The use of heparin ointment in cosmetology reviews

application of heparin ointment in KsQyLM.webp

Negative reviews

I’m sitting with a red face. I’m waiting……….for the wrinkles to disappear

Girls, I’m also sitting like a red cancer. I spread the cream on my wrinkles on my face. It’s one o’clock, I’d like to sleep at night, but I’m afraid it won’t pass. The children are shocked. They laugh at me. And I’m almost crying. Tell me, how long will this crap last?, excuse the expression

That’s just nonsense, but I didn’t refuse to try. I want to be beautiful, I almost burned my face.

horror red face everything is burning

I tried the ointment today. It's good that it's cheap - you don't mind throwing it away.

I have rosacea, I was hoping for help.

Horror - my face turned red, as if burned, and cucumber and sour cream are not helping yet.

I walk like the leader of the Redskins. Girls who have rosacea - don't take risks!

Well, it’s complete nonsense to use medicine as daily skin care. Does anyone really need to explain obvious things, that medicine cures? And wrinkles are not a disease. Moreover, now there are enough specialized products, without side effects, affordable and with the desired effect. For example, there is this Bioven cream. As far as I know, it was developed precisely on the basis of medicinal components. The same snake venom, but this is a targeted effect on wrinkles. Otherwise your medications will cure and cripple.

I made a big mistake by succumbing to positive reviews about using heparin ointment on my face! I wanted to check the effectiveness of its action on small blood vessels that appeared on the cheeks. I applied the ointment to my cheeks and rubbed it a little. A few minutes later the real horror began. At first my cheeks began to burn, then they became insanely red. Not knowing what kind of reaction this was, I began to wash everything off, cool it, and took an antihistamine. I struggled with terrible redness for about an hour.

Conclusion: I do not recommend this product as a strong one for the face.

Be careful with this ointment! I tried it and it’s terrible what happened to my face. Everything turned red and swollen. It turns out that this ointment is a strong allergen. It must be used for its intended purpose for the place for which it was made.

Heparin ointment hardly helped me against wrinkles - it smoothed out the fold between the eyebrows a little, but this was more of a self-hypnosis and massage. But she instantly dealt with the bruises that arose after a couple of sleepless nights.

Everything is correct - the face turns red. Don't be afraid, you are unlikely to do this 3 times a day. You especially shouldn’t do this in the morning, because you’ll be red for the whole hour. Blood rushes to the skin and then this redness goes away. I only do this mask in the evening, an hour before bed. When the redness goes away, I apply the rich cream for another 15 minutes, then wash everything off thoroughly with laundry soap, but I have an oily skin type. Therefore, I don’t know how everything will work for you. But the effect is very impressive. I injected hellarion and the effect is no worse.

Heparin ointment is a good, time-tested thing. Usually it is applied to bruises so that they go away faster, bruises so that they dissolve faster. They also remove “stars” from varicose veins and treat hemorrhoids. In general, the instructions write quite a lot about the problems that heparin can solve.

But not a word about one of its properties. I mean that, in addition to its direct purpose, many women also use this ointment for cosmetic purposes. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. It increases blood circulation and relieves swelling. And when blood circulation is good, the skin on your face looks fresher.

A friend told me about this use of heparin ointment. She used it to remove dark circles under her eyes. I also smeared it on my face. At first I did not dare to follow her example, but since this woman looks great, I finally could not stand it and began to smear heparin ointment on my face. First, however, I checked to see if there was an allergy and applied it to my wrist. But I didn’t have any irritation from it before when I applied it to bruises.

From my own experience, I can say that if you apply heparin 2 times a day to the face and area around the eyes, it really helps you look better. That is, it relieves puffiness, and also improves blood supply and nutrition to the skin, so wrinkles on it become less noticeable.

We, girls and women, constantly strive to look great. It’s not for nothing that they say that we are the beautiful half of humanity. This statement must be supported. But sometimes the desire to look great is so strong that the mind turns off and we only harm our health.

Personally, this happened to me once, so now before I use something on myself or take it internally, I will think a hundred times.

This review will focus on Heparin ointment, with which I tried to remove wrinkles under the eyes. I want to tell you how it ended and whether there was any effect.

In fact, heparin ointment is quite effective, so I always have it in my medicine cabinet. But what is it intended for, and in what area would it be appropriate to use it?

