Retinoic ointment in cosmetics

At all times, women want to look younger and make every effort to speed up the process of their own rejuvenation. One of the popular modern remedies is retinoic ointment for wrinkles.

  1. Quick navigation through the article:
  2. Reasons for the popularity of the ointment
  3. Components and purpose
  4. Application instructions
  5. Operating principle
  6. Advantages
  7. Allergy test
  8. Contraindications
  9. Possible side effects
  10. Cosmetologists' opinions
  11. Reviews

Reviews from cosmetologists when using it confirm that this ointment is good for the skin, but before using it you need to take into account all the advantages and carefully read the section with contraindications.

Opinion of cosmetologists: reasons for the popularity of the ointment

The components of retinoic ointment affect skin cells, speeding up their update. With regular and constant use, the skin becomes smoother, fine wrinkles almost disappear and new ones do not form.

The components of retinoic ointment affect skin cells, accelerating their renewal.

The active substance - isotretinoin - affects the skin, causing an increase in renewal and restoration processes.

Important to remember! According to observations and reviews of cosmetologists, the effect of retinoic ointment against wrinkles towards improving and rejuvenating the skin is indeed observed, but it is not the only possible remedy.

In addition, the ointment contains a number of restrictions on use, especially for women with high levels of vitamin A in the blood (with liver or kidney disease).

Components of the ointment, its purpose

The active ingredient in retinoic ointment is called isotretinoin. When checking their effect on the processes occurring in the skin tissue (the formation of age spots, aging, wrinkles, acne), experts observed a persistent improvement in the condition.

The most active of the above list is tretinoin, which also has a peeling effect. This is what gives effective results.

The group of retinoids includes:

  1. retinol, i.e. vitamin A in fat-soluble form;
  2. retinol acetate is the result of a chemical reaction of acetic acid and retinol ester;
  3. Retinol palmitate is a derivative of palmitic acid and retinol ester.

The most active of the above list is tretinoin, which also has a peeling effect. Due to its increased activity The duration of its use is limited to six months.

Products with active natural ingredients based on vitamin A are now often used to clear acne from the face.

They are also included in cosmeceuticals (medicinal cosmetics) for skin that is prone to aging and age-related changes in the human body - to get rid of wrinkles.

Products with active natural ingredients based on vitamin A are now often used to clear acne from the face.

Substances of the retinoid group accelerate cell renewal processes in connective tissue. But to obtain the expected effect, a certain time is required (at least several weeks).

Therefore, the main thing here is to be persistent and patient, and then you can be proud of the result.

The use of this ointment helps to cope with the following problems:

  1. tendency of the skin to become oily;
  2. decreased immunity;
  3. inflammatory processes (acne);
  4. dehydration of skin cells.

With constant use of this ointment, regeneration processes are stimulated and the rate of skin cell renewal increases.

With constant use of this ointment, regeneration processes are stimulated and the rate of skin cell renewal increases.

The result will be the disappearance of minor defects on the skin, the smoothing of wrinkles, and the face visually becomes refreshed and healthy.

Instructions for applying retinoic ointment

The course of treatment with retinoic ointment for wrinkles is 2-3 weeks, twice a year. According to reviews from cosmetologists, it can be used more often, but with great caution.

It is best to do the procedure itself in the evening, since after it the skin’s sensitivity to light increases greatly, and you cannot go outside.

A ball the size of a small pea is squeezed out of a tube of ointment. It must be applied in a very thin, light layer.

First, you should cleanse with either cosmetic milk or deep peeling. This will increase the permeability of the active components of the ointment in the future.

A ball the size of a small pea is squeezed out of a tube of ointment. It needs to be applied in a very thin, light layer., excess amount is removed with a napkin. If you use a large amount of ointment, irritation and peeling may occur.

Often women use spot application in the right place on the face, but Under no circumstances should this product be used in the area around the eyes., which can lead to severe irritation.

When using any cosmetic products, careful skin care is required. In winter, the exfoliation of skin cells increases and symptoms of dehydration may appear.

Women often use spot application in the desired area of ​​the face, but in no case should this product be used in the area around the eyes, which can lead to severe irritation.

