Probiotics and prebiotics reviews

Probiotics are live microorganisms that restore the intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics, eliminate dysbiosis, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system and more. However, only the most effective, safe and high-quality drugs can cope well with these tasks. There is simply a huge selection on the market, and we carefully studied more than 40 nominees and selected the 8 best probiotics for adults and children based on customer reviews. This rating should help you find the option that suits you best.

Which brand of probiotics is best to buy?

In the pharmaceutical market, competition between companies is very high. But finding a safe and at the same time effective drug is quite difficult. We tried to select probiotics from the best companies for this rating. Among them, there are also Russian companies. Here are the manufacturers that became leaders:

  1. FP Obolenskoe – The company specializes in the production of medical products and drugs. They are produced in accordance with all quality and safety requirements. The company was established in 1994, its priority is to provide affordable and effective medicines, including probiotics.
  2. Biocodex is a French brand first registered in 1953 in Paris. The plant produces drugs for plastic surgery and drugs for normalizing intestinal microflora. The brand's products are recognized as safe due to the use of live probiotics, natural vitamins and other beneficial substances.
  3. Ferrosan is a Danish company that began operations in 1920. There are a lot of natural and universal nutritional supplements available in its range. There are also drugs here to normalize the intestinal microflora. The company's products are sold in more than 60 countries and successfully pass frequent inspections. Its probiotics are distinguished by their tolerable taste, depending on the product, and their affordable prices.
  4. Lecco is a Russian pharmaceutical company with a large production facility, in which, in particular, a new technical department has been implemented. Modern equipment was purchased for the plant to improve the quality of products, which are controlled by technologists. It received a certificate of compliance with ISO 9001. The company has a license to produce medicines and dietary supplements, not least of which are probiotics, recognized as one of the best for the intestines in terms of effectiveness and safety.
  5. Ratiopharm Is a German company whose history began in 1973. It actively uses modern developments in the production of medicines. They are based on plant extracts and components of natural origin. The company's assortment includes a lot of dietary supplements; they are recognized as safe and effective for the treatment of intestinal and stomach diseases.
  6. JSC Vitapharma is a Russian company specializing in immunostimulants, probiotics and drugs for gastroenterology. It has been operating on the market since 1996, has many patents and 4 unique medicines for normalizing intestinal microflora. They are used to treat dysbiosis, colitis, flatulence, diarrhea, improve metabolic processes and promote the development of beneficial bacteria. Its products are distinguished by a high concentration of active substances in the composition, which guarantees a positive effect in a short time.
  7. Sandoz is a company founded in Germany in 1886. It produces generics and biological supplements from natural ingredients. Its products are distinguished by a high level of safety, including for people with allergic reactions. All of its drugs are tested to eliminate side effects before going on sale.
  8. Bifilux is a pharmaceutical company whose product range includes dietary supplements and bifidobacteria in the mid-price range. It has been operating on the market since 1999 and has maintained a leading position since then. Her probiotics for the intestines are included in the list of the best because they have a diverse composition, help in a short time and are versatile, since they are effective not only for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

All of the above companies are market leaders, using new technologies and safe components for the production of probiotics.


Rating of the best probiotics

To compile this TOP, we used customer reviews, doctors’ opinions, and analysis of patient reactions. Before including certain funds in the rating, their characteristics were carefully analyzed.

The best probiotics were selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Release form: tablets, capsules, liquid;
  2. Daily norm;
  3. Volume of the drug;
  4. Convenience of reception for the patient;
  5. Value for money;
  6. Side effects;
  7. Duration of the course of treatment;
  8. Taste and smell;
  9. Treatment effectiveness;
  10. Speed ​​of obtaining the effect.

Attention was paid to the availability of drugs in pharmacies, as well as the reputation of manufacturing companies.

Best Liquid Probiotics

The rating includes two of the best probiotics in terms of effectiveness, including for children, recognized by doctors as useful and safe.

Hilak Forte

Let's start the review with this dietary supplement, which has shown its effectiveness in eliminating dysbiosis and food intoxication. The manufacturer has made the product natural, using herbal ingredients, which reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions from the body. It is very convenient that the drug is released in the form of drops, but still they have to be either diluted with water or washed down with it because of the specific taste.


  1. Does not affect the ability to drive;
  2. Available without a prescription;
  3. Well tolerated by the body;
  4. Restores acidity in the stomach;
  5. Helps in a short time.


