Causes of acne on the face of an adult man


Rashes on the face appear in both women and men. Localization often indicates the causes of acne on the face in men. Typically, treatment measures include the use of special medications and adjustments to your lifestyle.


Why do men get acne on their faces?

Acne in men is a purulent element that forms as a result of infection of clogged pores with sebaceous plugs. Under certain factors, increased sebum production occurs with a simultaneous increase in its viscosity. This makes it harder to wash out of the pores.

Blackheads or comedones are formed when sebum in the pores mixes with keratinized particles of skin, decorative cosmetics, and dirt. Typically, oily skin in men is also accompanied by disturbances in the process of separating dead skin particles, which predisposes to the appearance of acne.

There are numerous microorganisms on the skin, which, when infected due to insufficient care and other reasons, cause the formation of acne, including in men.

There are various factors that disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands in men. As a rule, these factors are differentiated depending on the age of men.

Acne in adult men

Acne in adult men is relatively rare. The following provoking factors are called:

  1. hyperkeratosis;
  2. hormonal changes;
  3. pathologies of the digestive system;
  4. lack of adequate skin care;
  5. taking anabolic steroids;
  6. long-term insolation;
  7. nervous and emotional exhaustion;
  8. subcutaneous mite, which causes red acne in adult men;
  9. abuse of fatty and sweet foods;
  10. skin irritation due to shaving, which can cause inflammation of the hair follicles;
  11. squeezing pimples.

Acne in men aged 40 may appear due to insufficient sexual activity. The sebaceous glands located in the skin produce excess sebum, which clogs the ducts. Comedones are formed due to the oxidation of mixed secretions with dirt and dust. Purulent acne is the result of a bacterial infection.

Guy's acne

Acne in men often occurs due to increased testosterone. During adolescence, hormonal changes are observed. Thus, acne on the face is observed in almost half of the guys. By the age of 20-22, rashes are observed in a small number of young men.

Causes of acne on the face in men, depending on location

The location of acne does not indicate problems in the functioning of the body:

  1. Nose. This area contains a significant number of sebaceous glands. If they are overactive, you should expect the appearance of pimples and blackheads in men. Sometimes rashes are provoked by pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, digestive tract, weakened immunity, and endocrine disorders. Purulent elements in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose indicate disruptions in the functioning of the liver.
  2. Lips. Pimples around the mouth in men are a sign of gastrointestinal imbalance. Chronic diarrhea or heartburn is often observed. Pimples in the lip area are caused by manifestations of herpes virus infection.
  3. Forehead. This area also contains a large number of sebaceous glands. Often, acne on the forehead can be noticed in teenagers due to hormonal fluctuations. The causes of acne on the forehead in men are considered to be dysfunction of the gallbladder, intestines or pancreas. Purulent elements in the eyebrow area indicate the progression of dysbiosis.
  4. Chin. Acne on the chin more often appears in men after 30 years of age due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages and fatty, spicy foods. Rashes of this localization indicate problems with the endocrine or digestive system. It is also impossible to exclude pathologies of the kidneys or liver, a significant amount of toxins in the body.
  5. Back. Acne on the upper back can be a consequence of increased sweating due to hormonal imbalances, lipid metabolism disorders, and dermatological diseases.

What to do if acne appears on your face

In order for a man to get rid of acne, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. It is recommended to consult a specialist and undergo the necessary diagnostics.

The severity of the inflammatory process on the skin can be reduced through adequate care. Acne often appears in men after careless shaving or using inappropriate cosmetics.


To prevent the formation of pimples after shaving, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. carry out the procedure after taking a bath or shower, since the skin is steamed;
  2. Shave only along the hair growth;
  3. promptly replace the machine and blades;
  4. use cosmetics that have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Diagnostic methods

The feasibility of using various diagnostic methods is determined by the doctor, based on medical history and visual manifestations of pathology. The examination includes laboratory diagnostics to assess hormonal levels, the state of the immune system, and the functioning of vital organs and systems, for example, the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of acne in men

In order to eliminate acne that occurs in men, it is important to identify and treat the underlying pathology.

