Anti-acne drug

Acne is a common dermatological disease that affects not only teenagers, but also adults. There are a large number of products available to combat acne. However, as practice shows, not all of them are equally effective. The best remedy for acne on the face, which helped one patient, may be completely ineffective for another. This is due not only to the physiological characteristics of each person, but also to the reasons that caused acne. Therefore, before looking for the best remedy for acne on the face, you should identify the provoking factor that caused the inflammatory process in the dermis.

Main causes of acne

The main cause of rashes is overactive sebaceous glands. The secretion they secrete clogs the skin ducts, where bacteria begin to accumulate, resulting in an inflammatory process.

The following factors can provoke intense sebum production:

  1. hormonal changes in the body;
  2. frequent stress and poor nutrition;
  3. abuse of bad habits;
  4. endocrine pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases;
  5. deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  6. taking hormonal medications.

All of the above factors contribute not only to the active functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also to a decrease in the protective functions of the body. A weakened immune system cannot resist the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to the active development of the inflammatory process in the dermis.

In adolescents, increased secretion is most often a consequence of hormonal changes in the body; women are also susceptible to acne due to hormonal surges that are observed during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and when taking certain contraceptives.

Ways to fight acne

There is no universal remedy that would help get rid of acne forever. However, most methods and drugs are highly effective. Acne treatment is carried out in the following ways:

  1. washing with antibacterial gels;
  2. use of lotions and gels with antibiotics;
  3. the use of anti-inflammatory ointments;
  4. external and internal use of retinoids;
  5. systemic antibiotic therapy;
  6. carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures.

The choice of one method or another depends on the severity of the disease. Minor rashes can be effectively treated with any antibacterial remedy for acne on the face in the form of a gel wash. In severe cases, when conglobate or cystic acne occurs, an integrated approach to solving the problem is required.

Rating of the best acne treatment products


The following is a list of which products help against acne on the face with mild, moderate and severe acne, provided they are used in complex therapy:

These remedies for acne and pimples on the face are considered one of the most effective today.


Zinerit includes two active components - the antibiotic erythromycin and zinc acetate. An effective remedy for blackheads and acne is produced in the form of a powder, from which a solution is prepared for external use. The main component, erythromycin, penetrates the tissue and has an antibacterial effect, and zinc acts as a drying component.

Zenerite has a comedolytic effect, that is, it is able to break down the contents of blackheads and prevent their reappearance.

The course of therapy with Zinerit is 2.5-3 months, depending on the severity of acne. The first improvements occur 2-3 weeks after the start of use.

The average price of Zinerit powder today is 600 rubles. It is freely available in pharmacies. Often the drug receives positive reviews from users.

Baziron AS

Baziron AS anti-acne facial product has a gel-like release form. The main component in the fight against acne is benzoyl peroxide. It has antimicrobial activity against acne bacteria and staphylococci. Due to the sensitivity of staphylococci to benzoyl peroxide, the product is sometimes used as an ointment for boils.

The active substance of Baziron AS has a keratolytic effect, that is, it softens dead epithelium and sebum that form sebaceous plugs, facilitating their easier rejection. Additionally, it is involved in normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The full course of use is 3 months. The first improvements are noticeable after regular use for 4 weeks.

The price of the gel today is approximately 750-800 rubles.


The best acne cream contains azelaic acid. The active substance has an antibacterial effect and prevents further spread of acne. Skinoren is used in the treatment of acne, rosacea and hyperpigmentation.

The cream stops the pathological process of excess sebum formation and keratanization. Therefore, Skinoren is also an effective remedy for subcutaneous acne, which is called closed comedones. Additionally, the gel has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Duration of use is 8-12 weeks. A noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin is observed after a month.

The price of the gel is currently 1150 rubles per tube of 30 g.


An effective remedy for acne on the face has a pronounced antibacterial effect thanks to clindamycin hydrochloride. The active substance not only suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria, but also helps reduce the production of sebum by the glands. Clindamycin accumulates in areas of accumulation of pathogenic microflora, where it exhibits its antibacterial activity.

Zerkalin is produced in the form of a solution for external use. The course of therapy can vary from 1.5 months to six months, depending on the severity of acne.

The cost of Zerkalin is 370 rubles per 30 ml bottle.


