Causes and treatment of multiple papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. General description of multiple papillomas
  2. What they look like
  3. Why do they appear?
  4. How to get rid of multiple papillomas
    1. Immunomodulatory drugs
    2. Cauterizing agents
    3. Traditional methods
    4. Removal of multiple papillomas

The appearance of multiple papillomas is not a very good sign, indicating possible problems with the immune system. They affect neither adults nor children and can even occur in infants. Such formations appear with equal frequency on the body or mucous membranes of both men and women. Their number varies from person to person, but when there is a large accumulation, these growths are more difficult to treat.

General description of multiple papillomas

The photo shows multiple papillomas

Multiple papillomas are benign formations on the body or mucous membranes of a person, which are small convex papillae or flat spots of beige, brown, pale pink.

We can talk about a multiple form when papillomas spread to other areas. Their favorite place to localize is the hands, although they are often found on the neck, back, legs and even on the face. In children, group growths can be observed on the knees.

In this case, there is a reason to diagnose the patient with papillomatosis. This disease is classified as dermatological, and its treatment is carried out by dermatologists, virologists, and immunologists.

Unlike single neoplasms, in the case of multiple papillomas, growths appear on the body en masse, and sometimes even form one large lesion. Outwardly, it may look like a psoriatic plaque, which can make it difficult to independently recognize the disease.

Numerous papillomas are a typical phenomenon in medical practice, but it is mainly characteristic of those who have been unsuccessfully fighting the main culprit of such formations for a long time - the papillomavirus. Among the patients, the majority are women, especially pregnant women, and children.

Note! Multiple papillomas, like single ones, consist of connective tissue, and when traumatized, for example, by scratching, they often begin to bleed.

What do multiple papillomas look like?

Externally, multiple papillomas can be recognized by the so-called clustering; they are located in groups and form one spot. It can range in color from beige to brown.

These new growths stand out against the background of the skin and immediately catch the eye. With a prolonged presence on the human body, growths are prone to further spread and growth.

At the very beginning, multiple papillomas are small, their diameter usually does not exceed 2 mm, but over time they can grow up to 10 mm.

Regardless of size, they almost always have a hard crust, which is why the growths resemble bumps and look vulgar.

What causes multiple papillomas?

The main cause of multiple papillomas is the lack of adequate treatment for the virus, which can cause their appearance. This may mean that a person’s immune system is weakened and the body is poorly protected, which is why it is unable to fight the infectious agent.

Infection with papillomavirus occurs in one of 3 ways:

  1. Contact and household. In this case, infection occurs by kissing, shaking hands, or using objects shared with the virus carrier - towels, toys, dishes, combs, etc. The closer the contact with the patient, the higher the risk of getting sick.
  2. Sexual. Infection is possible through sexual contact with a carrier of the virus in case of refusal of protective equipment. The likelihood of this, and therefore the occurrence of multiple papillomas on the skin, will be even higher if a person has weak immunity. The growths may appear after vaginal and oral intercourse.
  3. Generic. This mainly concerns children who, upon leaving the womb, have a high probability of becoming infected with the virus from their mother. Since their immunity is still very weak, the appearance of a large number of papillomas on the body will be very likely.
Important! Frequent infectious diseases, stressful situations, alcohol abuse, and prolonged use of medications, especially antibiotics, can cause multiple papillomas. They are dangerous for lovers of swimming pools, beaches, baths, and saunas.

How to get rid of multiple papillomas?

Since the appearance of a large number of such formations can be caused by activation of the virus, first of all you should think about taking immunomodulators and vitamin-mineral complexes. Then you can focus on the use of external agents for treating papillomas with the aim of drying and removing them.

Immunomodulatory drugs for multiple papillomas

  1. First of all, if you have multiple papillomas, you should strengthen your immunity, for which you can take a 2- or 4-week course Tonsilotren, taking 1 tablet 3 times a day half an hour before or after meals.
  2. As an equally effective analogue we can offer Hemofer in the form of a solution for oral administration. You need to drink it in a dosage of no more than 200 mg. The optimal duration of treatment is 2-3 months.
  3. Among other drugs intended to strengthen the immune system for multiple skin papillomas, a homeopathic remedy in liquid form is worthy of attention "Lymphomyosot", containing ethanol and biologically active plant components. The daily dosage is 10 ml, which must be dissolved in the same amount of water. A good analogue is Immunal and Echinacea Forte.
  4. In addition to everything, it won’t be superfluous to drink vitamins for a month - Duovit, Perfectil, Alphabet. All this can be replaced with dietary supplements “Doppelhertz Active”, Active SupraVit or “Pikovit”, the latter is intended for children.

