Signs of varieties of natural heart nature

As for a naturally hot nature, it is evidenced by a broad chest, if this is not contradicted by the size of the brain. This is also indicated by the large natural value of the pulse, its tendency to frequency and speed, the natural large breathing and its tendency to frequency and speed, as well as the abundance of hair on the chest, especially a little on the left, if this is not very much contradicted by moisture coming from another organ , and the quality of the terrain and air. The same is evidenced by strong anger, determination, a good opinion of people, and the vastness of hopes; sometimes this is indicated by the vastness of the chest, unless the cause is the brain, as has already been said.

A natural cold nature is sometimes indicated by a narrow chest, unless it is caused by the conditions mentioned above, as well as a natural smallness of the pulse and its tendency to be rare and slow, unless there is a reason that requires speed. This is also indicated by the natural smallness of breathing and its tendency to slow down and become infrequent, as well as weakness, laziness and meekness, not due to habit and endurance, qualities of character similar to the qualities of a woman’s character, a tendency to be horrified and embarrassed by everything, dullness, strong response to minor impressions and coldness of the body. As for the moist nature, it is indicated by the softness of the pulse, a quick response to angry and pleasing impressions and the ability to quickly calm down, as well as the moisture of the skin, unless the liver resists this. Dryness of nature is manifested in the hardness of the pulse, in the slowness of the response to impressions, in the fact that it slowly disappears, in the ferocity of the disposition and dryness of the body, unless the liver counteracts it.

As for a hot and dry nature, it is evidenced to a certain extent by a large pulse, for a large pulse is due to necessity, while its decrease occurs from the dryness of the organ, and the pulse is fast, especially when compressed, and frequent. This is also indicated by deep, rapid breathing and, in particular, frequent exhalation of air, rudeness, shamelessness, speed and liveliness of movements, quick temper due to the ardor of nature and slowness of forgiveness due to dryness of nature, as well as an abundance of hair on the chest, its density and curliness, caused by dryness of matter, warmth and dryness of the body to the touch.

A hot and damp nature is indicated by the fact that there is less hair on the chest and the chest is wider, and the pulse is larger, although softer; its speed and frequency are less than with dry nature, if the warmth of nature is the same. In this case, anger flares up quickly, but it is not strong, and the body feels hot and damp to the touch, unless the liver provides strong counteraction, cooling it and at least weakly resisting the humidity. With such a nature, putrefactive diseases often arise. A cold and damp nature is indicated by a pulse if it is not large, but rather small and at the same time soft, not fast and not frequent, but more inclined towards the opposite qualities, depending on the degree of coldness and dampness of the nature. The owner of such a nature is lazy, cowardly, weak and the vigor in him is dead; he is weak-willed, not vindictive and not angry, and his body is cold and damp, unless the liver counteracts this, causing strong warming and at least not strong drying. Those with a cold and dry nature do not have a slow pulse. Anger in such a person does not arise quickly and lasts a long time; he is vindictive, his chest is hairless and his body is cold and dry, unless the liver counteracts, warming him greatly and at least a little moisturizing him.