Heparin ointment contains heparin, which is the main active ingredient. It is this component that is aimed at reducing the inflammatory process, relieving swelling and pain. Heparin has an antithrombotic effect, which is why it is used against blood clots and inflammation of the veins in the legs.

This ointment also contains a component that dilates blood vessels and helps the heparin ointment to better penetrate the skin and carry out its healing process.

In order for the ointment to have an analgesic effect, it contains a component such as Anestezin. It acts quite quickly and is an excellent pain reliever.

This ointment is used only externally, mainly in cases of problems with veins. This may be a blockage of the vein, or after taking intravenous injections, when a tubercle appears, inflammation of the vein. And of course, the ointment is applied to the legs for varicose veins. This is the direct purpose of this ointment.

But the girls came up with the idea that the ointment perfectly helps to cope with wrinkles on the face, namely in the area under the eyes. This myth continues to circulate on the Internet. I don’t know who writes laudatory reviews about the ointment in this particular direction.

Exactly, I can’t say anything good, since the ointment is not intended at all to remove wrinkles, and it should not be used in this industry. In this case, the ointment can only do harm.

The skin under the eyes is very delicate, so even many creams are contraindicated for application under the eyes. And what can we say about the ointment, which dilates the blood vessels and penetrates the skin, providing pain relief. These are not the effects that are needed to remove wrinkles.

I still took the risk of applying the ointment under my eyes. Luckily I didn’t apply a lot of product at all. Immediately I felt my skin begin to pinch a little and even burn. After this, irritation and redness began. I realized that something was going wrong, so I immediately went to wash my face to wash off the ointment. But everything was not so easy. The ointment did not want to wash off and the redness did not go away. I just had to endure it until this effect wore off. This lasted for 15-20 minutes, then gradually the reaction went away. I anointed the area under my eyes with baby cream to remove redness. The next morning everything went away, to my great happiness. I didn’t try to apply Heparin ointment under my eyes again, since once was enough.

I will not recommend ointment to remove wrinkles. Because in this way you can only harm yourself, and after that it will take a long and tedious time to sort out the consequences. In order to remove wrinkles, you just need to choose a good cream or facial serum that will moisturize the skin well. But I would not recommend using improvised means, ointments, and so on.

I hope my review will be useful to you and you will not make my mistakes. Thank you for your attention, and all the best to you.

The price of Heparin ointment is not high.

Hello.. I read on VKontakte about heparin ointment, applied it.. after 20 seconds it started to burn, washed it off.. a day later the skin around the eyes peeled off.. don’t do this, it’s very painful, the skin is like parchment, colleagues are twisting it at the temple, I’m in I’m shocked, and soon NG.. I’m a fool, I’m a fool, I’m 32, no one gave me more than 24, now my eyes are all 37..

And I believe that each medicine has its place. For varicose veins with hemorrhoids - one thing, for wrinkles - completely different! After all, the face is our calling card. It is unknown how the skin will react to such “treatment”. The costs, time and material, for its restoration may be incomparably greater than for the purchase of a branded firming night cream.

Neutral reviews

Many women are primarily interested in the effectiveness of heparin ointment for wrinkles. Most consumer reviews confirm the unique anti-aging effect of this inexpensive product. Women note that after using heparin ointment, small facial wrinkles, swelling and dark circles under the eyes disappear. However, it is worth remembering that only a specialist can give a correct assessment of the effectiveness of the product. If you pay attention to the composition and mechanisms of action of the components of the ointment, you can understand that the drug cannot affect the regeneration processes of dermal cells in any way. The ointment really accelerates microcirculation, improves metabolic processes in tissues and has a very slight effect on the tone of the skin. Therefore, the drug will not completely cope with wrinkles under the eyes.

Also, the drug has a relatively short-term therapeutic effect, and its use on an ongoing basis is not recommended. In this regard, we can only say that consumers must decide for themselves which reviews about heparin ointment for wrinkles to believe - those left by experts, or those written by those who have tried this ointment on themselves. –

I also have a problem with dark circles under my eyes. I'm tired of endless purchases of correctors and concealers. I’m 22 years old, and with bruises I’m still 30.. I bought heparin ointment today. I read that it causes redness and burning. I decided not to risk it and smeared a little on my cheek, it burned, it turned red... I washed it off. I'm waiting for it to pass to see what happens. and after that I’ll think about whether to apply it under my eyes or not..