This is the best remedy for acne on the face, which users regularly leave reviews about. The drug belongs to the group of retinoids, so it is used exclusively for severe forms of acne. Its main active substance is adapalene, which has an anti-inflammatory and comedolytic effect. Therefore, it is also prescribed as an effective remedy for blackheads. Clenzit is suitable for both adults and teenagers.

Recovery occurs after 3 months of regular use, and the first improvements are already noticeable after 4 weeks.

The average price of Klenzit is 400 rubles. Its analogue is Differin gel, the cost of which is 2 times higher.


The most effective remedy for facial acne, which is widely used for all forms of acne. The gel shows the greatest therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of individual comedones and papulopustular acne.

The active component zinc hyaluronate has a bacteriostatic effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates tissue regeneration.

The duration of the Curizon course is determined individually and depends on the severity of the dermatological disease.

This is the best acne remedy and is considered the safest. The average cost of the gel is 500 rubles.


This is a very good remedy for acne on the face, the main active components of which are the retinoid isotretinoin and the antibiotic erythromycin. The combined drug has the following properties:

  1. antiseborrheic;
  2. antibacterial;
  3. keratolytic;
  4. anti-inflammatory.

Isotrexin is a good remedy for facial acne with mild to moderate acne.

The duration of external gel therapy varies from 1.2 to 2 months.

The cost of Isotrexin is within 600 rubles.


The acne remedy belongs to the group of retinoids, used for severe nodular cystic form when the rash is localized not only on the face, but also on the back. Retasol is available in the form of a solution intended for internal and external use.

The main component of the retinoid isotretinoin propylene glycol has anti-inflammatory, antiseborrheic, keratolytic and local immunomodulatory effects. It also helps get rid of blackheads.
The duration of use depends on the method of administration and the type of acne.

The cost of one 50 ml bottle is 400 rubles.

Affordable treatments for facial acne

It is impossible to give a definite answer as to which remedy is best for acne on the face. Each drug has its own composition and differs somewhat in its principle of action. What works for one person may be completely ineffective for another.

Sometimes an expensive drug does not show a therapeutic effect on acne, but a cheap pharmaceutical drug solves the problem in a short time.


The following pharmaceutical products are available, but sometimes no less effective:

  1. Chlorhexidine;
  2. salicylic acid;
  3. Ichthyol ointment;
  4. Balsamic liniment;
  5. Badyaga;
  6. Tsindol.

Chlorhexidine is an affordable and effective anti-acne medication. It has a bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used as an adjuvant for teenage acne on the face. Chlorhexidine helps dry out inflamed areas and reduce redness.

Salicylic acid has a similar effect to chlorhexidine, so it is often used as an effective remedy for facial acne. It is also used for blackheads as an effective solvent for sebaceous plugs. However, you should be careful when using the drug, as it can dry out the skin and make it more sensitive. Therefore, salicylic acid is applied pointwise to the areas where the rashes are localized.

Ichthyol ointment is popular in the treatment of acne on the face. It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and absorbable effect. It is often used in severe forms of acne to draw out the infiltrate. This is the best remedy for boils, which helps to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process and purulent contents at the site of inflammation.

The ointment is applied pointwise or distributed in a thin layer in case of numerous rashes. Ichthyol is also used to get rid of post-acne spots.

Balsamic liniment, better known as Vishnevsky ointment, is often used in the treatment of internal painful acne, which helps to quickly resolve the inflammatory focus and prevent the formation of scars and scars. Liniment is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

Badyaga is the best remedy for acne and acne, which helps improve local blood circulation, subside the inflammatory process and suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora. It has a resolving effect, so it is also used to eliminate stains remaining after internal acne has resolved.

Tsindol has an antiseptic and drying effect, and is often used as a remedy for single comedones. In case of severe acne, the medicinal component is used as a mask.

Among homemade auxiliary components for acne on the face, aloe is often used to prepare masks and lotions, as well as tar soap for washing. The latest medicinal product is also known as the best remedy for blackheads on the nose, due to its good cleansing properties.

List of medications for internal use


For the treatment of severe forms of acne, the following groups of drugs for internal use are mandatory:

These acne medications will help you recover faster in most cases.


Preparations of the retinoid group are produced under such brand names as Roaccutane, Sortret and Acnecutane. The main active ingredient is isotretinoin.

Retinoids are the best remedy for severe teenage acne on the face, when therapy with other medications is ineffective.

Taking medications in this group without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited, as it often causes adverse reactions.


