Does Botox smooth out wrinkles?

Age-related changes, facial wrinkles and other manifestations on the skin are a problem for many women that need to be dealt with in a timely manner. Botox for wrinkles allows you to get rid of unsightly lumpiness and unevenness that arise due to excessive mobility of the forehead muscles in a matter of days. The effect after Botox is good, as evidenced by numerous reviews of women who managed to get rid of this problem.

Features of using Botox for wrinkles on the forehead

Botox against wrinkles on the forehead is the most commonly used procedure, preferred by girls and women of any age. Facial changes begin to manifest themselves from a young age, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of such manifestations without the action of injections.

Botox for wrinkles has its own application characteristics; it is injected with the thinnest needle possible, which leaves no marks and does not cause severe pain. In order for the procedure to take place at the highest level and give the desired effect, you must contact only a professional master who knows all the features of the injection.

When is the procedure recommended?

You can remove wrinkles with Botox, the main thing is to use the right injection methods and choose the best specialist who fully understands the features of the procedure. Forehead Botox procedure is recommended in the following cases:

  1. Wrinkles on the forehead;
  2. Expression wrinkles in the sun;
  3. Weak forehead muscles;
  4. Uneven eyebrows.

Botox for wrinkles on the forehead is the most common procedure in cosmetology, after Botox for the lips. That is why not only cosmetologists know about it, but also patients who regularly come to correct facial features, remove age and facial wrinkles, and make their eyes clear and beautiful.

Categorical prohibitions

In addition to the fact that Botox for wrinkles has a positive effect on the quality of the face and skin, it is also contraindicated in some cases. Categorical prohibitions on the use of Botox for the forehead are:

  1. Pregnancy period;
  2. Breast-feeding;
  3. Blood diseases;
  4. Cardiovascular diseases;
  5. Impaired kidney function;
  6. Allergic manifestations.

You should definitely pay attention to these prohibitions, because they entail a lot of unforeseen consequences that completely worsen the quality and condition of facial skin.

If you use Botox for the forehead in the presence of prohibitions, the effect can be extremely unexpected, ranging from external allergic manifestations to serious disruptions in the functioning of the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug botulinum toxin is considered to be most effective in the fight against facial and age-related changes, which is why it is so often used. It highlights both advantages and disadvantages, which it is important to familiarize yourself with in advance in order to be prepared for certain consequences.

Advantages Flaws
Quick removal of wrinkles The first days of the procedure are accompanied by swelling and inflammation.
Minimal side effects Headaches during the rehabilitation phase
Result retention for up to six months Possible allergic manifestations
Relieving tension in the face Sometimes the result lasts only for a month
Relief from facial spasms A large number of contraindications
Minimum time for rehabilitation Bruising

All the advantages and disadvantages are formed due to numerous reviews of women who personally experienced wrinkles on the forehead and got rid of them with the help of Botox. You should not assume that the presence of certain disadvantages somehow affects the result. Not everyone experiences negative consequences after Botox. Much also depends on the professional who performs the procedure.

To increase the number of positive aspects of Botox and minimize the number of disadvantages, you should definitely choose a professional specialist who will cope with his work at the highest level.

How is the procedure for Botox injections into the forehead?

Botox for wrinkles on the forehead is an effective procedure that is performed only by a professional cosmetologist, taking into account all the features of facial skin. In order for the manipulation to have the maximum positive effect, it must be carried out strictly according to plan, following all stages and recommendations.

Preliminary preparation

There is no supernatural or complicated preparation for performing Botox, but you still need to know about some nuances. If the injection is carried out after a working day, then the face should first be cleaned of any contamination from cosmetics and washed with a special product. It would also be appropriate to use a facial tonic, which will further cleanse the pores and prepare the forehead for the procedure.

The cosmetologist knows that the injection is administered to a previously cleaned and disinfected face. That is why the affected area is treated with an antiseptic, which will make the injection painless, effective, efficient and without negative consequences.

