Pimples on the chest in women

Breasts are one of the most powerful “weapons” that nature has endowed a woman with, and it is very unpleasant when her aesthetics suffer. Why do women get acne on their chest? This is a burning question for many of the fair sex, because there are many reasons why this unpleasant phenomenon can occur. You shouldn’t despair – it won’t help matters anyway. And it will help him to identify and eliminate the causes of violations of the beauty of the female body.

Acne on the chest: causes

This is what acne on a woman's chest may look like

It is imperative to find out them, since eliminating the provocateurs of the phenomenon is the first step towards eliminating it.

Even if you can get rid of it using various methods, it is not a fact that the result will not be temporary, and the trouble itself will not soon return again.

Why do acne appear on women's chests? There are external and internal reasons for this. In some cases, more than one provocateur is identified, and they can be a “tandem” of internal and external “culprits.”

External reasons

Most often they are like this:

  1. One of the most common reasons is insufficient personal hygiene or an incorrect approach to this issue. Because of this, the sebaceous ducts become clogged, which causes an inflammatory process in the skin layers. Most often, for this reason, multiple acne appears on the chest of women, usually in the form of a small rash;
  2. Poor nutrition. In pursuit of a slim body, many representatives of the fair sex adhere to strict diets that deprive the body of many useful substances. There is an opinion that fats are the main enemy of a thin waist and health in general, but this statement is not true for all of them. For example, lean meats and fish contain healthy fats and amino acids, which contribute to the normal functioning of the body, metabolic processes, and skin condition. At the same time, an excess of fatty foods in the diet and foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates, especially simple ones, is also not beneficial either for the condition of the skin or for the condition of the body as a whole. It is known that a large amount of sweets does not benefit the body, and such a hypothesis has a right to exist. But fruits, vegetables, herbs are a gift of nature that can enrich the body with useful components;
  3. Bad ecology. Harmful particles from the environment negatively affect the skin, clogging the pores with toxins and other harmful substances, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops in them;
  4. Wearing clothes that are too tight. It prevents the body from “breathing”, becoming saturated with oxygen. Such things, in addition, worsen blood flow, and all this together contributes to the fact that the skin does not have the opportunity to promptly cleanse itself of dirt and sebaceous plugs, due to which the inflammatory process develops;
  5. Presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.). Not only the color of the skin suffers from them, but also its condition, and the result is often acne on the chest.

All these causes of the problem are far from harmless for health in general, therefore, if there is a suspicion that they or some of them are the provocateurs, try to eliminate them.

Internal reasons

Tar soap has long been used to combat chest acne in women.

The most common among them:

  1. The phenomenon may be the result of an allergic reaction to any medications, foods, drinks;
  2. An allergy can also occur in response to the use of certain body care products, wearing jewelry, synthetic clothing, or the use of perfumes. Insect bites, contact with plants containing poison, interaction with household chemicals - all this can also trigger the phenomenon. If your chest breaks out with acne for any of these reasons, we are talking about contact dermatitis;
  3. The occurrence of a problem can also be caused by stress, anxiety, anxiety, and other negative psychological states and emotions. Often in such situations, the rash appears as small formations that spread not only to the chest, but also to the back, in particular, in the spine;
  4. If your chest is covered with acne, you should pay attention to your hormonal levels. Often its change is accompanied by this phenomenon, and it can “attack” not only the chest, but also the face, arms, neck, and shoulders. This is the reason that the phenomenon is often encountered by teenage girls who experience active puberty at this age. Hormonal changes also explain the fact that many women experience acne on their chests before their period;
  5. Acne on the chest during pregnancy is also a common problem, and it is also caused by changes in the woman’s hormonal status. She will retreat on her own when the baby is born. By the way, acne on the face during pregnancy is no less common;
  6. Diseases of the digestive system. The inflammatory process in this case is due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with the removal of toxins, toxic substances, and other “harmful substances” from the body. They try to find their way out through the skin pores, clogging them. In the presence of such health problems, both small and large acne may appear on the chest of women. It is possible that they contain purulent contents due to infection. They usually also spread to the back;
  7. If purulent acne appears on the chest, one may suspect a decrease in immunity. Diabetes mellitus may also be the culprit in this case;
  8. Do you have acne on your chest? Is everything okay with the urinary system? Sometimes the provocateur of the phenomenon is diseases of these organs;
  9. The presence of infectious diseases in the body can also cause problems. In this case, white pimples on the chest, similar to white pimples on the face, may be observed, having purulent contents, and this is present regardless of whether the disease is acute or chronic.

