Rumbling (Borborygmus, Pl. Borborygmi)

Rumbling (Borborygmus, pl. Borborygmi)

Rumbling (Borborygmus, pl. Borborygmi) is a characteristic sound in the stomach caused by the movement of liquid and gas in the intestines. Strong rumbling is associated with increased intestinal motility, for example, in the case of irritable bowel syndrome, when it is blocked or when there is an excessive accumulation of gases in it.

Rumbling stomach is a normal physiological phenomenon, indicating the movement of contents through the intestines. However, in some cases it may indicate pathological processes. Loud and frequent rumbling is usually associated with flatulence - the accumulation of gases in the intestines.

Causes of increased stomach rumbling:

  1. Digestive disorders, intestinal dysbiosis
  2. Food intolerance
  3. Stress and anxiety
  4. Taking certain medications
  5. Intestinal infections
  6. Constipation or diarrhea
  7. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases

Therefore, if you experience frequent and severe stomach rumbling, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist to identify and eliminate possible causes. Timely treatment will help avoid complications and improve bowel function.

A rumbling stomach is not just discomfort, but a symptom that may indicate serious health problems.

The movement of fluid and gases in the intestines causes characteristic sounds called rumbling. Rumbling can be caused by various reasons, such as irritable bowel syndrome, excess gas, intestinal blockage or other diseases.

Strong rumbling may be associated with increased intestinal motility. This means that the bowels are working harder than usual and can cause discomfort and abdominal pain.

If you notice severe rumbling in your stomach, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, rumbling can be a symptom of serious illnesses such as pancreatitis or appendicitis.

It's important to remember that a rumbling stomach can be normal, especially after eating or exercising. However, if the rumbling is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Rumbling is not a disease that affects the digestive system or requires treatment, but a normal condition of the body. However, for some people, strong or prolonged rumbling may indicate problems in the gastrointestinal tract that require attention. Often, the cause of moderate rumbling is attributed to poor diet and overeating, stress, or taking certain foods that provoke these sounds. But quite often, such sounds in the stomach become the main symptom of serious pathologies occurring in the gastrointestinal tract: stomach ulcers, appendicitis, gastritis or even stomach cancer.