Also, many are interested in the question of what to do if several procedures are scheduled simultaneously on one day, should they be postponed to another day? Facial Botox goes well with biorevitalization or other similar procedures, so you shouldn’t cancel them. It is enough to tell your cosmetologist about this if the injections are carried out by different specialists.

How and how much Botox is injected into the forehead?

Botox injections will be effective and safe only if you know how and how much to inject. During the manipulation process, exclusively thin needles are used, which easily penetrate the skin area, do not provoke blood loss, and do not leave visible marks after the procedure. The cosmetologist individually determines the area on the forehead that will be subject to the direct effects of botulinum toxin. As a rule, the injection is administered simultaneously in several areas, ensuring complete blocking of nerve impulses.

As for the dosage volume, here it is as individual as possible, and it is very difficult to say exact numbers. The amount depends on the condition of the skin, the severity of wrinkles, as well as the roughness of the skin. To smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, you will need to use a dosage of 10-30 units. The doctor can adjust the amount of injection individually; these features are determined directly upon contact with the patient.

How long does it take to see results?

Many people are interested in the question: does Botox smooth out wrinkles, and how long does it take to see the results? Botox is a truly effective remedy that gives positive results in any case, regardless of the severity of wrinkles.

The first changes on the facial skin become noticeable a few days after the injection, the maximum result is achieved within 1-2 weeks, after complete rehabilitation. You should not wait for changes in the first days, and forcefully strain your forehead for the appearance of facial wrinkles. Such actions will only reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

Experts recommend that in the first week after the injection you completely get rid of the desire to wrinkle your forehead.

Rehabilitation period

In order for wrinkles after Botox to fade into the background and not spoil the beautiful appearance of your face, you also need to know about the features of rehabilitation. The rehabilitation period after Botox, just like after any operation, must be present. In this case, it is not long-term and serious, but some features must still be adhered to.

What should you not do immediately after the injection?

In order not to create unnecessary pressure and impact on the forehead, the following actions are prohibited immediately after Botox:

  1. Touch your forehead with your hands;
  2. Drink plenty of fluids;
  3. Take a horizontal position;
  4. Use cosmetics for the first few days;
  5. Expose your forehead to direct sun or frost.

These precautions will allow you to quickly go through the rehabilitation period, get rid of all imperfections on the skin, and reduce the visibility of wrinkles.

What is allowed to do after the injection?

After Botox, the face should be protected from any tension and negative influences of the external environment. Allowed after Botox:

  1. Perform minimal load, avoiding sudden bends;
  2. Do household chores;
  3. To walk outside;
  4. Self-development.

Only positive emotions and a favorite activity after Botox will allow you to quickly recover and not worsen the effect after the procedure.

Possible consequences

Negative consequences after Botox or any other cosmetic procedure are quite common, and they can occur even if the injection is performed correctly and accurately. The consequences may be as follows:

  1. Severe swelling of the face;
  2. Periodic bleeding;
  3. Swelling;
  4. Painful sensations;
  5. Headache;
  6. The appearance of bruises.

If the consequences are minimal and do not make you seriously think about the presence of a complication, they will go away in a few days. If the manifestations are strong, painful, and noticeably worsen the quality of the face and its appearance, you should contact the cosmetologist who performed the procedure. He must take measures to quickly improve his condition.

Cosmetologist's answers to questions

Cosmetologists always speak positively about the Botox procedure, because it has no age restrictions and fights any negative manifestations on the skin. Below we will answer the most frequently asked questions.

Botox or mesotherapy – what to choose?

When deciding on a procedure for the first time, many are interested in the question of what is better: Botox for wrinkles, or mesotherapy? In the table we present the features of these procedures to understand their effectiveness.

Botox Mesotherapy
Gives quick results Improves local blood circulation
Smoothes wrinkles Stimulates cellular renewal
Removes nerve impulses Minimal negative impact on the skin
Maintains the effect for a long time Effect lasts up to 6 months
Painless procedure No allergic manifestations

Both procedures are useful and effective, so it is best to talk to a specialist about choosing one or another drug.

