Wipe your face with aloe leaf reviews


The plant called “aloe” has been known for thousands of years. It has gained popularity due to its medicinal qualities and positive effects not only on the skin, but also on the human body as a whole.

Now aloe can often be found as an ornamental house plant, and in nature there are about 500 subspecies of the aloe genus, mostly shrubs.

Currently, there are many cosmetics, including healing products, based on the juice of this miracle plant.

Is it possible to smear the skin with agave juice?

To maintain facial skin in a toned and elastic state, it is useful to use aloe juice, which not only nourishes the skin with various vitamins (in particular, vitamins B, C, E and A) but also moisturizes it, making it soft and matte. It is also useful to use face masks with the juice of this plant added to them. We talked in more detail about the use of aloe and which juice is better to choose for skin care - pharmacy or homemade, in this article, and here you will find all the recipes for facial products that can be prepared at home.

How is this useful?

The benefits of using aloe juice are undeniable:

  1. protirat-lico-listom-aloe-iUPZF.webp

    complexion becomes healthier;
  2. the skin is nourished with natural ingredients, thereby prolonging its youth and freshness;
  3. any inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin are eliminated and healed at an accelerated pace - from teenage pimples and acne to small cuts and wounds;
  4. peeling, tightness and dryness of the skin disappears;
  5. greasy shine disappears;
  6. Pores are reduced, the skin becomes soft and velvety to the touch.

Watch a video about the benefits of aloe:

What diseases does it prevent?

The healing effect of aloe has been known since ancient times. In addition to the healing, moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin, aloe is used in the treatment of runny nose, eye diseases, gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, enterocolitis. The plant also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and cleanses the intestines of harmful substances. You can use aloe juice for weight loss.

What is better - wiping with a leaf or applying juice?

Regarding the use of aloe, it is advisable to use the juice squeezed from a medicinal aloe plant older than three years, and it is best to use the lower leaves, having previously cut them off and kept them in the refrigerator, wrapped in some kind of cloth. You can squeeze the juice using gauze, first passing the leaves through a meat grinder or squeezing them by hand. But even a simple periodic wipe with a cut leaf will bring great benefits to the skin. In both cases, the leaves must be washed after they have been cut.

Is it possible to carry out this procedure every day?

You can moisturize and nourish your face with aloe 2 times a week., but if there are any skin problems, then daily, apply aloe juice 15-20 minutes before using cream or makeup, and in the evening repeat this process on prepared and cleansed skin of cosmetics and dust. The greatest effect will come from using freshly squeezed juice.

When and what results should I expect?

The result will not be long in coming - tangible changes in the skin will be visible after the first use, when you will feel delightfully soft, smooth and matte. The visual and therapeutic effect will become noticeable after a couple of procedures.

Step-by-step instruction


Method of using aloe juice for facial skin step by step.

  1. We prepare the skin: completely wash off all makeup, wash with warm water, and pat your face dry with a towel.
  2. Apply aloe juice or simply wipe the skin with the peeled stem and leave to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water and, if necessary, apply a moisturizer (oily and oily-prone skin, as a rule, do not need this, but it is better to rely on how you feel).

You should always wash off aloe juice with warm water without soap.

If you experience any unpleasant sensations during or after wiping your face with aloe juice, you should dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio next time or stop using it altogether due to individual intolerance.

You can use aloe in the same way for problems with the skin around the eyes. Read all the details of using this plant for skin care in this area in a separate article.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy products with aloe are full of variety: they are available for all skin types, for different parts of the body, for any age, all kinds of emulsions, products in the form of creams, gels, various specially prepared juices, masks and much more. Let's look at some of them.

Sea of ​​Spa Aloe Vera gel, made in Israel

  1. protirat-lico-listom-aloe-UhZDuTA.webp

    A fairly thick gel with an unobtrusive pleasant aroma, available in standard tubes. It fits well and does not flow, is quickly absorbed, and easy to use.
  2. Effective for sunburn, insect bites, after which the skin is very itchy and itchy.
  3. Relieves swelling, soothes the skin, even relieves pain. And, of course, it gives the skin smoothness and matteness.

Traditional method of application: Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin, leave for 15 minutes, then gently rub in the residue. Rinse off with warm water. The disadvantage is that this gel is almost never found outside of Israel.

Aroma-zone Gel d’aloe vera certifié BIO, made in France

  1. protirat-lico-listom-aloe-zjQMz.webp

    Colorless gel with Aloe Vera in a bottle with a dispenser.
  2. A universal gel, on the basis of which you can make all kinds of masks yourself simply by adding different components and, of course, using the gel itself.
  3. It works very well after cleansing the face, when the skin needs restoration and after swelling in the morning.

Mode of application: Lightly moisten your face with water and immediately apply a thin layer of gel, lightly tapping it into the skin until completely absorbed. When tightening, the gel needs to be washed off after 15 minutes, but if there are no such sensations, it is quite possible not to wash it off.

The disadvantage is that such a tool cannot yet be purchased offline.