In this situation, cosmetologists advise using nourishing creams and face masks that retain moisture in the skin and have a restorative effect. This helps reduce the risk of negative reactions to the ointment.

In summer, women usually face the problem of age spots that arise from the sun.

Therefore, according to reviews and recommendations of cosmetologists, you should either not start treatment with retinoic ointment for wrinkles at all, or use special creams that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

The best time of year to carry out a rejuvenating course is spring or autumn.

The principle of action of retinoic ointment

The active component - isotretinoin - upon penetration through the epidermis, affects the intercellular substance, restoring it.

The active component - isotretinoin - upon penetration through the epidermis, affects the intercellular substance, restoring it.

This is intercellular the substance includes collagen and elastin threads. A network woven from them loses its elasticity and strength when exposed to adverse atmospheric influences.

Isotretinoin stimulates collagen synthesis, renewal and restoration of skin cells. The active substances that make up the ointment suppress the production of sebum and the formation of comedones, reduce the impact of pathogens on the epidermis.

Isotretinoin stimulates collagen synthesis, renewal and restoration of skin cells.

Vitamin A affects cellular renewal processes and participates in the formation of dye pigments.

Advantages of retinoic ointment

If a woman wants to buy any anti-wrinkle product at a low price, but which actually has an effect on the skin, then this is retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment.

Reviews from cosmetologists show that Its effectiveness distinguishes it from other similar and expensive drugs.

Retinoic ointment is a salvation for most women who cannot afford the large financial costs of advertised expensive anti-wrinkle products.

Reviews from cosmetologists show that its effectiveness sets it apart from other similar and expensive drugs.

There are no harmful impurities in this drug, which are often used to improve the look or smell of cosmetics and attract female customers.

If there are no contraindications, and retinoic ointment for wrinkles is used correctly, the reviews of cosmetologists will be confirmed, and results in improving the condition of facial skin will appear very soon.

Test for allergic reaction to ointment

The test is done very simply. It must be performed one day before the scheduled start of the course of treatment.

The test is done very simply. It must be performed one day before the scheduled start of the course of treatment.

A small amount of ointment is applied to the inner elbow (where the skin is more sensitive), then this area must be sealed with a plaster.

After a day, it is removed, and in the absence of irritation or redness, the conclusion is drawn: it is not forbidden to use the ointment.

It is also recommended to consult a cosmetologist, since each skin has an individual sensitivity threshold. For some reactions, using retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment will not be beneficial.

For some reactions, using retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment will not be beneficial.

According to reviews from cosmetologists It is necessary to study the condition of the skin during treatment very carefully. If you observe redness, irritated skin conditions and, especially, itching, use should be stopped immediately.

Contraindications when using ointment

Like any product with medicinal properties, the ointment has contraindications.

It is strictly forbidden to use it by women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or when being treated with drugs from the tetracycline group.

Otherwise, the use of the product can provoke intrauterine disorders in the development of the fetus (during pregnancy).

It is strictly forbidden to use it by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If a girl plans to have a child in the near future, she should also choose a more suitable drug.

Contraindications are also:

  1. disturbances in a woman’s digestive system;
  2. problems with liver and kidney function;
  3. the presence of neoplasms (even benign ones);
  4. excess vitamin A in the body.

Also, before use, you need to make sure that there are no mechanical damage (cuts, burns) or manifestations of eczema on the desired areas of the skin.

Statistical studies were carried out by dermatologists among middle-aged patients, so the effect on the skin of the older age category may be stronger.

Statistical studies were carried out by dermatologists among middle-aged patients, therefore The effect on the skin of older age groups may be more severe.

Possible side effects and consequences of overdose

The skin of an older person is more sensitive to all kinds of cosmetic procedures.

That's why Side effects may occur primarily in the form of:

  1. severe dryness and flaking of the skin, the appearance of age spots and irritation;
  2. hyperemia (redness due to blood flow) of the face;
  3. changes on the nail plates of the extremities;
  4. headaches, conjunctive inflammation of the eyes, decreased vision;
  5. discomfort in the muscles;
  6. upset stomach.

Side effects may occur, primarily in the form of headaches.

