Preparations for the treatment of dandruff

Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis occurs due to improper metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and/or infection with a fungus on the scalp.

Because of this, the sebaceous glands begin to work incorrectly: parts of the epidermis flake off and crumble.

Let's look at the most effective anti-dandruff remedies.

Rating of the best anti-dandruff products

An integrated approach is important, which includes:

  1. use of medicated shampoos and lotions;
  2. taking medications that normalize metabolism: as a rule, they contain methionine and riboflavin;
  3. consultations with doctors: immunologist, gastroenterologist and infectious disease specialist - necessary to identify disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, intestines and immune system.

Effective remedies for seborrhea contain the following components:

  1. selenium persulfide, climbazole: help destroy pathogenic bacteria, but do not cope with fungus;
  2. salicylic acid: normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, kills germs, helps get rid of dead skin cells (exfoliating effect);
  3. ichthyol: relieves inflammation, relieves pain, kills germs, stimulates active regeneration of skin cells;
  4. Birch tar: destroys bacteria, stimulates skin renewal, but is powerless against fungus;
  5. bifonazole: destroys fungus (Cand >Before choosing one or another remedy for treating dandruff, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of its occurrence. Be sure to get examined by a doctor.

If seborrhea is caused by a fungus, choose antifungal agents.

If the cause is impaired metabolism, weakened immunity, or disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, take medications that solve this problem.

Industrial dandruff treatments

They can be divided into shampoos, ointments and tablets.


Shampoos "Nizoral" And "Dermazol"with ketoconazole help get rid of dandruff in the shortest possible time. The best remedy for scalp seborrhea caused by fungus. Eliminate discomfort: peeling, itching of the skin. Quite budget and popular means.

Shampoo "Sebozol» eliminates dandruff caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Restores damaged hair structure. Can be used to prevent seborrhea.

Shampoo Home Institute contains nettle extract, which helps restore normal activity of the sebaceous glands.

Therefore, it will help get rid of dandruff only caused by disruptions in their functioning.

Relieves itching and makes hair shiny.

Shampoo "Bioderma» used for seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff and psoriasis.

It suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria, kills fungus and relieves inflammation, promotes active renewal of skin cells. Stops itching, relieves irritation.

Read the tips about how to choose the right shampoo for a man or woman, as well as for dry or oily dandruff.

Mal "Sulsena"is considered the most effective in treating dandruff. It acts in several directions: it destroys fungus, relieves itching and eliminates flaking. Strengthens hair roots and normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands.

Sulfuric ointment kills bacteria and some types of fungus. It is rarely used because it worsens the condition of the hair. Quite “nuclear”, so We recommend using it in extreme caseswhen more gentle means do not have an effect.

Salicylic ointment - An excellent inexpensive remedy for treating dandruff in the early stages. Powerless against fungus, but perfectly relieves inflammation and destroys bacteria, exfoliates the skin.


Pills "Nystatin» taken for dandruff caused by fungi of the genus Candida. If this is the cause of seboria, Nystatin will help you recover in 2 weeks. In other cases, the medicine is powerless.

«Nizoral“prescribed for severe dandruff, which cannot be treated with medicated shampoos and ointments. The tablets help stop the development of the disease and improve the appearance of the scalp.

«Miconazole"- antifungal agent. Destroys fungus, strengthens the immune system and eliminates flaking of the scalp.

We studied forums and reviews about various dandruff treatment products.

The most effective and popular of them is Sulsena ointment.: Almost everyone can be cured with this remedy.

But it is powerless if the disease is advanced - in this case, complex treatment is needed and a doctor’s consultation is required.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine offers many remedies for the treatment of dandruff.


Homemade masks will help in the early stages of the diseasewhen dandruff is not yet pronounced. List of recipes:

  1. mix castor oil, vodka and strong tea 1 tablespoon, rub into scalp, leave for two hours, rinse;
  2. rub into scalp Apple vinegar, leave for an hour, rinse;
  3. apply to stale hair full fat kefir, leave for half an hour, rinse;
  4. mix the yolk with honey, sour cream, cognac (1 tablespoon each), rub into hair, wrap in film, rinse after 2 hours);
  5. mix birch tar (2 teaspoons) with castor oil (1 tablespoon) and alcohol (1/2 cup), leave on your head for 2 hours, rinse.


