Ways of causing headaches from matter

We say: matter turns out to be the cause of headaches either essentially or incidentally; being a cause in essence, matter itself changes nature or itself produces a violation of continuity. The change of nature by matter itself occurs in two ways: either as a result of proximity, or when the action of matter leaves consequences. The action due to proximity is expressed in the fact that the mixed juice, hot or cold, produces warming or cooling, but when the juice is separated from that with which it is mixed, its effect ceases and disappears and does not leave any significant trace. When the action of matter leaves consequences, then the influence of the juice is affirmed and consolidated, and if it is separated by emptying and resorption, then the effect of its quality remains stable.

As for the case when matter is the cause of a headache essentially, causing disturbances in continuity, then it does this by its movement, penetration, burning and corroding. The cause of headaches from the movement of matter is mostly due to the excitement of the winds; it is most often produced by cold winds suddenly affected by warmth, or by wind-forming food not devoid of warmth. As for burning and corrosive matter, these are hot juices.

And a headache that comes from a side effect of matter occurs when a blockage occurs, whether caused by a tumor or not by a tumor. Blockage, as you know, is followed by a change in nature and a break in continuity. The latter occurs because nature moves the juices in the body, either expelling them or dividing them and distributing them in the form of food. At the same time, it moves them along natural passages, and if the latter are closed, then the juices encounter an obstacle. When they encounter an obstacle, they struggle with it, the struggle causes stretching, and stretching produces a break in continuity. Blockages sometimes form in the substance of the brain, sometimes they form in its veins, and sometimes in arteries, sometimes in the vessels of the meninges. Blockage is caused by juices either due to their stickiness, or due to their thickness or abundance. Stickiness is inherent only in mucus, while thickness is inherent in both mucus and black bile. Mucus causes blockage by its stickiness, thickness and abundance, black bile - by thickness and abundance, and yellow bile blocks only by its abundance, just like blood.

Headaches during illness crises belong to the category of pains caused by the natural movement of matter for the purpose of expulsion, and the headache that occurs after digestion of food belongs to the category of pains caused by the natural movement of matter for the purpose of separation. As for the formation of harmful matter in a particular organ, you should remember what is said about this in the General Fundamentals... First you must recognize whether the matter was formed in the organ earlier and stayed there or whether it comes from food, that is, it originated only now from nutrients, as chyme, which is bad in its substance and quality, is generated due to the spoilage of the food itself, or inappropriate quantity or order of its intake, or from digestive disorders and other types of health disorders mentioned in their place. This category also includes headaches from eating garlic, onions and mustard, as well as headaches from hangovers and headaches from taking cold medications. You should remember about the movement of juices in the organs based on what was said in General Fundamentals.

Winds also belong to the category of matters that cause headaches. They cause pain by stretching, and this occurs if the natural passage is narrow for them, created at one time narrower than it should be, or if the winds tend to create an unnatural passage. This also includes couples. They act either by their quality, or because they put pressure on the juices in places where they accumulate, and thereby set them in motion. Winds and vapors are sometimes generated throughout the body, sometimes in the brain itself, and sometimes drawn in from without; or they pass through the pores, then linger in the brain and cause headaches. The same is true for headaches from stench and headaches from incense. Know that mucous winds and mucus vapors are heavy, move slowly and are easily blocked, and black gall vapors are depressing, make a person run wild and are stable; they are smaller in quantity and inferior in quality. Hot juices do not excite winds, but they excite vapors. Blood vapors are fresh. They are the least harmful in quality and cause the greatest harm in quantity; yellow gall vapors are pungent and cause inflammation.