  1. It is not recommended to combine with milk and dairy products;
  2. Shelf life is 6 weeks after opening the package.

The probiotic “Hilak Forte” is unique in that it is made only on the basis of a living substrate of lactobacilli, which effectively eliminates bloating, flatulence, and constipation.


Like the previous drug, Normoflorin-D is released in the form of drops, which is the best form of probiotics for children. A huge plus is that it can be given to a child older than six months. It is suitable even for people with allergies, as it contains safe ingredients of natural origin. Despite this, it still has contraindications for use in the form of individual intolerance to certain substances in its composition, but they are limited to this. The addition of vitamins makes it even more useful.


  1. Protects the intestinal mucosa by creating a special film;
  2. Effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms;
  3. Facilitates the condition of patients with diabetes;
  4. Positively affects cholesterol levels;
  5. Starts working from the first day of administration.


  1. Not the most pleasant taste and smell;
  2. The course can last more than a month.

Normoflorin-D is a preferable option compared to Hilak Forte in the sense that it goes well with dairy foods and also does not require a strict diet.

Best Probiotic Powders

Such products are convenient for children and those who do not like to swallow tablets. They must be diluted with water or some other liquid. We reviewed 10 products before including them in our ranking of the best probiotic powders.


This probiotic is the best to take after antibiotics because of its versatility, since it not only saturates the intestines with beneficial bacteria, but also effectively resists pathogenic microorganisms. Doctors often prescribe it for the treatment of dysbiosis and colitis, and, judging by the reviews, the effect can be obtained quite quickly. The powder is finely ground and sold in tightly packed containers, so it does not deteriorate due to exposure to, for example, water. It is very convenient that it can even be mixed with food. The drug is also interesting because it can be prescribed to children over 6 months old, so it will never be superfluous in the first aid kit.


  1. Good for digestion;
  2. Improves appetite;
  3. Strengthens immunity;
  4. Relieves intoxication of the body;
  5. Suitable for any diet;
  6. Consists of natural ingredients;
  7. Affordable price.


The probiotic “Bifidum” is also the best option because it contains a lot of bacteria, helps quickly and at the same time its daily dose is low, which allows you to save on consumption.

Enterol 250

This probiotic is the best in its formulation. It contains bacteria that improve intestinal function in general and the state of microflora in particular. According to reviews, it helps well with dysbacteriosis, but it does not cope so effectively with traces of intoxication. Its benefits also extend to protecting the body from harmful compounds that it breaks down. Even with long-term use, symptoms of overdose are extremely rare. It is very convenient that it is enough to take 1-2 sachets per day, and the better your health, the lower the daily requirement.


  1. There are practically no restrictions on admission;
  2. Small dosage;
  3. High concentration of beneficial bacteria;
  4. The finished mixture can be stored for several days;
  5. Not prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  6. Improves food absorption.


  1. At first, there may be a deterioration in intestinal motility;
  2. Sometimes you can hear “spills” in the stomach.

Enterol 250 contains a few additional substances, which enhances the desired effect and speeds up its receipt.

The best probiotics in capsules

These products are good because they are well absorbed in the intestines. Nutrients along with them enter the body almost in full, which accelerates the restoration of microflora. This category includes the 3 best probiotics in terms of effectiveness, safety and availability.


This probiotic can be called the best after taking antibiotics, since it quickly restores the balance of beneficial bacteria. It contains many different components, and the proportion of additional substances is quite high, but they are of natural origin and do not have a negative effect on health. Its intake promotes the production of lactic acid, which neutralizes viruses, bacteria and fungi. The drug is quickly broken down in the intestines and is well absorbed, which is confirmed by clinical studies.



  1. Eliminates diarrhea;
  2. Contains bacteria with a high growth rate;
  3. Fights flatulence;
  4. Effective for colitis;
  5. Normal taste;
  6. Well tolerated in combination with other drugs.


  1. Not suitable for lactose intolerance;
  2. If given to small children, allergies may occur.

Although Bifiform is a medicinal product, it is available for free sale.


This is one of the best probiotics for restoring intestinal function in terms of speed of action; it gives the desired results in an average of 5-7 days. It is very important that, if necessary, the course can be repeated after 2-3 weeks. Moreover, it is approved for use by children over 36 months. It can be taken in combination with other medications, and practice shows that the effectiveness is not reduced due to this. Experiments have shown that there are no adverse reactions or overdoses with proper treatment, which makes it safe for health. Perhaps this is why Acipol is sold freely in pharmacies, without a prescription.


