I picked a mole until it bled, what should I do?

Parents behave differently when they notice moles on their baby’s skin. Some experience fear when thinking about possible harm to their health; others find them great. Who is right? Should I worry and worry?

A mole is a congenital or acquired malformation of the skin. It appears unexpectedly on the body, most often on the face, in all people. In newborns, dotted moles are very rare. They actively appear in 2-year-old children, and besides, even then they are difficult to distinguish.

Another stage in their appearance begins during puberty. All due to changes in hormonal levels: old ones become larger and brighter, and new ones occupy previously unoccupied areas on the body. The small brown round spots are harmless as long as you don't injure or rub them. Otherwise, the risk of moles degenerating into melanoma increases.

What happens if a child rips off or picks at a mole?

Nevus or mole - skin formation, which is responsible for the formation of tanning and skin pigmentation. Although myths have been created about her, not all of them can be believed. It is a tumor in its structure, which does not change in size and does not harm the baby’s health until he damages it.

It is impossible to predict the consequences of damage to a mole! They are influenced by size, shape and inherent cancer predispositions. If the nevus is large, it will cause serious harm to health. When it is damaged, the cells responsible for producing tan break out. They infect the body, increasing the risk of developing skin cancer.

Why is damage to the growth dangerous?

Children often injure moles, as do adults, who already know about the dangers of pigmented formations. They injure their knees and feet, hands and neck when falling from a bicycle. They don’t do this on purpose, but the consequences in this case are difficult to predict.

If a child picks off a mole, the affected area is treatedto prevent the risk of developing an infection in the resulting wound. If you don't do this, melanoma will develop in the future.

If parents notice numerous neoplasms in a child, they should monitor them. Large pigment spots pose a threat to health.

You will need to consult a doctor to prevent them from degenerating into melanoma.

He will advise careful monitoring of neoplasms and drawing up a schedule of examinations. The schedule will subsequently determine whether they are increasing in size or not.

They became wary when the mole acquired pronounced asymmetrical edges with numerous teeth. They also noticed that the nevus changed its color from brown to gray, black, blue, pink-red, etc. It has increased in size - up to 6 or more millimeters.

The signs listed above are alarming and force you to see a doctor, but after tests and a thorough examination, a serious diagnosis is made. Everything would have been different if the visit to the doctor had not been postponed. By the way, in most cases, parents are not aware of serious problems with their baby’s moles.

They are concerned about other manifestations:

  1. rapid weight loss,
  2. complaints of bone pain,
  3. malaise,
  4. vision problems,
  5. etc.

Dangers of picking off a nevus

Even if the mole was simply scratched or the child scratched it, consult a doctor immediately. Otherwise, death may occur.

What to do and how to treat the wound?

Before starting to provide primary care, parents are advised to calm down.

Only in rare cases does a mole degenerate into a malignant tumor.

If you start acting without panic, you prevent its development and all the negative consequences associated with it.

If a child, while playing with other children, scratches his mole, but without separating it from the skin, do the following:

  1. treating the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide. This remedy works well to stop bleeding. After this, they begin to treat the surface with an alcohol-containing solution. If you have chlorhexidine in your medicine cabinet, even better.
  2. Ensuring that the affected area is protected by other damage. Taking a patch with a pad, seal it, thereby preventing contact with ultraviolet rays.
  3. Consultation with a doctor. It is better to play it safe in case of severe or minor damage to the tumor. If you do not delay going to the doctor, you may be able to prevent the development of melanoma by removing the tumor.

Sometimes during the game they only touch a mole. In such cases, parents can treat it with an antiseptic composition and observe it and the child’s well-being for several days. They do not go to the doctor if it has not increased in size, changed its color, does not itch or bleed.

When and how should a tumor be removed?

Severe damage to the nevus is a clear reason for removal. You should not be afraid of a mini-operation, since modern techniques and materials have appeared in dermatology to carry it out without consequences.

A small scar will remain at the site of the mole, and even then not all children have it.