Carefully! If symptoms of discomfort appear during the first week, then the number of procedures should be reduced. If they do not go away, then you should abandon this method of improving your appearance.

Cosmetologists' opinions

To confirm or refute the question of how retinoic ointment works for wrinkles in real situations, we present reviews of cosmetologists who prescribed a course of treatment with this ointment to their patients.

This product is recommended for women with oily skin. The ointment helps remove oily shine, almost completely removes acne, and the skin will look smooth and rejuvenated. Moreover, all these results are achieved without large material costs, because the price of retinoic ointment is very low.

This product is recommended for women with oily skin. The ointment helps remove oily shine, almost completely removes acne, and the skin will look smooth and rejuvenated.

With proper and careful use, a woman will remove her appearance problems for a small price and will look several years younger.

Patients are usually not prescribed drugs that are not recognized cosmetics.

However Retinoic ointment cannot cause any harm to a woman’s health. On the contrary, it has a positive effect and helps restore youth.

Retinoic ointment cannot cause any harm to a woman’s health. On the contrary, it has a positive effect and helps restore youth.

The only problem that arises with excessive use of this product is peeling of the facial skin. This is what happens to patients when they rub the ointment into the skin too diligently and in large doses. I have to stop the course of treatment.

This video will tell you about the effect of retinoic ointment against wrinkles under the eyes.

This video talks about the benefits of retinoids for blackheads and acne.

From this video you will learn how retinol smooths out wrinkles in women and girls.


Wrinkles... They are the worst enemy of many, so women wage a ruthless fight against them. Various methods and means are used, among them retinoic ointment is quite popular.

How does retinoic ointment help with facial wrinkles?

Initially, the drug was developed to combat acne, but over time, specialists and patients noticed an amazing secondary effect after its use: along with acne, wrinkles disappeared from the face, and the skin became denser and more elastic. That is why women began to use retinoic ointment for rejuvenation.

Isotretinoin is the main component of the composition

Such a valuable “side effect” is due to the fact that the product contains vitamin A, which, along with its “brothers” B, C and E, is often used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetic products. This beneficial substance helps restore collagen and elastin fibers, and with regular use increases skin elasticity, regardless of age.

The result of external use of preparations with vitamin A is in many ways similar to the effect of filler injections: fine wrinkles completely disappear, and deep wrinkles are noticeably reduced.

Retinoic ointment has a creamy, non-greasy, yellow consistency without a noticeable odor, and the active component in its composition is isotretinoin, a substance from the group of retinoids, that is, derivatives of vitamin A. These chemical compounds help reduce the stratum corneum, smooth out fine wrinkles, and enhance regenerative processes, as a result of which the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, the complexion is evened out.

Features of using retinoic ointment for wrinkles

You should not hope that the drug will instantly smooth out all the wrinkles on your face. The first results from its use will become noticeable only after a few weeks.

Retinoic ointment is a fairly strong medicine, so in order to avoid harm, you should remember certain features of using the product.

  1. During the period of use, under no circumstances should you sunbathe, visit a solarium, or simply stay in the sun for a long time. Intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause a photosensitivity reaction (increased sensitivity to UV radiation). Neglecting this rule can result in sunburn or the appearance of age spots, so experts recommend using the drug in the evening before bed, and for fair-skinned people to put off the tube until autumn.
  2. The use of retinoic ointment cannot be combined with any mechanical or chemical effects on the skin, i.e. you will have to avoid peelings with fruit acids, abrasive scrubs, alcohol-containing tonics and lotions. The reason is that the medicinal product strongly irritates the skin, thereby stimulating its renewal, and active additional manipulations can lead to various damages, including burns.
  3. The product is not used in parallel with taking vitamin A or multivitamin complexes that contain it, as this is fraught with hypervitaminosis with corresponding consequences (rash, peeling, etc.).
  4. To eliminate wrinkles, retinoic drugs are recommended only after 30–35 years, when the first signs of skin aging appear.
  5. To achieve maximum effect, the ointment should be used twice a year. The duration of one course should not exceed two months.

How to use eye product

Retinoic ointment is not recommended to be applied to the area around the eyes in its pure form. The reason lies in the irritating effect and the fact that the substance can cause dryness, and on thin and delicate skin of the eyelids this will give the opposite result to what was expected.