What is the need to use Botox again in the future?

Botox is a procedure that helps smooth out wrinkles only for a certain period of time. After the 3-4th month, the effect will gradually decrease. To make your skin smooth and even again and remove wrinkles, you should re-do Botox on your forehead and extend its effect for up to 6 months.

Does Botox hurt?

Botox is an injection that causes some discomfort. To reduce it, before the procedure the doctor prescribes local anesthesia, which softens the pain, almost completely minimizing it.

What wrinkles can be removed with Botox?

Botox easily copes with both age-related wrinkles and facial wrinkles that appear even in 18-year-old girls.

In the video you can see the work of a cosmetologist and the result of his work on a woman who has been using botulinum toxin therapy for about 7 years:


Botox for the forehead allows you to quickly block wrinkles and even out the skin, making it smooth. In order for the effect to last for a long time, it is important to make a correction every six months.


Botox injections for wrinkles are an affordable and common alternative to plastic surgery. Due to its painlessness and effectiveness, the procedure has gained great popularity among patients who have become concerned about age-related changes. In cosmetology, Botox is widely used to eliminate facial wrinkles in the forehead, lips and eyes. But before you decide on “beauty injections,” you should carefully study the consequences, contraindications and reviews of Botox for wrinkles.

What is Botox

A special drug used to correct facial wrinkles is called Botox or botulinum toxin. It contains purified and weakened group A botulism neurotoxin. The work of the neurotoxin is to block nerve impulses and atrophy the necessary muscles, due to which the muscle tissue remains in a static position even with excessive mobility.

Initially, botulinum toxin was used for medical purposes to treat spasms of the orbicularis oculi muscles, migraines, excessive sweating, and relieve muscle spasms in patients with cerebral palsy. But over time, a side effect from using the drug was noticed - facial activity disappeared at the injection sites and wrinkles disappeared. Gradually, the drug began to be used in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles and tighten the oval of the face.


Does Botox smooth out wrinkles?

Almost the entire human face is covered with muscles that hold the skin in the necessary tension. With age, facial muscles weaken and the skin loses its elasticity. The problem worsens when the blood supply to the skin, its nutrition, hydration and oxygen supply are disrupted. For example, when the muscles in the cheekbones weaken and sag, “bulldog cheeks” are formed. Also, with frequent facial activity, both fine and deeper wrinkles or creases appear.

In order for overstrained muscles to relax and wrinkles to disappear, Botox injections are injected into these places. The so-called “freezing” of muscle tissue occurs and the skin remains motionless when emotions are expressed, which allows you to avoid repeated creases in vulnerable areas of the face. Thus, we can definitely say that removing wrinkles with Botox is now quite realistic and possible. You just have to find a trusted cosmetologist and trust him with your problems.

Pros and cons of Botox for wrinkles

Like any other cosmetic procedure, Botox injections have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  1. Instant results. This procedure has been tested for years and has many positive reviews from clients who noticed changes within a week after the injections.
  2. No bruising. This is one of the significant advantages of the procedure, since the absence of a rehabilitation period allows you to appear in public literally immediately after the injections.
  3. Painless introduction. The sensations can be compared to injections at the dentist. For those people who have a hard time with injections, it is possible to carry out the procedure under local anesthesia.
  4. Possibility to avoid surgical intervention. Since plastic surgery requires a large amount of investment, as well as a long recovery period, many clients prefer Botox injections, which have few contraindications and do not provide a powerful shock to the body.
  5. Fast procedure. The whole process will take at most 30 minutes, not counting examinations and preparations.
  6. Low cost. The drug is affordable. On average, the price of an injection is 300 rubles per unit.

The drug also has certain disadvantages. These include:

  1. duration of action – no more than 12 months;
  2. ineffectiveness of the drug in individual cases;
  3. noticeable disturbance of facial expressions;
  4. discomfort from injections;
  5. side effects such as redness and slight numbness;
  6. the need for a competent choice of specialist and correct dosage calculation.

