Can men have cellulite?

Is a man’s handsome figure a dream or reality? Most people suffer from the problem of uneven body skin or, in other words, cellulite. In the article we will look at what it is, we will figure out whether men have cellulite and how often it appears.

What is cellulite, factors of its occurrence

Cellulite, or lipodystrophy, is a characteristic change in the skin of the body associated with impaired metabolism of waste products in cells. Subsequently, this leads to the accumulation of toxins and fluid in the tissues, disruption of the metabolism of collagen fibers and swelling of the subcutaneous fat. Cellulite appears in the form of irregularities, tubercles and pits in the abdomen, buttocks, legs, arms and other parts of the body.


Some experts consider cellulite a disease, although statistics indicate its presence in 85% of women and a small percentage of men. Representatives of the stronger sex almost do not have it. In women, this is due to an excess of a hormone such as estrogen.

The following table lists the factors that cause fat deposits in men.

Metabolic disorder of male sex hormones, imbalance of adrenaline in the blood

Increased volume of adipose tissue relative to other body tissues

Disruption of lymph flow and blood flow in the area of ​​cellulite formation

Do men have cellulite?

The external manifestations of the disease are not the same as in women: fat deposits are noticeable only in the waist area. Therefore, some people have doubts whether men have cellulite. However, the idea that men do not have such a problem is a popular myth. It exists, and we will look at its main causes and methods of dealing with it.

The main reasons for the appearance

If you are wondering whether men have cellulite, the photo will show that yes.


The causes of fatty layers are very different. Let's look at them.

  1. The first factor that affects skin condition is nutrition. If you eat a lot of fatty, fried and other unhealthy foods, your metabolism is disrupted, which can lead to obesity and the appearance of cellulite.
  2. The next reason for its appearance is hormonal imbalance in the body, for example, in adolescence, adrenal dysfunction. Also a kind of hormonal factor is an imbalance of adrenaline in male blood, which leads to fatty layers.
  3. The hereditary factor influences the degree of manifestation of cellulite in representatives of a particular nation or race. It's safe to say that men with dark skin have far fewer signs of cellulite than people with fair skin.
  4. Experts believe that the manifestations of cellulite are associated with stressful experiences. During stress, hormones enter the blood, which further contributes to the appearance of spasms in the blood vessels.
  5. Bad habits (for example, smoking) also cause spasms in blood vessels, and there is also a deterioration in blood circulation both in the human body and in fatty tissues.
  6. The main friend of cellulite is physical inactivity: muscle inactivity leads to impaired blood and lymph circulation.
  7. An important factor in the development of fatty tissue is poor posture. It creates ideal conditions for the appearance of a fatty roll on the abdomen.

Non-surgical control methods

Cellulite causes great inconvenience in men. Could it be that non-surgical methods will help solve this problem?


Indeed, this problem can be overcome using complex methods. First of all, you need to get rid of excess weight. Review your diet. It is worth excluding both fried and fatty foods, foods containing cholesterol, sweets, and smoked foods. Reduce your consumption of coffee and alcohol (maybe a little red wine), and carbonated drinks to a minimum. It is recommended to drink more water and natural juices. This will improve metabolism, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Active sports helps strengthen muscles and improve skin tone. All types of sports are recommended: both regular exercise in the gym and regular intense walking.


At home, you can use various masks and scrubs made from natural ingredients. They help get rid of cellulite in combination with other methods.

Cosmetic methods are used to reduce body fat in men. These procedures improve blood circulation of cells and increase the elasticity of the skin.

The right clothes will help hide skin imperfections.

However, it should be taken into account that getting rid of this problem depends on the individual characteristics of the person, and there is no clear advice on how to get rid of male cellulite.

Physiotherapeutic and radical methods of combating cellulite

Do men get cellulite? We have already found out that yes. Many women plan to use a radical method to get rid of the “orange peel” - surgery.