Ways to remove moles:

  1. Laser. It is used more often than any other technique. The reason for its popularity is the rapid healing of wounds after exposure to it.
  2. A liquid nitrogen. This method is effective and painless. There are no scars left at the site of exposure. The weakness is the impossibility of removing the nevus in one go.
  3. Electricity. Strengths: getting rid of moles in the first session, eliminating all types of birthmarks. The downside is the appearance of a small scar on the skin.

It is advisable not to choose a nevus removal method at random, relying on stories from friends and articles on the Internet. It is important to consult a doctor who will tell you which method is best to use in a particular case. They are not afraid of mini-operations: removal reduces the risk of the tumor degenerating into melanoma.

It is difficult to protect a child from mechanical damage. He is mobile and active. Suggestions will not help in this case. In some cases, avoiding wearing tight, tight clothing and jewelry in places where moles accumulate can help.

Useful video

Damage to a mole


The most dangerous type of cancer and malignant formation is melanoma. It develops from cells that are responsible for the production of pigment substances in the epidermis. The share of melanoma in children among other tumors is only 1%, but in recent years doctors have noted a trend towards a change in this indicator and, as a result, an increase in the mortality rate from its development.

Although the risk of its development and infection of the skin is high, there is no need to fear that the mole will degenerate. If you monitor the development of each pigmented spot, consult a doctor and provide the child with first aid in a timely manner, terrible things will not happen.

Many people believe that a damaged mole can lead to disastrous consequences. For most people, a dark tubercle on the human body represents something mysterious and dangerous. Is this really true? Can you die if you pick off a mole? What to do if this happened by accident and who to turn to for help? The answers to these questions are quite simple. But first, it’s worth understanding what a mole is and whether it is so dangerous.


General views

A mole is an area of ​​skin that has undergone pigmentation. In this place, as a rule, many melanocyte cells accumulate. Experts call moles nevi. It is melanin that influences the color and formation of dark growths on human skin.

Moles are most likely to appear in those who are regularly exposed to ultraviolet rays. Nevi can be small growths that rise above the surface of the skin, or they can be flat and completely invisible. This phenomenon can also be explained. The shape of moles depends only on where the melanocytes are located under the skin. But why can't you touch them?

In fact, a mole is a benign neoplasm. However, she is unpredictable. In other words, under certain conditions, a nevus can become a malignant neoplasm. It is for this reason that you should not touch it.


Is she easy to hurt?

What happens if you pick off a mole? First of all, there will be blood. What will happen next is very difficult to predict. In any case, you should consult a doctor. Dermatologists say that a nevus can form anywhere, and it is simply impossible to predict this. It is worth noting that moles often form even on the feet. Experts recommend monitoring the emergence of new formations and knowing where exactly they are located.

In fact, you can damage a mole unnoticed. It won't be a big deal. For example, a nevus on the cheek. Most often, these formations are very disturbing, and what happens if you pick off a mole through carelessness? You should be more careful. In addition, there are potentially dangerous places, for example:

  1. Nevi that appear on the neck. They cause a feeling of discomfort and are often injured, as friction occurs against scarves and clothing collars.
  2. Moles that are on the back. Often women tear them off with bra straps. And then I accidentally picked off a mole. What to do? Injuries like these should not be taken lightly. First, you should treat the wound and then consult a doctor.
  3. Moles on the face. They are very often torn off by men while shaving. As you know, damage to a nevus is fraught with consequences. Therefore, it is worth removing them from the face in the clinic.

You cannot remove or rip off moles on your own. It is very dangerous. Experts do not recommend even touching them frequently.


What happens if you pick off a mole?

What does this mean? It is worth remembering that even small moles that have not shown themselves for many years are dangerous. Under certain conditions, a nevus can develop into melanoma. If a mole is damaged, this risk only increases. It is also worth considering that the larger the nevus, the greater the likelihood of getting blood poisoning after violating its integrity.

So, what happens if you pick off a mole and don’t treat the wound? As a result of damage to the nevus, cells with melanin can enter the blood. Their behavior is known to be aggressive. As a result of the activity of such cells, the process of degeneration of a mole can begin.

Of course, such changes are not always observed. Most often, a new one begins to gradually grow in place of the removed mole. There are often cases when an accidentally damaged formation disappears completely. It depends on the cells that caused the mole to appear.