  1. Helps get rid of acetone in the body;
  2. The composition includes special polysaccharides that improve microflora;
  3. Strengthens immunity;
  4. Normalizes the pH level of the stomach and intestines;
  5. Accelerates the breakdown of fats.


  1. Sometimes hypersensitivity to the components occurs;
  2. Capsules should not be crushed, as absorption of the substances may be impaired.


Speaking about the best probiotics containing bifidobacteria, according to reviews, it is worth remembering Probifor. This is a new development on the market, which is based on activated carbon. This is important because it activates the activity of beneficial microorganisms that suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Due to this, a number of diseases are eliminated, ranging from dermatitis to colitis. Patients note that the drug removes toxins and therefore makes them feel better in case of poisoning, including alcohol poisoning. It also relieves irritable bowel syndrome, making it versatile.


  1. Easy to use;
  2. Can be used during pregnancy;
  3. Not contraindicated during lactation;
  4. Eliminates diarrhea;
  5. Inexpensive;
  6. Helps fight infections;
  7. No need to drink for a long time;
  8. Improves intestinal function;
  9. Suitable for treating newborns.


  1. Not suitable for lactose intolerance;
  2. Not a low price.

The best synbiotics

These are universal preparations that contain both prebiotics and probiotics. Taking them allows you to maintain the intestinal microbiota in a normal state and quickly restore it if it is disturbed. One synbiotic was included in this category due to its safe and effective composition.


This is the best probiotic in terms of price, although it is low, its quality does not let you down. The drug is popular among gastroenterologists because of its activity, provided by the main active ingredient in the form of bifidobacteria lyophilisate. It is thanks to this that the process of proliferation of beneficial bacteria and reduction of pathogenic microorganisms is started. This improves the condition of people with complaints of colitis, flatulence, and diarrhea.

This is the only probiotic in the rating that is included in the group of vitamins, so it also strengthens the immune system. Its peculiarity is the variety of types of bacteria in the composition, but, unfortunately, only 10 capsules are sold in the package, which may not be enough for the course.


  1. Improves health after chemotherapy;
  2. Suitable for use after taking antibiotics;
  3. Eliminates abdominal cramps;
  4. Removes increased gas formation;
  5. Stimulates intestinal motility;
  6. Adapted for children over 3 years old.


  1. Sometimes intolerance to the components of the drug occurs.

Which probiotics are best to take?

To improve not only microflora, but also general well-being, the composition should include, in addition to bacteria, vitamins. For constipation, medications containing Bifidobacterium animalis and Lactobacillus reuteri are useful. If a person is allergic to lactose, then it should not be in the recipe.

Here's the best probiotic to choose based on your situation:

  1. For diarrhea, Hilak Forte helps well, as it restores stool in a short time.
  2. The drug “Normoflorin-D” is suitable for strengthening the immune system.
  3. Bifidum can be included in the treatment regimen for colitis and flatulence.
  4. In order to eliminate traces of intoxication, including after drinking alcohol, it is recommended to buy Enterol 250.
  5. To restore intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics, you can choose Bifiform.
  6. If you have bloating, you should pay attention to the probiotic Acipol.
  7. In case of skin problems, it would not be a mistake to purchase Probifor.
  8. For irritable bowel syndrome, Maxilac is relevant.

Watch online consultations with medical specialists:

Only those probiotics that are safe for health, effective, quickly help and do not harm humans can be called the best. We tried to include just such drugs in this rating.

This year, my daughter was regularly sick in the spring; as a result, she took antibiotics four times and was injected once. The intestinal microflora was completely killed, no probiotics helped improve bowel movements, and to this day, no, no, problems arise. What probiotics help best in this case and what else can you give your child for bloating? experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Activia helped me, funny as it was. After treatment, I couldn’t recover for two months, but then I drank for a week and everything returned to normal. try it, it won't do any harm.

Rela-Life drops, from my own experience, more precisely from my children.

