Retinoic ointment for wrinkles: how to use

Many women in adulthood begin to worry about their appearance when the skin fades, becomes wrinkled, and becomes covered with age-related folds. Retinoic ointment for wrinkles is an effective inexpensive remedy that can combat unwanted changes and reduce the depth of pigmentation.

Composition, release form

The form of the drug is a yellow, non-greasy ointment with a creamy structure. Packaging: aluminum tubes of 10 and 15 g. Active ingredient - isotretinoin (retinoid) - a derivative of vitamin A, an analogue of retinol. Excipients:

  1. Vaseline oil;
  2. emulsion wax;
  3. glycerol;
  4. ethyl;
  5. dibunol.


The combination of active components promotes deep penetration through the stratum corneum of the epidermis. As a result of the drug's action, the following occurs:

  1. normalization of metabolism and physiological processes;
  2. reduction in the volume of horny particles;
  3. increasing elasticity, skin renewal;
  4. regeneration of new cells;
  5. acceleration of collagen synthesis;
  6. cleansing pores;
  7. removal of sebaceous secretions;
  8. improved blood circulation;
  9. restoration of damaged blood vessels.

The drug contains vitamin A, which is actively involved in the production (differentiation) of new cells. Retinoic ointment acts on the inner layers of the epidermis, slowing down hyperproliferation, reducing the production of subcutaneous sebum. The product relieves inflammation of the sebaceous glands, smoothes facial wrinkles on the neck, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, and forehead. Effective after 40 years, at an age when the rate of natural collagen production is greatly reduced.

The effect of Retinoic ointment is comparable to peeling, so it is not recommended to use it for more than 6 months in a row.

The result can be observed after 2-3 weeks from the start of use. Folds on the face, cheekbones, chin, and neck will noticeably decrease, although you should not expect quick results. It will take time to achieve a significant effect.

Indications and contraindications for use

Retinoic ointment is intended for the treatment of acne, but, according to reviews from many customers, wrinkles begin to actively disappear from the face along with pimples and blackheads. Gradually the skin thickens and becomes more elastic.

The product is widely used for facial and age-related folds on the face. In addition to smoothing out wrinkles, it provides:

  1. alignment of dermis tone;
  2. acceleration of regenerative processes;
  3. reduction of the stratum corneum;
  4. increasing the elasticity of the integument.

Other indications for use:

  1. seborrhea;
  2. perioral dermatitis;
  3. papulopustular, rosacea;
  4. blackheads, comedones, pimples.

It is not recommended to use the drug for people with excessive sensitivity to the ingredients of the product, as well as for women planning pregnancy or breastfeeding.

  1. intolerance to active components;
  2. chronic skin diseases;
  3. hypervitaminosis, excess vitamin A in the body;
  4. together with other drugs from the retinoid group.

When combining Retinoic ointment with other medications, you should first consult a specialist.

Features of application

Retinoic ointment is considered a strong drug, although you should not hope for quick results; you should not completely eliminate wrinkles on the face. According to the instructions for use, several weeks should pass before a visible effect appears. To avoid harm to the skin, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Avoid tanning, prolonged exposure to the sun, and visiting a solarium at the time of treatment to avoid the occurrence of a photosynthesis reaction.
  2. You should not additionally use peeling, abrasive scrubs, lotions, tonics containing alcohol, or allow harsh chemical or mechanical effects on the skin.
  3. It is not recommended to take additional multivitamins or vitamin A, since excessive saturation with them can cause hypervitaminosis and side effects (irritation, peeling, rash, itching, burning) on ​​the epidermis.

The drug can be used by women as prescribed by a doctor or when signs of aging skin appear after 35 years.

For the best effect, it is recommended to carry out a course using ointment 2 times a year. The duration of each should be no more than 2 months.

The concentration of isotretinoin in the ointment, according to the description, can be 0.05% or 0.1%. Experts advise using a less concentrated product to prevent excessive saturation of the layers of the epidermis with vitamin A. The active substance at a concentration of 0.05% is enough to fight shallow wrinkles and take a course to prevent dermal aging.