To treat acne caused by vitamin deficiency, vitamins are prescribed. Most often, acne is caused by a deficiency of vitamins A and E. The most effective drug for replenishing them in the body is Aevit. It should be used to treat acne with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor, since in case of overdose it can lead to side effects, including hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and E.


Acne caused by intestinal problems can be treated with probiotics. This group includes Rioflora, Acipol, Linex, etc. Probiotics help restore beneficial microflora and cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. They additionally help strengthen the immune system, which plays an important role in acne.


The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for acne are Doxycycline, Unidox Solutab and Erythromycin. Active substances accumulate in areas of inflammation and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Medicines are used for severe acne as prescribed by a doctor.

The best cleansers for acne

During acne treatment, proper facial skin care plays an important role. Washing gels, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, are designed to help with this. The best among the existing ones include:

These gels gently cleanse the skin of impurities, fight blackheads and prevent their further appearance. They also help reduce inflammation on the skin during acne treatment.

An integrated approach is the key to successful treatment

Blackheads and pimples in most cases require an integrated approach to treatment, which should include the use of effective external agents, careful care and cleansing of the skin and diet therapy. Acne that leads to scarring requires additional physical therapy to help prevent or get rid of scars.

A beautiful face cannot be imagined without healthy skin. But acne and pimples can be a problem for everyone. Mature age or dry skin does not guarantee protection against them. Unfortunately, this is not easy to deal with. Today in pharmacies and stores you can buy creams, tablets, and masks to treat acne. But not all drugs will be effective. A facial care product must be correctly selected, match your skin type and act on exactly the cause that caused acne. Is there a universal, best remedy for acne on the face and body that works well in any case? Let's look at the most effective medications for rashes.

General information

The external manifestations of the rash are similar for everyone, but the reasons for it are different for everyone. It all starts with an inflamed pore after a clogged sebaceous duct. Accumulated pus leads to swelling of the skin.

The causes of acne and pimples may be as follows:

  1. changes in hormonal status during adolescence, before menstruation;
  2. hormonal disorders caused by disease of the endocrine glands;
  3. unbalanced diet, abuse of products that provoke increased functions of the sebaceous glands;
  4. pathologies of internal organs;
  5. stress;
  6. genetic disposition;
  7. use of low-quality cosmetics or those that do not meet the needs of a specific skin type.

Remedies for acne on the face have the following effect:

  1. Cleansing , because often the cause of this problem is pollution.
  2. Anti-inflammatory .
  3. Antibacterial . Inflammation is caused by bacteria that are present in large numbers on the skin. Local antibiotics eliminate their activity.
  4. Drying . This is especially effective for oily skin.
  5. Narrowing pores . The wider the pores, the faster they become dirty and inflamed.
  6. Reduces sebum production . Controlling the activity of the sebaceous glands allows you to quickly eliminate acne.

The list of anti-acne medications includes medicated face cream, gel, acne ointment, masks, and lotions. In some cases, a dermatologist may prescribe pills. To avoid too much time in searching for an effective remedy, in case of severe symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Oral preparations

How to get rid of acne on your face? Since skin problems can be caused by problems with internal organs, anti-acne medications in tablet form can be prescribed to solve them.

Antibiotics help with acne. Drug therapy is more effective than other treatments if acne is caused by bacteria. Such products usually contain erythromycin or tetracycline . Most often, oral antibiotics are prescribed after certain laboratory tests. It is prohibited to take such drugs on your own!

For internal use against acne, a sorbent may be prescribed, for example, Lactofiltrum . Treatment with it will be effective when the problems are caused by intoxication of the body.

External pharmaceuticals

External pharmaceutical remedies for rashes are presented today in a wide range. It’s not difficult to get lost in this diversity. Which cream will help faster? Which is better: gel or mask?

The most effective remedy for acne on the face is one that is selected taking into account the causes of the problem. Therefore, before you run to the pharmacy for cream, the most effective ointment, solutions and gels, you need to visit a dermatologist.


Salicylic acid

Despite the variety of modern medications for acne on the face, salicylic acid still tops the list of products in the pharmacy. It cleanses the face well and quickly dries out the rash. The product helps relieve redness and regulate excessive sebum production. Salicylic acid is effective not only against acne, but also against post-acne and comedones.

