Pimples near hair on forehead

I have never had acne, even during adolescence. Now 34 years old. About six months ago they began to appear exactly along the hairline above the forehead and on the side of the temples. They are subcutaneous, sweaty, they don’t squeeze out a damn thing, but they appear with enviable consistency. What is this?? Slagging? Any other reasons? I would be very grateful if someone knows and can tell me

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I came across an opinion on the Internet that acne along the hairline can be associated with the use of nourishing balms or masks for hair. Maybe they are too oily and clog your pores?

Hormones. During both my pregnancies my entire face was covered.

))))Only now I noticed a typo. Not sweaty, but THICK! I checked the female hormones and the thyroid gland - everything is ok. Are there any other hormones in the body or is that all?

I read somewhere that such pimples indicate liver problems. It also wrote about indications of problems with other organs, but I remember exactly about the liver - I myself had problems with it at that time and the same acne appeared, in the same place as yours. By the way, I am also 34 years old.

If not with the liver, then I think maybe it has something to do with the blood. Something like this.

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Donate blood for androgens.

I also had this problem. When I became pregnant with my second, acne appeared all over me, when I gave birth it stopped popping up on my body. Then it remained on my face, I tried all the products, both expensive and cheap, then they recommended hormonal ones, at first everything was fine, but I lost weight Plus, the pimples have popped up again. I decided to surf the Internet and found very good natural products, I ordered it and it was not expensive, about three hundred rubles, in short, it helped in the end. I’ll leave you a link to the site in case you’re interested, go take a look.

In addition to the above, there may also be a subcutaneous mite, which is tediously treated with special ointments; you need to have a scraping from your face done by a dermatologist, they will look under a microscope and you will be calmer that this infection is not present.

In three days you can get rid of terrible acne with Tsindol
Before applying, squeeze out the pimple, wipe with alcohol and apply cindol to the pimple.
three days and your skin is perfect!
price of tindol 50r


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What do acne on the face tell us? Very often, pimples accumulate in a certain part of the face, for example, on the forehead, cheeks, temples or chin. Other parts of the face always remain clean. In Eastern medicine it is believed that Any pimples on the skin are a consequence of problems with internal organs and various diseases. Many domestic cosmetologists also agree with Eastern medicine on this. Read on to the article if you want to know what do pimples on the face say, how to read a map of acne on the face, what organs you should pay attention to.


So, which organ is unhealthy can be determined by which part of the face you have acne.

What do pimples on your face say: pimples on your forehead

On the forehead there are several zones responsible for the functioning of organs:

  1. Pimples along the hairline indicate problems with the gallbladder.
  2. Pimples in the center of the forehead indicate poor bowel function. Excessive rashes on the forehead can also be caused by poor diet, consumption of large amounts of fatty and sweet foods, as well as medications and hormones. The upper part of the forehead is responsible for the large intestine, the lower part for the small intestine
  3. Pimples above the eyebrows indicate problems with the heart and intestines
  4. There are also areas on the forehead that are responsible for the functioning of the bladder.

Pimples on the forehead may indicate excessive slagging in the body, poor diet, and constant stress.
If you have problem skin on your forehead, you should reconsider your diet towards a healthier one, eat less sweet, starchy, fried, fatty, smoked, highly salty foods, and drink more water.

What do pimples on the face say: pimples on the temples

Pimples on the temples signal problems with the spleen and gall bladder

What do pimples on the face say: pimples on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows

Pimples in the area between the eyebrows (on the bridge of the nose) may indicate liver problems. She may be overloaded with alcohol, unhealthy fatty foods, and medications. As a result, it is difficult to cleanse the blood and cause acne on the bridge of the nose. It could also be problems with the pancreas. By the way, such hidden emotions as anger, for example, can also come out in the form of acne.

What do pimples on your face say: pimples on your nose

Pimples on the nose are caused by:

  1. problems with the pancreas and stomach (pimples on the upper part of the nose)
  2. problems with the cardiovascular system (most often acne on the tip of the nose). The skin suffers from poor blood circulation, which can cause rosacea and redness of the nose. A red tip of the nose may indicate arrhythmia, and a red nose may indicate high blood pressure. Lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in more physical activity, eat foods with B vitamins
  3. bronchial diseases (pimples and redness on the wings of the nose and nostrils)

What do pimples on the face say: pimples around the eyes, under the eyes (above the cheekbone)

Most often, pimples around the eyes indicate problems with the kidneys and adrenal glands. Review your diet, worry less, rest more and take care of healthy sleep.

