The reason for the birth of twins and pregnancy of already pregnant women

The reason for this is the abundance of seeds and the fact that it is divided into two parts or more and enters both cavities of the uterus. Children who give birth to twins do not often remain unharmed. Rarely do many days pass between the conception of both twins; most often they come from the same copulation. Only in rare cases does copulation fertilize an already existing pregnancy, and if it fertilizes, then only full-bodied women with abundant hair and blood, for their ardor is great. These are women who sometimes see blood in themselves during pregnancy, but do not pay attention to it; Due to the great strength of their seed and the strength of the uterus, they do not miscarry during menstruation and with some opening of the mouth of the uterus. Sometimes they have periods several times during pregnancy - twice or more. But if pregnancy occurs in a woman who is not very strong, and who is pregnant only because the mouth of her uterus is dilated, and not due to the great strength of the uterus, then you can fear that the first baby is weak and will cause damage to the second. For strong people, secondary conception also causes fear that both babies will embarrass each other. Most often, this leads to fever, swelling of the face and illness, so that the woman miscarries one of the babies. Signs of having two or more twins, as said and tested, include the following: Examine the umbilical cord of the first newborn associated with the fetus, and if it is without wrinkles and without knots, then there is no more child except the first, and if it is with wrinkles, then there are as many babies as there are wrinkles.

Signs of approaching labor. When the time comes for a pregnant woman close to resolution, and she feels heaviness in the lower abdomen, under the navel, at the spine, pain in the groin area, heat in the abdomen and strong, palpable bloating and moisturizing at the mouth of the uterus, it means that labor has arrived; and when her bottom relaxes and her groins swell and the swelling in her groins intensifies, then the time between this and contractions is very close.

Signs of fetal weakness. The weakness of the fetus is indicated by the illness of its mother, the bowel movements occurring in her and, especially, the continuing flow of menstruation, which has passed beyond the limits of what is rare and meager or caused by excess nutrition. A sign of this is also the appearance of milk in the first month of pregnancy and its dripping when pressing on the breast. Another indication of fetal weakness is that the fetus does not move at all or does not move at the right time.

Signs of weakness in a newborn. If the fetus, when it is born, does not swell its navel and does not sneeze, does not move, and does not emit feces for some time, then it is weak and will not live.