The drug is well tolerated, especially if the skin is oily. But even oily skin types, if the drug is abused, will not protect it from dryness, so the best effect in treatment can be achieved if the acid is applied pointwise to the site of inflammation. Use it with extreme caution on dry skin. The medicine is used once a day before bedtime. You can apply a light moisturizer on top.

Dry facial skin may react to salicylic acid with irritation, redness and itching. In this case, it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

The course of therapy should not exceed a month. It is not recommended to combine this powerful acne remedy with other alcohol solutions. It is dangerous to use it in children under 14 years of age and in pregnant women.


Used to treat acne due to its pronounced antibacterial effect. Being a powerful antiseptic, the drug is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It penetrates deep into the skin, destroys microbes, and relieves inflammation. Chlorhexidine against acne on the face can be used both in the form of an ointment and in the form of an aqueous solution.

The duration of therapy for acne and the form of the drug are best determined with a doctor or cosmetologist. Before use, do not wash with soap, use tonic, scrub or milk. The face is cleansed with running water. After which the solution is applied to the face using a cotton pad. The medicine can be used three times a day. Unlike salicylic acid, chlorhexidine is gentle, so even the driest skin tolerates it well.

Tincture of calendula

An effective medicine that is good for acne. Its value lies in its good anti-inflammatory, regenerating and drying properties. The drug improves blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin. This allows post-acne to disappear faster and remove the redness of the pimple. Calendula tincture dries out the skin, so it is recommended to apply it spot-on or dilute it with water in equal proportions.

Ointments and gels

Let's look at a list of drugs in the form of gels and ointments that can be used to effectively fight acne and help eliminate inflammation.


Effectively helps against acne and purulent rashes. The drug is effective against acne not only on the face, but also on the body. It has an antibacterial and active wound-healing effect due to the main components of the product - matiluracil and chloramphenicol. Levomekol can be used for several weeks.


A popular remedy for acne is Zinerit. It is one of the 10 most effective products in the fight against acne. The mixture contains erythromycin (an antibiotic) and zinc. Erythromycin acts against bacteria, and zinc will help quickly relieve redness and dry out the affected areas. Reviews of this drug among dermatologists and cosmetologists are high.

But at the same time it has disadvantages. This is an addiction to the skin with prolonged use, an unpleasant odor and a film that covers the face after applying Zinerit.


Skinoren gel is, if not the best remedy for acne, then one of them. The drug is based on azeloic acid, which normalizes the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. It can be noted that this super remedy will quickly come to the rescue even in the most advanced cases of severe acne. It can be used with caution only as directed by a doctor, especially if you have dry skin.


The top best remedies for quickly getting rid of acne, Kvotlan continues. Has an antibacterial, regenerating, protective effect. Eliminates scars, post-acne, spots. This cream for acne on the face alleviates the condition of patients with eczema, psoriasis, burns, frostbite and wounds. The ointment is effective against fungal infections, swelling and the consequences of insect bites. Kvotlan is considered a gentle remedy because it does not contain antibiotics, hormones or alcohol. It is approved for long-term use by adolescents and pregnant women.


A powerful healing agent for external use. The main component of Dalatsin is a strong antibiotic, clindamycin. The action of the gel has much in common with Zenerit. It has a pronounced therapeutic effect against inflammatory processes. Noticeable results can be seen after just 7 days of continuous use.

Dalatsin is not recommended to be combined even with the highest quality decorative cosmetics. During treatment, you should not sunbathe so as not to provoke the development of hyperpigmentation on the face.

Acne medications containing antibiotics have the main side effect of being quickly addictive. This means that after several months of continuous use, the gel may not help in the fight against acne. Therefore, the average course of treatment is 6-8 weeks.


When considering effective acne gels, it is necessary to note Baziron AS. Being an effective bactericidal medicine, the drug normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, quickly relieves inflammation, and moisturizes dry skin. The active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide. The visible effect occurs a month after the start of therapy.


In the rating of acne creams, Eclaran can be placed on the same level with Baziron. In fact, they are analogues. It is based on the same benzoyl peroxide. Available in concentrations of 5% and 10%. First, therapy is carried out with 5% gel for 3 weeks, and then switch to 10% until symptoms are completely eliminated. The drug is effective against acne vulgaris.

Caring pharmaceutical cosmetics

Pharmacies offer a variety of cosmetics for the care of problem skin. It is difficult to answer unequivocally which creams help better in the fight against rashes and which drug is the most effective. The effectiveness of pharmaceutical cosmetics depends on how correctly they are selected to eliminate a specific problem.


