Pimple with peeling on the face

the face is very tight after washing and in the morning, the nose is peeling (tip, wings, along the “seams” where it connects to the face)
, corners of lips, cheeks, chin.
At the same time, the forehead is oily.
Pimples are appearing all over my face, and in those places where there is peeling! I don’t know how to treat them, everything just makes the peeling worse. I use moisturizing creams and scrubs to try to get rid of flaky skin.
so terrible! Do not powder or cover pimples with foundation!
what to do?
It’s -15 outside, and I’m already 23 years old and can walk around with such a face. This has never happened before!

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the skin just screams that it needs peeling! and by the way not alone.

and don’t even think about covering up all this beauty with thin paint. the cosmetic effect will be terrible

Don’t get upset, and most importantly, don’t give up. For acne, try this mask (my cosmetologist recommended it to me): finely crush six trichopolum tablets into powder and pour into a bottle of zinc paste (you need the paste, not the ointment). Mix everything thoroughly (I mix with a cotton swab, nothing else fits into the bottle). Store the bottle in the refrigerator. Every evening, apply this mixture to your entire face in a layer of medium thickness for 1.5-2 hours. After the specified time, remove everything from your face with napkins or cotton pads. Then wipe your face with a non-alcohol toner, or even better - micellar water. In the morning in such cold weather, apply not a moisturizing cream to your face, but a nourishing one. I have been using Uriage Supplement for several winters in a row. Good luck!

You apparently dried out your face while trying to get rid of acne. Try not to use products for oily skin for a while. and pay attention to active hydration. when the balance returns to normal, take up acne remedies again, but not so ardently and still don’t forget about moisturizing. In general, it’s better to consult a cosmetologist, almost every girl makes mistakes in assessing her skin type, hence all these problems. a cosmetologist will determine your skin type and what is right for you

firstly, the skin is dehydrated, and secondly, NO SCRUBS IF YOU HAVE ACNE, they will only make it worse. Thirdly, no drying agents. only moisturizing, and micellar water is comedogenic, it’s also better not to use it. Run to the cosmetologist, you chose the wrong care.

This means that your skin care is incorrect. Pimples should be treated with Zerkalin, this is a special pharmaceutical remedy for acne. The mirror contains a component that kills that same malicious microbe that lives in the pores and causes inflammatory processes on the skin, such as acne and pimples. Mirrorin is applied with a cotton swab only to inflamed areas, so the entire facial skin does not dry out and does not peel off afterwards. It should be used after washing 2 times a day for a month. Drinking inside will not change aevit and neurovit, too, a month, and replace sweet soda and coffee with a decoction of horsetail and burdock root. Hold on for a month and see how your face will transform and clear up!

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This means that your skin care is incorrect. Pimples should be treated with Zerkalin, this is a special pharmaceutical remedy for acne. The mirror contains a component that kills that same malicious microbe that lives in the pores and causes inflammatory processes on the skin, such as acne and pimples. Mirrorin is applied with a cotton swab only to inflamed areas, so the entire facial skin does not dry out and does not peel off afterwards. It should be used after washing 2 times a day for a month. Drinking inside will not change aevit and neurovit, too, a month, and replace sweet soda and coffee with a decoction of horsetail and burdock root. Hold on for a month and see how your face will transform and clear up!

firstly, the skin is dehydrated, and secondly, NO SCRUBS IF YOU HAVE ACNE, they will only make it worse. Thirdly, no drying agents. only moisturizing, and micellar water is comedogenic, it’s also better not to use it. Run to the cosmetologist, you chose the wrong care.

I’ll also add, Rose, no scrubs, peelings, lotions with alcohol - this will cause peeling and dry skin. It’s better to wash your face with foam, a moisturizer at night, and a nourishing cream when going outside (it’s heavier in cold weather). Pimples can be spot-on! salicylic acid, it will dry them out, and if on the whole face, it will dry them out. You can try lubricating the peeling areas with oil at night.
I had the same thing, I did what is above and forgot what it was.
If you are interested in what I use, ask and I will answer.
P.S. If the care is correct, you will see the result immediately; if it is incorrect, acne and peeling will not go away, then change the care.

the surest way to get rid
To get rid of acne, you need to drink a decoction of nettles, green or dry, it doesn’t matter. Brew a 3-liter jar and drink it cooled in a glass during the day, for a week, the result will not be long in coming