Formations that appear occasionally and quickly recede should not cause serious concern, but if the problem appears constantly, profuse rashes are observed, this is a reason to consult a doctor, which also applies to acne on the face.

Acne on the chest in women: what to do?

The tactics for dealing with trouble largely depend on the reasons for its occurrence. Due to the fact that they are often in a state of health, it would not be superfluous to undergo a medical examination.

If acne appears on the chest of women, treatment should be based on an integrated approach.

First steps

Oat scrub is a folk remedy that does an excellent job of preventing and combating chest acne in women.

Along with starting treatment with folk or traditional methods, you need to take some measures that are not related to medications:

  1. Pay attention to hygiene. This may not mean that you rarely take a shower or bath, but that you use hygiene products that are not suitable for your skin. They should match your skin type. During the treatment of acne on the chest, it would be useful to regularly rinse with a weakly concentrated decoction or infusion of chamomile (you can replace chamomile with sage);
  2. Analyze your diet. There is no need to rush to give up some foods, but remember that the menu should provide the body with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the correct proportions. Try to give preference to dietary meats, seafood, and lean fish. Vegetables, fruits, herbs - these products should always be present on your table. Do not forget that fried foods are harmful to health and skin condition, but boiled, stewed, baked foods are healthy;
  3. At least while treating chest acne, try to wear only clothes made from natural materials. You should not wear tight clothes, in particular underwear - allow the skin to “breathe”;
  4. If you have bad habits, make every effort to eradicate them.

As for the internal reasons for the appearance of acne on a woman’s breasts, a doctor should help eliminate them by first examining the body and identifying them.

How to get rid of acne on the chest using folk remedies?

Traditional medicine has a considerable number of recipes that help solve this problem.

You can use an oatmeal scrub, which is done this way.

  1. Combine oatmeal in the amount of 6 tbsp. l. and soda in the amount of 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture with warm water, stir the composition until it reaches a mushy state.
  3. Using gentle massaging movements, apply the scrub to the skin of the chest.
  4. Next, the composition must be washed off with water.

This remedy for acne on the chest in women performs cleansing and disinfecting functions. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed, breathes, and this leads to the elimination of the problem. You can also use one of the oatmeal facial scrub recipes.

Pustules and white rashes are eliminated faster if a drying effect is applied to them. You can use this tool for this.

  1. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. sea ​​salt.
  2. The resulting solution should be sprayed onto the skin of the chest, but not rubbed over the skin.
  3. Then it should be carefully washed off with plain water when the solution dries.

Zinc ointment is one of the most effective traditional remedies against acne on the chest in women.

Tar soap has long been trusted, and not in vain - it allows you to disinfect the skin, thoroughly cleanse it of dead particles and plugs, and dry out acne on the chest. It should be used 2-3 times/week, but not longer than 2-3 weeks, because there is a risk of drying out the skin, which is also not good for it.

Herbal infusions are a very effective folk way to get rid of the problem.

  1. Brew a glass of boiling water with 1 tsp. daisies.
  2. Let the mixture sit until it reaches room temperature.
  3. We decant the mixture and treat the breast skin with it twice a day.

Instead of chamomile, you can use aloe, calendula, and sage. You can use homemade herbal medicines twice or thrice/week for as long as you like.

Speaking about how to get rid of acne on the chest, do not forget that treatment can also be carried out with traditional medicine such as ointments and gels. The most popular of them are sulfuric, ichthyol ointment, as well as Vishnevsky ointment, salicylic acid.

