In case of a burn, it is necessary to cut off clothing with scissors.

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First aid for burns

When providing first aid for thermal In case of burns, it is necessary to stop exposure to temperature as quickly as possible, extinguish burning clothing and free the affected part of the body from smoldering clothing. Clothes adhering to the body are cut off with scissors; pieces of clothing adhering to the wound are not removed, but are left in place. Cutting or tearing bubbles is PROHIBITED.

For 1st and 2nd degree burns, cool the burned surface with a stream of running water for 15-20 minutes. To narrow blood vessels and prevent the formation of bubbles. A bandage moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate has the same effect; it “tans” the skin and also prevents the formation of blisters.

For 3rd and 1st degree burns to the maximum extended surface area

an antiseptic bandage is applied using sterile material, anti-shock measures are taken, the victim is given plenty of fluids and wrapped warmly. When transporting a victim to a medical facility, immobilization (immobility) is necessary.

If a significant part of the body surface is affected, the victim is wrapped in an ironed sheet and transported.

DO NOT lubricate burn areas with grease or sprinkle with powder.

The nature of first aid for chemical burns depends on what substance causes it.

At acidic burn (a dry dark brown or black scab appears) the affected surface is washed with plenty of water for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed with an alkaline solution (soapy water or a 3% solution of baking soda - 1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water) and apply an antiseptic bandage.

At alkaline burn (a wet gray-dirty scab appears) the affected surface is washed with plenty of water for 10-15 minutes, then treated with a 2% solution of acetic or citric acid and an antiseptic bandage is applied.

At quicklime burn the affected surface is treated with fat and an antiseptic bandage is applied. DO NOT rinse with water.

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This work is needed to test students' knowledge of medical training!!


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Test Burns Part No. 7 Performed by: Deputy Director for Safety of Lyceum No. 1 Urmanov Mikhail Yuryevich, VKK Komsomolsk-on-Amur 2013

7.1* Determine the sequence of first aid for a chemical burn with acid: A- give an anesthetic; B- rinse the skin with running water; B- remove clothing soaked with acid from a person; D- wash the damaged area with a weak solution of baking soda; D - deliver the victim to a medical facility. 7.2 Determine the sequence of first aid for a chemical burn with alkali: A - rinse the skin with running water; B- rinse the damaged area with a weak solution (1-2%) of acetic acid; B - remove clothes soaked in alkali; D- deliver the victim to a medical facility; D-give a painkiller.

7.3* In case of a burn, it is necessary to: A- remove the hot object from the surface of the body, cut off the clothing with scissors, apply cold to the damaged surface for 5-10 minutes, disinfect healthy skin around the burn, apply a sterile bandage to the burned surface and send the victim to a medical facility; B- remove the hot object from the surface of the body, cut off the clothing with scissors, lubricate the damaged surface with iodine and then oil, apply a sterile bandage and send the victim to a medical facility; B- remove the hot object from the surface of the body without cutting off the clothes with scissors, pour oil on the burned surface, apply a sterile bandage and send the victim to a medical facility.

7.4 In case of a third degree burn, immediately call an ambulance and: A – Pour water over the blisters; B – Give the victim plenty of fluid; B – Treat the skin with fat or brilliant green; 7.5* The fire victim has deep tissue damage (subcutaneous tissue, muscles, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, bones), his feet are partially charred, what is the degree of burn A- I B- II C- III a D- III b E - IV

7.6* Signs of heat stroke A - increased body temperature, chills, weakness, headache, dizziness, redness of the facial skin, a sharp increase in pulse and breathing, noticeable loss of appetite, nausea, profuse sweating; B - a decrease in body temperature, chills, weakness, headache, dizziness, redness of the facial skin, a sharp increase in heart rate and breathing, noticeable loss of appetite, nausea; B- increased body temperature, headache, redness of the facial skin, profuse sweating.

7.7* Causes contributing to frostbite A - low air humidity, hard physical work, warm clothing, forced prolonged exposure to the cold (skiers, climbers); B- high air humidity, strong wind, tight damp shoes, forced prolonged immobile position, prolonged exposure to the cold (skiers, climbers), alcohol intoxication; B - low ambient temperature, hard physical work, warm clothes, forced prolonged exposure to the cold (skiers, climbers).

