facial nerve, causing severe pain;
  3. Pemphigus. With this autoimmune disease, the rash first appears on the oral mucosa and then spreads to the skin of the lower face and neck;
  4. Neurodermatitis. A disease of allergic origin with the spread of watery pimples mainly on the skin of the cheeks, chin and forehead;
  5. Hives. Vesicles can appear on any part of the face, but if they are in a place with thin skin, they cause severe swelling (eyelids, lips). “Read also: Essential oils for acne”

Considering such a variety of diseases with the presence of watery pimples on the face, which differ radically in etiology and pathogenesis, self-medication is extremely undesirable. Only a doctor can help without causing harm.

General directions of therapy can be the following:

  1. Antiviral;
  2. Immunomodulatory;
  3. Antiallergic;
  4. Anti-inflammatory;
  5. Epithelializing.

You can temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms with the help of folk remedies. For example, a solution of potassium permanganate, freshly squeezed aloe juice, a decoction or tincture of calendula will have an anti-inflammatory, drying, antibacterial effect, which will promote recovery without the development of complications.

Watery pimples on fingers.

If rashes on the face mostly cause aesthetic problems for the patient, then watery pimples on the fingers can lead to loss of motor function. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the infectious factor in the formation of vesicles:

  1. Scabies (caused by the parasitic mite scabies itch);
  2. Molluscum contagiosum (has nothing to do with crustaceans, the disease is caused by a virus);
  3. Mycosis (fungal skin infection);
  4. Chicken pox (viral disease).

If the role of an infectious agent is excluded, then you should think about the following possible causes of the disease:

  1. Allergy (most often this is direct contact with an allergen: a chemical, plant, environment);
  2. Miliaria (the process of sweating is disrupted when the secretion of the sweat glands is inside their ducts);
  3. Internal diseases of the body (endocrinopathies, stress conditions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).

Help for the patient depends on the cause. It is better if it is provided by a qualified specialist. The main directions of therapy are determined by the nosological form:

  1. For scabies, it is possible to use sulfur ointment, Spregal, and consult an infectious disease specialist.
  2. Molluscum contagiosum is treated with surgery, laser therapy and cryodestruction.
  3. For mycoses, Clotrimazole, Mycoseptin and other antimycotics are prescribed in the form of solutions and creams.
  4. Chickenpox does not require specific treatment; blisters with liquid are treated with a solution of brilliant green.
  5. For allergies, take systemic antihistamines and local applications with antiallergic ointment.
  6. If there are internal diseases, then treatment is aimed at compensating for the underlying disease, normalizing hormonal levels, and eliminating the stress factor. “Read also: Diet for facial acne”

Skin pathologies are accompanied by a variety of manifestations. One of the most common symptoms is skin rashes.

Watery pimples on the body appear due to systemic disorders, allergic reactions, and hormonal problems. To cope with the disease, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What it is

Watery pimples on the body are superficial formations that are localized under the outer layer of the epidermis - the stratum corneum.

Due to abnormal processes, limited exudation of intercellular and tissue fluid between skin cells is observed. This is what causes bubbles to appear.

They may be filled with clear liquid or other contents. Most often, regression occurs under the influence of medications. However, sometimes the pathology goes away on its own.

The outcome in this case can be different:

  1. watery pimples disappear without leaving any traces behind;
  2. a pigmented area remains in the area of ​​the vesicle;
  3. In the area of ​​the skin element, other formations are formed - scars, pustules.

Reasons for appearance

There are quite a few factors that lead to such problems. To determine the exact cause, it is worth conducting a comprehensive examination.

The child has

The appearance of watery acne in children can be caused by various factors. Parents should consult a pediatrician in a timely manner so as not to miss the onset of an infectious pathology.

Infants often develop small pimples. They can be white or almost transparent. These formations do not pose any danger and go away on their own.

Watery rashes may be associated with the following factors:

  1. allergic reactions - most often the rash is localized in the neck, arms, cheeks;
  2. prickly heat – rashes are localized in the folds of the skin;
  3. dermatitis – in babies, the rash is localized in the diaper area;
  4. streptoderma - the area of ​​the face and hands is first affected;
  5. chickenpox - the first blisters affect the face, stomach and neck;
  6. dyshidrosis – usually occurs in hot weather and appears as a watery rash on the feet and palms.