As you can see, the ratio of pros and cons is equal. Whether it is worth getting rid of wrinkles with Botox, the choice is always up to the client.


How does Botox work on wrinkles?

Most often, Botox injections are used to get rid of facial wrinkles, as well as to treat excessive sweating. In this case, the drug is injected into the armpit. Despite the similar action of the drug, these procedures have their own subtleties. To do this, it is worth understanding the effect of Botox after its administration.

  1. Interaction occurs between the motor nerve and botulinum toxin and a connection is created.
  2. Then the production of acetylcholine, which is responsible for transmitting nerve impulses to muscle tissue, stops.
  3. Without the action of acetylcholine, the muscle can no longer contract and the patient can no longer tense the muscles, which leads to skin tightening and wrinkle smoothing.

Unfortunately, the drug has its own expiration date. In about 6-12 months, shoots appear at the nerve endings, creating new connections between muscle tissue and nerves. Over time, the muscle begins to contract again.

What wrinkles does Botox remove?

By the age of 25, women may notice the appearance of the first wrinkles, which is due to a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen. This indicates that the skin lacks moisture and elasticity. Depending on the area of ​​injection, significant results can be achieved. The following localizations are most often studied:

  1. Forehead area. In order to remove horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and make the gaze more open, the required number of Botox units is injected into the eyebrow area.
  2. Nasolabial folds. Over time, noticeable fractures appear in this area, which aesthetically spoil the face. This is one of the most common areas for Botox injections.
  3. Eye area. Crow's feet are a defect that requires special filigree when correcting. To eliminate it, a highly qualified specialist is required.
  4. Lips. To give more beautiful contours to the lips and visually make them fuller, a combination of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin is used. For vertical or purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip, Botox injections are also used.
  5. Folds between the eyebrows. Botulinum toxin effectively copes even with deep muscle tension in the eyebrow folds, which give the face a frowning appearance.

From the above localizations, it can be noted that Botox copes well with expression wrinkles of any depth: under the eyes, between the eyebrows, on the forehead.

How does Botox correct wrinkles?

Before carrying out the procedure, a preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary, during which he will examine the condition of the skin, determine the depth of wrinkles, and familiarize him with all contraindications and risks. The next stage is the injection procedure itself, during which the patient sits in a chair, and the cosmetologist treats the skin with an antiseptic and marks the injection sites with dots. All injections are performed with a syringe with a thin needle. No additional tools are required for the procedure.

What not to do after Botox for wrinkles

Healing at the injection sites occurs within 2-3 days. Therefore, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. If you experience pain or itching, you should never touch the injection sites with your hands, rub or massage them.
  2. After the procedure, it is recommended to remain in a horizontal position for 2-3 hours.
  3. It is forbidden to be in direct sunlight in the coming weeks. It is also prohibited to visit baths, saunas, and hot thermal springs.
  4. You should not drink alcohol, as it retains water in the body, promotes swelling and interferes with the uniform distribution of botulinum toxin.

Some cosmetologists recommend avoiding excessive facial activity and not straining your facial muscles on the first day.

How long does it take for wrinkles to smooth out after Botox?

The result after the procedure depends on the condition of the problem, the treatment area, individual characteristics, depth of injection and occurs in each patient at different times. On average, botulinum toxin begins to act 2-5 days after injection. A clear result is noticeable after 2 weeks. Don't expect wrinkles to smooth out the next day. This process is gradual, requiring patience and careful attention to the condition of your skin.

How long does the effect of Botox against wrinkles last?

After the procedure, wrinkles in the treated area are smoothed out, the oval of the face changes, the general condition of the skin improves, and the color is evened out. The drug works most effectively in the upper part of the face. Over the course of 6-12 months, Botox is naturally eliminated from the body. This process is individual and depends on several factors:

  1. professional injections;
  2. taking medications;
  3. dosage selection;
  4. drinking alcoholic beverages;
  5. active sports life;
  6. frequent visits to the sauna, solarium, bathhouse;
  7. compliance with Botox storage conditions.