Despite the high effectiveness of using aloe in facial skin care, you should be careful and not forget about individual intolerance, which is a contraindication when using any products from this plant. Therefore, if after using aloe juice or any products made from it, a feeling of dryness, irritation, burning or redness of the skin appears, you should stop using it.

For thousands of years, this miraculous plant has been helping to maintain youthful skin and maintain a blooming appearance. However, we must remember that Any remedy has contraindications, so use aloe with caution.

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Friday, May 16, 2014 10:57 + to quote book


Recently, a friend told me that she tried applying aloe juice to the area around her eyes, and in just 1 application she saw a difference! Although before that I complained about all the creams that they did nothing to remove wrinkles under the eyes. I have used prod. for two years in my entire life. cosmetics, in particular eye cream, these were two different companies, they didn’t seem to be the worst, but I didn’t notice any effect from them either. By the way, my wrinkles are not very large, from laughter and smiles


I grow both aloe and aloe vera, so I also decided to experiment. And an hour before bed, I applied aloe vera juice to the area around my eyes (I simply anointed it with a piece of the leaf itself). It stings a little, but there was no irritation or redness immediately or in the morning. I didn’t expect any special effects, but I still appreciated that the skin is nourished and the grooves become less deep. (Women in mirrors always examine themselves down to the millimeter =)

I'm interested in researching different herbs and natural skin care products, and Aloe definitely deserves to be one of my favorites))


Note: If you don't have a lot of time, you can use freshly squeezed aloe juice. But still, juice from pre-prepared leaves will bring more benefits. It's very easy, you just need to cut off the fleshy leaf, wrap it in a napkin and place it in the refrigerator for 14 days. After the specified time has expired, aloe can be used in facial masks. The benefit of this method of extracting aloe juice is explained by the fact that when there is a lack of light and low temperature, biological stimulants are produced, which have a positive effect on skin cells.

Aloe is a common household medicinal plant that also used to moisturize facial skin. There are many varieties of this plant and they are all useful in their own way, but the most effective for medicinal and cosmetic purposes are aloe vera and aloe vera (agagave).

Aloe juice It is very quickly absorbed into the depths of the skin layer, thereby enriching the skin with vitamins and nutrients and protecting it from harmful toxins.. Regular use of the juice intensively moisturizes the skin, makes it elastic, slows down the aging process and, of course, makes it healthier. Aloe juice helps very well with allergic reactions, thanks to its soothing properties, aloe juice reduces redness and itching of the skin.

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The world knows many ways to transform and rejuvenate the skin. A voluminous niche is occupied by folk, natural methods. And this is not surprising! Many of them can compete in terms of effectiveness even with expensive “elite” cosmetics. And these include aloe juice, it helps keep the skin healthy and unfading for as long as possible.


Amazing properties of the miracle plant

Aloe juice is extremely beneficial for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, and is especially effective against wrinkles. But aloe juice is used not only in cosmetology as a remedy for wrinkles and for skin rejuvenation, but also for medical purposes. For example, it is useful for a number of diseases: psoriasis, eczema, pustular lesions.


What other magical properties does it have?

  1. Aloe juice contains many vitamins and nutrients that are extremely beneficial for skin and hair. In particular, it contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, iron, etc.
  2. It is able to nourish and saturate the deep layers of the skin with essential elements. This is possible thanks to allantoin - a substance that “delivers” all the necessary components to these layers, and it also regenerates and moisturizes skin cells, helping to restore their structure.


  1. Helps deeply cleanse the skin. Aloe juice tightens and cleanses pores, so it is good to use for caring for problem skin.
  2. The juice of the aloe plant helps produce more collagen, which is the key to good elasticity for the facial skin, and therefore helps reduce wrinkles. It helps maintain water balance in cells, regenerates tissues and accelerates metabolic processes.
  3. Aloe juice relieves inflammation and disinfects the skin. This plant is known as an excellent antibacterial and antifungal agent.
  4. Aloe can relieve and soften some allergic symptoms.


The miraculous juice of the amazing aloe plant can be a real gift for your facial skin. Indeed, in addition to the anti-aging effect and anti-wrinkle effect, it generally improves the condition of the skin. For this reason, this natural remedy has an incredible number of reviews.

Video: useful information about the plant.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that aloe leaf juice helps against wrinkles and has wonderful healing properties, like any medicine it has contraindications. It should not be used on the face and other parts of the body if there is an individual intolerance to this juice.


Important! In rare cases, an allergic reaction to aloe is possible.

Most often, it manifests itself in other components that are included in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Therefore, before using a drug containing the juice of a healing plant, apply a little of the composition to the small body and watch the reaction. If various unpleasant phenomena occur (for example, the skin begins to itch, turn red, etc.), the product must be washed off!


Tricks of use

How to use aloe for the face against wrinkles to get maximum effect?

  1. You can simply wipe your face with aloe pulp.
  2. Make masks with the plant and other ingredients that are effective against wrinkles.
  3. Apply the pulp of the plant to the eyelids like patches.
  4. Use in juice as a lotion.