Heparin ointment NIZHFARM - Sometimes causes allergies

I've always used this ointment before. Yesterday I smeared it - everything is ok. Today I applied it and everything turned red and burned. I do not know what to do. I sit and wait.

I have used hepaarin ointment more than once; it has helped me a lot to get rid of fine wrinkles and dark circles and bags under the eyes. Heparin helps the skin relax, thereby enhancing metabolic processes in cells.

Using a cotton pad, I carefully apply heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes and rub it into the skin with light circular movements. It is best to do this in the morning and evening.

Recently, it has become fashionable to use medicine and ointments in cosmetology.

There was a time when I very often used heparin ointment to eliminate wrinkles. I guess I got too carried away, because I began to experience side effects in the form of prolonged periods and frequent colds. At first I didn’t connect this with the use of the ointment, but then the therapist asked me if I was taking blood thinners. It turned out that heparin ointment has a strong effect on blood viscosity, so people with normal or low viscosity should not get carried away with heparin ointment.

Positive reviews

I use it for swelling, rarely, but effectively, my face tingles at first, then it goes away, I apply it with my fingertips, without wiping, by patting, and most importantly, without fanaticism, I’m satisfied with the result. Yes, in the summer, only when necessary in a very peaceful amount, and only at the site of swelling. It can be done preventatively so that there are no surprises

Before applying the ointment to your face. You need to do a test for an allergic reaction. A slight redness and tingling is acceptable for this product. It does not last for a long time, about 3 minutes. If it is longer and swollen. You no longer need this drug in cosmetics. This is an allergic reaction. I I personally have been using it for more than a year. Everything is great for me. I won’t say that it’s great for wrinkles, but it helps with dry skin.

I use. The face burns, but not for long. The result is beautiful, well-groomed skin. No one is forcing anyone to do it too much; if funds allow, you can purchase more expensive creams. Heprin ointment suits me personally, just what I need.

I’ve been using it for more than two weeks. I apply the ointment under the eyes and on the cheeks. At first there was a slight burning sensation, now there’s nothing. But there are fewer wrinkles and there is no more rosacea.

I am already 70 years old, but even in these years I want to look good. I tried heparin ointment around the eyes. I used it for three weeks. The result is wonderful. There are no negative actions. The skin tightened and fine wrinkles disappeared. I am pleased.

  1. low cost
  2. improves skin condition
  3. economical
  1. incompatible with salon procedures

After reading the reviews on the recommendation, I decided to buy an ointment to get rid of the dark circles under my eyes, which have tormented me since childhood, despite any recommendations such as sleeping longer, treating my kidneys, etc.

I’ve been applying it to the area around my eyes for about two weeks before going to bed, and I’ve been taking half a pea-sized amount of ointment. The skin turns red, a tingling sensation is felt, and in the morning everything goes away.

I’ll say right away that the effect for my bruises is noticeable only to me, but it is there, they have brightened a little, but another effect is much more pleasing - the skin around the eyes has become more elastic, facial wrinkles are almost invisible, due to which the look is more rested, even with my bruises .

Considering the low cost of the ointment, I recommend that anyone who has similar problems try it and report back on its effect!

This is some kind of miracle! I’ve been using heparin ointment mixed with my cream for the area around the eyes for a week now (I took the ointment to the cream 1:3), small expression lines have become less noticeable! True, I don’t go above the lower eye bone - it immediately starts to burn there, I washed it off right away.

My age has already passed my fifties, so wrinkles have become very noticeable, especially on my face. I tried everything to combat them (masks, creams, etc.), but none of them turned out to be effective enough. A friend of mine once shared with me her “recipe for youth.” She will soon be sixty years old, but her skin is tight and there are practically no wrinkles. He admitted that he regularly uses heparin ointment and that it is the only thing that “saves” her from aging. Without thinking twice, I tried this method myself, and was very pleased! The skin really looked fresher and more toned. Within a two-week course, wrinkles decreased.

I mixed heparin ointment with my eye cream (1:3) and applied it as usual, morning and evening. Within a week, the fine wrinkles had practically disappeared.

I want to share a discovery I made.

To make it clear, I’ll start from the beginning!!

We have a friend who is a gynecologist, she is already half a size, and her skin, the oval of her face are almost like a girl’s!! My mother asked her what she uses, she answered that there is an ointment called “heparin ointment” and says that she smears it on her face all the time and the result is like this, plus she says that this ointment contains only natural substances and there are allergies and overdoses can’t and that they get them from calves, please!! imagine!