Despite the fact that many traditional remedies have long proven themselves to be reliable and safe, it is better to entrust their prescription to a doctor.

Prevention of acne on the chest in women

A competent approach to prevention and treatment will help protect yourself from chest acne

You can significantly reduce the risk of an “attack” by this problem by following these tips:

  1. Try to wear underwear made from natural fabrics. It is desirable that the clothing as a whole be made from the same. Wardrobe items should not be tight;
  2. Provide yourself with good nutrition, which should be balanced;
  3. Ordinary hygiene products do not always help to thoroughly cleanse the skin, so use mild body scrubs at least once/2 weeks. You can also use folk recipes for this;
  4. Exercising helps improve blood flow, saturating the skin and body with oxygen, which is a good protection of the skin from inflammatory processes;
  5. Try not to get addicted to bad habits.

A healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy body and, in particular, skin. Do not neglect this “golden” rule, and acne on the chest, which can upset any woman, most likely will not bother you.

Clean skin is one of the main components of beauty. Acne can be a real problem for a girl. They can appear on the face, back, buttocks. Their “favorite” place is the décolleté and collarbone area. There are many reasons for this. Often, skin inflammation indicates problems in the body. To get rid of them, you need to figure out what caused this process. Let's look at how to eliminate acne on the sternum in women and the reasons for their appearance.

What causes rashes?

If acne appears in the décolleté area, but there are not many of them, there is no need to panic. Most likely, particles of dust and sebum caused clogging of the pores, and in this area the skin became inflamed. With proper care, the problem should quickly disappear. But if women have multiple rashes on the chest and do not go away, you need to establish the cause and decide how to treat them.

Why do acne appear on the décolleté?

Acne on the chest in women has multiple causes, and we will consider the most common of them.


In first place are hormonal problems , namely, excessive or insufficient production of certain hormones. Such a malfunction enhances the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which in turn causes clogging of the ducts.

Acne on the sternum in women causes gynecological diseases , for example, pelvic inflammation.

Acne on the chest may appear due to disorders of the digestive system , dysbacteriosis, pathology of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland. Characteristic rashes indicate infectious diseases (chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, etc.).

Acne all over the body, including on the chest and back, can be a sign allergic reaction . Allergens can be both internal irritants (food, medicines, vitamin complexes) and external (dust, household chemicals, dyes, cosmetics, skin care products).

A doctor must determine the disease that caused acne on the chest and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Improper skin care

A hygienic shower must be taken at least once a day and after each intense physical activity (intense physical work or sports). Acne on the sternum in women can cause use of low-grade cosmetics and skin care products.

It is advisable to buy products from a trusted, reputable manufacturer that is suitable for a specific skin type.

Improper use of deodorant or perfume is another reason for this problem. There is no need to apply them to the skin in the décolleté area. This contributes to clogged pores and the appearance of rashes.

Unhealthy diet

If the menu is dominated by foods rich in carbohydrates , and at the same time there is a deficiency of amino acids and vitamins, the function of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, and rashes appear on the back, along the spine and on the chest.

Other factors

Acne can form on the chest of women due to stress, strong feelings and worries over a long period. Acne on the chest can also be caused by unfavorable climatic conditions or unsuitable working conditions (too hot or cold climate, polluted air).

Only a doctor can determine exactly why acne appears on the chest after carrying out the necessary diagnostics.

Types of rashes in the décolleté area

The rash in the sternum area differs in appearance and is determined by the cause that caused its appearance. White pimples on the chest are formed due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts with subcutaneous fat. White pimples may indicate a metabolic disorder or non-compliance with the rules for using cosmetics.

If they are not cured at the initial stage, then inflammation is added. In this case, red pimples form. If the cause of the inflammatory process is not removed, the rash becomes purulent. Often such acne is the result of serious health problems - a cold or kidney disease.

If the rashes are small and itchy, then most likely they are of an allergic nature.

Inflammation can develop in the hair follicle. Often it indicates a lack of any nutrients in the body.