Today there are other methods:

  1. Liposuction. This procedure uses a vacuum attachment or ultrasonic vibrations, which effectively remove fatty rolls.
  2. Electrolipolysis is a physiotherapeutic method of getting rid of fat deposits, which involves exposure to electrical impulses.
  3. Lipoplening: removes fat layer using ultrasound. It is considered the safest and most effective procedure.

Foods that cause cellulite

Whether cellulite occurs in men and what foods contribute to the increase in subcutaneous fat, we will consider below.

Foods and drinks that cause cellulite

Foods and drinks that prevent the growth of subcutaneous fat

Sausages, fried and salted foods, baked goods, smoked meats, refined carbohydrates, artificial additives and colors, beer, carbonated drinks, alcohol and coffee

Raw vegetables, greens, legumes, cereals, fish, seafood, vegetable oil, natural juices (especially celery juice), bran bread, water

Is cellulite the same in men as in women?

Male cellulite differs from female cellulite in the location of fat deposits. If women mainly have deposits on the hips, waist, and buttocks, then in men the affected area is more limited - this is the stomach, waist area. There is no orange peel, like the fairer sex, because men have a thinner layer of fat.


Pronounced signs, such as hypertrophy of subcutaneous fat, are absent in men. This prevents the diagnosis of cellulite at an early stage.

Even with the presence of a fat layer, men do not experience psychological discomfort as much as the fair sex.

As a result of analyzing the question of whether men have cellulite, we came to the conclusion that it does happen, but it manifests itself differently than in women.

If you think about it, the male body presents its owner with much fewer unpleasant surprises than the female body. The stronger sex is not familiar with PMS, does not know what menopause is, and even such an annoying cosmetic defect as cellulite does not bother men. In any case, that’s what a common myth says... But what are things like in reality?

The secret life of male cellulite

It is generally accepted that unpleasant bumps and potholes that disfigure the hips are a purely female problem. They say that a man, even after gaining considerable weight and acquiring a beer belly, will keep the skin on his legs offensively smooth and aesthetically attractive. That's just how his body works.

Not entirely true: about a third of the male population of the planet still has the famous “orange peel”. Only it is located under the skin so deeply and secretly that it is not always possible to see male cellulite. Why is that?


A little physiology. Collagen fibers, which, like a network, lower a woman’s subcutaneous fat, are located strictly parallel to each other and perpendicular to the skin. When fluid begins to stagnate in the cells and adipose tissue grows, the fibers weaken and can no longer effectively restrain its onslaught. What, in fact, is not required of them: women are bequeathed by nature itself to “put on fat” in order to bear healthy and full-fledged offspring.

Nature did not set such a task for men. Collagen fibers of the stronger sex are located crosswise under the skin, like the cells of a real network, and can keep in check even fat cells that spread out to the sides for a long time. That is, a man may have cellulite, but you cannot see it with the naked eye. In any case, until the weight exceeds critical mass.


But if nature, in principle, did not plan to create a strategic supply of nutrients on the male body, where does it come from? There may be several reasons.

  1. Hormonal problems. An emergency increase in adipose tissue in the lower part of the body is provoked by the female hormone estrogen, which, by the way, is also produced in the male body, albeit in minute quantities. But if, as a result of illness, heredity or other reasons, the amount of estrogen suddenly increases, cellulite begins to develop. By the way, phytoestrogen, a plant analogue of the hormone contained in beer, also leads to the same consequences. Foam drink lovers, take note!
  2. Metabolism failure. Unhealthy and irregular nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits destroy metabolism in a matter of months, which actively contribute to excess weight gain and the development of cellulite.
  3. Impaired blood flow. The same incorrect lifestyle, bad posture and ill-fitting clothes or shoes often lead to poor blood circulation, due to which stagnation begins to occur in the body.