Considered effective in treating dandruff essential oils: orange, bay, cloves, spruce, cedar, cypress, lavender, incense, lemon, lemon balm, juniper, peppermint, patchouli, rosemary, chamomile, sandalwood, pine, tea tree, sage and eucalyptus.

To cure seborrhea with their help, you must:

  1. add 1-2 drops of essential oil to a portion of the shampoo you use to wash your hair;
  2. dissolve 1-2 drops in herbal decoctions to rinse hair (first dissolve the ether in a pinch of salt, then add to the decoction);
  3. prepare the mixture: add 3-4 drops of ether to a fatty base oil, rub into the scalp, leave for an hour, rinse.

Any fatty oil can be used, but Jojoba, cedar and Monoi de Tahiti are preferable.

How quickly can you recover?

If folk remedies treat slowly, then pharmaceutical drugs act quickly.

In the first case, it will take weeks and monthsto say goodbye to seborrhea forever, in the second, a few days are enough.

According to reviews, medicinal ointments eliminate discomfort from the first use, and completely cure dandruff in 7-14 days.

You can speed up the effect if you use ointments simultaneously with shampoos and once a week make masks according to folk recipes.

And if you also treat from the inside: take vitamins, anti-dandruff pills, strengthen the immune system, then you will not only cure seborrhea, but also prevent relapse.

Let's summarize: We hope now you won’t have a question: what is the best anti-dandruff remedy? Engage in comprehensive treatment. Not only use medicinal ointments and shampoos, but also take pills and make homemade masks. Try to eat a balanced diet, take vitamins. Check with your doctor to rule out dysbiosis.

Dandruff (or seborrheic dermatitis) is a disease on the scalp in which the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted (excessive sebum production, or, conversely, its lack).

Accompanied by severe exfoliation of epidermal particles and itching. Dry dandruff if left untreated can lead to baldness (read about all types of dandruff).

In any case, treatment must be comprehensive: it is necessary to use means for external and internal therapy. To combat dandruff, first of all, special ointments, shampoos, creams, medications, as well as traditional medicine are prescribed, which are aimed at local elimination of the problem.

To treat from the inside, you will need to adjust your diet - eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins to strengthen the immune system. Tablets that will quickly help cope with the disease are used in a special way - crushed externally. We will consider which tablets to use for dandruff in this article.


Nystatin is a drug that actively fights fungal diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and vaginal candidiasis.

Therefore, it is imperative to establish the root cause of dandruff, since the effectiveness of medication treatment directly depends on this.

Another advantage of this drug is its low price and availability without a doctor’s prescription. It is worth adding that the components of the substance have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the hair itself.

Directly for the treatment of dandruff, use only in tablet form.

Using nystatin to treat dandruff is very simple. It is enough to crush 2-3 tablets of this medicine and add to a portion of the shampoo you use for one wash.

Rub into scalp using fingertips using massage movements. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse under running warm water. In order to get results, you need to wash your hair in this way 2 times a day for 14 days. If, after the expiration of the period, dandruff has not been eliminated, then it is worth changing the treatment method to another.


Acetylsalicylic acid is not only an antipyretic and analgesic, but it can also be used in the fight against dandruff.

Since dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis) is mainly caused by Pityrosporum fungi, which are found on everyone’s scalp in small quantities.

They feed on sebum, which is secreted by the human sebaceous glands. When these glands malfunction, namely excessive production of sebum, the fungal population begins to increase rapidly.

This leads to flaking of the skin, as well as itching and redness. Acetylsalicylic acid, found in aspirin, has the ability to suppress the growth of fungus, thereby relieving a person of dandruff.

The easiest way to use aspirin against seborrheic dermatitis: crush 2 tablets of the drug and add to a portion of shampoo for one use. Wash your hair this way for 2 weeks, preferably every other day or two.