In an adult

The appearance of watery acne in adulthood is most often caused by the following factors:

  1. Allergic dermatitis – becomes a consequence of reactions to various irritating factors. This could be household chemicals, plant pollen, food.
  2. Herpes – is a viral pathology. It is accompanied by the appearance of severely itchy blisters.
  3. Dyshidrosis – provokes the appearance of watery rashes. Their occurrence is due to disruption of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Scabies - is the result of contact with special mites on the skin. As a result, a watery rash and severe itching occurs.
  5. Molluscum contagiosum – is a serious viral pathology. It is transmitted through household contact. In this case, the bubbles are usually localized on the fingers. You can see a small black dot in their structure.
  6. Hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders.
  7. Prickly heat – characterized by itchy rashes that are localized on the bends of the limbs.


The appearance of red rashes may be associated with the following disorders:

  1. allergic dermatosis;
  2. prickly heat;
  3. atopic dermatitis;
  4. chickenpox.

What does itching mean?

There are quite a few serious pathologies in which watery rashes on the skin itch.

Most often, itching occurs with the following anomalies:

  1. Scabies. The causative agent of this disease is the scabies mite. This disease is characterized by the appearance of itchy rashes that resemble nodules. After some time they transform into bubbles.
  2. Fungal infections. This is a common cause of blisters on the skin. As a rule, its appearance is due to violation of hygiene rules in public places. Often the occurrence of the disease is observed in limited groups.
  3. Allergic pathologies. As a rule, watery acne on the body occurs with the development of contact dermatitis.

Its key reason is working with allergenic substances or chemical elements. A watery rash occurs 5-10 minutes after contact with the substance.

  1. Chickenpox. This disease is more common in children. It usually occurs in patients 3-9 years of age. The pathology has a high degree of contagiousness. Therefore, people who have not had chickenpox are highly likely to become infected.

With this disorder, the bubbles can be localized on any part of the body. However, the face and limbs are most often affected.

Treatment of watery acne on the body

To cope with pathology, it is very important to choose complex therapy. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the provoking factor.

Delex Acne gel for acne. More details here.


If watery pimples are not accompanied by itching and burning sensations, dealing with the problem is quite simple. If the formations itch, this may indicate dangerous skin pathologies.

In any case, medications are selected depending on the provoking factor:

  1. If the cause of the formation of watery rashes is allergic reactions, the use of antihistamines is indicated. Doctors prescribe drugs such as tavegil, suprastin, etc. To cope with local symptoms, allergy ointments are used.
  2. When acne appears on the face, gentle therapy is required. Those with dry skin can use baby cream. To strengthen the immune system, immunostimulating agents are indicated.
  3. If the cause is skin pathologies, the use of antifungal or antiviral agents is indicated. If the provoking factor is a subcutaneous mite, you should use ointments for scabies.
  4. If watery rashes are associated with nervous overexcitation, sedative medications should be used.

At home

All folk remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor. Home recipes help to cope with many disorders, but in the presence of serious pathologies they will not give a noticeable effect.

The most effective products include the following:

  1. Watery pimples on the legs can be quickly eliminated by using foot baths based on a decoction of string or calendula. The product must be hot enough.

The duration of the procedure should be no more than 30 minutes. The treatment session should be repeated 2-3 times a day.

  1. Acne on the face should be treated with fresh aloe juice. The more often the manipulation is performed, the faster you can cope with the disease.
  2. If watery pimples appear on your hands, you should use a pink solution of potassium permanganate. It should have a low concentration. This will help avoid skin burns.
  3. Watery pimples on the fingers can be treated with apricot oil.

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Nutrition correction

To cope with skin rashes, you should definitely adjust your diet. A person’s menu should contain quite a lot of vitamins and minerals. This means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.

It is very important to avoid salty and fatty foods. Spicy foods are also prohibited. In addition, doctors recommend completely eliminating alcohol.

Allergen removal

Watery pimples are quite often the result of allergic reactions. Provoking factors can be food products, chemicals, and pollen.

