Slit Lamp

The Slit Lamp is a special lamp that produces a narrow, directional beam of light. It is used in medicine together with a slit lamp - a special microscope for examining the eye.

The principle of operation of the slit lamp is based on the fact that it can be used to illuminate only a thin section of the area under study, for example, the cornea or lens of the eye. This allows you to see in detail the smallest structures inside the eye that cannot be seen under normal lighting.

Structurally, the slit lamp consists of a light source and a system of diaphragms that form a thin beam. The source most often used is a halogen incandescent lamp with a power of 5 to 20 W. The aperture system allows you to adjust the beam width, intensity and focus.

The slit lamp is widely used by ophthalmologists for the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, conjunctivitis and others. It allows you to accurately assess the condition of the cornea, iris, lens and vitreous body. Therefore, the slit lamp is one of the most important tools in the arsenal of an ophthalmologist.

A slit lamp is a special device that is used to examine eye structures. It produces a narrow beam of light that can be directed to a specific area of ​​the eye. A slit lamp is used together with a special microscope, which allows you to magnify the object under study several times.

The slit lamp is used to examine small structures such as the cornea, lens, pupil and retina. It allows you to see the smallest changes in these structures, which may be associated with various eye diseases.

A slit lamp examination can help determine the presence of various diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal dystrophy and others. In addition, the slit lamp can be used to diagnose various vision disorders such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

The use of a slit lamp is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. It helps doctors get a more complete picture of the eye's condition and make the right decisions about further treatment.

The Shchlev lamp (Slit lamp) is a specialized lighting device that is used in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. The operation of the lamp is based on light rays that are directed at the object under study at a narrow angle, which allows you to obtain a clear image of small details and structures inside the eye, such as the retina, pupil, and lens.

The Shchlev lamp is widely used in various ophthalmological procedures, including the diagnosis and treatment of cataracts, myopia, glaucoma and other pathologies. With its help, you can determine the shape, size and condition of the retina, examine the pupils, evaluate the transparency of the lens and the presence of opacities, perform microsurgical interventions on the eyes, etc.

In addition, the Shchlev lamp has high reliability and durability. It is an indispensable tool in the work of ophthalmologists, surgeons and other practitioners involved in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

A slit lamp is a medical device designed for examining and diagnosing the eyeball and its internal membranes. It allows you to see the retina, iris and other parts of the eye at a magnification of tens and hundreds of times. The slit lamp can be used in ophthalmologists' offices, in scientific institutes and in mobile units for emergency diagnosis of corneal injuries.