Our family has a lot of familiar doctors, candidates of medical sciences working at the military medical academy, and so on and so forth, in general you can trust + my mother asked two cosmetologists and they also said that there is such a thing as heparin applications and that in general this is a good thing.

So, I read the annotation, it says against the formation of blood clots, for resorption, improvement of blood circulation. And I remember that my friend (she’s 25) just complained to me about rosacea, I think I’ll give her some advice. AND CAN YOU IMAGINE ALREADY ON THE THIRD DAY OF USE SHE HAD SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENTS, AND HER MOTHER, WHO ALSO SUFFERED WITH COUPEROSIS, ALSO PRAISEED IT!

So anyone who has a problem with rosacea, try this ointment, it’s inexpensive and available in all pharmacies!

In each of us lives a tireless experimenter, a natural scientist and, if you like, an alchemist. We can’t get enough of homemade ice from the freezer, cucumber water, anti-aging creams from the store and treatments from a trusted cosmetologist.

Having gathered with friends for a bachelorette party, in a secluded corner at a corporate party or on an online forum, we absorb recipes, listening to someone’s story like: “I haven’t tried it myself, but I have one friend who doesn’t go to salons, she’s 45, and no one is over 30.” does not give". After an envious sigh, it turns out that the lucky young woman is simply taking advantage of... what do you think?

  1. potassium permanganate, oil solution of vitamins, damp newspaper, urea fertilizer - underline what is necessary.

Heparin ointment for wrinkles

Let's look at just one example of non-standard rejuvenation: the use of heparin ointment for wrinkles. It's time to think:

  1. why inject beauty injections, follow proper nutrition and sleep, use expensive cream,

If it is possible to simply, in one fell swoop, solve the problem of wrinkles?

The first path involves discipline, giving up pleasures in the form of desserts, and finally, saving for the sake of an expensive procedure.

And the second one promises to get everything inexpensively and effortlessly. Experience tells the most sensible people that in the case of beauty, freebies are very rare. For the rest, let's take a closer look.

Application in medicine

Heparin ointment is a remedy for thrombophlebitis. It is intended to alleviate the condition of those who suffer from blood clots and inflammation in the veins of the lower extremities.

The main active ingredients of the drug are heparin and benzocaine.

  1. The first helps to thin the blood and dissolve blood clots. The second is an anesthetic, whose job is to fight pain. The auxiliary substance is benzyl nicotinate, which dilates blood vessels and promotes the absorption of heparin.

When used systematically, the ointment promotes

  1. resorption of blood clots, prevents the formation of new seals, relieves inflammation, eliminates pain.

This is an unremarkable looking and smelling inexpensive product that doctors recommend using for

  1. thrombophlebitis, bruises and contusions, some hemorrhoidal manifestations and inflammation.

And the resourcefulness of ladies prone to adventurism tells them another reason for its appearance on the shelf - wrinkles and swelling on the face, especially on the delicate skin around the eyes.

Other articles on “Cosmetology for Dummies”:

How to fight acne with salicylic acid?

How to choose a BB cream, read here.

Common sense arguments

FirstWhat you should remember is that the base of all ointments is a comedogenic agent. That is, when regularly applied to delicate skin, it causes clogging of pores and the appearance of blackheads - comedones.

The second reason think about the possibility of rosacea. By making the walls of blood vessels more fragile and permeable, the ointment can lead to the appearance of rosacea or an exacerbation of a condition to which there is already a tendency.

Third reason for thought - anatomy. Bags under the eyes (aka hernias, protrusions) consist of fat, which can only be removed surgically.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Need I say how experts feel about questions about a panacea that makes their work and the purchase of, albeit adequate, but expensive means unnecessary?

There are no miracles from budget funds, then everyone would use them. However, people do injections, use fillers and peels.

Opinions of those who have tested the product

Let's leave positive reviews, it's good if they are true. Let's look at the negative experience of how the use of heparin ointment as an anti-aging agent can end

  1. transition of minor rosacea to the acute phase; dryness and flaking in the most delicate and sensitive places - under the eyes; allergy to the components of the product, manifested by swelling and redness; the appearance of comedones.

Each of these consequences will require treatment, which may be lengthy and expensive.