Most often, such rashes occur due to the action of a provoking factor on a specific area of ​​the body. The appearance of a rash on the hands may be the result of contact with poisonous plants or chemical elements.

To cope with pathology and avoid the occurrence of similar problems in the future, it is very important to strictly follow all medical recommendations and avoid any contact with irritating factors.


There are general recommendations that help minimize the threat of watery acne:

  1. carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene - pathologies such as molluscum contagiosum or scabies are spread by contact;
  2. healthy diet - it is important to monitor skin reactions after adding new foods to the diet;
  3. monitor the state of the immune system, get proper rest;
  4. choose clothes made from natural fabrics - this is especially important when purchasing items that come into direct contact with the skin;
  5. provide dosed exposure to ultraviolet radiation - such radiation has antimicrobial characteristics.

Who to contact

If watery acne appears, the first thing you should do is consult a dermatologist. After a preliminary examination, he may refer you for consultation to other specialists. Sometimes the help of an allergist, endocrinologist, or gastroenterologist is required.

The cause of the disease may be allergic reactions of the body. Numerous watery pimples on the body most often indicate a skin disease, so it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe adequate treatment, in addition, advise traditional methods to alleviate the condition.

Why do watery acne appear on the body?

The triggers for the development of dermatoses and other skin diseases are an unfavorable combination of external factors and the internal state of the body. Most often, the origin of a watery rash on the body is associated with allergies - a reaction to animal hair and fluff, household dust, medications and food. The appearance of itchy pimples can be caused by infection or weather conditions.

External stimuli cause an inadequate reaction if a person:

suffers from thyroid pathology, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes;

has a genetic predisposition to such a response to external influences;

suffered psycho-emotional trauma;

Redness, watery pimples on the body: what is it? Symptoms of a disease or a local skin reaction that will soon go away? A large number of small itchy blisters appear in the acute form of idiopathic eczema. They quickly open and then crust over. The rash in adults is localized on the forearms and hands, in children - on the face, limbs and buttocks.

It is important! To reduce itching and burning, take antihistamines, vitamins and valerian tincture.

Cold lotions and compresses with solutions of astringents, such as tannin, alleviate the patient's condition. The doctor may also prescribe ointments that contain a corticosteroid and an antibiotic (for example, Hyoxysone). When the acute process has passed, it is better to focus on preventing relapses, undergo a course of physiotherapy, and be treated with folk remedies.

Watery pimples on the body: urticaria - a reaction to allergens

Blisters, redness, swelling and a burning sensation are symptoms of hives or urticaria. Often this disease is associated with an allergic reaction of the body to physical or food irritants. Purple rashes and itchy blisters with liquid contents appear in the acute phase of idiopathic urticaria. Headache, fever, and insomnia may occur.

Causes of urticaria:

ultraviolet, high air temperature;

On a note! In idiopathic urticaria, the source may be autoimmune in origin. Then, with the help of ordinary medical research, it will not be possible to identify the cause of the disease.

Watery pimples on the body: polyetiological dermatosis in pregnant women

The body of the expectant mother experiences hormonal changes and weakened immunity during pregnancy. A large amount of sex hormones is produced, which can lead to complex forms of toxicosis. Watery pimples and papules appear on the body of a pregnant woman; they cause discomfort, impair sleep and overall well-being.

Treatment and prevention of dermatoses consists of following a diet, enriching the diet with proteins, and taking vitamin and mineral supplements. During exacerbations, a woman can drink soothing mint tea or take activated charcoal, which cleanses the body of toxins. In addition to sorbents, doctors recommend probiotics (bifidumbacterin).

Ointment for watery acne

Pink blisters filled with watery contents disappear with the external use of antibiotics and corticosteroid hormones (GCS). These components, individually or together, are part of medications that suppress allergic reactions. The drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce irritation, itching and pain.

Ointments and gels for urticaria:

Medicines containing corticosteroids when used externally can cause skin atrophy. To prevent this from happening, dermatologists recommend not to get carried away with hormonal ointments. In addition, there are products with fewer side effects, for example, Lokoid.

Amina Pirmanova / article author