About warmers

There are several varieties of warming ones. These are, for example, food in moderation and moderate movements, which include moderate physical exercise; This also includes moderate rubbing and moderate massage, as well as the application of blood-sucking cups without an incision, because the application of blood-sucking cups with an incision cools due to emptying. Warming movements also include fairly strong and frequent movements, but not for long, not at all excessive, hot food, hot medicines, a moderately warm bath, which, as is known, warms with its water and air, warming work, contact with things that do not warm up too much, such as for example, air or medicinal dressings, moderate wakefulness, moderate sleep when the above-mentioned condition is met, anger - in any case, grief - when it is not excessive, for excessive grief cools, and also moderate joy.

Putridness also warms, for its specific property is to create extraneous warmth and nothing more, and its effect is warming in the absolute sense. This, however, is not a burn, because warming is inevitably less than a burn. Warming often occurs when there is still no putrefaction, and it sometimes occurs before putrefaction, for putrefaction often occurs due to the fact that after the disappearance of the external warming cause, external heat remains in the body, which flares up in moist matter and changes its moisture content, making the latter unsuitable for the nature of the substance in which it is located, but without transforming it into another nature from among the specific natural natures. Decay sometimes changes damp heat, making it suitable for one rather than another.

from specific natures, and this is done not by rotting, but by digestion. A burn consists in the fact that a wet substance is separated from a dry substance, the first subliming, and the second precipitating, and simple heating consists in the fact that all liquids remain at their specific qualities, but only become hotter. Warming agents include compaction of the outer surface of the body - it warms by retaining vapors, as well as rarefaction inside the body - it warms by dispersing vapors. Galen used to put all these factors into five categories: moderate movement, contact with something that warms moderately, warmth of what is taken in, compaction and putrefaction.