My personal negative experience

After installing mesothreads under the eyes, bruises formed. Knowing that heparin is an excellent remedy that resolves these troubles, I decided to use it as a quick way to restore the skin. Used it three times a day. It stings very much, which is normal - the effect of nicotinic acid on the nerve receptors of the skin.

Yes, the bruises and swelling went away much faster than without it. But suddenly a side effect appeared: the skin turned into chewed paper with a fine network of wrinkles - a repulsive sight.

It is not clear what this is connected with, whether my dry skin reacted this way to glycerin (can dry out the skin), which is included in the composition, or whether the ointment, in principle, cannot be used on thin skin under the eyes, where there is not enough moisture, or some other the components have such a negative effect.

I know for sure that this effect is not observed on oily skin, because my friend’s bruises under her eyes went away quickly after a similar procedure using heparin, and there was no “skinnyness” observed. The skin had to be restored with Radevit ointment and a rich cream that retains moisture in the skin, fortunately the reaction turned out to be reversible and within a week everything returned to its original state.

Drawing conclusions

Common sense is the best advisor in any area, especially when it comes to your own appearance. Let the heels of each of us, who go for a miracle beauty product where it is not supposed to be sold, get stuck in his arguments.

Let's not waste time looking for our own panacea, but spend it usefully - in the fresh air and with a suitable face cream at a cost that we can really afford - sunscreen, moisturizer, anti-aging.

Heparin ointment for wrinkles - a new property of an old drug or another pseudo-sensation? Cosmetologists are indignant. Women with modest incomes are delighted - do they finally have the opportunity to get rid of wrinkles without spending extra money?! But is it? Let's try to figure it out!

Heparin ointment in facial cosmetology, reviews from victims

Heparin ointment is a complex drug that improves the condition of the skin, thins the blood, rejuvenates and heals the skin.

This product has received mixed reviews from cosmetologists and their patients.

Diana: “After listening to a colleague’s stories about how she smears the wrinkles on her forehead with heparin ointment every day and how they immediately smooth out, I decided to try it myself. I applied just a little bit, and after half a minute my forehead became a vibrant crimson color! I run to wash it off - it doesn’t help. And, as luck would have it, Suprastin ended, and the time was 4 o’clock in the morning. In general, I began to wait to see what would happen next (it didn’t burn much, by the way). After an hour and a half, the redness gradually faded and the burning stopped. I didn’t dare try another experiment.”

Veronica: “After four sleepless nights spent in the hospital with my grandfather (he had a stroke), I began to look like an exhausted panda. The black circles under my eyes were the size of a tea saucer, how could I go to work like this? One of the nurses advised me to apply heparin ointment on them - by the morning, she says, you will be as good as new! She brought it herself and, as is usual with them, applied it herself, without listening to my objections. How hot it was. I thought my skin would peel off in this place! I was afraid to go to the mirror! The next morning, in fact, the unpleasant sensations disappeared, and not a trace remained of the swelling and blackness under the eyes. But I won’t do it again.”

Asya: “Once I tried to remove crow’s feet in the corners of my eyes using heparin ointment. It would be better not to try. It burned very badly, the skin became dry and wrinkled, as if a cat had chewed it. Over time, however, it returned to its original state, but it took more than a month of effort and kilometers of wasted nerves.”

Video: Heparin Ointment for FACIAL REJUVENATION by 10–15 years after Several Procedures! SAY “NO” TO WRINKLES

Reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists, while paying tribute to the healing properties of heparin ointment, usually have a negative attitude towards the use of this product for cosmetic purposes.

Christina: “Don’t try to save money on your appearance. Heparin ointment is a good remedy for bruises, but you still shouldn’t try to get rid of wrinkles with it.”

Alina: “If heparin ointment really smoothed the skin and improved complexion, there would be no peelings, fillers, or botulinum toxin injections. In fact, this remedy can only help remove a black eye.”

Oleg: “The effect of using heparin ointment in the form of skin irritation seems very doubtful to me. If you want to achieve a truly noticeable result, contact a professional cosmetologist and use cosmetics, not cheap ointment for varicose veins.”

Video: HEPARIN ointment for bruises and bags under the eyes. Heparin OINTMENT for the face.

Instructions for use for the face against wrinkles

Before using heparin ointment to smooth out wrinkles, you need to make sure your body’s reaction to the components included in this product.

Apply a small amount of the drug to the skin in the forearm or hand area and monitor the condition of the skin. Redness, rash, severe itching and other discomfort are a direct contraindication to the use of the ointment. If, apart from the feeling of a slight short-term heat, there was no reaction from the body, you can safely use it for cosmetic purposes.