Blackheads on the chest and back are dead skin cells that have not been exfoliated and have closed the pores. In this case, it is necessary to determine the reason why the tissue regeneration failed. This may be due to metabolic disorders or a malfunction in the hormonal system.

When are chest acne dangerous?

In most cases, acne on the sternum in men and women does not indicate a pathology that threatens their life. But in some cases, their appearance may mean the onset of malignant diseases, an allergic reaction (urticaria, Quincke's edema), dangerous to humans.

You should immediately seek medical help if acne appears on the neck or chest, which is itchy and accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Swelling of the larynx and face .
  2. Sudden change in skin color , even when the person’s general well-being is satisfactory. A very alarming sign is a change in the color of the rash from red to earthy.
  3. Dizziness and loss of consciousness .
  4. Difficulty breathing .

If such signs appear, you need to call an ambulance!

Treatment of chest rashes

How to get rid of acne on the chest? This problem most often indicates a health problem. Therefore, you don’t need to guess for yourself why acne appears on women’s chests and how to get rid of them. It is better to consult a doctor who will determine the causes and determine treatment.

A rash on the sternum in the form of pimples can be treated with medications and folk methods. In most cases, therapy is complex and includes various methods.

Drug treatment

Acne can be treated with medications only under the supervision of a doctor. There are many reasons for their formation, which means that a variety of medications can be prescribed to eliminate them.

For example, acne on a woman’s chest may itch, and the cause is an allergic reaction. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines in combination with sorbents. A rash caused by a fungal infection may have similar symptoms. She itches too, but the treatment will be different. To get rid of it you will need antifungal agents.

If inflammation on the skin occurs due to infection, then the above medications will not get rid of it. Such acne will have to be fought with the help of “heavy” artillery - antibiotics. Acne on the back, chest, and face can be caused by hormonal dysfunction. In this case, you will have to conduct a thorough diagnosis and take a course of hormones.

Local funds include the following:

  1. Zincacne ointment is a proven remedy. It dries out rashes on the breast and throughout the body well. It is especially effective against purulent acne.
  2. Chlohexidine - an effective antimicrobial drug. Shows good action in the treatment of inflammation caused by microbes.
  3. Tar soap - dries, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to quickly relieve itching due to fungal infections.

Pharmacies today offer a lot of different products that are quite effective against skin diseases. But man has not yet come up with a universal cure. Therefore, only a doctor can determine how to remove acne on the chest in men and women, how to cure the skin, based on the diagnostic results.

Treatment with traditional methods

How to get rid of acne on the back and chest using traditional methods?

The following remedies can be used at home:

  1. Aloe juice — softens the skin and has a pronounced antiseptic effect. It treats subcutaneous acne well.
  2. Sea salt baths — eliminate excess sebum, fight infection.
  3. Decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs - chamomile, string, calendula.
  4. Lemon juice - dries and disinfects.
  5. Cucumber pulp masks — moisturize the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Treatment of skin problems is rarely effective without nutritional correction. If a woman’s mood deteriorates at the sight of acne on her chest, the first advice on how to get rid of them is to change her diet. From the menu you need to exclude fatty, fried, spicy, smoked foods, sweets and baked goods in large quantities. If the rash is caused by a food allergen, it is important to identify it.

Acne often affects not only the face, but also other areas of the body. Chest acne in women can occur for a number of reasons. Rashes of this kind primarily bring psychological discomfort and prohibit wearing clothes with a large neckline in the neckline. Before you begin to eliminate the problem, you should establish the true cause of the rash or individual inflamed elements on the skin.

Etiology of rashes on the chest

Rashes on the chest can be either single or multiple. Red and small acne that cover the entire chest often itch and itch, causing some discomfort. Sometimes red pimples, in the absence of necessary treatment, turn purulent.

Regardless of the cause that caused the problem, the inflammatory process on the skin in the décolleté area is usually associated with blockage of the sebaceous glands and the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms on the protective surface.