However, it is not forbidden to add a medicinal drug to ready-made creams and serums, and homemade anti-aging masks. The amount of ointment should be small: a droplet the size of a match head for a regular portion of the care product.

Types of retinoic ointment and methods of application

Retinoic ointment is available with isotretinoin contents of 0.05% and 0.1%. It is better to use a less concentrated product, as there is an opinion that this form of vitamin A dries out the skin. However, cosmetologists believe that in general the choice depends on the goal. To eliminate shallow wrinkles and prevent photoaging, a drug with a minimum percentage of active substance is suitable, but combating pronounced age-related changes will require a more serious approach. However, in any case, you should start with 0.05% ointment so that the skin gets used to the effects of retinoids.


For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use an ointment with a lower concentration

How to use the drug in its pure form

Experts recommend using retinoic ointment for wrinkles as follows:

  1. wash as usual;
  2. dry the skin with a towel (do not apply to wet skin, this will increase the irritating effect of the drug);
  3. apply a thin layer of ointment to problem areas: nasolabial triangle, forehead, along the chin, cheekbones, etc.;
  4. After 20 minutes, use your usual cream.

Important! If, after applying retinoic ointment, severe burning and redness occurs, it should be washed off immediately!

Adding the drug to finished creams

Retinoic ointment can be used not only in its pure form, but also mixed with the usual cream, which does not contain vitamin A. Such a product will smooth out wrinkles, and the caring components present in the cosmetic product will reduce the drying effect of tretinoin.

To prepare an anti-aging composition, you should take your regular face cream and retinoic ointment. You need as much cream as required for application to the face, neck and décolleté, and the ointment is added in a drop slightly less than a pea size per teaspoon of care product.


The cream should be applied to the face along massage lines

Mix the cream thoroughly with the ointment and apply to the face, neck and décolleté. This enriched product can be used daily in the evening.

There is no single point of view regarding course or permanent application. Those who are afraid of irritation or the addictive effect prefer to pamper their skin with such retinoic creams for no longer than two months in a row, however, there are women who do this without long breaks and are satisfied with the result.

Doctors are slow to judge. Serious scientific research on this topic has not yet been carried out, but there is evidence that with long-term, but moderate external use, retinoids are safe.

Contraindications and possible harm

Since retinoic ointment is a medicinal product, it has a number of contraindications for use:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. breastfeeding period;
  3. treatment with tetracycline antibiotics;
  4. hypervitaminosis A;
  5. individual intolerance;
  6. hyperlipidemia (increased levels of lipids in the blood);
  7. eczema;
  8. open wounds, burns;
  9. impaired renal and liver function;
  10. chronic pancreatitis;
  11. intolerance to the components included in the retinoic ointment.

Some women, trying to get the expected effect faster, begin to be overly zealous in using the product. The result of an overdose of the drug can be irritation, peeling and itching of the skin.

Doctors' opinions

In official medicine, retinoic ointment is a remedy for acne. Doctors and cosmetologists recognize the existence of a “side effect” in the form of rejuvenation, but are in no hurry to prescribe this medication to their patients who want to get rid of wrinkles.

One can understand specialists: to solve specific problems, they have the right to use only those means whose effectiveness and safety have been scientifically proven. Various forms of vitamin A really rejuvenate the skin, so many highly effective anti-aging cosmetics have been created based on them: creams, serums, and the well-known retinoic peeling. The ointment is not included in the list, but this does not prevent women from using it to look younger and more attractive.

Consumer Reviews

Rejuvenation - yes, there really is such a small side effect. Even my husband noticed that my skin began to look younger, which, naturally, could not but please me. The manufacturer, by the way, correlates this effect with the presence of 13-cis-retinoic acid in the composition.