Parents! be careful

A child is by nature very curious. Did your daughter pick off a mole while looking at her hands? What to do and what to do? Why did the child do this? Most likely, he became curious. But there are times when a nevus can bother a child and itch. If the mole is still torn off, then first aid must be provided. The damaged area should be treated with hydrogen peroxide and then a bandage applied. After a child has injured a mole, it is worth showing him to a dermatologist.

As a rule, specialists must take skin samples and conduct all necessary tests. When the result is received, the doctor will determine whether additional treatment is required. There is often a need to consult an oncodermatologist.

The main task of parents is to explain to the child that moles cannot be removed. After all, children are attracted to strange dark spots on the skin, and it is very difficult to resist the temptation to pick at them. Older children can be explained what to do if a nevus is damaged.


Women should be careful

Is it possible to pick off a mole or not? Of course, no one forbids doing this. However, it is better not to take risks. Representatives of the fairer sex should pay special attention to a damaged nevus. Statistics show that skin cancer, which can occur due to a skinned mole, ranks second after breast cancer.

In addition, experts have proven that the cause of every third melanoma disease is a damaged nevus. Therefore, it is undesirable to rip off and injure moles.

When to visit a doctor

A mole is essentially a harmless new growth. However, you should not touch it unnecessarily. If the nevus has been damaged, discomfort may occur. A doctor's consultation may be required in the following cases:

  1. In the area of ​​the damaged mole, unpleasant sensations such as burning and itching occurred.
  2. The nevus began to gradually or sharply increase in size.
  3. If changes in the structure and shape of the mole are observed: the surface cracks, begins to peel and becomes looser.
  4. Severe bleeding.
  5. Inflammation and pain occurred.



If the nevus was still a melanoma, well disguised as an ordinary mole, then you should not worry the first time it is damaged. Much more dangerous are neoplasms that are malignant tumors. At first, they may seem like ordinary small moles. Any damage to such a neoplasm can lead to its degeneration.

But even in the presence of such nevi, the risk of developing cancer is minimal. Statistics show that the mortality rate from melanoma does not exceed 0.2%. The main thing is not to worry or panic. After all, the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases is 50%.

On the body of each person, to a greater or lesser extent, there are various benign formations: age spots, papillomas, warts and ordinary moles. By the way, the latter, according to medical terminology, are more often called nevi. They can be congenital or acquired, colored in various shades. Nevi themselves are not dangerous, but what to do if you rip off a mole? They say that after this person serious troubles await. Is it so? Let's try to figure it out.


It is impossible to deny the fact that there is still a real threat to the health of a person who has torn off a mole. What to do if the nevus comes off or is slightly damaged? First of all, don't panic, no matter what.

Cancer after nevus damage: is it true?

Since childhood, we have all heard versions of what will happen in the event of such an injury. The most frightening one sounds like this: a mole will degenerate from benign to malignant. Oncologists talk about what to do if you accidentally tear off a mole: if possible, the torn-off formation should be sent for histological examination.

It is important to understand that trauma to a nevus alone will not cause cancer. Medical practice actually knows of cases where, after damage to a mole, a person rapidly developed melanoma. Doctors have no doubt that the nevi in ​​these patients were already malignant, that is, they became cancerous long before the injury, which simply accelerated the course of irreversible processes in the body.

Infection and inflammation

Another development of events is possible if you accidentally ripped off a mole. What to do if the nevus is damaged? Put aside your worries about oncology, and better get started treating the wound! It is with infection and inflammation of the skin that those who do not know what to do if they have torn off a mole turn to a dermatologist. With normal immune function, bacterial infection of a wound does not pose an increased threat. But still, certain symptoms in the area of ​​​​the fallen mole should alert you and prompt you to visit a dermatologist:

  1. burning;
  2. mild swelling;
  3. redness;
  4. itching;
  5. discharge of ichor from the wound.