Even if age-related changes are pronounced, it is also worth starting a course with 0.05% ointment. You need to let your skin get used to the effects of retinoids a little. Then you can gradually switch to using the drug with a 0.1% concentration.

Instructions for use

To minimize wrinkles on the neck, forehead, and face, use the product in accordance with the instructions in the instructions. Sequence of actions for first use:

  1. wash your face with warm water;
  2. treat the skin with a soft cleansing composition;
  3. apply ointment to wrinkles pointwise, treating nasolabial folds, bridge of nose, forehead;
  4. stand for 15-20 minutes;
  5. rinse with warm water;
  6. apply a moisturizing nourishing cream to your face;
  7. wait 2-3 days for the skin to rest.

If there are no side effects, you can repeat the procedure.

During therapy, it is important to monitor the reaction of the epidermis. It is necessary to treat the integument point by point, no more than 2 times a day. Apply only to clean skin.

The course of therapy is 30-60 days. Treatment can be carried out 2-3 times a year. After applying the ointment, the skin should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation or direct sunlight for 1-2 hours. Otherwise, pigmentation may appear. It is not recommended to treat wrinkles around the eyes and other areas with thin skin to avoid side effects - dryness, burning, irritation, peeling.

When going outside, you should apply sunscreen to your skin. You should avoid cosmetic preparations with a drying, exfoliating effect. For better results, you can combine the ointment with oral vitamin E and C.

If redness, burning, or irritation occurs, the product should be washed off immediately. The drug must be applied in a thin layer to clean, dry areas of the skin (forehead, cheekbones, chin, nasolabial triangle).

Mode of application

The ointment can be added to other creams that do not contain vitamin A. If you use a diluted product, then the use of the cream in its pure form should be avoided. To smooth out wrinkles, daily skin care, eliminate peeling, microcracks, a mixture with Retinoic ointment in the composition can be used longer. A course lasting 3-4 months is allowed.

It is best to mix the drug with moisturizing creams. It is enough to add 1 g of Retinoic ointment to 10 g of skin care cosmetic product.

Side effects

Possible side effects:

  1. dermatitis;
  2. erythema;
  3. tissue granulation;
  4. skin rash;
  5. muscle pain;
  6. corneal clouding;
  7. hearing loss;
  8. increased concentration of glucose in the blood;
  9. nose bleed;
  10. erythema;
  11. conjunctivitis;
  12. anemia;
  13. neutropenia;
  14. headache;
  15. hair thinning;
  16. photosensitivity;
  17. convulsions.

If side effects appear, it is better to refuse or reconsider the treatment regimen.

There are gentle analogues with a similar effect:

special instructions

The active ingredients of Retinoic ointment can accumulate in the body, so it is not recommended to use the product in courses longer than 2 months.

  1. The ointment should be used with caution in case of diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, and chronic pancreatitis.
  2. Long-term use of the product can lead to cheilitis, conjunctivitis, peeling, itching, and dry skin.
  3. Irritation, rash, swelling, redness, burning, itching, and rashes on the face may appear 3-4 minutes after applying the ointment. This indicates a predisposition to allergies to the components of the drug.
  4. Oversaturation of the skin with retinol can cause irritability, insomnia, nervousness, headaches, aches in muscles and joints, confusion, and depression.
  5. Frequent application of the composition contributes to dysfunction of the sensory organs, the development of photophobia, night blindness, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. If signs appear indicating an excess of retinoids, you should interrupt the treatment course and consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

You can buy a product with an active substance concentration of 0.05% at a price of 200-320 rubles per 10 g, 15 g will cost 280-340 rubles. The cost of a more concentrated drug (0.1%) is 260-350 rubles per tube of 10 g.


Products identical in active ingredient for local and internal use:

  1. Retasol ointment. Indications for use: rosacea, seborrhea, acne, perioral dermatitis. It is necessary to spot treat the dermis 2 times a day, applying a thin layer of the product to the affected areas. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.
  2. Verocutan tablets. Recommended for severe acne. The course of therapy is 3-4 months.
  3. Gel Isotrexin. Indications: acne, acne. Facial treatment is carried out 2 times a day (morning, evening). The course of therapy is 2.5 months.
  4. Capsules will erase. Taken orally for the treatment of acne on the face for a month.