I want to tell you about such properties of retinoic ointment as exfoliation!! I apply it to clean skin at night, at first very severe peeling began, it was really unpleasant, but it went away in two days! The skin peeled off, and at the same time it was renewed!! I had a pigment spot under my eye - there is no more of it. The wrinkles are gone (I’m 36 years old, not critical, but already noticeable). The pores used to be clogged with plugs, I steamed and squeezed everything out, especially on the nose and forehead, now this problem is gone. In the morning I apply my usual cream, retinoic cream at night, and so on all week, my colleagues decided that I was visiting a salon! Oh, how nice. This means that the result is visible not only to me. It is better to do this in winter, when there is no active sun, the complexion turns out peach. The skin was cleared of dead cells and began to breathe. This is a magical cream. First of all, this is a medical drug, there are contraindications, be sure to read it, it costs about 200 rubles. If you are looking for a way to cleanse and refresh your skin, try it. I highly recommend it.


I bought a small tube of ointment at the pharmacy, it costs about three hundred rubles, and somehow, purely intuitively, I took it with the lowest concentration of 0.05. In the evening I applied it to cleansed skin, the ointment was thick, absorbed well into the skin and somehow immediately tightened the skin and smoothed it out. Then in the morning I also applied the product, the sensations were just as good, in the afternoon there was a feeling of slight warmth on the face..., in general, this continued for three days, and on the fourth day my face began to itch, I ignored it, after two more days my face became as if burned and swollen. I stopped using it, turned to the Internet for information, many people wrote that they had the same thing. I stopped using it, and after a week my facial skin was completely restored. Some wrote that this is a cleansing and I have to endure it, but I can’t, the sensations are very sharp, and this is an allergic reaction. Then I decided to mix the ointment with a thick consistency cream one to one. Symptoms of scratching appeared, but not after three, but after five days, I immediately gave it all up. In general, it doesn’t suit me, apparently, I’m allergic to the components; for those who don’t have this, it makes sense to use it.


Video: retinol for wrinkles

Retinoic ointment is an effective anti-wrinkle remedy, but the drug should be used carefully, taking into account all recommendations. In addition, it has a number of contraindications, so it would not hurt to first consult a specialist.

Everyone wants to look younger and more attractive for as long as possible. But how to achieve rejuvenation and at the same time preserve your natural beauty, without resorting to quite expensive cosmetic procedures and surgery? Retinoic ointment for wrinkles today is actively popularized by cosmetologists as an alternative and inexpensive remedy for a well-known age-related defect.

Opinions about retinoic ointment constantly vary. Some claim that this remedy not only treats the upper layer of the epidermis, it also helps improve the condition of the skin at the cellular level. Others who have tried the drug are sure that acne ointment is not able to cope with wrinkles and make them less noticeable. How do you know which of these statements is true? Is retinoic ointment really capable of prolonging the youth of the skin and making it fresher and smoother?

What is retinoic ointment for wrinkles?

Retinoic ointment is a medicinal product that is intended for external use. Most often the product is used for the following purposes:

  1. Acne treatment;
  2. Acne treatment;
  3. Treatment of comedones;
  4. Treatment of seborrhea and rosacea.

Retinoic ointment has attracted special attention from cosmetologists due to its composition. The unique components contained in it made it possible to use this substance not only for therapeutic, but also for cosmetic purposes. Numerous reviews of people who used the product to treat acne showed that their skin not only became healthier, it acquired a more even tone, smooth and elastic structure.

Retinoic ointment is a drug that belongs to the group of topical retinoids. The main active component of the product is isotretinoin (retinoic acid), which can effectively fight not only the obvious inflammatory process, but also deep wrinkles.

This active component can be called the closest analogue of vitamin A. It has a number of useful properties, namely:

  1. Evens out skin texture;
  2. Restores natural skin color;
  3. Removes age spots;
  4. Confidently fights the signs of aging.

Skin aging is most often associated with vitamin A deficiency and deficiencies. The skin becomes dull, flabby, and inelastic. Subsequently, small wrinkles appear, which become much more noticeable and deeper over time. Replenishing the necessary vitamin component allows you to stop this process.

Thus, the use of retinoic ointment for cosmetic purposes can significantly improve the condition of aging skin. However, despite the fact that the ointment is not a purely cosmetic product, it must be used in compliance with all prescribed rules. Improper use of the ointment can cause allergic reactions, age spots, dryness and irritation.