How to treat a damaged mole site

Thus, it is important to provide yourself with first aid correctly if you accidentally pick off a mole. What to do at home is probably not worth talking about. If the injury does not bleed, it is enough to carry out disinfection measures and apply a bandage, securing it with an adhesive plaster. But often blood bleeds from the wound for a long time if a mole is torn off. What to do in this case? The following actions must be taken in exact sequence:

  1. Disinfect the area of ​​damage using hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or other disinfectants. Simply soak the bandage in the medicinal solution and rinse the wound.
  2. After this you need to stop the bleeding. There will be severe bleeding if you rip off a red mole. What to do with damage to an angioma (this is the name of a formation on the skin that appears as a result of disturbances in the blood vessels)? Take an antiseptic, soak a cotton pad in it and press it onto the wound, holding tightly until the bleeding stops.
  3. Treat with iodine.


Keep watching

So what to do? If you ripped off a mole, calm down and start treating the damaged area. Disinfected, the bleeding has stopped, and now lubricate the edges of the wound with a brown solution. Many people ask what iodine is needed for. Its solution has a strong drying effect and protects the wound from infection. After this, apply a sterile bandage. Do not wet the wound for several days.

If the mole has not completely fallen off, but has only become torn, monitor its condition. If the symptoms do not disappear after a day, be sure to show the damaged nevus to a specialist. Proper first aid guarantees normal healing and the absence of any problems in the future.

Hanging mole does not come off

Sometimes the epidermis prevents the nevus from falling off completely. When asked what to do if you have torn off a hanging mole, there are two possible answers:

  1. Sterilize the scissors and carefully cut off the skin, placing the formation in saline solution. In the near future, the nevus should be taken to the laboratory for histology.
  2. Treat the damaged area with antiseptics and go to the doctor with the torn mole covered with a sterile bandage. The dermatologist will perform all the necessary manipulations and clearly outline a plan for further action.


In what places on the body are nevi injured?

In some areas of the body, moles are most often torn off and damaged, which is explained by their inconvenient location. Such problem areas include:

  1. face;
  2. collar area and neck;
  3. armpits;
  4. inguinal cavities and lower abdomen;
  5. scalp under the hairline;
  6. areas under the mammary glands.

If injury to a nevus in one of these places occurs frequently, the most correct solution would be to remove it. Sometimes patients are also interested in what to do if they have torn off a mole on their back. What to do? Actually, there are no fundamental differences in providing first aid. To properly treat the damaged area, ask someone to help, since it will not be very convenient to treat the wound by touch and apply a bandage.

Be sure to take the mole to the laboratory!

As mentioned above, a detached mole is sent to the laboratory for a histological examination, so under no circumstances should the mole be thrown away. If possible, place it in a saline solution and take it to the clinic. If you don’t have a ready-made solution of sodium chloride at hand, replace it with a weak salt solution (take 1 teaspoon of table salt per 1 liter of boiled water) or alkaline mineral water. Regardless of the results obtained, you need to come to the dermatologist with the conclusion.


Everyone understands that you cannot scratch nevi and try to get rid of them on your own. But if this happens to a hanging mole, and no blood flows from the site of damage, do not rush to run headlong to the doctor. Disinfect the affected area with an antiseptic and apply a bandage for half an hour. If the wound begins to heal in the next few days, you can safely assume that everything turned out okay. But in case of possible changes in the future, continue to monitor the area of ​​​​damage.

An untreated wound after injury to a mole can provoke the development of inflammation due to the penetration of a bacterial infection. This circumstance increases the risk of nevus malignancy, so in most cases doctors insist on removing the mole. Negligence towards your own health can be very expensive, remember this!


How to get rid of a damaged nevus

A torn mole is removed surgically. Today there are several options for solving the problem, each of which has its own pros and cons:

  1. The most effective and painless method is laser mole removal. The procedure uses a laser beam that does not affect healthy tissue and prevents bleeding. After laser removal there are usually no scars or scars left. Disadvantages: high cost compared to other types of surgery and the inability to subsequently conduct a histological examination.
  2. Cryodestruction of a nevus involves the use of liquid nitrogen, due to which the tissue is frozen and removed. The removal process itself is painless, but if liquid nitrogen gets on healthy tissue, it will leave a burn that will bother you for several more days. Ideal for removing large moles.
  3. The electrocoagulation method is the most common method of removing nevi using current. After this procedure, a histological examination is carried out.