From the fact that they drank a/b 4 times and injected 1 time, it does not at all follow that the entire microflora, be it pathogenic or apathogenic, has been killed.
especially all sorts of ceftriaxones, amoxiclaves and azithromycins close to placebo, which “work” - much more often in those countries where they were created, or in populations similar to those participating in clinical trials.
Deficiency of exocrine pancreas function is treated with mezim (organ replacement therapy).
the ongoing food microbial load is leveled by thermal and other food processing.
electrolyte disturbances after diarrhea are treated as electrolyte disturbances, etc.
Defects of local and systemic immunity are treated as immune defects.
defects of general nonspecific resistance - as defects of general nonspecific resistance.
the remaining pathogens are poisoned.
“probiotics” themselves can cause a number of complications (lactobacillus and colibacillary sepsis, hypervitaminosis K, diarrhea, edema, etc., especially multidrug-resistant “probiotics”).

For a long time I have trusted only Solgar vitamins and dietary supplements, they have different probiotics, in this case I take multidofulus, it helps just great.

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Together with AB, it was necessary to give the same normobact L, which contains lactobacilli GG, those that live in our large intestine and which AB kills. This is why the child later has bloating and diarrhea. The child drank for two weeks. A week with AB and another week without. Diarrhea was avoided and immunity was again raised, appetite appeared

For a long time I have trusted only Solgar vitamins and dietary supplements, they have different probiotics, in this case I take multidofulus, it helps just great.

Together with AB, it was necessary to give the same normobact L, which contains lactobacilli GG, those that live in our large intestine and which AB kills. This is why the child later has bloating and diarrhea. The child drank for two weeks. A week with AB and another week without. Diarrhea was avoided and immunity was again raised, appetite appeared

Why is it better than other similar drugs?

The capsule is difficult to swallow, plus it does not guarantee entry into the intestines. It is better to do as nature does - to “let go” not only beneficial bacteria (probiotics), but also a nutrient medium for them (prebiotics - our body does not absorb them, only these bacteria eat them). Then probiotic microorganisms multiply as they should and populate the necessary parts of the intestine.
In this sense, the already mentioned normobact L is best - it contains our, “primordial” bacteria, not synthesized.

Quality and once again quality, Solgar has been producing its products since 1974, which is why multidofulus is produced in double capsules, which allows bacteria to enter directly into the intestines and plus can be taken by children with lactose intolerance, for some this is very important.

I constantly take it with me on business trips, as soon as I leave the region, I immediately feel upset, now I take multidofulus ahead of time so as not to create a precedent.

Normobact L also does not need to be stored in the refrigerator. And the fact that there are lactobacilli GG, which are responsible for the condition of our intestinal mucosa (namely, its condition is determined by both the work of the microflora and the work of the immune system) is an additional plus.

What kind of bacteria are there in your normobakt then, since they don’t need to be stored in the refrigerator. I definitely wouldn’t take such a pacifier. Also, the advertisement for the drug is naked, ugh

What kind of bacteria are there in your normobact then, since they don’t need to be stored in the refrigerator. I definitely wouldn’t take such a pacifier.

My child is already 10 years old, but has had the same problem almost since birth. I was often sick, and at one time I was often treated with antibiotics. As a result, periodic abdominal pain. We have tried many probiotics over the years: some helped, some didn’t. Recently we settled on the probiotic “Health” BakZdrav. At first I was skeptical about the product, but I was won over by the price and the fact that it is universal (includes both lactobacilli and bifidobacteria). The probiotic can be taken in its pure form (dilute 1 sachet in water or juice), or added to any prepared dish, as long as its temperature does not exceed 60 degrees, or together with a starter when preparing a fermented milk product.
We have been taking the probiotic “Health” for more than a month. The child stopped complaining of abdominal pain and became more active (the lethargy and fatigue after school disappeared). Now I even have the strength to go to the swimming pool. Winter is ahead: we hope to survive it without colds and illnesses.

Good afternoon. It's bad when a child is sick. The year before, my daughter had bronchitis 3 times in 2 months! Moreover, the point was not that we did not cure it completely: she fell ill again, and the disease developed very rapidly. And we just started going to the garden! And they started not in winter, but at the end of summer, but adaptation only began in the spring. It is clear that it was impossible to do without antibiotics. We took the weakest ones, but nevertheless it affected the work of the little one’s gastrointestinal tract. The pediatrician advised her to include more fermented milk products in her diet, and even better, probiotic ones. Then I started looking for information about what it is and how it works. When you need to restore the body's functioning, probiotics should be consumed constantly, because The first doses seem to attack the human stomach, and only subsequent doses are able to have the necessary effect. That is why I decided to give my daughter fermented milk products with probiotics. Bakzdrav, for example, has a special starter for children, called Bifidum. It is prepared as simply as homemade yogurt using a yogurt maker or a slow cooker. After just a month of regular use, the malaya showed clear improvements. It is also very important that the product is not addictive. Try it, maybe it will suit your little one too.