1. Cauterizing agents for the treatment of multiple papillomas

  1. To remove multiple papillomas, cauterizing agents should be used to treat them 2-3 times a day. To do this, you must use sterile cotton wool, gauze or a sponge, which, unless otherwise indicated, is soaked in the composition and lubricated the skin. The minimum duration of treatment is 5 days.
  2. To cauterize growths on the body, you can use drug Solcoderm, sold in solution form and bottled in ampoules. It is applied to a surface previously cleaned with ethyl alcohol using a special applicator located in the package. An excellent alternative to Solcoderm is Duofilm (read the instructions for Duofilm for papillomas).
  3. Among the popular analogues that ensure the removal of multiple papillomas, it is worth taking a closer look at Super clean, available in liquid form. It is applied to the affected areas using the pipette included in the kit for 5 days, 2-3 times a day. Read about the beneficial properties of Supercleaner.
  4. An analogue of this cauterizing agent - Feresol, sold in a darkened glass bottle along with a pipette. It is advisable to apply it to steamed skin for 4-5 days in a row, 2 times a day. To process leather you will need a hard cotton pad.

2. Traditional methods of treating multiple papillomas

The simplest, cheapest and most convenient way is to lubricate the tumors with fresh juice of potatoes, lemon, onion. This should be done 2-3 times a week, for at least 7 days. For a more effective effect, you can apply compresses in the form of gauze soaked in one of these products. You need to keep them on the skin for about 15 minutes.

Among other recipes for removing multiple papillomas, you should pay close attention to the following:

  1. With dandelions. Whole or crushed, place them in a liter jar, filling it 1/3 full. Next, pour vodka into the container so that it reaches the very neck. Then close the jar with a lid and place it in a cool place for a week. It is advisable to cover it on top with a towel or blanket. With the finished composition, after filtering, you need to treat papillomas at least 2 times a day, for as long as needed.
  2. With egg. When raw, break it into a cup, whisk and soak an ear stick in it. Treat all multiple papillomas by lubricating them thoroughly for a few minutes. Carry out this procedure for about 7 days, if there are no results, you can continue it.
  3. With walnuts. When green, unripe, pour boiling water over them, dry and grind in a meat grinder along with the shell. Place the resulting slurry in a 3-liter jar and add purified kerosene to it so that it completely covers the nuts. Keep this remedy covered for 21 days and then strain it. Use the resulting liquid to lubricate papillomas on the body 3 times a day. The recommended duration of treatment for multiple human skin papillomas is 10 days.
Note! As a last resort, if the skin is not sensitive, you can treat the affected areas with apple cider vinegar.
  1. Read about treatment of papillomas with folk remedies

3. Operations and procedures for the removal of multiple papillomas

  1. This option is considered when the effectiveness of folk remedies and medications is low. First of all, here we can recommend cryodestruction, which involves exposing the growths to liquid nitrogen in order to freeze them and further remove them. There is no pain during the procedure, and it lasts about 15 minutes. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles in Russia (from 150 hryvnia in Ukraine).
  2. If liquid nitrogen is not suitable, you can always contact electrocoagulation, also a fairly safe procedure. But the basis for the removal of multiple papillomas in this case is the use of electric current of varying strength and frequency, which is directed to the neoplasms to warm them up. The price of electrocoagulation in Russia is 590 rubles, in Ukraine - 250 hryvnia. But its implementation does not guarantee that after this neoplasms will no longer appear.
  3. Quite popular is the use for the removal of multiple papillomas. laser, which helps to destroy the “root” of the growth and remove it painlessly, without blood and in one session lasting an average of 15 minutes. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles in Russia and 1300 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  1. Read also about the removal of vulgar papilloma
Surgical removal of multiple growths is practically ineffective, rather, even pointless. The use of a radio wave knife is also quite rarely practiced.

How to get rid of papillomas - watch the video:

Regardless of what the true causes of multiple papillomas are, the emphasis in treatment should be on strengthening the immune system and eliminating formations on the body using folk remedies or medications. Needless to say, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced physician.

  1. Read also about the drug for removing papillomas Solcoderm