Effective anti-acne cosmetics were developed by the Avene laboratory. Preparations for the treatment of problematic young skin are represented by a diverse line. Cosmetics from this manufacturer are aimed at treating, and not masking, inflammation on the face.

"Aven Cleanance K" is an effective cream that best cleanses pores, eliminates black comedones, and gently exfoliates dead skin cells. It has a mattifying effect, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and relieves irritation.

An alternative to this cream is Aven Cleanance Emulsion. It is designed to care for young skin that is prone to oily sheen and rashes. The emulsion gives a matte appearance to the face, has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Salicylic acid, which is part of it, actively fights rashes.

In the same line, “Aven Klin AK” is intended for problematic skin that is dehydrated as a result of treatment. According to dermatologists, this is a good cream that allows you to quickly eliminate peeling after treatment.

If the main problem on the face is acne, then Aven cream-gel will be optimal. It has a lighter texture, does not weigh down the skin, and has an effect similar to previous drugs in this series.

For washing, Aven offers a cleansing gel and nourishing “Soap-free Soap”. These products will not cause discomfort, even if after long-term treatment the skin has become sensitive and dry. Can be used daily for both face and body.

A mask for problem skin complements Aven pharmacy cosmetics.


Cosmetics for acne on the face URIAGE Hyseac have a good effect.

The line of pharmaceutical products includes a therapeutic exfoliant mask, mattifying emulsion, and Uriage Isaac 3-Regul cream.

The exfoliant can be used as a peeling and as an exfoliating mask. Has a healing effect and nourishes the skin. Its effect is mild and does not cause dry skin.

Mattifying emulsion is suitable for eliminating oily shine for a long time. Regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, relieves redness and inflammation. Not suitable for dry skin care. Non-comedogenic, does not cause allergic reactions.

The manufacturer positions Uriage Hyseac 3-Regul Global Skin-Care as the best acne cream. Indeed, not without reason. The cream noticeably tightens pores, eliminates acne, mattifies the face, evens out the texture, does not clog pores, and does not cause allergic reactions. Contains acids that will help exfoliate the surface layer in time, so it is recommended to use it at night and use products with SPF during the day.

Anti-acne products from this manufacturer top the ratings and are noted by users as the most effective products purchased at the pharmacy.

Popular Home Remedies

In addition to medications and pharmaceutical cosmetics, you can take care of your face with home remedies. With systematic care, they have a good effect on inflamed areas. It should be noted that homemade anti-acne cosmetics are not as effective as those purchased at the pharmacy. Therefore, at best, it can be used when the problem is not very pronounced, or as part of complex therapy.

Let's look at the best home remedies for problem skin care.

To cleanse bacteria that cause inflammation and rashes, you can use apple cider vinegar diluted with purified water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The mixture is applied to the face pointwise, treating problem areas. Apply this lotion several times a day. It is not recommended to use undiluted vinegar, as it can dry out the skin and subsequently increase sebum production.

To reduce the number of acne, you can prepare a mask of a teaspoon of cinnamon and a few tablespoons of honey. Both components act as antibiotics, stopping the activity of bacteria. The mixture is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water at room temperature. You need to use this mask in a course, for a month, several times a week.

For acne, a mixture of honey and yogurt is useful. The components are taken in equal proportions. The product is applied to the face in layers. Each of them must dry out. After applying the latter, leave the mask on the face for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water.

A good mask for oily skin is whipped egg white. The product allows you to remove oily shine, narrow enlarged pores, and traces of post-acne.

A reliable drug against inflammation and suppuration of acne is the enzyme papain. At home, you can apply papaya pulp to the skin for 15-20 minutes. The mask will help even with the most severe inflammation.

Problem areas can be treated with a mixture of tea tree oil (1 part) with clean water (9 parts). The solution is an effective antiseptic.

A mask made of strawberries and honey has the strongest cleansing and drying effect. Salicylic acid in strawberries tightens pores and frees pores from oily plugs. Honey acts as an antiseptic.

How to choose the right product

When it comes to which remedy is most effective for rashes, there will be no consensus. Hoping to get their skin in order, they often buy the most effective mask or the best creams based on reviews from friends. But the expected result does not always come. Those drugs that helped them may not work again.