Drug therapy

To eliminate purulent rashes, both local and systemic agents can be used. Their choice and combination depend on the severity of acne progression in men.

Preparations applied externally are selected according to skin type, type of acne, age and other individual characteristics. Medicines used:

  1. reduce the production of secretions or sebum;
  2. suppress flora that causes inflammation;
  3. remove dead cells.

Pharmacy products

There are many medications that can be prescribed for acne in men of varying degrees. The following medications are most effective in the fight against purulent rashes:

  1. Zenerit (lotion). This is an antibacterial drug with a drying effect. The product includes zinc salts and erythromycin.
  2. Baziron (cream). The product is used to treat acne and acne due to the content of benzoyl peroxide.
  3. Metronidazole (gel). The antimicrobial agent has an anti-acne effect, preventing the formation of pimples.
  4. Levomekol (ointment). The product is effective when purulent elements occur.


Azelaic acid is highly effective, effectively combating the causes and manifestations of acne in men. Preparations based on this component include:

Folk remedies

Traditional treatment methods are complemented by traditional methods of therapy. You can use washing with healing herbal decoctions, applying masks and wiping the skin with lotions made from useful natural ingredients:

  1. Sea salt solution. A teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of water. The solution is applied to the affected areas and washed off after half an hour. The product can be used for acne on both the face and back.
  2. Lemon lotion. The fruit has a number of beneficial properties for the skin due to its unique composition. Lemon can even out skin tone, eliminate excess oil and dissolve sebaceous plugs. This component is included in various masks. For convenience, you can wipe your face with a slice of fresh lemon or use a solution. To prepare it, you need to add a teaspoon of fresh juice to a glass of warm water. The resulting liquid is wiped over the skin using a cotton pad.
  3. Infusions of calendula or chamomile. Natural remedies have pronounced antiseptic properties and a calming effect. You can treat your skin with infusions 2 times a day.
  4. Tar soap. The product is considered effective if it has a natural composition. The product can be used on any skin type. Tar soap has antibacterial properties and helps get rid of comedones and pimples. Experts note that tar soap is not suitable for daily use, as it dries out the skin greatly. The product can be used for spot application.
  5. Apple vinegar. The product can be used both in natural and diluted form to treat the skin. It is recommended to use a homemade product. Often, commercially produced apple cider vinegar is not beneficial due to the addition of synthetic components.


Cosmetic procedures

Modern cosmetology offers the following options for cleansing the skin of acne and comedones in men:

  1. Superficial cleaning. This is an atraumatic procedure that does not require a recovery period. This type of cleaning is recommended to maintain adequate skin condition. The process uses algae, fruit acids and plant extracts to remove inflammation, trigger skin regeneration, eliminate dead skin particles and restore an even color.
  2. Mechanical. Usually combined with hardware techniques and chemical peels. The manipulation is indicated for problem skin and has no seasonal or age restrictions. The procedure is accompanied by painful sensations.
  3. Hardware. This is done using special brushes. The preparatory stage involves treatment with exfoliating agents. The procedure helps rejuvenate the skin and eliminate fine wrinkles.
  4. Ultrasonic. Usually carried out in parallel with the mechanical technique. Using ultrasonic waves, you can effectively remove impurities from skin pores, sebaceous plugs and epithelium after keratinization. Ultrasonic cleaning activates collagen synthesis and lymph outflow.
  5. Vacuum. This is a type of hardware technique that can effectively eliminate skin rashes in men. Devices have also been developed that can be used at home to improve the penetration of creams into the skin.


Removing acne and preventing it depends on a man’s eating habits. Fresh vegetables and fruits are essential for healthy skin. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweet, fatty, spicy and salty foods. Drinking alcohol and smoking also causes harm.


Prevention of facial acne in men, the photo of which is presented below, includes several main points:

  1. Adequate skin care. It is necessary to cleanse the skin 2 times a day using special cosmetics. Soap should not be used as it causes dry skin.
  2. Correct eating habits. The diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, cereals. Compliance with the drinking regime is essential.
  3. Sufficient and complete sleep. Lack of sleep depletes the body and suppresses the immune system. The development of somatic diseases negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  4. Control over hormonal levels. Acne in men is often caused by hormonal imbalance.