In the first year, experts recommend up to 2-3 procedures to accumulate the effect. In the future, one procedure per year is sufficient.

Contraindications to Botox for wrinkles

Like any other drug, Botox has a number of contraindications. These include:

  1. age under 18 years;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. infectious and colds;
  4. individual intolerance to the drug;
  5. chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. pathological conditions of neuromuscular tissue;
  8. skin damage in the form of wounds, ulcers, rashes;
  9. taking antibiotics;
  10. period of menstruation.

If the patient has previously suffered a concussion and 3 years have not yet passed since this incident, this is also a contraindication to the use of botulinum toxin injections.

Possible consequences and side effects

The Botox injection procedure has some side effects:

  1. dizziness;
  2. nausea;
  3. vomit;
  4. headache;
  5. swelling;
  6. pain at the injection sites;
  7. bruising;
  8. bruises.

Reviews from doctors say that when using Botox for wrinkles, there may be consequences in the form of disruption of facial symmetry, partial or complete sagging of the eyelid. In this case, it is necessary to completely remove the drug from the body by taking antibiotics. These inconveniences are only temporary. Therefore, before going to the salon, you should take into account individual intolerance to the components and the possibility of an allergic reaction to Botox.


What's better than Botox for wrinkles?

To assess whether there are drugs that are more effective than Botox, it is necessary to compare them in terms of the quality of their effect on the skin during age-related changes.

Botox or Dysport: which is better for wrinkles

When a patient tries to figure out how Botox differs from Dysport and which one is better, he finds himself in a dead end, because he sees that the composition of these drugs is absolutely the same. The only difference is the country of origin. Botox has been produced in the USA since 1989, that is, it is a kind of progenitor of all other drugs based on botulinum toxin. Dysport is produced by the French company IPSEN PHARMA and has been on the market since 2000. There are also differences in the price category. Botox is a more expensive drug, but at the same time, as many reviews confirm, it is also significantly effective, requiring the administration of fewer units of the drug.

Botox or hyaluronic acid: which is better for wrinkles

To evaluate these drugs for their effectiveness, it is necessary to study their differences.

  1. Botulinum toxin is injected directly into the muscle, and hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin without affecting the muscle tissue.
  2. Botox causes complete relaxation of muscles, preventing them from contracting. Hyaluronic acid is essential for skin hydration and moisture retention.
  3. Botox can only be used in the form of injections, and hyaluronic acid can be used in mesotherapy and biorevitalization. The exception is Botox-based anti-wrinkle gels. They have a slower effect and their effect can be noticed only after a month of regular use.
  4. The speed of the effect is more noticeable with hyaluronic acid.
  5. With frequent use of botulinum toxin, the body gets used to it and eventually stops responding to the injections. Hyaluronic acid has no addictive effect.

It is worth noting that to eliminate glabellar wrinkles or crow's feet, it is better to use Botox. For nasolabial folds, lips, and eliminating wrinkles in the cheek area, hyaluronic acid is more suitable.

Photos before and after Botox for wrinkles

Below, in the form of before and after photos, are reviews of women who regularly use the Botox procedure to get rid of wrinkles.






Consequences, contraindications and reviews of Botox for wrinkles indicate that the drug has been actively used by many patients for several decades. The specific result and effect of botulinum toxin can be assessed only a few weeks after the procedure. When choosing a venue, you should carefully consider the clinic and its specialists, as well as numerous reviews about the drug, which will tell you much more about the risks, side effects and effectiveness of the drug.


In the modern world, youth, beauty and health are highly valued. Not only show business stars or famous politicians, but also ordinary people strive to look younger. For women, the issue of maintaining attractiveness and freshness is especially acute, and Botox against wrinkles has been helping them with this for decades.

Expression wrinkles can appear at a fairly young age and cause a natural desire to get rid of them as soon as possible. After all, even for a young face, folds on the forehead or near the lips do not add attractiveness and make a person look much older, giving him a tired and sad look. Such changes cannot be masked with cosmetics, since the cause of skin aging is a decrease in muscle tone, and in this case only special procedures are effective. One of them is Botox for the face against wrinkles, which remains the most popular and sought-after rejuvenation technique.