What do pimples on the face say: pimples on the cheeks

Pimples on the upper cheeks (under the cheekbone line) indicate stomach problems. Try to eat properly separately, do not drink water during and after meals, limit the consumption of fatty and other junk foods, as well as milk
Pimples on the middle and lower cheeks, as well as on the chest and back between the shoulder blades can be caused by problems with the lungs. The right cheek is responsible for the right lung, and the left cheek is responsible for the left. Lung diseases can be expressed in red spots, problems with capillaries.
Chinese scientists believe that they occur when there is a lack of joy, physical activity, fresh air, and also due to smoking. Heavy and unbalanced energy accumulates and pimples form.
It is also common to encounter acne in these places during adolescence, as well as due to allergic reactions.
Pimples on the cheeks in the lower part (along the face line) can be caused by diseases of the mouth, teeth and gums.

What do pimples on your face say: pimples on your chin

Acne on the chin, as well as unwanted hair in women, can be caused by hormonal imbalance, increased levels of male hormones (androgens). Another reason is problems and congestion in the pelvic area. In women, this may be associated with gynecological and endocrine diseases, in men – with the development of prostatitis. You should go to a gynecologist to check the ovaries and appendages; for men, see a urologist. Have an endocrinologist check your hormones.
Also, acne on the chin can be caused by stress, lack of sleep, alcohol and coffee abuse.

What do pimples on your face say: pimples around the lips

Pimples on the sides of the lips, as well as on the shoulders, can be caused by problems with the digestive system, most often the large intestine. May be accompanied by constipation, intestinal colic, and indigestion. Chinese scientists believe that such acne is more common in vulnerable and sensitive people, those who take everything to heart. It is worth limiting alcohol, tea, coffee, and junk food. Eat healthy foods regularly and worry less.
Pimples above the lips can give you a signal about problems with the cardiovascular system.
Pimples on the corners of the lips and upper lip can be caused by problems with the duodenum, on the central part of the lower lip - by the small intestine, on the edges of the lower lip - by the large intestine.

What do pimples on the neck say?

Pimples on the neck may indicate problems in the endocrine or digestive system. They can also be caused by colds or infectious diseases. Red spots and rashes on the neck can also be a result of allergies.

What do pimples on the face say: conclusions

We hope this acne map article helps you understand your body better. This does not mean that if one pimple pops up on your cheek, you should immediately run to check your lungs. Perhaps you just don't cleanse your skin well or grab your face with dirty hands. But if you constantly have pimples in the same places, and accumulate in certain parts of the face, then you should go to the doctor and check the condition of the corresponding organs of the body.
Write in the commentsWhat do you think about the relationship between the location of acne and diseases? Have you ever noticed such correspondences? After this article, have you decided to go to the doctor to check the functioning of some of your organs, for example, the intestines? Will you keep an eye on what do pimples on your face say??

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76 thoughts on “What do pimples on the face say: a map of acne and diseases”

First, you need to change your diet. Not a diet, but a lifestyle itself. Get a thorough diagnosis. Medicines can only delay the problem - they will relieve the inflammatory process on the skin, but the causes that cause acne will remain... This is a dangerous path

There seems to be a grain of common sense here, but it seems to me that all this is very strange. Why then do external remedies help? After a course of Metrogil, for example, my face can be clear for a month. Organs are not treated in this case.

So the fact of the matter is that when the reason is there, then the same Metrogil removes acne only for a while. That’s why we need to remove the reason...

I'm struggling with my face. I constantly have acne in all places. Detected inflammation of the 12th cirrus. How to treat . I have everything that is listed. 😞

Of course, if you have acne, you need to undergo a full examination. But they don’t do this here, and doctors don’t prescribe anything—they prescribe a standard regimen, and that’s it. I went to a dermatologist here and was told to use Skinoren and Metrogyl, the traditional method. And not a word about doing tests or anything else.