Today, various anti-aging serums and creams based on isotretinoin are on sale. Cosmetologists and dermatologists do not prescribe these products for rejuvenation, since the main indication for their use is the removal of acne. However, women use Retinoic ointment for rejuvenation, regardless of the testimony of specialists, and therefore take responsibility for the consequences of self-medication.


Wrinkles... They are the worst enemy of many, so women wage a ruthless fight against them. Various methods and means are used, among them retinoic ointment is quite popular.

How does retinoic ointment help with facial wrinkles?

Initially, the drug was developed to combat acne, but over time, specialists and patients noticed an amazing secondary effect after its use: along with acne, wrinkles disappeared from the face, and the skin became denser and more elastic. That is why women began to use retinoic ointment for rejuvenation.

Isotretinoin is the main component of the composition

Such a valuable “side effect” is due to the fact that the product contains vitamin A, which, along with its “brothers” B, C and E, is often used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetic products. This beneficial substance helps restore collagen and elastin fibers, and with regular use increases skin elasticity, regardless of age.

The result of external use of preparations with vitamin A is in many ways similar to the effect of filler injections: fine wrinkles completely disappear, and deep wrinkles are noticeably reduced.

Retinoic ointment has a creamy, non-greasy, yellow consistency without a noticeable odor, and the active component in its composition is isotretinoin, a substance from the group of retinoids, that is, derivatives of vitamin A. These chemical compounds help reduce the stratum corneum, smooth out fine wrinkles, and enhance regenerative processes, as a result of which the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, the complexion is evened out.

Features of using retinoic ointment for wrinkles

You should not hope that the drug will instantly smooth out all the wrinkles on your face. The first results from its use will become noticeable only after a few weeks.

Retinoic ointment is a fairly strong medicine, so in order to avoid harm, you should remember certain features of using the product.

  1. During the period of use, under no circumstances should you sunbathe, visit a solarium, or simply stay in the sun for a long time. Intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause a photosensitivity reaction (increased sensitivity to UV radiation). Neglecting this rule can result in sunburn or the appearance of age spots, so experts recommend using the drug in the evening before bed, and for fair-skinned people to put off the tube until autumn.
  2. The use of retinoic ointment cannot be combined with any mechanical or chemical effects on the skin, i.e. you will have to avoid peelings with fruit acids, abrasive scrubs, alcohol-containing tonics and lotions. The reason is that the medicinal product strongly irritates the skin, thereby stimulating its renewal, and active additional manipulations can lead to various damages, including burns.
  3. The product is not used in parallel with taking vitamin A or multivitamin complexes that contain it, as this is fraught with hypervitaminosis with corresponding consequences (rash, peeling, etc.).
  4. To eliminate wrinkles, retinoic drugs are recommended only after 30–35 years, when the first signs of skin aging appear.
  5. To achieve maximum effect, the ointment should be used twice a year. The duration of one course should not exceed two months.

How to use eye product

Retinoic ointment is not recommended to be applied to the area around the eyes in its pure form. The reason lies in the irritating effect and the fact that the substance can cause dryness, and on thin and delicate skin of the eyelids this will give the opposite result to what was expected.

However, it is not forbidden to add a medicinal drug to ready-made creams and serums, and homemade anti-aging masks. The amount of ointment should be small: a droplet the size of a match head for a regular portion of the care product.

Types of retinoic ointment and methods of application

Retinoic ointment is available with isotretinoin contents of 0.05% and 0.1%. It is better to use a less concentrated product, as there is an opinion that this form of vitamin A dries out the skin. However, cosmetologists believe that in general the choice depends on the goal. To eliminate shallow wrinkles and prevent photoaging, a drug with a minimum percentage of active substance is suitable, but combating pronounced age-related changes will require a more serious approach. However, in any case, you should start with 0.05% ointment so that the skin gets used to the effects of retinoids.