I recommend the Millennium Neo gel, it was tested on myself, I developed acne when I was 15 years old, my skin was oily, I squeezed them out all the time, this left scars, no matter what I tried. I have been using the gel for 2 years, the skin has become normal, the scars have resolved.
Gel Millennium Neo is recommended as an anti-aging agent in the fight against wrinkles. Rejuvenates, activates microcirculation processes, nourishes, stimulates cell renewal, moisturizes, improves complexion and tightens pores. Makes skin smoother and softer. Relieves irritation and micro-inflammation, effectively fights skin imperfections. Does not cause allergic reactions, suitable for all skin types. Helps with various skin injuries - burns, scratches, cuts, bites. Accelerates the resorption of scars and scars. Has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

Making a “diagnosis” remotely without seeing the skin is stupid. However, according to the description, the skin must first be brought into a healthy state, moisturized and at the same time treated, eliminating acne and the causes that cause it. Read the thread here on the forum, it talks about high-quality Swiss cosmetics from the DEESSE skincare line:

the skin just screams that it needs peeling! and by the way not alone.

Nothing helps me with peeling skin, I use cream, apply it 3 times a day. And in addition to pimples, but not a lot, I smear them with mash.


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Acne and peeling of the skin on the face are quite common. Dry skin is caused by a lack of moisture, and various rashes can occur due to diseases. In addition, acne often forms due to improper care of the facial epidermis. A doctor can help you figure out what caused the problem, carry out the required diagnostic measures and then prescribe the correct treatment.

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Allergic reactions

Peeling skin and acne on the face often develop due to allergies. The allergen can be found both in the external environment and in products that a person often consumes. If the reason lies precisely in food, then a percentage will have to adhere to the diet established by the doctor, aimed at eliminating possible allergens. In addition, allergic reactions are often observed in patients with sensitive skin. In such a situation, you need to use hypoallergenic cosmetics that have a natural composition.

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Internal factors

Rough pimples on the skin often form due to the following factors:

  1. use of certain medications;
  2. hormonal imbalance;
  3. lack of nutrients in the body.

If we are talking about a lack of vitamins from group A, then patients often note an increase in the number of dead scales, as well as red spots, inflammatory processes and pustules. Peeling can also be a consequence of the use of medications, but no additional solution to the problem is required, since after a course of therapy the skin becomes healthy again.

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The face also peels off with the development of the following diseases:

Improper care

Often, when choosing cosmetics, people do not pay due attention to what is indicated on the label. We are talking about the type of skin for which this product should be used. For example, those with oily epidermis are not suitable for dry skin, and vice versa. As a result, pores can become clogged with keratinized areas of the skin, causing new acne to appear. In addition, some people prefer to use regular soap to cleanse their face. Doing this is strictly prohibited, as it dries out the epidermis too much. It is not recommended for those with normal to dry skin to use cosmetic products that contain alcohol. Such products also auscultate the skin and cause flaking and acne.

How to get rid of the problem?

Drug therapy

If a person with acne is caused by diseases, treatment involves the prescription of medications that will eliminate the pathology. In addition to these remedies, medications are also prescribed that restore the top layer of the skin and also get rid of roughness. He often resorts to using a medicine called Dexpanthenol. For the same purposes, Bepanten can be used, which is supplied to pharmacy chains in the form of a gel or cream for external use.

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If a pimple or peeling occurs on the face, you can resort to the help of healers’ prescriptions, but this can only be done after consultation with a dermatologist, so as not to further harm the skin. To eliminate keratinized areas of the epidermis, it is recommended to use the following product:

  1. Oatmeal flakes in the amount of 2 tablespoons are mixed with the same volume of honey.
  2. Mix thoroughly and apply to the skin of the face.
  3. Massage the epidermis for 2 minutes.
  4. Wash off with cool running water.
  5. Apply nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Flaky skin on the face can be cured with the help of this mass:

  1. Mix cottage cheese and fat sour cream in equal quantities.
  2. Cleanse the epidermis with a cosmetic cleanser.
  3. Treat your face with a mask.
  4. Wait half an hour.
  5. Rinse with water.

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Cosmetological treatment

One of the most popular methods of getting rid of peeling and acne is laser therapy. The cosmetologist precisely targets problem areas with a laser beam, which helps penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis and kill bacteria. The technique makes it possible to prevent the subsequent appearance of new rashes, narrow pores and eliminate scars that remain from past pimples. Mostly 2-3 sessions of this manipulation are required.

One of the main advantages of laser therapy is painlessness.

Ultrasound treatment is also used, but it is effective only in situations where there are no more than 10 pimples on the face. During the manipulation, the physician exfoliates the keratinized areas of the epidermis using a spatula called an ultrasonic scrubber. The procedure makes it possible to eliminate clogging of pores, improves complexion, makes the skin silky and eliminates pimples.