There are also several effective ways to get rid of dandruff using acetylsalicylic acid:

  1. Honey + aloe + aspirin. You need to dissolve 3 effervescent Aspirin Upsa tablets in 100g of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and the same amount of honey. Apply this mask to the scalp and leave for half an hour. After time, rinse with water. The course of treatment is 2 weeks of daily use.
  2. Yolk + burdock oil + lemon + aspirin. Mix one chicken yolk, 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, 3 crushed aspirin tablets and 2 tablespoons of lemon. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected parts of the head and leave for 30 minutes. Then just wash it off. Use this mask up to 3-4 times a week for 2 weeks.
  3. Calendula + castor oil + aspirin. To 2 tablespoons of castor oil, add 1 tablespoon of calendula alcohol tincture and 2 crushed aspirin tablets. Mix well and apply the mixture to the scalp. Leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. Use this recipe every 4 days for 3 weeks.


Nizoral is one of the most popular and effective shampoos against dandruff on the scalp.

The active substance in this drug is ketoconazole, which actively fights fungal infections and dermatitis.

In addition, it contains hydrolyzed laurdimonium collagen (restores damaged epidermis) and hydrochloric acid (strengthens hair and restores acid-base balance).

Doctors speak positively about this medicinal shampoo. Its ability to cure dandruff quickly and for a long time is a definite plus.

In addition, the substances included in the composition do not penetrate into the blood, thus the use of shampoo is considered safe. But, despite this, this shampoo is prescribed to pregnant, lactating women and children with caution, since its effect on these population groups has not been fully studied.

When treating dandruff on the head, it is necessary to use Nizoral 2 times a week for 2-4 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. Next, you should wash your hair with it for preventive purposes once a week or once every two weeks.


Ketoconazole is an active substance that is included in shampoos, ointments and pastes designed to combat dandruff and various skin dermatitis. It destroys the walls of the fungus that caused the disease, thereby blocking its ability to feed, and, consequently, to reproduce. As mentioned above, Nizoral medicinal shampoo is based on ketoconazole. Its effectiveness is high, unfortunately, as is its price tag (about 1000 rubles). Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with other drugs that will help get rid of dandruff and at the same time help you save money.

  1. Anti-dandruff shampoo ketoconazole 2%. Thanks to the main component, it gets rid of pathogenic fungus, eliminating dandruff. In addition, it contains zinc, which has an antibacterial effect, as well as thyme extract, which enhances the effects of the first two components and strengthens the hair. Recommended for all hair types. Costs about 200r
  2. Mirolla shampoo with ketoconazole. It is a product for frequent use. Does not have an irritating effect on the skin. It tends to accumulate in the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby preventing the reappearance of the disease in the form of dandruff. Eliminates itching, normalizes the microflora of the scalp, and actively fights fungus. Its cost is approximately 200 rubles.
  3. Paste with ketoconazole 2%. This paste is easy to apply to dandruff-affected areas and makes it easier to remove dry skin flakes. Helps cope with dandruff. The active ingredients in the composition are: ketoconazole, zinc and dwarf palm oil. The first two directly fight the cause of the disease – skin fungus. And the oil helps get rid of irritation on the skin, soothes it, and gives shine to the hair. The average price of such a paste is 300 rubles.

Despite the fact that the price of such drugs is quite attractive, it must be taken into account that their effectiveness may be lower than that of expensive analogues.

Antifungal tablets

Despite the fact that dandruff is most often treated with local remedies, in some cases it is appropriate to take special tablets that will help cope with the disease. Such drugs must be used in combination with the main therapy; on their own they are ineffective. Taking tablets enhances the effect of the main treatment and prevents relapses of dandruff.

Nizoral tablets

This drug is considered one of the most effective anti-dandruff tablets.

Nizoral should be taken in combination with external treatment with shampoo or cream against this disease.

You will be able to notice results after 1-2 months of using the medicine. After which it is recommended to continue taking it anyway to avoid relapses.

