Various lip conditions

You should start by removing the predominant juice, then apply local medications. As for tumors, according to the laws of medicine, they are close to tumors on the gums, but they are somewhat more urgently in need of stronger treatment. Local medicines for ulcers are taken from astringents, for example, myrobalans, khudad, rose seeds, cypress cones, turmeric roots. Sometimes among them there are malachite, burnt goat's hoof, burnt sitar, soot, and ushna. As for the oils used, these are apricot and coconut oil.

If lumps appear on the lips, then the following composition helps against them: iron scale, lead oxide, lead white, saffron and alum in equal parts; This is used to make a plaster with wax and coconut or almond oil.

When this happens, it happens most often with the participation of the mouth of the stomach, especially if there is nausea or a movement to vomit something. Most often this happens in acute illnesses and during crises. Sometimes this occurs with the participation of the nerves going to the lips from the brain, as well as those nerves that come from the spinal cord in connection with the brain.