Signs of various eye conditions

A sign of a brain-related eye disease may include some evidence of damage to the brain, as already mentioned. For if its inner membranes have served as a mediator, then it is observed that pain and irritation come from the depths of the eye, and if there is hot matter, then there is sneezing and itching in the nose, and if the matter is cold, then a cold discharge is noticed. Rarely is this connection due to only a simple disorder of nature. If there is a connection with the outer shells and matter comes from them, then the patient will feel a certain tension emanating from the forehead and the external vessels. The damage will be most evident in the part that follows the eyelid. And when an eye disease is in connection with the stomach, then the signs that we mentioned regarding the complicity of the brain with the stomach appear. If with this disease there are phenomena of ghosts caused by the stomach, then with an empty stomach there is a weakening of them, and with a full one they become stronger.

As for the signs of an eye disease arising from matter and limited to the eye itself, it should be borne in mind that if the matter is bloody, then heaviness, redness, tearing, swelling, swelling of blood vessels, beating in the temples, sticking of the eyelids, suppuration, heat, felt to the touch, especially if at the same time signs appear in the head that originate from the blood. If the matter is mucous, then there is a strong feeling of heaviness, vaguely expressed redness with a leaden tint, sticking of the eyelids, purulence, swelling of the eyelids and slight tearing.

The eye disease caused by yellow bile is manifested by stitching, inflammation with a yellowish redness that does not resemble blood redness, subtlety of sharp burning tears, slight sticking of the eyelids and heat to the touch. A disease originating from black bile is indicated by heaviness, dullness of color and slight sticking of the eyelids. As for simple natures, they are indicated by the absence of heaviness, dryness and the presence of those signs that we mentioned in paragraph two about determining the conditions of the eye.