Acne on the chest and back often appears at the same time, sometimes affecting other areas of the body, such as the neck, face and shoulders. It is in these areas that the largest number of sebaceous glands are located. In addition to red and purulent rashes in the chest area, you can also observe black dots, which are also a consequence of increased secretion of sebaceous secretions by the skin glands.

Influencing factors and reasons

The main provoking factors why acne appears on the chest are:

  1. hormonal disorders;
  2. increased sweating;
  3. long-term use of antibiotics;
  4. problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. poor nutrition and abuse of bad habits;
  6. lack of nutrients in the body;
  7. allergic reactions to skincare products.

Acne on the chest in women in most cases occurs during the period of hormonal changes in the body, which are observed during pregnancy, menopause and during menstruation. Taking steroid hormones or stopping the use of contraceptives also often leads to red, inflamed elements, sometimes of a pustular nature, appearing on the chest and shoulders and nearby areas of the body.

In girls, acne on the face and chest is often a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, which is observed during puberty (transition).

Thyroid diseases can also cause rashes.

Increased sweating is one of the triggering factors for rashes under the breasts. Sweat is an ideal breeding ground for pathogens that cause inflammatory processes on the skin.


The causes of acne on the chest can also lie in long-term use of antibiotics. Medicines in this category lead to decreased immunity, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and dysbacteriosis, which is one of the indirect causes of acne. All these factors inevitably lead to a decrease in the protective functions of the skin and the onset of the inflammatory process.

A gastrointestinal disease such as gastritis also often leads to the development of rashes on the body in adults.

Abuse of junk food, alcohol and smoking causes the accumulation of waste and toxins in the body, which inevitably lead to the development of an inflammatory process that often affects the skin. In addition, improper eating habits and bad habits contribute to the fact that the body does not receive the nutrients it needs, which also becomes a consequence of the development of acne.

Allergic reactions to skin care products, as well as synthetics, are another reason why acne appears on the chest. Irritation of the epidermis inevitably leads to a decrease in local protective functions and the development of an inflammatory process.

Insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive hygiene are secondary reasons for the development of acne in the chest area, which also contribute to a decrease in local immunity.

Diagnostic measures

Before treating acne, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination by specialists such as:

  1. dermatologist;
  2. gastroenterologist;
  3. gynecologist;
  4. endocrinologist

After identifying the main cause of acne development, appropriate therapy is prescribed, which in most cases requires an integrated approach.

How to get rid of acne on chest

First of all, they try to eliminate acne on the sternum in women using external agents based on azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, metronidazole, erythromycin, clindomycin, and isotretinoin.

In cases where local treatment is ineffective, they resort to taking oral medications. Depending on the cause of acne, retinoids, hormones, or antibiotics may be prescribed.

Weakened immunity is an indication for the prescription of immunomodulators and vitamins. In case of dysbacteriosis, which also contributes to a decrease in the body's protective functions, a course of probiotic therapy is carried out.

In some cases, when a rash on the chest in women causes psychological discomfort and leads to neuroses, sedatives are used.

Additionally, it is necessary to correct eating habits and provide proper care for the inflamed dermis.

External means

Chest acne can be treated with the following topical treatments:

  1. Skinoren;
  2. Baziron AS;
  3. Zenerite;
  4. Isotrexin;
  5. Metrogil;
  6. Chlorhexidine.

Skinoren is an anti-acne drug based on azelaic acid. The main active component acts in three directions at once: relieves inflammation, prevents the proliferation of microbes, and has a keratolytic effect. The rash on the chest is treated twice a day after the hygiene procedure. A significant improvement in skin condition is observed in the 4th week of regular use.


Baziron AS has a similar effect as the drug described above. The main active substance of the product is benzoyl peroxide, which has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, and also has the property of reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands. The gel can be applied up to two times a day. The full course of treatment is 6 weeks.

Zinerit includes two active ingredients - erythromycin and zinc. Thanks to these components, the inflammatory process in the skin and the proliferation of bacteria are stopped. Additionally, the product has a comedolytic effect.

