
Heliotherapy is a treatment method that uses sunlight to speed up the healing process. It is based on the idea that sunlight can have a positive effect on human health.

Heliotherapy procedures include sunbathing. During these baths, patients are exposed to direct sunlight for a certain period of time. This allows them to get the right amount of vitamin D, which plays a key role in bone health and the immune system.

In addition, heliotherapy can also help treat certain skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Sunlight can reduce the inflammation and itching associated with these conditions.

However, like any treatment method, heliotherapy is not suitable for everyone. People who are highly sensitive to sunlight or at risk of developing skin cancer should avoid sunbathing without consulting a doctor.

In addition, heliotherapy should be performed with caution in hot weather to avoid sunburn and other unwanted effects associated with overheating.

Overall, heliotherapy can be beneficial for many people, especially those who live in areas with insufficient sunlight or suffer from vitamin D deficiency. However, as with anything, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

In the modern world, there are many different methods of treatment and therapy for certain diseases. One of them is heliotherapy, which is used to achieve acceleration of the healing process and is also an alternative to medications.

What is heliotherapy? Solar energy is the source of many types of radiation that affect different organs and tissues of the human body. This radiation can be either thermal or ultraviolet in the A, B and C ranges of the spectrum. In addition, such rays can have intensity peaks and valleys, which allows them to affect individual areas and tissues, as well as penetrate the skin layer, depending on the type of pigmentation. Depending on the tissue damage, heliotherapy can be used to treat pain or various diseases, such as scurvy, acne, osteoporosis, psoriasis, fractures and others. The first type of heliotherapy was therapeutic tanning, which was associated with the use of sunlight. The first mention of medicinal tanning dates back to 2900 BC. Even then it was known that sunlight accelerates the healing of wounds. However, at first this method was used only to treat minor wounds, such as scratches, but large wounds were treated using cauterization with a hot iron or other methods. Treatment with these methods made it possible to disinfect the wound, thanks to the burn, and do it more effectively. In medieval tapestries and paintings of that time, you can see images of people lying in a solarium. Even patients and doctors of that time knew about the healing properties of radiation therapy. But the most effective therapeutic effect awaited patients from sun treatment in the Middle Ages. It was then that thermotherapy was developed, or, as it is otherwise called, “solarium,” that is, treatment with the Sun. Only over time, the most experienced priest Albert von Bolsted recommended carrying out the procedure in the presence of a church minister who would have holy water with him. It was believed that this would speed up skin regeneration and help reduce rest time. To carry out the treatment procedure, an artificial heat source was needed, so in Europe this method of treatment began to be used for medical purposes. In addition to thermotherapy, luminotherapy was also known

Heliotherapy - sunlight as medicine

Did you know that the sun has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries?

Solar healing allows people to regain health and energy through the effects of sunlight on the skin. This method can be used to treat various diseases and conditions. Improvement in well-being occurs by accelerating the healing process and the production of beneficial substances.

What is heliotherapy? Heliotherapy is a treatment method based on the use of solar energy (sunlight). It includes various treatments such as sunbathing or wearing sunglasses. Heliotherapy uses the maximum benefits of the sun, for example, its rays have a rejuvenating effect on the body, accelerating tissue regeneration processes, strengthening the immune system and improving mood. Sunlight stimulates the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin, which improves not only the physical but also the psychological state: a feeling of freshness and vigor arises, mood improves, and sleep normalizes. As a source of photons, sunlight has many beneficial properties: - Accelerating the growth of body cells; - Activation of the immune system; Heliotherapy can be divided into passive and active. Passive solar therapy involves exposure to direct sunlight or the use of sunglasses or shades. At the same time, the helioprocedure takes minimal time. Active involves the use of devices to emit light of different wavelengths and different intensities (Minin lamp, Chizhevsky chandelier). Also, light treatment may include special glasses with electrodes that create a weak electric field directed against negative microstimulants (primary electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet rays).