Rules for treating those who have been given poison

This should not be delayed and treatment, on the contrary, is rushed as soon as the patient feels the effect of the poison, before its power spreads throughout the body. The poisoned person is given warm water or sesame or olive oil and vomited, doing this as hard as possible, if the medicine contains a little dill or bavrak, and sometimes khudad and goose fat are mixed with olive oil. It is preferable that with these or other medicines that people drink to vomit, take a lot of water and a lot of food, if the food does not cause vomiting, then they weaken and defeat the power of the poison.

When the patient has vomited as much as possible, let him drink a lot of milk - it weakens the harmfulness of the poison, and it doesn’t matter if the patient vomits from it again. If he drinks a decoction of nettles with melted butter, this will also drive out the poison by vomiting and relaxation, and then let him drink milk, and cream is even better than milk; a decoction of flaxseed or sweet wine with melted goose fat or ash from grape vines works well. And after vomiting, you should do an enema, especially if you feel that the irritation is going down. If anxiety is felt higher, then use emetics and laxatives, not forgetting to give milk.

If you need to give a drink, for example, teryak with printed clay, do so, because it is an excellent assistant in suppressing the power of poison, especially if you give it to him first, then it removes the poison entirely in the vomit.

Its recipe is as follows: take a laurel drupe - two mithqals, printed clay - two mithqals, orris root - two mithqals and mix it with olive oil in the amount per dose - one bunduk.

They also take grains of balsam tree, hyssop, wild turnip seeds, white and black pepper, long pepper, calamus, anise, mountain parsley, hoofed grass, Kerman cumin, henbane seeds - four of each, sumbul, rush inflorescences - five of each darakhmi, Ceylon cinnamon - eighteen darakhmi, amom, saffron - six darakhmi each, all this is mixed with honey and given to drink with wine about one Rum bakilla; also given to drink with wine is one printed clay, as it is, and it has the same effect . Some say that if you immediately give cock feces to drink, it will expel the poison in the vomit. They also give you drink, among other things, squeezed horehound juice, cane leaves, spikenard, carrot seeds, beaver stream, hazelnuts, dried figs and rue.

Among the remedies praised in this case is stinking galbanum in the amount of four dirhams with myrrh in the amount of dirham with sweet wine.

If strong burning occurs after vomiting, then give the patient chilled snow water and rose oil and induce vomiting again. The patient should not sleep at all, and let him not allow himself to forget himself; on the contrary, he should be woken up and noise should be made around him.

When the matter is cleared up for the doctor and he finds out what the poison is, let him treat every poison as stated in the appropriate place. And such clarification occurs in two ways: firstly, you find out what kind of person he is, and, secondly, you establish what species he belongs to. An example of the first, if you know that this is one of the sharp, tearing substances, then treat, for example, with milk, cream and liquid jelly, prepared with almond oil and ghee, and everything that weakens the sharpness. If you find out that the poison is flammable, then the body is cooled with camphor, rose water, coriander juice and similar substances, and all this is cooled in the snow. Medicinal bandages made from duckweed and similar substances are applied to the patient’s main organs and are cooled again every now and then. One of the very useful remedies in this case is cooled cow's churning, and if bloodletting is necessary, the patient is bled.

If you find out that the poison is one of those that causes numbness, then use, for example, teryak and medicine with asafoetida in pure wine or garlic, and if it became known that the poison is contrary to nature in its entire substance, then it is treated with mithridate, teryak, musk medicine, and badzachrome. They also drink meat juice and wine, and smother the patient with incense, ventilate the place where he is, dress him in scented clothes and make him sneeze, rub the area of ​​the mouth of the stomach, blow into his mouth and pluck out his hair.

And when they recognize the type of poison, they treat it with special remedies, which we will mention below. Generally speaking, when they give medicines for poison to drink, they either want to weaken its severity and change its substance, for example, through milk and badzahr, or they want to remove its substance, for example, with printed clay, or they strive to contrast the medicine with its quality, for example, when they drink garlic in the wine of a man stung by a scorpion.