To prevent peeling and acne on the skin, doctors recommend that patients first of all eat a healthy and balanced diet. A large number of foods containing fiber, microelements and vitamins should be added to the menu. Protein is also important for the healthy functioning of the body, which can be obtained from lean meats, eggs, and legumes. The diet should be enriched with vegetables and fruits, fish, and herbs.

An active lifestyle and frequent walks in the fresh air will also help reduce the likelihood of rashes. Doctors advise to engage in gentle sports. In addition, proper care will help reduce the likelihood of developing skin problems. When choosing cosmetic products, it is important to pay attention to the label, which indicates for what type of epidermis this product can be used. You should not forget about the composition, which should be natural for sensitive skin and allergic reactions.

Peeling skin is a common problem among all people. But usually it is women who have acne and flaky skin, since the sebaceous glands of men are structured somewhat differently. There are many remedies to combat the problem of peeling. To cope with this phenomenon, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.


Skin and acne most often flake off in people with a dry type of epidermis. This problem only gets worse with age, so it needs to be addressed immediately after detection.

  1. The main reason for peeling acne and epidermis is considered to be insufficient moisture. The situation is complicated by the negative impact of harmful environmental factors. Sun rays, strong winds, dry air and other influences can lead to peeling even in people with oily skin.
  2. If you do not take proper care of your face, peeling may also occur. All cleansers should be used in moderation, since if these procedures are carried out too often, the epidermis loses part of its immunity. This can cause irritation and excessive dryness. After washing, it is not recommended to rub sensitive skin too vigorously, as this can damage the top layer.
  3. Excessive dryness can be caused by a lack of vitamins in the body. This is why the skin often peels off in winter and summer - during periods of vitamin deficiency.
  4. Peeling can occur as an allergic reaction to components contained in household chemicals. Lanolin and lanolinic acid are quite strong allergens, so it is better not to use products with them.

What to do?

Thus, the upper layers of the skin along with the pimples peel off mostly due to dehydration. To prevent this situation, you need to replace soap with softer products that do not contain alcohol. This can be a delicate lotion, gel, foam, milk, mousse, etc.

As a last resort, you need to use soap with added oil or moisturizer. Immediately after washing, you should use a toner, and after that, a rich cream to prevent the epidermis from losing a lot of moisture.

When the face begins to peel, any products containing alcohol are contraindicated.

To protect against external factors, it is useful to use a protective cream designed for the current time of year. It should be applied at least 30 minutes before going outside.

To improve your skin condition, you may need to follow a diet. It is recommended to include more fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, fermented milk products and milk, rye bread, nuts and other foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E into the diet. In winter, multivitamin complexes will be useful.


If the skin begins to peel off, you need to consult a cosmetologist. As a rule, doctors in such cases prescribe dexpanthenol preparations. This substance improves the condition of the epidermis in almost all aspects - from accelerating regeneration to restoring immunity. Dexpanthenol is used in the following forms:

  1. Panthenol. It is a spray that is very easy to use. The product should be applied to a cotton pad and spread over the face with light movements. After 10 minutes, remove any remaining drug using a cotton pad. This should be done a maximum of 4 times a day.
  2. Bepanten. It is recommended to use it exclusively in cream form, as the ointment tends to clog pores. The product is applied to the face in the same way as any other cream.

In most cases, you need to use a moisturizer along with dexpanthenol. If the problem is not too serious, you can do without synthetic drugs altogether.

Folk remedies

To treat and prevent peeling, it is useful to carry out gommage. To complete it you need:

  1. Steam the skin with a warm compress or hold your face over the steam.
  2. Apply the medicinal composition.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, remove the resulting film and wash your face with warm water.

Gommage can be done according to different recipes. Gommage made from oatmeal is widely popular. To prepare it, you need to mix equal amounts of ground flakes, honey and olive oil. You need to add the yolk to this mixture, after which the mass must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. Those with oily skin are advised to add a few drops of lemon juice to the composition.

To increase the effectiveness of the product, you can supplement it with corn grits or granulated sugar.

A simpler gommage recipe involves using white bread. A slice of this product is filled with water or milk. When it swells, the composition must be stirred until smooth. It should be applied to the face and washed off with water after 15 minutes.

Gommage from coffee grounds can also help get rid of flaking. To prepare it, you only need to grind the coffee beans and brew a drink from them. The thickener should be drained, applied to the face and massaged with light movements. After 15 minutes, the composition is washed off with water.

Other masks that include honey, baked onions and fresh cucumbers with sour cream are also widely used.