The causes of facial acne in men can vary greatly. Treatment is complex and includes the use of medications and cosmetics, traditional medicine, and salon procedures.

The skin of not only women and teenagers suffers from various rashes. Acne on the face of men also often appears.

By the location of the rash, you can understand the reasons for its appearance.

And competent treatment of the underlying disease in combination with lifestyle correction helps to completely cleanse the skin of unwanted skin defects.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!


Acne on the face in men, the causes of which can be very different, occurs due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

  1. At the age of 14–19 years, the main provoking factor for the appearance of a rash is hormonal activity, which characterizes the period of puberty (at this age, about 40–50% of young men are susceptible to the appearance of acne).
  2. At the age of 22, only 5% of young people suffer from inflammatory skin processes.
  3. After age 30, hormonal acne usually goes away.
  4. At an older age, rashes on the face of men can also appear, but much less frequently (at 40 years old - only 1% of males, and at 50 years old they do not appear at all).

Provoking factors may be:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. hormonal imbalance;
  3. insufficient sexual activity;
  4. hyperkeratosis is a skin disease accompanied by an increase in the upper stratum corneum of the skin (occurs as a result of occupational intoxication or for other reasons);
  5. diseases of the digestive tract;
  6. lack or improper skin care;
  7. prolonged exposure to open sun;
  8. stress, emotional fatigue, physical exhaustion;
  9. taking anabolic steroids (hormones);
  10. unhealthy diet – abuse of sweets and fatty foods;
  11. subcutaneous mite, which causes the appearance of redheads that resemble acne in appearance;
  12. skin irritation and inflammation of hair follicles after shaving (if bacteria enter the wound);
  13. squeezing existing pimples (leads to the spread of infection to adjacent areas of the skin).

Photo: stages of development

The skin contains sebaceous glands that produce sebum.

  1. With increased activity of the glands, the sebaceous secretion is not completely removed to the surface of the skin; its excess clogs the pores.
  2. Sebum mixes with dust, dirt and dead cells, oxidizes, and blackheads (comedones) appear.

As a result of the addition of a bacterial infection, painful purulent pimples form in their place.

What do acne on the face of men mean?

If you know which organs are responsible for acne in a certain area of ​​the face or body, you can guess what problems exist inside the body.

On the nose

A large number of sebaceous glands are located in this area.

  1. Their excessive activity leads to excess sebum production, and as a result, to the appearance of acne.
  2. Other causes of inflammation can be digestive disorders, endocrine problems and weakened immunity, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Pimples on the bridge of the nose indicate problems with the liver.

In the lip area

If acne appears in the lip area, there are problems with the digestive system.

  1. Quite often, such rashes are accompanied by other symptoms of indigestion (flatulence, heartburn, diarrhea, etc.).
  2. The second reason for the appearance of rashes on the lips is frequent colds, herpes.

Photo: cold rashes

On the forehead

Here, like on the nose, there are many sebaceous glands.

And the main reason for the appearance of acne is increased sebum production.

  1. Most often, rashes on the forehead are formed due to hormonal changes in adolescents.
  2. In adult men, skin inflammation develops against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, intestines, and gall bladder.
  3. A small rash near the eyebrows may be a symptom of dysbiosis.

On the chin

The chin is one of the main places where rashes localize in men over 30 years of age.

The two main causes of acne in this area are:

  1. excessive consumption of spicy and fatty foods;
  2. alcohol abuse.

Rashes on the chin indicate the presence of a large number of toxins in the body, as well as problems with the digestive or endocrine system, problems with the kidneys and liver.

On the back

Acne on the back in adult men appears due to increased sweating in this area of ​​the body, as well as as a result of:

  1. disorders of fat metabolism;
  2. hormonal imbalances;
  3. dermatological diseases (follicular dermatosis).

Video: “How to get rid of acne”

What to do

How to get rid of acne can only be understood after determining the main cause of its appearance.

To do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

If after 30 years

In addition to contacting a specialist, the following will help improve the condition of the skin and reduce inflammatory processes:

  1. proper skin care;
  2. correction of a nutritious diet - limiting the amount of sweet, fatty and spicy foods consumed, including a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu.