Guys! Because of my nervousness, and not only because of this, my face broke out (I was unemployed and without a salary for 3 months), I also had a loan, I was depressed, I was worried a lot, so everything turned out, fortunately everything got better, but the acne never went away , no, it's more like acne. So, I went to a dermatologist, she told me that this was most likely a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, possibly parasites in the blood (giardia), stagnation of bile, Helicobacter pylori, and you won’t believe it, but after the examination everything, EVERYTHING was confirmed, tomorrow I’m going to a gastroenterologist for medications and diet, plus it turned out I had a bad heart, only my liver and kidneys were fine+

It all started with a temperature of 41C and intoxication and diarrhea. Without any tests, the doctor later said that it was pneumonia and prescribed Flemoxin. It passed, but other problems appeared, including hair loss, pimples on the forehead, temples and closer to the hair and even ears, I have to wash my hair every day, although before that I washed it once every 10 days and not a single hair fell, but now it’s just a mess. I began to fall asleep at 7 pm and with great difficulty get up at 12 pm. It’s like I get enough sleep, and when I don’t get enough sleep, I sleep it off while studying.
The problem has been bothering me for 4 years.
Sorry for the details. I think you can tell approximately what happened to me on that fateful day.

The condition of the skin depends on many factors, including the health of the internal organs. In traditional Chinese medicine, doctors often evaluate the face for diagnostic purposes—this allows them, in many cases, to identify health problems before serious symptoms appear and prevent possible complications. As for the forehead, the appearance of pimples, red spots, wrinkles or other imperfections can also be due to various factors. The most common cause of acne on the forehead is poor diet.

The main cause of acne on the forehead is poor diet.

Traditional Chinese Medicine associates the forehead with the digestive system, more specifically:

  1. the upper part of the forehead (near the hairline) – the bladder;
  2. the lower part of the forehead (above the eyebrows) is the intestine.

Most often, problems that appear in the forehead area are caused by the accumulation of toxins in the digestive system. This may be due to deteriorating kidney function (for example, if you don't drink enough water) or eating unhealthy foods rich in sugar and unhealthy fats, for which your digestive system has to pay.

The forehead, according to traditional Chinese medicine, reflects the state of the digestive system.

As for emotional factors that can cause the appearance of acne on the forehead, they include stress, which in chronic form:

  1. leads to poor digestion;
  2. causes the development of irritable bowel syndrome;
  3. can lead to ulcerative colitis, etc.

What other reasons can provoke the appearance of acne on the forehead?

If acne often appears on your forehead, you should first eliminate the most obvious factors contributing to the problem:

  1. exposure to cosmetics;
  2. poor hygiene;
  3. hat is too tight, etc.

Less obvious, but no less common causes of acne on the forehead are:

In conditions of lack of fluid, it is difficult for the body to remove toxic substances that enter it from the outside and are formed as a result of cellular metabolism. Accumulating in the gastrointestinal tract, toxins can lead to acne in the forehead area.


The balance of good and bad bacteria in the intestines plays an important role in the health of the body and the beauty of the skin. Diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome - all these problems are characterized by an imbalance in the healthy balance of bacteria, which is the result of stress, unhealthy diet, antibiotics, etc. To get rid of acne on the forehead that appears for this reason, your doctor may prescribe probiotics.

  1. Abuse of fatty foods

Fans of fried, high-fat foods often face the problem of acne on the forehead. The solution in this case is simple - limit the consumption of such products.

Disturbances in the digestive system (due to abuse of sweets, alcohol, fatty foods, dysbacteriosis, lack of sleep) often lead to the appearance of acne on the forehead.

  1. Sugar

High blood sugar levels are a common cause of acne on the forehead, as well as problems with the digestive system. In particular, fructose, which is often found in processed foods, reduces insulin sensitivity and promotes fat storage in the body. Try to limit the amount of sugar in your diet as much as possible to improve your skin condition.


  1. Digestive system problems

Sometimes problems in the forehead area occur due to disruption of the digestive process. A doctor can most accurately determine such disorders.

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol can cause heartburn and disrupt the production of stomach acid. In addition, alcoholic beverages in excessive quantities lead to disruptions in intestinal function and overload the liver. Such changes can also lead to forehead acne.

Lack of sleep can cause acne on the forehead because lack of sleep increases stress levels and disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, healthy sleep is an important component of beautiful skin.

If you are worried about acne on your forehead, try to analyze your lifestyle and eating habits - often their correction has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. However, we should not forget that disturbances in the digestive system, hormone imbalance and other diseases can cause acne. Therefore, it is best to contact a specialist in case of skin problems.