For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use an ointment with a lower concentration

How to use the drug in its pure form

Experts recommend using retinoic ointment for wrinkles as follows:

  1. wash as usual;
  2. dry the skin with a towel (do not apply to wet skin, this will increase the irritating effect of the drug);
  3. apply a thin layer of ointment to problem areas: nasolabial triangle, forehead, along the chin, cheekbones, etc.;
  4. After 20 minutes, use your usual cream.

Important! If, after applying retinoic ointment, severe burning and redness occurs, it should be washed off immediately!

Adding the drug to finished creams

Retinoic ointment can be used not only in its pure form, but also mixed with the usual cream, which does not contain vitamin A. Such a product will smooth out wrinkles, and the caring components present in the cosmetic product will reduce the drying effect of tretinoin.

To prepare an anti-aging composition, you should take your regular face cream and retinoic ointment. You need as much cream as required for application to the face, neck and décolleté, and the ointment is added in a drop slightly less than a pea size per teaspoon of care product.


The cream should be applied to the face along massage lines

Mix the cream thoroughly with the ointment and apply to the face, neck and décolleté. This enriched product can be used daily in the evening.

There is no single point of view regarding course or permanent application. Those who are afraid of irritation or the addictive effect prefer to pamper their skin with such retinoic creams for no longer than two months in a row, however, there are women who do this without long breaks and are satisfied with the result.

Doctors are slow to judge. Serious scientific research on this topic has not yet been carried out, but there is evidence that with long-term, but moderate external use, retinoids are safe.

Contraindications and possible harm

Since retinoic ointment is a medicinal product, it has a number of contraindications for use:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. breastfeeding period;
  3. treatment with tetracycline antibiotics;
  4. hypervitaminosis A;
  5. individual intolerance;
  6. hyperlipidemia (increased levels of lipids in the blood);
  7. eczema;
  8. open wounds, burns;
  9. impaired renal and liver function;
  10. chronic pancreatitis;
  11. intolerance to the components included in the retinoic ointment.

Some women, trying to get the expected effect faster, begin to be overly zealous in using the product. The result of an overdose of the drug can be irritation, peeling and itching of the skin.

Doctors' opinions

In official medicine, retinoic ointment is a remedy for acne. Doctors and cosmetologists recognize the existence of a “side effect” in the form of rejuvenation, but are in no hurry to prescribe this medication to their patients who want to get rid of wrinkles.

One can understand specialists: to solve specific problems, they have the right to use only those means whose effectiveness and safety have been scientifically proven. Various forms of vitamin A really rejuvenate the skin, so many highly effective anti-aging cosmetics have been created based on them: creams, serums, and the well-known retinoic peeling. The ointment is not included in the list, but this does not prevent women from using it to look younger and more attractive.

Consumer Reviews

Rejuvenation - yes, there really is such a small side effect. Even my husband noticed that my skin began to look younger, which, naturally, could not but please me. The manufacturer, by the way, correlates this effect with the presence of 13-cis-retinoic acid in the composition.


I want to tell you about such properties of retinoic ointment as exfoliation!! I apply it to clean skin at night, at first very severe peeling began, it was really unpleasant, but it went away in two days! The skin peeled off, and at the same time it was renewed!! I had a pigment spot under my eye - there is no more of it. The wrinkles are gone (I’m 36 years old, not critical, but already noticeable). The pores used to be clogged with plugs, I steamed and squeezed everything out, especially on the nose and forehead, now this problem is gone. In the morning I apply my usual cream, retinoic cream at night, and so on all week, my colleagues decided that I was visiting a salon! Oh, how nice. This means that the result is visible not only to me. It is better to do this in winter, when there is no active sun, the complexion turns out peach. The skin was cleared of dead cells and began to breathe. This is a magical cream. First of all, this is a medical drug, there are contraindications, be sure to read it, it costs about 200 rubles. If you are looking for a way to cleanse and refresh your skin, try it. I highly recommend it.


