Manifestations of scanty menstruation

Women whose periods are blocked sometimes experience illness and, among other things, “strangulation of the uterus” due to its compression and deviation to the side. They also have tumors in the uterus, hot or hard, or tumors in the insides, or stomach diseases due to weakness of digestion, falling or perversion of appetite, as well as nausea, severe thirst, burning in the stomach. From this, diseases of the head and nerves arise - epilepsy and kulanzh, chest diseases - cough and respiratory distress, as well as many liver diseases - dropsy, etc., and this changes the appearance. Such women also experience difficulty urinating and constipation of urine, pain in the lower back and neck, heaviness in the head, weight loss and a feeling of “melancholy.” They are affected by attacks of goose bumps and burning fevers, and speech is often difficult due to the tension of the tongue muscles due to hot fumes; and sometimes heaviness in the tongue is due to a headache. Such a woman is attacked by anxiety and sadness due to pain from rotting and vapors, and sometimes her whole body, as well as her stomach, swells, because purulent matter seeps from the blood into the body. Often in such a woman, if she is of strong build and her strength is capable of using the locked-up surpluses, a resemblance to men appears in nature: the hair on her face multiplies, something like a beard grows and her voice becomes rough and thick, and then she dies. Sometimes she finds herself in a state before death in which it is impossible to induce menstruation. Most of these women belong to those who give birth a lot, and when they do not have intercourse with them and their husbands are absent, and their menstruation is blocked, then the modesty that occurs during the removal of blood disappears, and pregnancy and the possibility of intercourse are taken away from them. And it happens to them that their urine becomes black, with purulent spots, like meat juice, and sometimes they urinate with blood.

Signs. If this is associated with cold, then the signs are deep sleep, snoring during sleep, white body color, blue veins, rare pulse, cold perspiration, abundance of urine and mucous feces. Retention associated with excessive warmth is indicated by burning, drying of the uterus and other signs of its heat, known from the previous. Detention from dryness is evidenced by the signs of dryness of the uterus, taught in the previous one, and is reinforced by the thinness of the body and the emptiness of the blood vessels. As for swelling, congestion and other causes, the signs of these diseases are known from what you learned earlier.

Treatment. As for the methods of treatment associated with heating, cooling, generating blood and hydrating the body, as well as use against tumors, treating congestion and the like, this is known from the Fundamentals, repeated many times. When detained due to congestion, which is incurable, as well as due to blockage of the mouths of blood vessels after healing of ulcers and other things, such patients seem to be hopeless. They are treated by removing too much blood, cleansing the body and using exercise.

We now need to cite and name the means of treatment that induce menstruation, that is, those means that move the blood to the uterus, force it to penetrate the openings and open the openings. We have already mentioned such remedies in the sections of the Book on Simple Medicines and we also mention them in the Pharmacopoeia, but here we want to outline those methods of treatment that are more suitable for this place in the Book. The means for this purpose is to forcefully induce the blood to flow, and one of the measures acting in this way is bleeding from the venous vein and the vessel on the back of the heel; bleeding from a vessel on the knee and on the bend of the knee is even more powerful. Placing cups on the shin and ankle also helps, especially for fatty people - this is more suitable for them. Sometimes you have to repeat the bloodletting, opening the gullet vein on the other leg, and constantly bandage and tighten the lower members of the body, leaving them like that for several days. Then the use of drugs that open the pores and remove viscous fluids from the bottom helps, if the cause is fluid, as well as special drugs that induce menstruation, that is, drugs that thin the blood and open blockages. Among them there are medicines for drinking, such as mint and its decoction with water sweetened with honey, or mint sprinkled on water sweetened with honey; Juniper berries are stronger than it. Dictamn is a very strong medicine, just like Chinese cinnamon, iyaraj fikra, sagapen, opopanax and its fruits, beaver stream, wild cumin, elecampane decoction, ushnana decoction, red bean decoction, stinking ferula root, usturgas and marjoram seeds. Among these medicines there are also means for insertion into the vagina, for example, white hellebore, coloquinta pulp, styrax, yarrow santolinum, wild olive gum, opopanax, beaver stream, asafoetida, sagapen, wild cumin and squeezed wormwood juice; Sometimes they also introduce furbiyun on a piece of cotton wool and then wait a short time, without going overboard.

Nice candle. They take myrrh and mint - four dirhams each, juniper berries - eight dirhams, dry rue - ten dirhams, peeled raisins - twenty dirhams, mix with cow bile and prepare a candle. Also: take beaver stream, myrrh and musk, prepare an acorn from them using bath oil and inject it. Chamomile oil promotes menstruation if you insert it into the vagina, just like squeezed anemone and rosehip juice.

Another candle. They take equal parts of Persian ushnana, salivagon, nigella, fresh rue and furbiyun, grind them finely, mix them with galbanum, put them in a woolen cloth soaked in jasmine oil, and inject them into the inside of the uterus.

This type of remedy also includes medicinal dressings and poultices - steaming with spices drives away menstruation - as well as fumigation, for example, with coloquint itself: it immediately drives away menstruation. Asafoetida, ferula gum, sagapen and wild cumin also act. This also includes a bath of water in which medicines that thin out and induce menstruation were boiled, for example, mint, rue, dictamn, and the like.