Has side effects and contraindications. To avoid harm to your health, consult your doctor. He will prescribe an individual course of treatment with Nizoral.


This is an effective medicine containing the active substance miconazole, which actively fights microbes and fungi.

This drug copes well with seborrhea, relieves itching and flaking, and also strengthens the immune system.

Such tablets should be taken only after consultation with a doctor and in combination with other medications.

With long-term systemic use of miconozole, side effects may occur. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

With a proper comprehensive approach to the treatment of dandruff, it is not difficult to get rid of this disease. The main thing is to follow your doctor’s advice. We should not forget that it is easier to prevent any disease than to fight it. Therefore, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene rules, monitor the balance of vitamins and microelements in your body.

Treatment of dry and oily seborrhea (dandruff) with tablets, creams and ointments:


  1. July 3, 2018
  2. Hair treatment
  3. Sofia Ermakova

Dandruff bothers many people. This is not just an aesthetic problem. Damage to the scalp is manifested by unpleasant itching and severe irritation. How to get rid of dandruff quickly and effectively? An integrated approach will help, which includes the use of medicated shampoos, taking pills and general fortification of the body.

How to get rid of dandruff with tablets

Most people suffering from dandruff limit themselves to buying shampoo with the appropriate mark, although it is necessary to look for the root causes, and not just eliminate the symptom. Various diseases provoke peeling: psoriasis, dry or oily seborrhea. In some cases, local therapy will be effective (there are shampoos with antibiotics), but sometimes it is necessary to use special tablets for dandruff and itchy scalp. The drugs are ineffective when used independently; they only help in complex treatment.


For therapy to be successful, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of skin peeling and fight the underlying disease. A course of medications must be purchased taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. Treatment should be aimed at restoring the natural microflora if the appearance of dandruff is a consequence of a pathogenic fungus.
  2. It is necessary to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands if the cause of itching is seborrheic dermatitis. The tablets should boost the patient’s skin immunity.

How does dandruff remedy work?

Inexpensive anti-dandruff products available in pharmacies have a complex effect. The action of the drugs can be aimed at slowing down the proliferation of seborrheic fungus, stopping growth, enhancing the exfoliating effect and restoring nutrition to the scalp. Elimination of seborrheic fungus and destruction of its structure occurs due to the presence of sulfur, selenium disulfide, birch tar, climazone or ketoconazole in the composition of the products.


In addition, the tablets reduce the rate of cell formation due to zinc, which has a fungicidal and antiseptic effect. This stops hair loss and slows down the process of skin exfoliation. Components of pharmaceutical medications for dandruff and itching of the scalp reduce the number of “scales”. Nutrition of the scalp and hair is restored, beneficial substances relieve irritation, tighten pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the fungus is left without food.

Antifungal tablets

Antifungal tablets for dandruff and itchy scalp include many chemical compounds that have a specific effect on the activity of pathogenic fungi. Such drugs are divided into several groups. They differ in chemical structure and clinical use. There is a difference in activity, but most often patients suffering from dermatological diseases are prescribed broad-spectrum drugs.

When using tablets for dandruff and itchy scalp, you must follow the doctor’s instructions, dosage and dosage regimen, which is prescribed to each patient purely individually. This is especially true in cases where a child is undergoing treatment and the drugs must be taken orally. If the dosage is violated or a dose is missed, there is no need to double the dosage. Premature termination of therapy or disruption of the regimen increases the likelihood of relapse.

Nystatin tablets for itching and dandruff

The product is taken as part of additional therapy to medicinal shampoo. Two Nystatin tablets should be crushed and dissolved in a glass of hot water. Shake the liquid several times. The product is applied to the skin immediately after washing your hair, you need to do a light massage, and it is not necessary to wash off “Nystatin”. Tablets can be used for obvious manifestations of dandruff, and also as a preventive measure.


As noted in the reviews, after the first use there may be a slight increase in the number of “scales”, but they will be smaller and drier. There is no need to worry about this, because this is the natural process of exfoliation of the fungus. The use of Nystatin should be abandoned if this effect persists after two or three uses.