7.8* In case of shallow frostbite of the ears, nose, cheeks A, rub them with snow until they turn red. Then wipe with 70% ethyl alcohol and lubricate with Vaseline oil or some kind of fat. B- they are rubbed with a warm hand or soft cloth until reddened. Then wipe with cold water and lubricate with Vaseline oil or some kind of fat. B- they are rubbed with a warm hand or soft cloth until reddened. Then wipe with 70% ethyl alcohol and lubricate with Vaseline oil or some kind of fat.

7.9 In case of heatstroke, it is necessary to A- undress the victim, lay him on his back with raised limbs and bowed head, put cold compresses on the head, neck, chest, give plenty of cold drinks; B- put the victim to bed, give tea, coffee; in severe cases, the victim should be placed on his back with his limbs lowered and his head raised; B- put the victim to bed, give cold drinks; in severe cases, the victim should be placed on his back with his limbs lowered and his head raised. 7.10 During heavy physical work in a room with high air temperature and humidity, A-sunstroke is possible; B- traumatic shock; B - traumatic toxicosis; G-heatstroke.

Answers: 7.1-B,B,D,A,D 7.2-B,A,B,D,D 7.3-A 7.4-B 7.5-D 7.6-A 7.7-B 7.8-B 7.9-A 7.10-G

Scores: “5”-10-9 points “4”-8-7 points “3”-6 points

a) remove the hot object from the surface of the body, cut off the clothing with scissors, apply cold to the damaged surface for 5-10 minutes, disinfect healthy skin around the burn, apply a sterile bandage to the burned surface and send the victim to a medical facility;

b) remove the hot object from the surface of the body, cut off the clothing with scissors, lubricate the damaged surface with iodine and then oil, apply a sterile bandage and send the victim to a medical facility;

c) remove the hot object from the surface of the body without cutting off the clothes with scissors, pour oil on the burnt surface, apply a sterile bandage and send the victim to a medical facility.

45. Any dressing begins with fixing moves. It means:

a) fixing the second round of the bandage to the third;

b) the second round of the bandage must be secured to the first with a pin or hairpin;

c) the first round must be secured by bending the tip of the bandage and secured with the second round.

46. ​​In case of an open fracture, first of all it is necessary:

a) give a pain reliever;

b) immobilize the limb in the position in which it was at the time of injury;

c) apply a sterile bandage to the wound in the area of ​​the fracture;

d) stop the bleeding.

47. While playing football, one of the team players fell on his hand. He developed severe pain, deformity, and abnormal mobility in his forearm. What first aid should you provide:

a) give an anesthetic, apply a pressure bandage and deliver to a medical facility;

b) give an anesthetic, bend the arm at a right angle at the elbow joint and immobilize it with a splint or improvised means and take it to a medical facility;

c) lubricate the injury site with iodine, give an anesthetic and take it to a medical facility.

48. As a result of the fall, the teenager developed nausea and vomiting, and coordination of movements was impaired. What is the sequence of actions to provide first aid:

a) give painkillers and take the teenager to the nearest clinic or hospital;

b) do a gastric lavage, give an enema, give sedatives;

c) ensure rest, apply a cold compress to the head, call an ambulance.

49. What is the sequence of first aid for tick bites:

a) wash your hands with soap, put a drop of oil, kerosene or Vaseline on the place where the tick was attached, remove the tick with tweezers by rocking from side to side, treat the bite site with alcohol and iodine, send the victim to a medical facility;

b) apply a drop of iodine to the place where the tick has attached itself, remove the tick with tweezers by gently shaking it from side to side, treat the bite site with alcohol and iodine;

c) wash your hands with soap, put a drop of oil, kerosene or Vaseline on the place where the tick was attached, and then treat with alcohol and iodine, send the victim to a medical facility.

50. In the text below, determine the correct actions when washing the stomach:

a) give the victim at least 2 glasses of boiled water or a weak solution of baking soda to drink and, irritating the root of the tongue with your fingers, induce vomiting;

b) give the victim at least 2 glasses of cold tap water to drink, pressing on the abdominal area, induce vomiting;

c) give the victim 2 glasses of vinegar essence to drink and, pressing on the neck area, induce vomiting.