Firstly, the causes of breakouts vary as much as your skin type. Therefore, there is no universal remedy that would help everyone. Secondly, addiction gradually sets in to many components of medications. What helped before may turn out to be powerless after some time. This fact should also be taken into account when determining the treatment algorithm. Therefore, if your skin condition is seriously bothering you, you need to consult a dermatologist. He will recommend the best remedy to help against acne, taking into account the cause of it. Consultation with a specialist is especially important if you are concerned about how to get rid of acne on a teenager’s face.

The following factors will be taken into account:

  1. Cause of rashes . If this is increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, then their work needs to be normalized. If acne is caused by bacteria, then antibiotics are prescribed.
  2. Skin type . If your skin is dry, drying cosmetic products can aggravate existing problems.
  3. Tendency to allergies .
  4. Composition of cosmetics . If creams contain synthetic additives and artificial flavors, then the skin may react to them with additional rashes.

No matter how good the medications for problem skin are, when treating you need to take into account the internal state of the body, nutrition and lifestyle of the person. The effect of the best creams and powerful antiseptics provides only half the success.

Acne is a complex disease with a precisely unknown etiology and mechanism of development. There are many theories about where acne comes from. New discoveries on this topic appear regularly in dermatology, but it is still not entirely clear what exactly causes them to occur. Therefore, for treatment there are many different drugs from various groups. All of them act on different stages of acne development. And all are effective to varying degrees. Our review of the most popular medications will help you figure out how to choose the most effective remedy for facial acne.

Where do acne come from?

Acne can occur at any age in both men and women. Official medicine assigns an important role to hormonal disorders in its occurrence. This is not surprising - most often acne appears in adolescence, during or after pregnancy, with endocrine pathologies; in girls the process worsens before menstruation. That is, the connection between the state of the hormonal system and the appearance of acne is obvious.

Considerable importance is attached to identifying bacterial infections on the skin. It has been established that special bacteria called propionibacterium acnes are responsible for the occurrence of acne. Also, the development of inflammatory phenomena on the skin is facilitated by a large number of demodex mites on it.


In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the study of local immunity of the skin, its protective properties, which very much depend on the pH value and the qualitative composition of the hydrolipid film. Normally, the pH of the skin should be acidic. Bacteria cannot multiply in an acidic environment. And due to improper care, the pH balance shifts to the alkaline side, and harmful flora begins to feel at ease on the skin and actively multiply, causing the appearance of acne.

Thus, many factors are responsible for the appearance of acne. Accordingly, its treatment should be comprehensive, including drugs from different groups that affect certain parts of the pathogenesis.

What types of acne are there?

In the medical community, there is no uniform classification of acne. To make a diagnosis, doctors use the international classification of diseases, but to understand the clinical features, different authors systematize all possible types of acne in different ways.

It is enough for the average person to know that acne is divided into comedones and acne itself.

Comedones can be:

  1. open (so-called blackheads);
  2. closed (or milia).

They are formed as a result of clogging of the pores with dead cells and sebum.

Open comedones are congestion in open pores. Sebum oxidizes under the influence of oxygen, which is why such acne looks like blackheads. When pressed, the contents come out easily.

Milia look like scatterings of white millet grains. These are closed comedones, the fat in them does not oxidize, so they remain “clean” and white. When pressed, the contents do not come out. Such comedones can become inflamed and form pimples.

Acne (blackheads) are inflammatory elements of a skin rash. They occur when there is purulent damage to the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding tissues. There are acne:

  1. youthful;
  2. children's;
  3. adult acne;
  4. exogenous;
  5. caused by trauma.

Juvenile acne develops in teenagers.

Children's acne is very rare, as is correct, with congenital skin pathology.

Adult acne develops for the first time after 20-25 years. Most often, the disease is triggered by some kind of hormonal changes (for example, pregnancy or endocrine disease), stress, or a change in climate zone for permanent residence. But often the cause of acne cannot be determined.


Exogenous acne occurs due to toxic effects - like an allergic reaction to new cosmetics. Or as a result of contact with household chemicals or caustic substances at work.

As a result of trauma, acne appears when wearing tight clothes or shoes (due to frequent damage to the skin as a result of friction), with increased sweating, as well as with mental disorders (pathomimia), when the patient injures or scratches the skin on his own.