It has been noticed that representatives of the stronger sex who are under stress have a greater chance of personally becoming acquainted with the “orange peel” than those who know how not to focus on their problems. Learn to relax properly! This will benefit not only your nerves, but also your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Special signs: how to recognize an enemy

Since the cellular arrangement of collagen fibers and the increased density of a man’s skin rarely allow one to “by eye” determine the presence of cellulite and its stage, the thermography method is usually used (literally, “recording heat”).


This happens as follows. A doctor or cosmetologist with a medical education applies a special film to the problem areas of the patient’s body, on which, like on a monitor screen, their temperature is displayed in the form of color spots. Areas affected by cellulite have poor blood circulation, so the thermal map will mark them as “cold.” This is where efforts will need to be directed to eradicate the problem.

In severe cases, for example, with very large excess weight, male cellulite manifests itself in the form of traditional tubercles and ruts that appear when the skin is squeezed. In addition, the skin itself in such areas will seem somewhat colder to the touch.

If in women cellulite usually settles on the hips and buttocks, then in men it primarily attacks the stomach and sides, and sometimes the chest, arms and even the neck.

Ways to get rid of orange peel in men

What methods do the “decisive and courageous” fight cellulite? The same as their gentle friends, because at the root of the problem lie the same physiological processes.


Excluding fatty, fried and salty foods from the diet, an irreconcilable fight against cholesterol and boring calorie counting always bring results. Create a thoughtful menu or consult a nutritionist for it, and cellulite will drain from your body along with the extra pounds.

Physical activity

It is well known that “orange peel” does not go well with sports. Moreover, it is not so important whether it is a full-fledged hour-long session in the gym twice a week, a regular game of football with friends, or a daily warm-up at home, the main thing is determination and the mindset to win. Your task is to accelerate blood flow, strengthen muscles and improve metabolism; the body will do the rest on its own. However, a consultation with a physical therapy instructor in any case will not be superfluous.


Cosmetic procedures

Not all women go to beauty salons! It’s not a sin for the stronger sex to get acquainted with some methods of caring for your body:

  1. wraps with active substances;
  2. hydrotherapy - therapeutic baths and Charcot showers;
  3. anti-cellulite massage using special creams and oils - manual, vacuum, hardware, water and pneumatic massage;
  4. mesotherapy - the introduction under the skin of special drugs that promote the breakdown of fat deposits (occurs through injections);
  5. electrical stimulation is the effect of electric current on muscles in order to cause them to contract and thereby influence the size of the fat layer.

Some cosmetic procedures are contraindicated for problems with the cardiovascular system, pressure surges, cholelithiasis, varicose veins, arthritis and other ailments. So in any case, a trip to a cosmetologist should be planned only after consulting a doctor. And it’s better to start your fight for a healthy body with it.

Surgical intervention

When the disease - and cellulite can rightfully be called a disease - is advanced and the adipose tissue covers not only the space under the skin, but also spreads to the internal organs, it is necessary to resort to more serious measures.

  1. Liposuction is the “pumping out” of fat through miniature punctures using a vacuum apparatus. Please note: if there is a lot of adipose tissue, one procedure may not be enough. You'll have to fork out 2, 3, or even 5.


As in the case of cosmetic procedures, surgical intervention has a number of serious contraindications and can only be prescribed after a complete examination of the patient.

Video: common problems of male obesity

Even if the orange peel does not manifest itself externally, this does not mean that you can give up on it. Cellulite is not so much a cosmetic problem as a medical one, indicating unhealthy processes in the body and causing serious harm to its organs. Therefore, patients predisposed to gaining adipose tissue (for example, men who are clearly overweight) should be checked for the presence of “hidden orange peel”, and then deal with it.


Many people believe that cellulite is a problem only for the fair sex. They are partly right, since cellulite in men is a rather rare phenomenon. According to statistics, about 90% of women have subcutaneous fat deposits, but men with such an aesthetic defect can be found 2 times less often. This luck is due to the structural features of the skin and differences in hormonal balance. But since only a few still encounter this problem, there is a need to solve it.