What is Botox and how can you use it to remove wrinkles?


Botox is a special drug containing a weakened and purified neurotoxin of group A botulism. Botulinum toxin is produced by bacteria (clostridium botulism), it is a powerful poison that causes severe food poisoning and damage to the nervous system. However, this dangerous substance has found application in cosmetology, where it is used for the purpose of rejuvenation. The use of Botox allows you to achieve amazing results; its injection under the skin temporarily paralyzes the facial muscles and limits facial expressions, as a result of which even deep wrinkles are smoothed out.

Initially, Botox was used in neurology only for certain indications to eliminate muscle spasms, tremors and tics. With its help, they fought against hyperhidrosis (increased sweating) or strabismus, since the drug blocked the transmission of nerve impulses and thereby prevented the manifestations of pathologies. The effect, which is now widely in demand in cosmetology, was noticed by chance when patients who were prescribed Botox injections to treat tics had their facial wrinkles magically smoothed out.


The accidentally discovered anti-aging result has been extensively studied. Clinical trials in this area have been carried out by many medical centers around the world. As a result, striking conclusions were made that Botox can be used in cosmetology practice. Moreover, it turned out that in minimal therapeutic doses the drug is absolutely safe and can only have a local effect, relaxing muscles and preventing the formation of wrinkles. Large-scale clinical studies have confirmed that over time the drug is eliminated from the body through natural metabolic processes. It turned out that its effect is not permanent, limited to a certain time and cannot have a negative impact on the health and well-being of the patient as a whole.

Botox injections have been actively used in cosmetology since 1995; since then, thousands of patients have used this service. And if previously such a procedure was available only to wealthy clients, now anyone can get beauty injections.

How do the injections work?


Wrinkle correction with Botox is performed on an outpatient basis; the procedure is designed to reduce age-related changes. With its help, they smooth out deep expression wrinkles on the forehead, in the corners of the lips and in the eye area, effectively eliminate skin atrophy and tighten the contours of the face. The results of Botox are often compared to plastic surgery, since the pronounced anti-aging effect literally transforms the face.

During the procedure, the finest needles are used to inject the drug into the area on the face that requires correction. Under the influence of Botox, the transmission of nerve impulses is blocked and partial or complete paralysis of facial muscles occurs. Due to the fact that the muscles lose their ability to contract and relax, wrinkles are smoothed out with Botox.


Patients should not be afraid of such effects and should not be afraid that the muscles will atrophy. This will not happen, since the process of blood supply to tissues does not stop and muscle functions are restored over time. In addition, when deciding on the procedure, you should understand that Botox does not fill out wrinkles (other means are used for these purposes) and does not pump up the lips, but is used only to relax the facial muscles.

Unlike facial contouring, the main purpose of which is to eliminate already formed wrinkles, Botox can be used as a preventive measure. This means that if a slightly visible wrinkle appears, Botox can be injected into this area. The procedure will relax the muscles, and temporary paralysis will relieve them of the need to work. The skin will remain calm in any emotion and further formation of wrinkles will be avoided.

It is not recommended to remove wrinkles with Botox at home.

When is the procedure recommended?

The use of Botox for wrinkles is recommended for the following problems:

  1. For the correction of deep horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead
  2. To eliminate wrinkles on the bridge of the nose
  3. To remove “crow’s feet” - a network of fine wrinkles around the eyes
  4. To smooth out pronounced nasolabial folds
  5. To correct drooping upper eyelid
  6. To smooth out wrinkles in the neck and décolleté area
  7. To correct facial contours


The stable and long-lasting effect of the procedure lasts for 4-5 months, after which Botox injections are recommended to be repeated. As a rule, over time the procedure can be carried out less frequently, first after six months, and after several years of course use of the drug, it is enough to inject it once a year.

