Signs caused by headache and feelings

If the head hurts constantly, and the strength is weak and the disease is acute and there are bad signs, then the disease is fatal; if it is not so, then by the seventh day bleeding from the nose appears, and after the seventh - some kind of leakage from the nose or ears. If the headache lasts until the twentieth day, it rarely resolves with nosebleeds and usually ends with the discharge of pus from the nostrils and ears or abscesses, mainly in the lower part of the body. When a headache begins with the onset of the disease, in most patients it worsens on the fourth and fifth days and disappears on the seventh, but most often it begins on the third day, intensifies on the fifth and disappears on the ninth or eleventh. Some say: If we consider that the cessation of headache occurs on the tenth day, then the tenth day is the seventh after the third, but it is not a day of crisis. However, their assertion, in my opinion, is worthless, because that is not how they count. When the headache begins on the fifth day, then if things go as they should, it stops on the fourteenth day. Most often, such a headache occurs during a three-day fever.

When the patient does not see or hear, this is a bad sign; if loud sounds, strong smells and bright colors are unpleasant to him, this is also a bad sign, indicating a weakness of the mental air.