I bought a small tube of ointment at the pharmacy, it costs about three hundred rubles, and somehow, purely intuitively, I took it with the lowest concentration of 0.05. In the evening I applied it to cleansed skin, the ointment was thick, absorbed well into the skin and somehow immediately tightened the skin and smoothed it out. Then in the morning I also applied the product, the sensations were just as good, in the afternoon there was a feeling of slight warmth on the face..., in general, this continued for three days, and on the fourth day my face began to itch, I ignored it, after two more days my face became as if burned and swollen. I stopped using it, turned to the Internet for information, many people wrote that they had the same thing. I stopped using it, and after a week my facial skin was completely restored. Some wrote that this is a cleansing and I have to endure it, but I can’t, the sensations are very sharp, and this is an allergic reaction. Then I decided to mix the ointment with a thick consistency cream one to one. Symptoms of scratching appeared, but not after three, but after five days, I immediately gave it all up. In general, it doesn’t suit me, apparently, I’m allergic to the components; for those who don’t have this, it makes sense to use it.


Video: retinol for wrinkles

Retinoic ointment is an effective anti-wrinkle remedy, but the drug should be used carefully, taking into account all recommendations. In addition, it has a number of contraindications, so it would not hurt to first consult a specialist.

It turns out that to reduce the severity and prevent wrinkles, it is not at all necessary to use expensive cosmetic creams and serums. Very often, good results can be achieved with the help of simple homemade masks or affordable pharmacy ointments and creams that have a regenerating effect. One of these products is retinoic ointment, which has been successfully used by women for several generations to care for facial skin, rejuvenate and slow down the process of age-related fading.


  1. Composition and properties
  2. The effectiveness of the drug against wrinkles
  3. Mode of application
  4. Applying ointment
  5. Analogs
  6. Precautionary measures


Composition and properties

Retinoic ointment is a medicinal product containing as an active substance a first-generation retinoid, isotretinoin, which is one of the biologically active forms of vitamin A. Under natural conditions in the human body, it is synthesized in small quantities. The drug is widely used in dermatology as a topical antiseborrheic, keratolytic and anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, accelerates tissue regeneration, improves metabolic processes, promotes the exfoliation of dead epithelial cells and the formation of a new healthy layer of the epidermis.

The drug is prescribed if it is detected on the face and torso:

For your information: Retinoic ointment is a homogeneous mass of yellowish color, packaged in tubes of 10, 15, 20 or 35 g with a concentration of the active component of 0.05 or 0.1%. Vaseline oil, glycerin, emulsion wax and other substances were used as excipients to create the dosage form.

The effectiveness of the drug against wrinkles

Initially, the ointment was used only for medicinal purposes to combat acne. However, during its use, specialists noticed a significant improvement in the condition of the skin and a rejuvenation effect in their patients, which attracted the attention of cosmetologists and prompted the beginning of its use in anti-wrinkle cosmetology.


Vitamin A, which has a pronounced antioxidant effect, belongs to the group of so-called “beauty vitamins” and is included in many modern cosmetic care products. With its deficiency in the body, the skin becomes flabby and dry, loses firmness and elasticity.

When the ointment is applied externally, isotretionine penetrates deep into the skin and has a beneficial healing effect:

  1. stimulates epidermis renewal;
  2. normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands and water-fat balance;
  3. smoothes, prevents the formation and reduces the severity of fine expression and medium wrinkles;
  4. tightens pores, eliminates oily shine;
  5. evens out the relief, improves texture, gives velvety;
  6. improves color, gives freshness;
  7. activates the activity of fibroblasts, increases the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid;
  8. eliminates the effects of photodamage.

The drug significantly improves skin tone.

Mode of application

To eliminate wrinkles with retinoic ointment, a fairly long course of its use is required. It has a cumulative effect and does not provide immediate results. The first improvements in the appearance of facial skin become noticeable only after a few weeks (from 6 to


from the start of use. The course of treatment usually lasts several months (maximum 3), and can be repeated no more than twice a year. The product can be used independently, as part of anti-aging face masks or added to night cream.