Botox injections should be done by qualified doctors - dermatocosmetologists or plastic surgeons. The procedure requires the correct selection of the dose of the drug depending on the condition of the skin and the age of the client; in addition, a number of possible contraindications must be taken into account. Therefore, if you decide to use Botox for facial wrinkles, trust only experienced professionals to carry out the manipulations.

How to prepare for the procedure?

In order for the procedure to be successful and without complications, you need to properly prepare for it:

  1. A few days before the injection, you should stop taking any medications, especially antibiotics and anticoagulants that thin the blood (aspirin, heparin).

  2. razglazhivaet-li-morshiny-LYxpZpN.webp

    2-3 days before the procedure you need to stop drinking alcohol, otherwise bruises may remain on your face after injections.
  3. On the day of the procedure, you should not engage in sports or physical labor associated with tilting your head, otherwise, due to the rush of blood, Botox may be distributed unevenly over the face.
  4. Before the procedure, a consultation with a doctor is necessary, at which he will determine the injection points of the drug, assess the nature of age-related changes and the severity of wrinkles.

After consultation, the specialist must select the optimal dosage of the drug. The higher the dose of Botox, the faster the expected effect will occur. When small doses of the drug are administered, the maximum result will appear only after 1-2 weeks; if an average dose of the drug is administered, the effect will become noticeable after 2-3 days. On average, 20 units of the drug are usually used for the procedure, this allows you to achieve a rejuvenating effect in a short time.

Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead


It is in this area of ​​the face that deep wrinkles form first, since a person usually does not notice how his forehead frowns or constantly shifts his eyebrows. As a result, telltale folds gradually form on the skin. Botox for wrinkles on the forehead will help cope with the problem, smooth the skin and rejuvenate the face.

To accurately determine the injection sites on the forehead, the patient will be asked to frown, this will reveal the area where the muscle tone is increased. These points are marked with a marker, and then the drug is injected through a very thin needle to a depth of 7 to 10 mm. The position of the needle in the muscle is controlled by a special EMN apparatus. The number of injections, taking into account skin type and age, is determined by the doctor. The effect of administering the drug becomes noticeable on the second day and lasts for 3-6 months.

Botox injections in the eye area


The procedure is considered the most reliable way to eliminate crow's feet. In this case, no, even the most expensive and professional means can compete with Botox injections. The orbicularis muscle is responsible for the formation of wrinkles in the eye area, which is greatly stretched when smiling or expressing other emotions. With age, the elasticity of the skin in this area noticeably decreases, it becomes thinner, becomes dry, and a network of fine wrinkles is especially noticeable on it.

In this situation, Botox is injected into the lateral region of the orbicularis muscle, and the problem area relaxes without disturbances in facial expressions. That is, the patient can blink freely, open and close her eyes, but since the muscles in this area are relaxed, the wrinkles smooth out and become invisible. The pronounced effect lasts up to six months, then it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Injecting Botox into the eye area is not suitable for everyone. Some patients complain of discomfort from the loss of active facial expressions and subsequently refuse to repeat the procedure.

Recommendations after the procedure

The procedure does not take much time, after which the patient immediately returns to normal life. But experts warn that the distribution of the injected botulinum toxin takes several hours, and the healing of injection marks occurs within 2 days. To ensure that these processes go without complications, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. In no case should the injection sites be touched, rubbed or massaged, even if some pain or itching persists.
  2. Upon returning home, it is recommended to lie down for 3-4 hours.
  3. In the next 2 weeks after the procedure, it is forbidden to visit baths, saunas, go to the beach or be in direct sunlight for a long time.
  4. It is not allowed to drink alcohol, as its effect causes a rush of blood to the face and may interfere with the correct distribution of the drug.
  5. Cosmetologists advise constantly straining your facial muscles during the first day. In this case, complete relaxation of the facial muscles may not occur immediately, but within a week after the procedure.