This year, my daughter was regularly sick in the spring; as a result, she took antibiotics.

This year, my daughter was regularly sick in the spring; as a result, she took antibiotics four times and was injected once. The intestinal microflora was completely killed, no probiotics helped improve bowel movements, and to this day, no, no, problems arise. What probiotics help best in this case and what else can you give your child for bloating?

But I, like Marina Simakova, recently got hooked on Bakzdrav. At first I only took it myself, because I doubted the effect. I prepared fermented milk based on the probiotic starter culture Immuno. I drank it for several weeks and noticed that my digestion was better, and my skin texture began to improve.
In general, my daughter was told to take probiotics (the doctor diagnosed dysbiosis), but being paranoid, I test almost everything on myself first, and then give it to the child. Since I saw only a positive effect from taking Immuno, I ordered the probiotic starter Bifidum for my daughter, it is positioned as a children's starter, so my choice fell on it.
I’ve been preparing and giving my daughter sour milk for a month now. The symptoms disappeared after two and a half weeks. Our tummy no longer hurts, our bowel movements have returned to normal, and the bloating has disappeared. I have not stopped feeding her the product because I am afraid the symptoms will return. I also continue to take Immuno myself. For a month and a half, I didn’t even have a runny nose, although earlier this season I always spent two weeks on sick leave.
I can’t compare the effect of Bakzdrav with other drugs, since I used probiotic starter cultures for the first time. Previously, of course, I purchased various Actimels or Activias, but drank them irregularly. Most often I bought yoghurts for a snack at work, so I can’t note any effect from periodic consumption.
In turn, I want to say that Bakzdrav’s drugs suited me, I also recommended them to a friend, and they also helped her. So try it.

If problems arise with the microflora in the digestive tract, then we suffer from diarrhea or constipation, and we rush to get rid of the symptoms with the help of synthetic drugs. Although all nutritionists and gastroenterologists strongly recommend long-term medications to restore microflora, which need to be taken for several weeks. Beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli improve the absorption of essential substances and strengthen the immune system.
In this case, you can combine tasty with healthy and use the Bakzdrav probiotic starter culture to prepare fermented milk drinks. I especially recommend the Protect starter, which is designed specifically to constantly maintain the acid balance and the ratio of different types of bacteria in the digestive system. Then you will not only restore normal microflora, but also stop the spread of viruses and fungi. After the poisoning, I spent ten days in the infectious disease ward, you understand what the consequences are after a lethal dose of medication, and even severe dehydration. Therefore, I prepared drinks every day with the addition of probiotic starters; instead of milk, you can add them to decoctions or juices. Not quickly, it took about a month and a half or two to cope with dysbiosis, improve digestion and regular visits to the toilet.

This year, my daughter was regularly sick in the spring; as a result, she took antibiotics four times and was injected once. The intestinal microflora was completely killed, no probiotics helped improve bowel movements, and to this day, no, no, problems arise. What probiotics help best in this case and what else can you give your child for bloating?

This probiotic worked for me too. He was recommended by one of my good friends. I take it to support my immune system, I actually feel less sick, and my digestion problems somehow went away unnoticed. I add it according to the instructions to homemade fermented milk products, which by the way I make myself using dry starters from the same health department, or to non-hot main courses. When I’m really lazy, I just dilute it with some water and drink it. I order on the Probiotics website, the price is good, and delivery is also available.

Characteristics in the rating

1 Bifidumbacterin Best for the whole family
2 Lactobacterin Suitable for newborns
3 ENTEROL Best after taking antibiotics
4 ACIPOL Maximum benefits – minimum contraindications
5 BIFIFORM Strengthens immunity
1 Bactistatin Better regulation of intestinal microflora
2 Probifor Effective against poisoning. Safe at any age, starting from birth
3 Linex Produces B vitamins
4 BIFIDUMBACTERIN FORTE Quickly removes toxins from the body
5 Ecoflor Safely and effectively relieves intoxication
1 Maxilak Best efficiency.Most popular
2 Bion-3 Probiotic with vitamin complex
3 Normoflorin The most natural composition, suitable for newborns
4 Biovestin – Lacto High rate of drug absorption
5 NARINE FORTE Dietary fermented milk product

Probiotics are medications that contain strains of living bacteria. The product is sold in various forms and with different compositions. There are not only single-component probiotics, where only one type of microorganism is present, but also multicomponent ones. The unique properties of the drug help achieve the following results:

  1. strengthening the immune system;
  2. restoration of microflora and intestinal mucosa after taking antibiotics;
  3. lowering blood cholesterol;
  4. rapid removal of toxins and allergens from the body;
  5. normalization of Ph balance in the colon;
  6. improving the absorption of vitamins and microelements.

