Action Active (Сonaction)

Conaction is a process that involves the activity of the brain and body to achieve a specific goal. This is a manifestation of the mental activity of a person who uses his energy, will and instincts to achieve his goals.

When we talk about Conaction, we are talking about the fact that a person not only thinks about what needs to be done, but actually does it. It is a process that requires skill and skill to overcome internal and external obstacles that may interfere with achieving the goal.

The key aspect of Conaction is its purposefulness. This means that a person knows what he wants to achieve and takes the necessary steps to do it. It could be something small, like completing a task at work, or something more significant, like achieving a big life goal.

Conaction also requires concentration and persistence. A person must focus on a task and continue to work on it, even if it is difficult or tiring. This may require a huge amount of effort, but the reward for successfully completing the task can be enormous.

Conaction can be compared to cognition. Cognition is the process of obtaining knowledge and information. This can be a passive process in which the person simply reads or listens, or a more active process in which the person actively explores and learns new topics.

However, unlike cognition, Conaction requires direct human participation. It is a process that requires activity and persistence on the part of a person to achieve a certain goal.

In general, Conaction is a process that allows a person to achieve goals and overcome obstacles to achieving them. It is a manifestation of mental activity that requires concentration, persistence and effort, but can lead to great results and achievements.

Action is an active action that a person takes as a result of his thoughts and feelings. This can be any action we do in everyday life, such as going to work or studying. Action can be either physical or mental.

Cognition is the process of gaining knowledge about the world. Knowledge can be scientific, philosophical, religious or any other. Cognition is an active process that requires effort and time.

Thus, action and cognition are two different concepts that have their own characteristics. Action is an active process that is associated with human actions, and cognition is a process that is associated with acquiring knowledge about the world.

What is an active action? This definition represents the totality of a person’s mental activity, that is, his energy, will and instincts, which leads to final results. There are some comparisons with cognition. The definitions of these two things differ, but they also have common features. Cognition is an individual phenomenon, in contrast to active action. Therefore, cognition performs a conscious function, and active actions are already guided by the personality. Based on these traits, the active type of behavior has the following components:

1) accumulation of information; 2) updating and highlighting with its help values ​​and criteria; 3) the process of forming an indicative basis for behavior, which is carried out through comparison; 4) direct actions of behavior; 5) people’s reaction to the environment, which occurs at the subconscious level. It cannot be said that the active type of activity is associated only with knowledge or influence. Patterns of perception will be associated with active action if the perceived perception that falls into the field is associated with the situation. The key element of active action is the comparison of the characteristics of objects with existing motives to achieve a specific goal. This whole process is changeable, since motives and knowledge can change and be enriched, in addition, a person is in constant communication with other people. All these circumstances can affect not only your own, but also others’ positive knowledge. Variability is the condition that is most characteristic of the active type of action. Many believe that this is a relatively new phenomenon, although in fact only part of human nature is involved in this process. It would not be inherent in a separate part of humanity to the same extent as in other people. Active actions are inherent in everyone, there are simply not enough psychogenic reasons for their manifestation. We need specific properties of the mind that are found in the character of some. In such conditions, a person’s activity remains an individual characteristic and depends on how active thinking is formed under the influence of development.

In our modern world, we are faced with a huge number of problems such as environmental, social and economic. We often underestimate our ability to make decisions or take responsibility for them. In this article, we will explore the concept of “Action Proactive,” a concept that will help us better understand our proactive nature in making decisions and managing our lives.

Action Active is the totality of the mental activity of a human being, including energy, will and instincts. This concept also implies that a person's actions are the result of his consciousness and can be controlled.

The comparison between active action and cognition is made at the level of the brain, where active action stimulates the brain areas responsible for