Procedures using Botox are well tolerated, but have some limitations. Manipulations with this drug are contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. With increased sensitivity to botulinum toxin.
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. For bleeding disorders.
  4. For manifestations of myasthenic syndrome.
  5. For infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  6. If there are injuries or damage to the injection area.
  7. In case of dysfunction of the endocrine system.
  8. With a tendency to form keloid scars.
  9. Within three months after facial plastic surgery.
  10. When taking certain medications that affect blood clotting.

Particular caution should be taken when approaching the procedure for people prone to alcohol abuse, since Botox and ethyl alcohol are incompatible things. Experts recommend stopping drinking alcohol for a certain period of time before and after the procedure. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation, which can lead to unpredictable consequences when botulinum toxin is administered.


If the doctor is insufficiently qualified or does not follow the necessary recommendations, complications are possible after the procedure:

  1. razglazhivaet-li-morshiny-vxpKuu.webp

    Toxic reactions to botulinum toxin injection. Expressed in general weakness, slight increase in temperature, headache, nausea.
  2. Small hematomas, swelling, redness of the skin are the most harmless consequences of injections. Usually they disappear without a trace within 2-3 days.
  3. Drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis). It is considered the most common complication after Botox treatment. Sometimes the drooping is so severe that the eyelid is unable to open at all. One can take comfort in the fact that this phenomenon is temporary, since after a few months the eyes will look almost the same, but many patients say that this is too high a price to pay for the desire to look younger.
  4. Temporary paralysis of the facial muscles. With this complication, there is a feeling that an unnatural wax mask has frozen on the face. This happens due to an overdose of the drug.
  5. Facial asymmetry. If the specialist is not sufficiently qualified, he may administer the drug incorrectly, as a result it will be distributed unevenly across the facial muscles and facial features will become asymmetrical.
  6. Loss of sensation. After Botox injections in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, the patient may experience a loss of sensitivity and complain of a lack of mobility of the upper lip.

In addition, when the drug is administered, severe allergic reactions may develop, including anaphylactic shock and respiratory tract paralysis. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out in a trusted medical center or cosmetology salon and should be carried out only by an experienced, qualified specialist.


The cost of the procedure depends on the number of units of Botox, the level of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor, as well as the area where the drug will be administered. So, to eliminate age-related changes in the eye area, on average, you need to make 15 injections, in the forehead area - up to 25. The least number of injections will be needed to eliminate wrinkles near the lips. The minimum price for one Botox injection is on average about 350 rubles.

Reviews about the application

Reviews of Botox for wrinkles are very varied. Some are very pleased with the procedure and consider it the best rejuvenation technique. Other users point out complications after manipulation and say that botulinum toxin injections did not give the expected result.

Review #1

I have been doing Botox injections for three years now. The result is always good. The last time I made injections in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and forehead, it turned out very well. The facial expressions are completely preserved, the face is alive and does not look like a frozen mask, but at the same time the skin on the forehead is smooth and wrinkles do not form.

More than four months have passed, and the effect of Botox continues. At the same time, if you tense your muscles and try to frown, you feel that they become more mobile, that is, the effect of the drug ends. I think I’ll go for a repeat procedure in two months.

Review #2

I injected Botox into the eye area to get rid of crow's feet. In total, about 15 units of the drug were injected in this area. The day after the procedure, I was very afraid of waking up with drooping eyelids or squint, because I had read all sorts of negative reviews.

But nothing happened. Botox somehow has a gentle effect on me, the wrinkles gradually smoothed out a week after the procedure, I don’t feel any numbness or discomfort. And this is not surprising, because the procedure was performed by a very experienced specialist. After 10 days I went to see him for an examination, everything was fine, no additional correction was required.

Review #3

I really regret that I decided to have this procedure. I injected Botox into the forehead area, as a result, the next day I woke up with drooping eyelids and my eyes practically couldn’t open. The doctor admitted that he apparently injected at the wrong point and said that everything would go away in 2-3 weeks.

But this doesn’t make it any easier for me! I can't show up to work like this. I had to take sick leave, now I’m sitting at home, so I advise you to think a hundred times before deciding on this procedure.