Below are the best probiotics according to doctors and patient reviews. Please note that the information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide to purchase. For any advice you should contact specialists!

The best mono- and polycomponent probiotics

Mono-ingredient probiotics contain only one strain of bacteria. These could be: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, E. coli or bacilli. Such drugs are classified as first generation probiotics. That is, this was exactly the composition of the very first products for improving intestinal microflora. Multicomponent probiotics include from 2 to 30 strains or several types of live bacteria. For example, one preparation may contain four types of lactobacilli or a mixture of bifidobacteria and lactic acid streptococci. Due to their more complex composition, multicomponent probiotics have a complex effect on the intestinal microflora.


The composition of the symbiotic "Bifiform" includes enterococci and strains of bifidobacteria. The active substances normalize the functioning of the digestive system, so the probiotic is used for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in children and adults. The product also effectively combats constipation and diarrhea. The medication strengthens the immune system and serves as a prevention of infectious diseases.

For adults, the drug is sold in the form of tablets or capsules. For children The release form is more varied. "Bifiform Malysh" is presented in the form of a powder for preparing a solution with an orange-raspberry flavor. There are Bifiform Kids chewable tablets with the same taste. And for very young patients, the Bifiform Baby oil solution is produced.

Indications for use:

  1. prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis;
  2. constipation and diarrhea.



"Acipol" is produced in capsules containing kefir grains and acidophilus lactobacilli. Since the shell is gelatinous, before taking the symbiotic for small children, it is recommended to open the capsule and mix the contents in one teaspoon of water or milk. The probiotic is approved for use by babies older than three months.

The action of the active substances of the drug is similar to antibiotics. The product creates unfavorable conditions for pathogenic microbes, so it easily normalizes the balance of intestinal microflora. The probiotic is used for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis resulting from poor nutrition or taking antibiotics. It is often included in the course of complex treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, for colitis and enterocolitis.

Indications for use:

  1. intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis;
  2. reducing intoxication during food poisoning;
  3. chronic enterocolitis and colitis.
  1. sensitivity to components.


The multicomponent probiotic "Enterol" was developed by French scientists. The symbiotic contains Saccharomyces boulardii - these are lyophilized live bacteria, and lactose monohydrate acts as an excipient. Having fulfilled its main function, yeast fungi are naturally eliminated from the body. The drug is available in capsules or sachets of powder.

Most often, Enterol is prescribed after a course of antibiotics. The probiotic fights the causes of diarrhea, which could occur due to food poisoning or against the background of dysbiosis. The product should not be taken by children under 1 year of age without a doctor's prescription.

Indications for use:

  1. diarrhea;
  2. rotavirus infection;
  3. irritable bowel syndrome.
  1. allergic reactions or high sensitivity to the components included in the composition;
  2. pregnancy and lactation period.

2 Lactobacterin

The first generation probiotic “Lactobacterin” is created on the basis of one component – ​​live lactobacilli. After entering the intestines, they produce lactic acid, creating favorable conditions for the formation of beneficial bacteria. The active component fights staphylococcus, Proteus and E. coli. Lactobacterin is allowed for babies from the first day of life. The probiotic has virtually no contraindications or side effects, so it is not capable of harming the fragile intestines of newborns.

The drug is available in the form of a powder, hermetically packaged in bottles. Each pack contains 10 such bottles. The product can be used for no more than 10 days. The product is resistant to antibiotics, so it can be used simultaneously with antibacterial drugs.

Indications for use:

  1. intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. impaired intestinal function in newborns.

1 Bifidumbacterin


A prominent representative of the first generation of probiotics is Bifidumbacterin. The one-component drug is available in the form of tablets, drops, powder and suppositories. The product improves metabolic processes, increases immunity and normalizes intestinal function in both adults and children from 6 months. It is worth noting that six-month-old babies can only take “Bifidumbacterin” in powder; other forms of release are approved for use from 3 years of age. If infants refuse to take the drug, then it is possible to prepare a solution based on breast milk.