Photo: including fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu will reduce the risk of acne

As a result of shaving

To prevent the skin from becoming inflamed after shaving and unwanted rashes appearing on it, it is recommended:

  1. shave after a shower or bath (in this case, the skin will be sufficiently steamed);
  2. carry out the procedure with movements strictly along the hair growth line;
  3. change blades in a timely manner or use an electric machine;
  4. use a special aftershave lotion that has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.

Is it possible to remove acne on the face of an infant? Find out here.

On the chin

If single rashes appear occasionally, thorough cleansing and treating the skin with antiseptic solutions should help.

  1. It is better to use an alcohol solution of salicylic acid, which not only perfectly disinfects the skin, but also tightens enlarged pores and removes excessive oiliness.
  2. For severe rashes, special medications may be prescribed.


To get rid of acne completely, you must first treat the underlying disease.

As for topical medications, they should be selected by a doctor taking into account the type of acne, the severity of inflammation, age and other individual characteristics of the patient.

Photo: pharmaceutical products for acne

The action of the means used is based on:

  1. decreased sebum production;
  2. removal of dead cells;
  3. suppression of bacterial flora.

Most often, doctors prescribe drugs:

  1. Zenerite lotion;
  2. Baziron cream;
  3. Metronidazole gel;
  4. Levomekol ointment.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, you can fight rashes using alternative medicine.

Photo: using calendula you can remove inflammation from your face

  1. Sea salt solution. Prepared from the ratio of a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. Apply to problem areas and wash off with water after 30 minutes. This remedy helps get rid of acne on the face and back.
  2. Tincture of calendula. It is characterized by pronounced antiseptic properties and also dries out the skin. Used to treat problem areas twice a day.

Skin care


  1. You should wash your face at least 2 times a day, preferably using special cleansing cosmetics. Regular soap is not suitable for washing - it dries and irritates the skin.

Photo: cleansing the skin with a scrub

  1. It is useful to cleanse the skin of dead cells with a scrub several times a week. You can use a ready-made product, or make a scrub yourself by mixing coffee grounds with a small amount of cleanser.

If you have inflamed or purulent acne on your skin, scrubs and peels are contraindicated!


The use of toner helps to narrow enlarged pores and reduces oily skin.

Tonic can be purchased at a cosmetics store or replaced with homemade products (for example, fresh cucumber juice).


Photo: After washing your face, apply moisturizer

Moisturizing cream to give the face freshness is applied to the skin after washing and applying toner.


Daily consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits will undoubtedly benefit the skin and the entire body.

But spicy, salty, fatty and sweet foods are best consumed in limited quantities.

Photo: foods whose consumption should be limited

In addition to a healthy diet, giving up bad habits, strengthening the immune system, and eliminating physical and emotional fatigue will help prevent the appearance of new rashes on the body and face.

Questions and answers

What is the difference from teenage

Acne in adult men differs from teenage acne in appearance, location, and causes of appearance.

  1. In teenagers, the rash is caused by increased hormone levels.
  2. In an adult man, rashes on the face and back may indicate serious diseases of the internal organs.

Photo: acne on the back of a teenager

Unlike the small red spots that affect the skin of teenagers, rashes in adults are deep, inflamed papules.

What do intimate places mean?

Pimples in the groin and genitals in men appear for various reasons.

In some cases, the provoking factor is failure to comply with basic hygiene rules or mechanical damage to the skin (scratches, cuts). Such acne is not dangerous and only requires careful antiseptic treatment. Over time, they go away on their own.

Other causes of groin acne include:

  1. hidradenitis inguinalis – inflammation of the sweat glands of the groin area, which occurs when infected with Staphylococcus aureus;
  1. boils – formations develop due to inflammation of the hair follicle and are accompanied by purulent processes;
  2. contact dermatitis – occurs against the background of skin irritation with chemicals (for example, hygiene products);

Photo: psoriasis of the groin area

  1. psoriasis – a chronic skin disease accompanied by the appearance of scaly itchy nodules;

Photo: athlete's foot inguinal

  1. fungal diseases – pimples in the form of blisters appear in the groin and skin folds.