Reality or fiction


Almost all women have encountered cellulite at least once in their lives, but it cannot be denied that men are overweight as well. Many representatives of the stronger sex are concerned about the question of whether men have cellulite, or whether orange peel is only a female problem.

Features of the occurrence of the disease are due to differences in hormonal balance, as well as differences in the structure of adipose tissue. In women, collagen fibers are located parallel to each other, and this increases the risk of fluid stagnation and stretching of adipose tissue. As a result, as prescribed by nature, deposits form under the skin. The sex hormone estrogen is responsible for this process in the female body.

Men have a completely different arrangement of fibers (crossed shape), resulting in a cellular structure. Because of this, the fabrics are less susceptible to stretching. Since most men's bodies produce estrogen in very small doses, the problem of cellulite in the male body is practically unaffected.

But still, the cellular structures, although weakly, stretch, so men who do not care about their diet and physical fitness may encounter stagnant processes of fat and water in the body. Fortunately for them, due to the cellular structure, even those accumulations that exist do not look bumpy and sloppy on the surface of the skin.


It is quite difficult to determine male cellulite visually, but sometimes it still occurs. The appearance of excess weight causes the accumulation of female hormones in adipose tissue, and as a result, a stern man acquires fullness according to the female type.

In addition to poor nutrition, such a popular drink among the male population as beer contains phytoestrogens, which are a plant analogue of the female hormone. Gradually, accumulating substances in the body, the body receives a consequence of hormonal disorders - cellulite.

Causes of deposits

In men, the reasons for the development of cellulite can be different: from poor nutrition to the presence of chronic diseases. Experts identify several of the most common:

  1. Physical inactivity or a simple lack of physical activity. A low level of sports activity leads to the appearance of excess weight and cellulite. As a result, all internal organs suffer from excess fat. Men need to stay in good physical shape by exercising regularly. Thanks to training, you will be able to increase your metabolism, performance, and strengthen muscle tissue. If these measures are supplemented with a low-calorie diet, then the person will simply begin to change before our eyes.
  2. Psycho-emotional stress. Frequent stress causes disruption of metabolic processes in the body. Fat nodules, which create the basis for cellulite, often appear as a result of difficult psycho-emotional situations.
  3. Poor nutrition. Problem number one is an incorrectly selected diet, which is why the “orange peel” appears. Cholesterol, contained in excess in many modern foods, provokes problems with fat metabolism and blood circulation. As a result, cellulite on the butt in men is increasingly becoming commonplace.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. Another common reason leading to the appearance of an aesthetic defect. The breakdown of fat in men occurs due to the hormones norepinephrine and adrenaline. If their synthesis changes, the fat burning process is suspended, and the excess accumulates in the skin tissue.
  5. Poor posture. The problem of childhood gives its echoes already in adulthood. Scoliosis provokes poor circulation and the formation of lymphostasis, which can cause the accumulation of fat cells.

These are just the main reasons for the development of male cellulite. Chronic pathologies based on metabolic and circulatory disorders play an important role in this issue. Before starting therapy against this disease, you need to consult a specialist.

Stages of development of male cellulite

Cellulite on the abdomen in men is not accompanied by the formation of characteristic tubercles and depressions, so it may not be visually noticeable. However, this does not mean that the problem does not exist.


Often the pathology looks like excess fat in the abdomen, waist and hips. It is noteworthy that the skin retains its former elasticity.

Cellulite in men usually develops gradually. Each stage has its own characteristics:

  1. The pathology begins with the formation of small pits, noticeable only when the skin is compressed. At this stage, the skin gradually stretches and practically does not tan.
  2. At the second stage, the pits become noticeable.
  3. More dangerous symptoms develop: swelling, bruising, loose skin.
  4. At the last stage, the skin acquires a blue tint, and when you feel problem areas, the body seems colder.