The active ingredient of the drug is bifidobacteria, which are active against strains of Escherichia coli, yeast-like fungi and staphylococcus. The course of treatment should not exceed 14 days. Only the attending physician can extend the period of admission.

Indications for use:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. allergy to probiotic.

The best sorption probiotics

This category presents the best probiotic complexes, which in addition to living microorganisms include a sorbent. In the preparation, bacteria are united into small colonies (20-180 living cells), which are fixed on sorbents, most often activated carbon. This increases the survival rate of microorganisms in the stomach. A product with this composition gently and effectively cleanses the intestines, restores colonies of beneficial bacteria, and prevents poisoning and other stomach problems.

5 Ecoflor


An innovative drug of 4 generations of probiotics. At the same time it combines the properties of a probiotic, sorbent and prebiotic. Destroying pathogenic microorganisms, it completely preserves nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contained in the composition populate the intestines with beneficial microflora. Removal of intoxication of various origins occurs in a short time, as evidenced by a decrease in the number of eosinophils in the blood. The drug is considered the safest among analogues, it equally effectively restores the body after diarrhea and constipation, and does not damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

The drug contains no preservatives or genetically modified bacteria, which increases its safety during treatment. It is recommended to take it 10 minutes before meals, diluted in a small amount of water. Allowed to mix with jelly. The course lasts up to 14 days. For children under 5 years old, a single dose is 3 g per dose, for children under 10 years old – 5 g, for adults also 5 g, but the frequency is up to 3 times a day.



The probiotic complex is available in capsule or powder form. Live bifidobacteria sorbed on activated carbon evenly populate the intestinal microflora. Active components normalize microflora, and charcoal eliminates intoxication. The drug very quickly rids the digestive organs of waste products of harmful bacteria, removes toxic substances and restores colonies of beneficial microorganisms.

A probiotic is prescribed not only for indigestion, but also before a planned operation or after surgery. The drug easily eliminates poisoning, constipation and diarrhea. Newborns are prescribed the drug from the first day of life only in powder; capsules are allowed from three years of age.

Indications for use:

  1. poisoning and allergies;
  2. constipation or diarrhea;
  3. intestinal infections.
  1. lactase deficiency;
  2. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

3 Linux

The active ingredient of the drug "Linex" is libenin, which contains strains of live lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococci. Once in the intestines, beneficial microorganisms not only begin to actively multiply, but also synthesize vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and K. Lactic acid bacteria increase the acidity of the intestinal microflora, which leads to inhibition of the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms. Active substances prevent pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the intestinal wall.

The release form of the drug is capsules. Linex is safe for health if the dosage is taken correctly. The product is prescribed even to infants, but it is first recommended to carefully remove the contents of the capsule and mix it with breast milk or formula.

Indications for use:

  1. treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis;
  2. gas or heartburn;
  3. diarrhea or constipation.
  1. hypersensitivity to components.

2 Probifor


It does not consist of individual cells of bifidobacteria, but of small colonies located on microparticles of activated carbon. The number of cells in one colony reaches 180 pieces. When they enter the intestines, they begin to actively reproduce, which helps to quickly restore beneficial microflora. Probifor is an effective fighter against diarrhea and intoxication. It contains lactose as an auxiliary substance.

There are no age restrictions for admission. An effective probiotic is prescribed in the postoperative period. Doctors advise taking it before surgery or childbirth. Indications for starting medication are skin diseases, bacterial infections, and allergies. Available in powder or capsule form. They are taken with meals, washed down with plenty of water, kefir or yogurt. For a child of the first year of life, you need to dilute the powder with water before taking it. Frequency of administration: up to 7 years, 1 capsule 4 times a day. Over 7 years old – 3 pieces 2 times a day. If symptoms do not disappear, then the course of treatment is extended from 3 to 5 days.

1 Bactistatin


The drug contains zeolite, which removes toxic substances and allergens from the body and improves parietal digestion in the intestines. The probiotic does not contain live bacteria, but contains liquid produced from Bacillus subtilis, which is rich in vitamin E. It selectively affects the intestinal microflora, destroying pathogenic and preserving beneficial bacteria. Bactistatin contains a substance similar to interferon, which enhances immunity to viruses. Intolerance to the drug is rarely observed. Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women due to lack of research.