Nizoral: the most effective anti-dandruff remedy

Inexpensive anti-dandruff products at the pharmacy can also be effective, but it is better to give preference to quality medications in order to quickly get a positive result. Nizoral costs from 400 to 600 rubles, depending on the region and pharmacy chain. These tablets for dandruff and itchy scalp are considered the most effective; the drug is also available in the form of shampoo and cream. In tablet form it is recommended for severe symptoms.

The use of Nizoral anti-dandruff tablets will stop the development of complications and quickly improve the appearance of the scalp. A long-term noticeable effect occurs after one to three months of using the product. The medication has several side effects, which you should carefully read before using it.


From the central nervous system, headaches and dizziness, increased intracranial pressure, insomnia at night or drowsiness during the day are possible. When applied topically, itching, burning sensation and irritation at the site of application are sometimes observed. In rare cases, contact dermatitis occurs. From the digestive system, stool disorders, nausea and vomiting are possible, and hepatitis is rarely observed. Patients may experience decreased libido, irritability, and menstrual irregularities.

The dosage regimen is individually prescribed by the doctor. It is recommended to use the tablets until laboratory results indicate eradication of the pathogen. If you stop using Nizoral when there are visible improvements, but earlier than prescribed by the doctor, dandruff will reappear after some time.

“Miconazole” as part of complex therapy

The regimen for taking Miconazole is calculated on an individual basis. The action of the drug is aimed at treating seborrhea, strengthening the immune system, preventing peeling and suppressing the activity of fungi that cause dermatological diseases.

Ketoconazole tablets in the treatment of fungal diseases

When taken orally, the drug is effective against systemic and superficial mycoses (diseases caused by parasitic fungi). “Ketoconazole” is prescribed for fungal skin diseases, mycosis of the scalp, and prophylactically in case of reduced body resistance to pathogenic substances. Ketoconazole tablets for dandruff are taken once a day with meals. For adults, it is enough to take one tablet for two to eight weeks. After consulting with your doctor, you should additionally use shampoo with ketoconazole.


Local treatment of dandruff with drugs

Regular Aspirin can be used very successfully in the treatment of dandruff. This is one of the effective home recipes for treating flaky and itchy scalp. The main component of the tablets is salicylic acid, which is also found in many anti-dandruff shampoos. The benefit of the drug lies in its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

To prepare a product from tablets for topical treatment of dandruff, you must:

  1. Grind two Aspirin tablets to a powder;
  2. add to shampoo (preferably use medicated shampoo);
  3. apply to hair and leave for about two minutes;
  4. rinse with plenty of warm water;
  5. repeat the procedure every other day until the symptoms disappear.


Treatment with vitamin preparations

One of the common causes of dandruff is a lack of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial elements in the body. To keep hair healthy and beautiful, B vitamins are especially useful. Vitamin D is useful, which can be obtained directly from a natural source - sunlight. In clear weather, you need to go outside for 10-15 minutes. There are no contraindications (except for some kind of protection against overheating). This way the body can independently synthesize vitamin D in the required quantities.

Other important elements can be obtained from pork, vegetables, peanuts, fish and seafood, nuts, fish oil, fruits (especially avocados). You can use special vitamin preparations that contain the entire complex of useful substances. Powerful multivitamin products are “Aevit”, “Pantovigar”, “Complivit”, “Perfectil”, “Merz”. Treatment of dandruff and itchy scalp will be successful only if the body has enough vitamins, minerals and amino acids.


Patient reviews of various products

Many who have encountered the problem of dandruff leave reviews of tablets and home remedies that can help with this problem. Patients talk about the effectiveness of rinsing with Aspirin, the ease of use and effectiveness of medicated shampoos, and taking anti-dandruff tablets orally (“Nizoral”, they say, helps quickly, and the effect lasts a long time). For some, pharmaceutical products helped only after a course of fortification. In the reviews, patients agree that it is imperative to first consult with a doctor, and only then begin treatment. In addition, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage regimen and duration of therapy, not to end treatment as soon as the result appears, but to complete the full course to avoid relapses.