Isotrexin contains an antibiotic (erythromycin) and a retinoid (isotretinoin). The drug suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora, reduces sebium production, dissolves sebaceous plugs, exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis and relieves inflammation. The course of use of the product can vary from 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the severity of acne.

Metrogyl is a gel based on metronidazole, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It prevents tissue damage due to its antioxidant properties, which is responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties. The gel demonstrates the greatest anti-acne effectiveness in combination with Differin.

Chlorhexidine and its analog Miramistin are often used to treat inflamed elements in cases where large areas have been covered. External use products show good antiseptic properties and drying effect.


One effective way to get rid of chest acne is to take retinoids. The most commonly prescribed are Roaccutane, Sotret and Acnecutane. Uncontrolled use of these medications can lead to serious consequences, so only a doctor can prescribe them.

Hormonal contraceptives

Acne on the neck and chest, which has a hormonal etiology, is often treated with the prescription of hormonal contraceptives that contain antiandrogens or estrogens. Medicines in this group include Yarina, Zhanin, Diane-35, etc. The duration of the course and dosage are established exclusively by the attending physician.


The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are Dosicycline, Minocycline, Unidox Solutab and Amosicline. Systemic medications must be combined with local antibacterial agents. Drugs of this group, when taken for a long time, tend to accumulate in the skin and subsequently exhibit antimicrobial activity.

In case of acne due to gastritis, Amoxicillin is prescribed orally together with Metronidazole tablets. Both drugs interact with each other, showing activity against Hilobacter pylori.

Probiotic therapy

Acne on the sternum in women caused by dysbacteriosis is treated by taking probiotics ─ Rioflora, Bifiumbacterin, Linex, etc. The course of therapy is usually a month.


If there is a deficiency of vitamins A and E, an effective drug such as Aevit is prescribed. The vitamin complex is prescribed by a specialist, since its independent use can lead to adverse reactions, as is the case with retinoids.

Among other drugs, a special Merz tablet may be prescribed. In addition to retinol and tocopherol, the vitamin complex also contains other vitamins necessary for skin health (C, B vitamins, iron).


If the appearance of a rash is associated with immunodeficiency, then the attending physician will prescribe an immunomodulator. One of these is Wobenzym. The drug is a broad-spectrum immunomodulator and is considered mandatory for use during long-term antibiotic therapy, as well as in the event of dysbacteriosis.


Taking antihistamines is indicated when allergic rashes appear. Many small pimples that itch are often the result of allergies, so they are eliminated with the help of Suprastin, Tavegil or some other antihistamine.

Nutrition for rashes

Acne between the breasts, as well as in other areas of the chest, in some cases requires following a diet with the exclusion of junk food from the diet. It is recommended to first exclude from the menu those foods that contain simple carbohydrates. This category primarily includes sweets, baked goods, confectionery, chips, alcohol, etc.


Plant foods in the form of vegetables and fruits should predominate in the daily diet. Don’t forget about high-quality protein in the form of fish, meat, cottage cheese and eggs.

Fried, smoked, highly salted foods and semi-finished products should be completely avoided.

You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, not counting juices, compotes, fruit drinks and other drinks.

How to prevent acne

It is important to know not only how to remove acne on the chest, but also how to prevent its further occurrence. Prevention primarily lies in proper care. It is important to use gels for showering that do not disturb the natural pH of the skin and do not dry it out. You should take a shower or bath daily. In hot weather, it is recommended to wash with plain water without using cleansers up to twice a day.

If pimples appear under the breasts in hot weather, the affected area should be treated with Chlorhexidine and baby powder or talc should be applied to dry skin. In the case where there is a rash over the entire chest area, treatment with an antiseptic is also necessary to avoid deterioration of the condition of the skin.

It should be remembered that inflamed elements should never be pressed, even if one pimple pops up. Mechanical removal at home can lead to infection and spread of acne. It is permissible to cauterize a single inflamed element using iodine, salicylic alcohol and any other antiseptic.


Acne is often chronic, so in most cases it cannot be completely cured. However, with the right approach to therapy, stable and long-term remission can be achieved.