How to treat acne

First of all, you need to try to determine the cause of acne and eliminate it. Thus, in case of endocrine disorders, normalizing hormonal levels helps get rid of acne. But alas, it is not always possible to understand why acne occurs. And this is where local and general medications come to the rescue, helping to clear the face of acne. Of course, such treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. But everyone who is faced with this problem needs to know at least the most popular remedies for acne.

List of the most effective topical acne treatments

Local application involves applying the drug to the skin, that is, the active substances can only act on its surface. Such drugs are extremely poorly absorbed, so they do not have a systemic effect when used correctly. But they help restore the protective properties of the skin, normalize its secretory and excretory functions, cleanse, kill bacteria, which helps get rid of acne.


This acne remedy belongs to the group of latest generation topical retinoids. Its active ingredient is adapalene. Available in the form of cream and gel.

Adapalene has an anti-inflammatory effect and also helps cleanse pores and remove blackheads. Thanks to the action of this drug, the level of secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced, the skin becomes less oily, and the process of cell renewal of the stratum corneum is normalized.


Apply this product once a day before bedtime to cleansed skin in a thin layer. The first effect becomes noticeable after 3-4 weeks of regular use. For lasting results, use for several months is required. During the entire course, it is necessary to use sun protection every time you go outside, since vitamin A-based preparations increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Differin is indicated for all types of acne, including the isolated comedonal form. For those with thick, oily skin, it is better to use gel; for thin and sensitive skin, it is better to use cream. The only absolute contraindication to the use of this product is an allergy to any of its components.

Klenzit S

Gel Klenzit is also a drug based on adapalene, an analogue of Differin. Klenzit C is a combination drug in which adapalene is combined with the antibiotic clindamycin. This is the fundamental difference between these two means with a similar name.

Clenzit without an antibiotic is used for comedones. For acne, it is better to choose Clenzit S.

Due to the antibacterial component, this drug actively affects the bacterial flora, destroying it. Therefore, it helps to cleanse the skin of purulent formations faster.

Apply once a day in the evenings. Apply to cleansed and dried skin. The course is usually long-term, since the first results become noticeable only after a month.

When going out in the sun, be sure to use protective equipment, as topical retinoids increase sensitivity to sunlight.


This drug based on azelaic acid is available in the form of a cream or gel. For local use only.

Azelaic acid has:

  1. antibacterial activity on the skin and sebaceous glands;
  2. anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. whitening effect;
  4. keratolytic effect (accelerates skin renewal, helps remove dead cells and cleanse pores of excess sebum).

Both gel and cream are equally effective, although it is believed that the result appears faster when using the gel. But both of these forms of release have their own indications.

The cream is recommended for use for acne, age spots and seborrheic dermatitis. Gel – for acne and rosacea.


For acne, if the skin is oily, it is better to start treatment with a cream, and after achieving a therapeutic effect, switch to a gel. For dry and sensitive skin, you can immediately start with the gel.

Both cream and gel are applied twice a day, morning and evening, to cleansed and thoroughly dried skin in a thin layer. Some tingling and burning may be felt at first. It is not recommended to apply the product to wounds, cracks and other injuries.

To achieve results, a minimum of 2-4 weeks of regular use is required. A lasting effect develops after 2-4 months of treatment. As a maintenance therapy, it is recommended to use the gel once a day in the morning.


This is a combination remedy for acne on the face (it doesn’t work well in other areas), which is a combination of zinc and the antibiotic erythromycin. It is available in a single form - as a powder for preparing lotion.

Due to the antibiotic in the composition, it has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. And zinc helps cleanse comedones, reduce skin oiliness, has an antiseptic effect and anti-inflammatory (due to the stabilization of cell membranes).

Zenerite is effective against both comedones and acne.

For mild cases of the disease, Zinerit can be used as the drug of choice.

If it is moderate, combine it with benzoyl peroxide or adapalene.

For severe acne, it is better to give preference to systemic antibacterial drugs rather than local ones, in combination with benzoyl peroxide and topical retinoids.

Baziron AS

This is the best benzoyl peroxide based acne treatment. Available in the form of a gel with varying concentrations of the active substance. The greater the severity of the disease, the higher the concentration should be chosen.

The effectiveness of Baziron AS against acne is due to its action in the skin. He is capable of:

  1. destroy bacteria on the skin and in the sebaceous glands;
  2. reduce inflammation;
  3. reduce the secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands, thereby helping to cleanse existing comedones and preventing the formation of new ones;
  4. reduce skin oiliness;
  5. effectively remove dead and exfoliated skin cells, which leads to the elimination of sebaceous plugs and prevents the formation of new ones.