According to patient reviews, at the very beginning of treatment, cramps and bloating disappear, and stool normalizes. A drug is prescribed for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, gastritis, and allergies. Doctors recommend taking it after antibiotics, when there is a high probability of microflora imbalance. The drug should be taken strictly according to the instructions: adults – 1-2 capsules three times a day during meals. Children from 6 years old – up to 2 pieces per day.

The best synbiotics

Synbiotics are preparations that contain probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that belong to the normal intestinal microflora. Prebiotics are organic chemicals that create ideal conditions for normalizing intestinal microflora. Complex preparations cope well with indigestion, since one capsule contains not only beneficial microorganisms, but also a nutrient medium for them.


The liquid probiotic contains a specially created strain of acidobacteria “Narine TNSi”, which takes root well on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The product fights all known pathogenic microorganisms. Together, bifidobacteria and acidobacteria remain viable for a long time, which means the effect of normalizing the intestinal microflora is longer.

The drink is recommended for use by adults and children with dysbiosis and intestinal infections. "Narine Forte" is prescribed after long-term use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs, as well as after radiation or chemotherapy. The product normalizes intestinal function after climate change. It can be taken by expectant mothers, women during lactation, as well as newborn or premature babies.

Indications for use:

  1. vitamin deficiency;
  2. alcohol intoxication;
  3. prevention of dysbacteriosis.

4 Biovestin – Lacto


Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria that are part of the product belong to a strain that has a high reproduction rate. They destroy pathogenic bacteria, quickly saturating the body. A biological environment is created around them that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes. Biovestin-Lacto is one of the best drugs for pregnant and lactating women experiencing digestive difficulties and constipation. The drug is recommended for use by persons who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

Allowed for newborn children. Individual immunity is considered a contraindication. It is recommended to store in the refrigerator, but in a low cooling zone. Storage duration is up to two months. The daily dose for adults should not exceed 12 ml. It is better to drink immediately before meals. For preventive purposes, take for 30 days 3 times a year. One package lasts for a week. According to patient reviews, the drug is easily tolerated, there is additional cleansing of the skin from inflammation, and elimination of flatulence.

3 Normoflorin


"Normoflorin" is an effective biocomplex against intestinal dysbiosis. It improves peristalsis, restores microflora, and reduces cholesterol. It is based on three components: metabolites, lactitol and bacteria (bifido and lacto). Together they have an active positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is suitable even for people intolerant to lactose and cow's milk protein. An important feature is the completely natural composition.

The manufacturer produces three types of “Normoflorin”, which differ slightly in composition. But most often they are advised to be taken in combination. The probiotic has been on the market for over 20 years. It is a complex of useful substances that can help even with chronic gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, etc.). The kit includes a measuring cup. The product is used for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis in children and adults. Does not contain dyes or preservatives.

Indications for use:

  1. stomach ulcer, chronic gastritis, etc.;
  2. lactase deficiency;
  3. dysbacteriosis;
  4. disturbed microbiocenosis.
  1. individual intolerance to components.

2 Bion-3


The probiotic contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. It is considered the best drug with a high content of vitamins and minerals. Saturates the body with B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin C, E, biotin and others. Thanks to such a rich composition, immunity is increased and the balance of microorganisms is restored after antibiotics. The amount of substances completely covers the daily need of a child and an adult for them. The tablets quickly dissolve after use, nutrients enter the bloodstream and saturate the body’s tissues, and metabolism is activated.

The modern, effective drug is recommended to be taken for prevention, starting from the age of 14. Take 1 tablet per day for 30 days. The package is designed for 1 course. Due to the high nutrient content, consult a physician before use. In case of renal failure, hypercalcemia, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the use of the drug is limited or prohibited.

1 Maxilak


The dietary supplement “Maxilak” is one of the most popular according to doctors and patient reviews. The drug contains live lactobacilli (4 species), bifidobacteria (3 species), lactococci and streptococci, and the prebiotic oligofructose is used to create comfortable conditions for them. This combination effectively suppresses the activity of harmful bacteria and stops their reproduction.

The drug can be taken not only by adults, but also by children aged 3 to 14 years, subject to compliance with all prescriptions of the attending physician. The synbiotic is available in the form of capsules with an innovative patented Multi Resistant Encapsulation (MURE) coating. Capsules retain the viability of microorganisms even under aggressive environmental influences, so the product can be stored at high temperatures.

Indications for use:

  1. long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  2. diarrhea or constipation;
  3. dysbiosis.
  1. hypersensitivity to synbiotic components.