Signs detected by stool

Signs can be determined by the amount of feces, that is, by whether it is less than, or greater than, or equal to what was eaten. It is known that excess feces is caused by a large amount of juices, and a small amount of it is caused by a small amount of juices or greater retention in the cecum and in the colon, or in the ileum. Such a delay is the onset of kulanj and indicates the weakness of the expelling force.

Signs can also be determined by the consistency of the stool: wet stool indicates a blockage or poor digestion of food, or weakness of small veins that do not suck out moisture. Wet stool can be caused by discharge from the head or by eating things that moisten the stool. Wet, sticky stool indicates the presence of melting, and then it is offensive; and sometimes it indicates a lot of sticky and bad juices, but then the stool will not be too offensive. Sometimes such feces indicate a significant amount of sticky food eaten in a very warm environment; under these two conditions, digestion will not occur.

Foamy stool occurs when there is boiling from intense heat or when a large amount of wind mixes with it.

As for dry feces, this indicates fatigue and dissolution, or copious discharge of urine, or fiery heat, or dryness of food, or prolonged residence of feces in the intestine, which we will talk about in its place.

If hard and dry feces are released mixed with moisture, then the reason for its dryness is its retention in the liquid, which prevents its release, and the absence of caustic bile, which accelerates the release of feces.

If the feces are not retained in the liquid and there are no signs of moisture in the intestines, then the reason for the release of dry feces is the influx of caviar-like burning excess from the liver into the intestines adjacent to it; this excess does not allow feces to mix with moisture and accelerates its exit.

Signs are also determined by the color of the stool. The natural color of stool is fiery yellow, and if its color is darker, this indicates an excess of bile, and in the case of a pale color, it indicates its immaturity.

The cause of white stool is a blockage of the bile duct, which is a sign of jaundice. If white pus is mixed with white feces, which has the smell of ordinary pus, then this indicates a leak of abscesses.

If the feces of a healthy person who leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not engage in physical exercise is excreted along with ichor and pus, then this indicates that it is being cleansed and getting rid of the flabbiness caused by the lack of physical exercise, which we already mentioned when talking about urine .

Know that excessively bright coloring of stool at the end of the disease mostly indicates its maturity, and also often indicates a worsening of the disease.

The signs detected by black stool are the same as those detected by black urine. Such feces indicate the presence of strong burning, or the full development of black bile disease, or the consumption of dyes in food, or the intake of such drinks that remove black bile from the body. The first of them is a bad sign. To judge the formation of feces from black bile alone, the black color of the feces is not enough, but it must also be sour, astringent and boil on the ground. The presence of these qualities is a bad sign, be it feces or vomit. One of the properties of such feces is shine. In short, the secretion of pure black gall juice is destructive, that is, it is a sign of death.

As for black chyme, it is released quite often. But the release of basic black juice indicates excessive burning of the body and the disappearance of moisture in it.

Green, as well as dull green stool indicates the extinction of innate warmth.

Signs are also determined by the condition of the stool, which can be thin or swollen. Stool swollen like cattle dung indicates the presence of wind in it.

Signs are also determined by the time of stool excretion. If feces are released quickly and earlier than usual, then this is a bad sign, indicating a lot of bile and weak holding power. If its secretion is delayed, this indicates weakness of digestion, coldness of the intestines and an abundance of moisture.

The sound of feces is a sign of the presence of a blowing wind.

The best is considered to be crumpled feces, the particles of which are homogeneous and in which there are watery and dry particles, well mixed, and in thickness it resembles honey. Such feces come out easily, do not burn, have a yellowish color and a not too foul odor, and also do not rumble or foam when excreted. In addition, it is released at normal times and the amount is close to the amount eaten.

Know that not every homogeneous and smooth feces is a good sign, because this comes not only from the good maturity of the feces and the uniformity of its particles, but sometimes from burning and complete melting in the body. In such cases, those two qualities of stool are among the bad signs.

Know that stool of moderate consistency can be runny, but it is considered good if it does not rumble when released and is not mixed with the wind, and is not released intermittently and little by little. Otherwise it must be mixed with ichor, which disturbs it and prevents it from gathering. That's all.

Signs determined by sweat and other things also deserve attention. However, the discussion about them is more related to the discussion about private diseases, so you will find in the Book on Private Diseases the best explanation of everything that concerns feces, urine and other things.