The gel is applied to cleansed skin on the affected areas. There is no need to apply it to injured areas and one must not forget about sun protection throughout the entire course of treatment, which usually lasts 3-4 months.

Baziron AS can be used as monotherapy for mild to moderate forms of acne. In severe cases - in combination with systemic antibiotics. This drug is approved for use with other local agents, including topical retinoids.


This inexpensive drug based on zinc oxide is used for many inflammatory skin diseases. Available in the form of a suspension (talker).

Tsindol for acne not only relieves inflammation on the skin, but also reduces its oiliness due to its effect on the production of sebum. It has a drying effect, so those with dry and sensitive skin should use it with caution.

For acne on dry skin, it is used as follows: apply it pointwise to the pimples with a cotton swab and leave until peeling appears. After which it is recommended to wash with warm water.

If your skin is oily, you can apply it all over your face in the evening and leave it on until the morning.


Zerkalin is an alcohol solution of clindamycin (an antibiotic).

It has an antimicrobial effect, including against acne-causing bacteria.

Apply externally in the morning and evening for 4-6 months until a lasting effect is achieved. Apply with caution in the paraorbital area and around the mouth, and also avoid contact with microtraumas and wounds.

Do not use simultaneously with Zenerit and other local erythromycin preparations.


A drug based on metronidazole with a very wide range of applications, as it is active against most known types of bacteria. Available in various forms. For acne, it is used in the form of a gel for topical treatment.

After applying Metrogil:

  1. destroys bacteria in hair follicles;
  2. creates a protective film on the skin, preventing the penetration of new bacteria into the pores;
  3. relieves inflammation well;
  4. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  5. provides matte skin (due to a protective film that absorbs sebum).

Metrogyl is used not only as a medicine for facial acne. It is effective for other localizations of acne, and for infectious diseases of various origins of most organs and systems.

Systemic treatment of acne


Topical therapy is effective only for mild to moderate acne. Severe degrees (and often moderate) require systemic treatment with antibiotics or retinoids.

Systemic antibiotics in the treatment of acne

For acne, tetracycline antibiotics are most often used.

In terms of effectiveness and ease of use, doxycycline preparations (Unidox Solutab) have taken first place in the treatment of this pathology. Acne requires long-term therapy with low doses (up to six months).

If for some reason this group of antibacterial agents cannot be used, macrolides or sulfonamides become the drugs of choice. They are also prescribed in low dosages for several months.

There is no need to be afraid of antibiotic treatment for acne, since low doses do not lead to the side effects associated with the traditional use of this group of drugs. In particular, probiotics are not required to protect the intestines.

Systemic retinoids

This is the most effective, but also the most dangerous group of drugs for acne. Includes isotretinoin-based products - Roaccutane, Acnecutane, Sotret.

These medications help achieve very good effects in treating even the most severe forms of acne. But at the same time, they can cause serious side effects. Therefore, they are prescribed only in extreme cases - for cystic, conglobate acne, acne that is difficult to treat, with a tendency to form scars, etc. They are used only under the control of biochemical liver tests. In addition to the negative effect on internal organs, retinoids have a teratogenic effect (cause deformities in the fetus). Therefore, they should absolutely not be used during pregnancy planning, and strict contraceptive measures must be observed throughout the entire course of treatment.

Such drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor after a series of tests. Dosages are selected based on the patient’s gender, age, weight and clinical situation, and adjusted if necessary.

It is important to know that in the first month after starting treatment, acne will worsen. There is no need to be alarmed; this is a normal skin response to retinoid treatment. But then the face will cleanse, fat production will decrease, the skin will become matte, and its color will improve. With proper prescription and careful adherence to the doctor’s recommendations, it will be possible to avoid side effects and achieve lasting results in the treatment of acne with retinoids.

Acne concerns almost every person on the planet, as up to 80% of the entire population experiences acne during adolescence, and up to 40% of adults continue to struggle with it. The search for effective acne treatments has been going on for many years and continues today. Today there are many good drugs that will help, if not completely get rid of acne, then significantly clear the skin of it and provide proper care and treatment. It is better to make a choice in favor of one remedy or another with the help of a doctor, as he will help prescribe the correct therapy in each specific case.

Video about acne