Pimples in intimate areas can also appear due to sexually transmitted diseases.

Photo: genital herpes


Photo: lice pubis

  1. lice pubis;

Photo: molluscum contagiosum

A seemingly harmless rash can be a symptom of a serious disease, and therefore requires careful diagnosis and timely, competent treatment.

There are many reasons for acne in adult men.

Sometimes, in order to improve the condition of the skin, it is enough to change your lifestyle - eat right, give up bad habits, observe a work-rest schedule and avoid stress, and properly care for your skin.

How to treat pimples and blackheads on the face? Find out here.

Can acne occur due to stomach problems? Read on.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the rash and know how to remove acne from the skin quickly and effectively.

Video: “7 simple ways to get rid of acne in one day”

We are used to thinking that acne is something teenage, supposedly this simply does not happen in adults. But the reality is that in reality, even people over 25 suffer from constant acne. But if during puberty, rashes are easily explained by surges in hormonal activity and rapid growth, then for older people there is simply no single explanation that fits everyone. Yes, acne after 25 is not normal and is caused by certain problems within the body or improper skin care. But there are a lot of possible reasons for this phenomenon, and it is impossible to say with certainty which factor specifically affects your skin. But let's figure it out.

If you look at each of the possible causes in more detail and observe yourself, you can determine what the problem is and what needs to be corrected. But, of course, you cannot draw far-reaching conclusions on your own. The most accurate diagnosis can only be performed by a qualified specialist who sees how acne is located on the body, what type it is and what it is accompanied by, and on the basis of which he will draw a conclusion. Therefore, first of all, you should go to the doctor.

Acne on the face in adult men and women: causes

As you know, many people often suffer from acne during adolescence. The main reason for its appearance during puberty is the hormonal characteristics during puberty. Typically, teenage acne goes away as soon as hormone production returns to normal. But if this did not happen, then internal problems still remain.

As you know, many people often suffer from acne during adolescence. The main reason for its appearance during puberty is the hormonal characteristics during puberty. Typically, teenage acne goes away as soon as hormone production returns to normal. But if this did not happen, then internal problems still remain.

Moreover, both men and women suffer from this equally, so we see no point in separating the factors influencing the appearance of acne in adults by gender. Both sexes are affected by problems with hormones, nutrition, lifestyle, internal organs and other things, so everything will be in one section.

All of the factors listed below apply exclusively to cases where acne appears regularly. If pimples suddenly appear on your face, which have never been seen before, then the reason may be different. For example, in allergic reaction.

Acne on the face in adults is caused by the following factors:

  1. hormonal imbalances;
  2. disease;
  3. poor nutrition;
  4. improper care or lack thereof;
  5. Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  6. stress and depression.

Now let's look at each of the possible reasons in more detail.

Acne on the face in adults due to poor diet

You've probably heard the catchphrase "You are what you eat" many times before. And there is some truth here, because everything you eat really affects not only how you will feel, but also how you will look. Indeed, some foods can cause acne. Of course, the influence of food is very indirect. For example, it can clog the intestines, which subsequently causes acne, or increase the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which also has a negative effect. In this article We've even identified a few very specific foods that cause acne. We recommend you read it.

But not only the consumption of certain foods affects, but also its lack. Vitamin deficiency is the enemy of our skin. The fact is that if the body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals, then the protection of the epidermis weakens. Therefore, it is easier for harmful bacteria to settle tightly in your pores and provoke inflammation, which we used to call acne. But this can be successfully combated. For example, dermatologists often refer patients to a nutritionist to create an ideal, vitamin-rich diet.

Acne on the face in adults due to hormones

Hormonal activity directly affects the occurrence of pimples, both on the face and body. For example, in the same puberty this is the main cause of acne. If hormone surges are also observed in adulthood, the result will be the same. For example, women often begin to experience acne some time before menstruation. This is a completely normal situation. For the same reason, ladies may suffer from acne and during pregnancy. A similar situation can be observed from diseases, taking oral contraceptives or hormones.