It should be noted that heparin ointment is perfectly combined with many pharmaceutical products, as well as skincare cosmetics. For example, use heparin ointment in the morning and moisturizer before bed.

Pay attention to how the ointment is applied:

lightly tap under the eyes using the pads of the middle and ring fingers;

Distribute onto facial skin along massage lines, gently rubbing.

Use a minimal amount of heparin ointment, applying it in a thin layer twice a day. The less the drug is on your skin, the lower the likelihood of a negative reaction from the body.

Folk recipes

Despite the fact that heparin ointment is a pharmaceutical drug, it has managed to become a truly folk remedy for wrinkles. It is used not only in its pure form, but also in combination with some cosmetic preparations.

Recipe 1 (with anti-aging cream)

For 1 dessert spoon of your regular anti-aging cream, take just a little bit of heparin ointment: no more than a pea. Mix these ingredients and lightly rub the resulting mass into your face. After 15 minutes, remove the remaining cream with a paper napkin.

According to this recipe, heparin ointment is used for a week, then a week break is taken, after which the course of treatment is repeated.

Recipe 2 (for dark circles around the eyes)

Treat the skin of the upper and lower eyelids with any alcohol-free lotion and apply a very thin layer of heparin ointment to them. Half an hour later, carefully wash off the ointment using a cotton pad moistened with warm water.

The procedure is carried out at night for 2-3 weeks.

Recipe 3

Squeeze out heparin ointment - no larger than a pea - into an earthenware bowl. Mix with 1 drop of peach or grape seed oil and apply to wrinkled areas under the eyes. 5-10 minutes later, wash everything off.

Carry out this procedure 2 times a week.

All these recipes have been tested several times and gave excellent results.

Video: Heparin ointment for wrinkles. Effective facial rejuvenation for pennies.

The average cost of heparin ointment in Russia ranges from 35 to 60 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

What to do if your face is red

Occasionally, during treatment with heparin ointment, a negative reaction from the body may occur, expressed in the form of redness and severe burning. In this case, use of the drug should be stopped immediately, washed off with a soft sponge and laundry soap (it best cleanses the skin of ointment residues), and then rinsed thoroughly with plenty of cool water. Products containing alcohol are not used to neutralize the effect of the ointment!

If after 4-6 hours the discomfort and redness have not decreased, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

How to relieve redness from heparin ointment

Redness that occurs during the use of heparin ointment can be relieved by taking tableted antihistamines, as well as local agents - for example, decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, string, calendula).

In the case of a severe allergic reaction, it may be necessary to use desensitizing drugs in the form of injections and glucocorticoids.

The best ointment for wrinkles under the eyes

Using heparin ointment, you can quickly get rid of wrinkles under the eyes. For this, a so-called heparin compress is used.

Cut a cotton pad in half, apply a thin layer of heparin ointment to each half, apply to the skin under the eyes and hold for 15 to 20 minutes.

Continue treatment for a week, then take a 30-day break and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. It is not recommended to use the drug without interruption, as this can cause increased swelling, irritation and allergies.

Contraindications to heparin ointment for use on the face

Heparin ointment, like all medications, has a number of contraindications for use. Fortunately, there are few of them, and they do not affect everyone.

This remedy is contraindicated if a person has:

  1. low platelet count;
  2. decreased blood clotting;
  3. allergy to the components of heparin ointment;
  4. open wounds on the face;
  5. purulent processes.

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  1. while taking blood thinners and vasodilators;
  2. if you are taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. if you are undergoing treatment with antibacterial drugs;
  4. during pregnancy and lactation;
  5. during menstruation;
  6. with rosacea.

In addition, you should pay attention to the side effects of this drug: itching, urticaria and dermatitis. If you encounter one of these phenomena while using heparin ointment, immediately wash off the drug with plenty of water and soap and stop using it in the future.


If heparin ointment causes you an allergic reaction, using it is dangerous for your health. In this case, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist about replacing this drug with a similar one.

You can replace heparin ointment with one of the following:

Before using one of these products, be sure to check if you have an allergic reaction to them either. If the test is positive, it is recommended to refrain from using these drugs.

When choosing heparin ointment as a cosmetic product for wrinkles, do not overdo it! After using it for a week, be sure to take a break, then this product will really benefit you.