Something to remember, that the juice of this plant cannot immediately eliminate deep age and facial wrinkles. Along with the use of this product, it is necessary to regularly do special massages and gymnastics, and take daily care of your face.

But aloe juice does an excellent job of treating fine wrinkles and helps slow down the process of aging of the skin of the face and neck due to the fact that it saturates it with moisture and nutrients.

The natural preparation can be added to massage mixtures. This will help cope with sagging skin and make it more toned.

Aloe for wrinkles can be purchased at a pharmacy; it is sold in ampoules that are convenient to use on the face. But still, fresh juice is much healthier and better to use, but pharmaceutical aloe extract can help if there is no plant in the house.


If you want to completely rejuvenate your skin, it is useful to use the juice of this plant internally. But for this you need to consult a doctor, because he has contraindications, and the wrong dosage can cause negative consequences. Therefore, the quantity and duration of treatment with aloe should be selected by a specialist.

And the external use of aloe juice is in any case very useful and effective against wrinkles and imperfections!


Preparing leaves for the procedure

In order for use in its pure form or as a mask to be more effective, you need to first prepare the leaves. How to prepare aloe for use against wrinkles?

You need to prepare the leaves as follows:

  1. The lowest leaves are best suited for homemade cosmetics.
  2. After you have cut them, you need to rinse them in boiled water.
  3. Then you wrap them in paper and put them in the refrigerator for several days (ideally, they should stay there for one and a half to two weeks).
  4. After this, you must squeeze the juice out of them.


The maximum benefit can be obtained if you put the leaves in the refrigerator for 10-12 days. Thus, the plant will become “biostimulated”, i.e. very useful!

Video: preparing aloe for facial rejuvenation and use against wrinkles at home.

Mask recipes

Aloe juice can be successfully used both in pure form and as a component of a face mask. It’s better if you combine two options for using the plant: for example, make an anti-wrinkle mask once a week, and wipe problem areas with pure juice 2-3 times.


Below you can see and try the best recipes for face masks with aloe that are great for wrinkles:

A mask that helps slow down the aging process

  1. aloe juice (1 tsp);
  2. honey (2 tsp);
  3. oil - you should give preference to wheat germ oil (1 tbsp.);
  4. salt (1 tsp);
  5. egg (1 pc.).

Mix all the listed ingredients. The resulting mixture should be applied evenly to the face, not forgetting the area around the eyes, and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the mixture with a cotton pad and rinse with warm water. The final step is to apply a cream with moisturizing ingredients.

This mask not only has an anti-aging effect, but also a refreshing effect, and also allows you to nourish the deep layers of the skin. Such a mask with aloe is effective against deep wrinkles.




Aloe + cottage cheese + honey

  1. juice from aloe leaves (2 tbsp.);
  2. cottage cheese - it is best to take homemade cottage cheese (1 tbsp);
  3. honey (2 tsp).

The key product should be ground with two other ingredients. The mask should be on the face for 20 minutes. It needs to be washed off with warm water. After this mixture, the skin will look tightened and elastic, and will help cope with fine wrinkles.



Aloe juice + bacall oil

  1. aloe juice (2 tbsp.);
  2. vegetable oil (1 tbsp.).

You need to add the juice of this beneficial plant to the oil. The mask should be left on the face for 30 minutes. It is great for aging skin: it will make it softer, provide hydration, and help maintain skin tone.


Aloe + yolk + milk

  1. egg yolk (1 pc.);
  2. gruel from the leaves of the plant (2 tbsp.);
  3. milk (2 tbsp.).

You need to connect all the components. This composition should be kept for 20 minutes. If you have dry skin, you can replace milk with cream. This recipe is intended for any skin type with small wrinkles.



Aloe + avocado + vegetable oil

  1. ground aloe leaves (1 tbsp.);
  2. puree made from avocado (1 tbsp.);
  3. oil - it is best to use olive oil (1 tbsp).

It is necessary to combine all the listed ingredients. This composition is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. After this time, wash your face with warm water. Olive oil is a necessary component in the fight against age-related skin changes. It helps nutrients reach the deep layers of the skin.



Plant juice + honey

  1. juice from leaves (1 tbsp.);
  2. honey, preheated (2 tbsp.).

A composition is made from the above components, which should be applied to the facial skin for 15 minutes. Afterwards you need to rinse thoroughly. This mask not only perfectly fights small wrinkles, but also allows you to maintain a beautiful complexion. This is one of the most effective masks that helps fight the signs of aging skin.


All of the listed masks must be applied 2 times a week for the results to be noticeable. After all, homemade masks are no less useful than store-bought ones. In order for the skin to continue to maintain a healthy and blooming appearance, you need to constantly care for it.

Video: mask with aloe juice for wrinkles on the eyelids.

This magical juice, when freshly squeezed, can be stored for 2-3 days, after which its valuable properties begin to be lost. It is best to store it in leaves in the refrigerator, just make sure they are not bruised.

But the best way to always get fresh juice is if you have aloe growing, then you can always make magical beauty masks for your face that are effective against wrinkles. If you don’t believe the reviews, you can see for yourself!