In most cases, due to rare visits to a specialist, the man does not even suspect the presence of the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since it is very difficult to recognize cellulite on your own, a man needs to contact an experienced specialist. The following methods are used for diagnosis:

  1. the endocrinologist applies a special film to some areas that reacts to temperature fluctuations;

  2. mozhet-li-byt-cellyulit-u-htkuR.webp

    in the area of ​​fat deposits, blood circulation is impaired, as a result of which the skin temperature decreases significantly;
  3. the film shows colored spots indicating fatty nodes under the skin.

Typically, men who lead an active lifestyle do not have this problem. They do not have bad habits, play sports and eat right. Cellulite does not affect those who do not have chronic diseases.

The absence of a visual “orange peel” effect does not mean that there is no cellulite under the skin. Often in men, the manifestations of the disease are not visible and cannot be identified without feeling the skin area. Therefore, excess weight itself and fat deposits on the sides and abdomen should be a reason to contact an endocrinologist.

How to get your body in order

Men have a much easier time dealing with cellulite than women. The blood of the stronger half of humanity contains a lot of testosterone, which ensures natural fat burning. To get rid of deposits you need to increase the level of the hormone. You can do this by introducing moderate physical activity into your life. Doctors advise paying special attention to the waist area during training. Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles help a lot.


If a person has seriously taken care of himself and regularly practices sports, correction of the diet is not required, but still changing the daily menu will make the recovery process faster. Be sure to eat enough fruits and vegetables, lean fish and meats, and grains. Fiber, vitamins and minerals will play an important role. It is better to avoid carcinogens, preservatives and synthetic additives. It is recommended to steam food.

Nutritionists advise eating food in small portions, chewing thoroughly. It is worth noting that sudden changes in weight can trigger the appearance of cellulite, so you should not lose weight quickly. With significant fat deposits, weight loss should occur within a year or two.


In stores and pharmacies you can find many creams and gels that will help a man get his body and skin in order. Essential oils, ointments containing caffeine, green tea, lemon and grapefruit extract are suitable as cosmetics against subcutaneous fat. The components of these products perfectly tone the skin and, when absorbed into the skin, break down some of the fat. It is recommended to use scrubs that improve blood circulation.

Professional cosmetic procedures are also considered an effective way to combat the disease. It is better to trust the specialists and visit a beauty salon or a specialized medical center. An experienced cosmetologist will select the most effective procedure.

Surgical intervention

In advanced cases, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. The main advantage of this method is the safe and quick removal of fat deposits. A person leaves the clinic without excess weight.

There are several surgical methods to help men get rid of cellulite:

  1. mozhet-li-byt-cellyulit-u-wnyTi.webp

    Liposuction - a procedure in which the doctor removes excess fat using a vacuum instrument. But such manipulation has several disadvantages: in case of large accumulations, only part of the deposits can be removed, and there are contraindications. Liposuction should not be performed on people with diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and somatic pathologies.
  2. Electrolipolysis — excess fat is removed using a device with electrical impulses. This method also has contraindications: thrombophlebitis, epilepsy and cancer. This method is prohibited for people who wear a pacemaker.
  3. Lipoplining — ultrasonic treatment of fat cells and their subsequent removal. The most effective procedure, as it has a minimal risk of relapse compared to other methods.

If one of these procedures has been done, in the future you should definitely follow all the doctor’s recommendations so that the problem does not return and conquer the body again. Cellulite in men on the buttocks, sides and abdomen will not go away on its own, so you need to work on yourself constantly.

Prevention of cellulite

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. mozhet-li-byt-cellyulit-u-QMopUxe.webp

    A man should quit smoking, as nicotine makes the surface layer of the epithelium looser, gradually destroying it.
  2. You need to make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day. A man in a calm state should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. If he plays sports during the hot season, this volume increases by 2 times.
  3. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

Having a cellulite problem cannot be ignored. Fat deposits not only spoil the appearance of their owner, but also cause various diseases. Moreover, a person feels physical inferiority, and this affects his psycho-emotional state. Therefore, if you do not have the strength to cope with the disease on your own, you need to put aside embarrassment and seek help from professionals.