It is recommended to apply the product to problem areas with wrinkles once a day, preferably at night, since vitamin A increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The first time many people experience redness, itching, irritation, peeling and dry skin after applying the ointment, which is a normal reaction. To facilitate the process of getting used to the drug and reduce such effects, it is recommended to start using the ointment with low concentrations (0.05%) every other day, gradually moving to daily use.


Retinoic ointment for wrinkles and acne can be used at any age, starting from adolescence (14 years).

Applying ointment

Before applying the drug, you should clean the skin with warm water without using soap, scrubs or cosmetics, then blot with a soft cloth or paper towel. Apply a thin layer of ointment using light tapping movements over the entire face or only over problem areas, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 30-60 minutes, rinse off any remaining product with warm water.

Vitamin E mask

Mix the ointment with the contents of the ampoule until smooth. Apply to areas with wrinkles, excluding the area around the eyes, leave for 20-30 minutes, remove residue with warm water. Use 1-2 times a week.

Aloe juice mask

Retinoic ointment – ​​1 tsp.
Aloe juice – 5 ml

Mix the ingredients, spread the composition over the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for 20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water.


Mask with cosmetic oils

Retinoic ointment – ​​1 tsp.
Almond oil – 5 ml
Burdock oil – 5 ml

Mix the ointment with oils until smooth. Apply the product to the entire surface of the facial skin, leave for 30 minutes and rinse with water.

Advice: After retinoic ointment for wrinkles, it is recommended to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin, as it has a pronounced drying effect.


Retinoic ointment belongs to a group of drugs called retinoids. It is one of the cheapest products in this category. Retinol preparations for wrinkles are also produced, which are actively used in cosmetology, in the form of gel, lotion, and cream. They are considered more convenient to use and are more effective when applied topically, however they are much more expensive. Their composition is slightly different from the ointment; they may contain additional active components and retinoids of different structure (tretinoin, retinal, retinol acetate, retinol palmitate, alitretinoin). These include:

  1. Retin A cream contains tretinoin;
  2. Renova cream 0.02% based on tretinoin;
  3. Isotrexin gel contains isotretinoin and the antibiotic erythromycin;
  4. Retasol lotion, active ingredient isotretinoin;
  5. Tritin lotion contains tretinoin and zinc.

Prescription isotretinoin is also available for oral administration in the form of capsules or tablets. These include Acnekutan, Roaccutane, Verokutan, Sotret.


Precautionary measures

Before using the ointment, you should carefully read the instructions, familiarize yourself with the storage conditions, the list of contraindications and possible side effects. It is best not to start self-treatment, but to consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist about this. Only a specialist will be able to assess the need to prescribe this ointment and choose the most appropriate method of its use depending on the existing skin problems.

Contraindications for eliminating wrinkles with this drug include:

  1. hypersensitivity to any components of the ointment;
  2. chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys;
  3. heart failure;
  4. pregnancy, lactation;
  5. benign and malignant neoplasms;
  6. inflammatory processes, damage and violations of the integrity of the skin in the application area.

Side effects after applying the ointment may include dizziness, redness, burning, itching, dry skin, and worsening acne. To prevent allergic manifestations on the face, before using it for the first time, perform an allergy test by applying a small amount of the product to the inner bend of the elbow and monitoring the reaction of the skin for an hour.

It is not recommended to combine retinoic ointment for wrinkles with taking tetracycline antibacterial drugs and glucocorticosteroids (including hormonal contraceptives), since in this case its effect is weakened. You should also not use this remedy when taking vitamin A or its derivatives orally. When using the product, you need to provide your skin with protection from ultraviolet radiation by applying sunscreen before going outside, excluding visits to the beach and solarium.

Important: With long-term use of anti-wrinkle ointment, it is possible to develop an overdose of vitamin A, which manifests itself in the form of damage to the mucous membrane of the lips, dryness, peeling and pigmentation of the skin, conjunctivitis, brittle nails, insomnia, pain in muscles and joints and other symptoms.

Video: Cosmetologist about the properties of retinol derivatives