Hemorrhage at the Base of the Nails (Splinter Haemorrhage)

Hemorrhage at the Base of the Nails, also known as Splinter Haemorrhage, is a condition in which bleeding occurs under the nails. This condition usually occurs as a result of trauma, but can also be caused by subacute bacterial endocarditis or severe rheumatoid arthritis.

Hemorrhage at the Base of the Nails appears as a thin red stripe that runs along the nail plate. This condition can be painful and cause discomfort when touched.

Trauma is the most common cause of Bleeding at the Base of the Nails. It can occur as a result of a blow to the nail or strong pressure on the fingers or toes. In addition, damage to the nails can be caused by wearing shoes that fit the foot too tightly.

Subacute bacterial endocarditis can also cause hemorrhage at the base of the nails. This is a condition where bacteria infects the lining of the heart. Hemorrhage in this case is the result of blood circulation, which may be impaired due to infection.

Severe rheumatoid arthritis can also cause bleeding at the base of the nails. This is a condition in which the immune system attacks the joints, causing inflammation. If the inflammation spreads to the nails, it can lead to hemorrhage.

Treatment for Bleeding at the Base of the Nails depends on its cause. In most cases, if the bleeding is caused by an injury, it will go away on its own within a few days or weeks. However, if the cause is subacute bacterial endocarditis or rheumatoid arthritis, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.

If you notice bleeding at the base of your nails, consult your doctor. If the condition is not caused by injury and does not go away over time, further research must be carried out to identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Bleeding at the Base of the Nails can be uncomfortable and cause concern, but in most cases it is not a serious condition and will go away on its own. However, if you notice Bleeding at the Base of the Nails, consult a doctor to determine the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment, if necessary.

Hemorrhage at the Base of the Nails (Splinter Haemorrhage): Causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhage at the base of the nails, also known as splinter haemorrhage, is a condition in which blood accumulates under the nail, forming a thin streak of hemorrhage that resembles a splinter. This condition usually occurs as a result of trauma, but can sometimes be caused by subacute bacterial endocarditis or severe rheumatoid arthritis.

Bleeding at the base of the nails occurs due to damage to the small capillaries that are located under the nail. Trauma, such as a blow or squeezing of a finger, can cause capillaries to rupture and lead to hemorrhage. Subacute bacterial endocarditis, an infection of the heart, and rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory joint disease, can cause vascular inflammation and increased capillary fragility, which in turn can lead to hemorrhages under the nails.

The main symptom of hemorrhage at the base of the nails is the appearance of a dark stripe under the nail. Often this line appears as a thin line, resembling a splinter, and can be red, brown or black. The strip itself does not cause pain and is usually not accompanied by swelling or inflammation.

If bleeding at the base of the nails is caused by injury, it usually goes away on its own as the nail grows. However, if the cause is subacute bacterial endocarditis or rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to see a doctor to diagnose and treat the underlying condition.

Treatment for hemorrhage at the base of the nails directly depends on its cause. In case of injury, self-medication measures such as applying a cold compress to the injured nail and limiting physical activity are recommended to prevent further damage to the nail. If you have other symptoms or suspect subacute bacterial endocarditis or rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor may order additional tests and suggest appropriate therapy.

In general, bleeding at the base of the nails caused by trauma is a temporary condition and usually does not require special treatment. However, if the streak under the nail does not disappear over time or is accompanied by other atypical symptoms, you should contact your doctor for further evaluation and advice.

In conclusion, hemorrhage at the base of the nails, or splinter haemorrhage, can be caused by trauma, subacute bacterial endocarditis, or rheumatoid arthritis. Although traumatic hemorrhage usually goes away on its own, the appearance of a streak under the nail should always be taken into account. If you suspect other medical conditions or if the bleeding does not go away over time, it is recommended that you see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Early contact with a specialist will help identify and begin treatment of the underlying disease, if any, and prevent possible complications.