Photo: Retinoic ointment for wrinkles, instructions for use

Properties of the ointment and its main advantages

Proper use of retinoic ointment can provide a lasting anti-aging effect that cannot be achieved with ordinary creams or lotions. Thus, experts were able to prove that the ointment has the following number of amazing cosmetic properties:

  1. Helps reduce the intensity of sebum secretion;
  2. Improves the elasticity of the epidermis;
  3. Restores the natural regenerating properties of the skin;
  4. Helps restore the natural color of the skin;
  5. Evens out skin texture;
  6. Helps thoroughly cleanse pores of sebaceous plugs;
  7. Saturates the epidermis with oxygen;
  8. Reduces inflammation;
  9. Reduces the intensity of expression wrinkles;
  10. Helps lighten age spots.

In some cases, the cosmetic properties of retinoic ointment are viewed with skepticism. However, numerous studies have proven that the ointment can fight much more than just acne and irritation. The ability of the main component of the product (isotretinoin) to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis made it possible to influence the functions of the sebaceous glands. Thus, regular exposure to aging skin leads to the fact that the skin condition begins to recover at the cellular level.

Composition and release form

Retinoic ointment is a fairly affordable product that can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. Far from the same can be said about a number of popular skin rejuvenation products. However, it is not only accessibility that makes retinoic ointment so popular and in demand.

The most attractive thing about retinoic ointment is its composition. It looks like this:

  1. Isotretinoin – reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, helps restore the natural state and appearance of the skin;
  2. Dibunol;
  3. Butyloxyanisole;
  4. Emulsion wax;
  5. Vaseline oil;
  6. Ethanol;
  7. Glycerol;
  8. Purified water.

Retinoic ointment is available in small gram tubes:

The ointment has a yellowish tint and a thick, rather greasy consistency. It should be remembered that the product is used purely for external use. The concentration of the main substance, isotretinoin, can range from 0.05 to 0.1%. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.


The use of retinoic ointment can actually transform the face and make a person's appearance significantly younger and more attractive. It will take some time to achieve noticeable results, as well as strict adherence to all instructions. Ignoring recommendations for use can lead not only to no rejuvenation results at all, but also to worse consequences. People often experience severe acne and severe irritation.


Photo: Retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment for men and women

! Retinoic ointment can be used by both women and men. The product perfectly fights age-related problems of any intensity.

Not everyone is ready to use retinoic ointment for several months, expecting the desired result. Almost everyone wants to see noticeable changes almost immediately. Unlike anti-aging creams, retinoic ointment provides a longer lasting and deeper effect.

The instructions for the ointment have some nuances that should be taken into account. The tool is used as follows:

  1. The skin of the face must be thoroughly cleansed. To do this, just wash your face with warm boiled water without soap or other cleansing substances;
  2. The skin should be blotted with a soft cloth or towel to dry it completely;
  3. The ointment is applied to dry skin in a thin, even layer. Areas with the deepest wrinkles should be treated especially well;
  4. The ointment should be left until completely absorbed for 20 minutes;
  5. When the product is absorbed, you need to wash your face with warm water and apply any moisturizer.

If after applying the ointment you feel an unpleasant tightness or burning sensation, then the product should be washed off immediately. This will avoid allergies and irritation.

To make the use of the product even more effective, you need to consider the following points:

  1. When using retinoic ointment, sunbathing and solariums are contraindicated;
  2. The ointment should not be used in the summer, since even the slightest tan in combination with the product can provoke the appearance of age spots;
  3. Treatment with cosmetics containing alcohol is prohibited. Scrubs, peeling and fruit acids should also not be used;
  4. The skin should not be subjected to mechanical damage or contact with chemicals;
  5. The average course duration is 30 days. If you have excessively deep wrinkles, then the course increases;
  6. The ointment cannot be applied 2 times a day. The substance is used once a day before bedtime.

It is preferable to use retinoic ointment after 30 years. The product is indicated if you have experienced the first age-related changes in your skin.

Contraindications and side effects from the use of ointment

Retinoic ointment is a medicine that has not only indications for use, but also a number of contraindications. The use of the product is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Intolerance to the components of the composition;
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. Chronic pancreatitis;
  4. Diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  5. Liver and kidney diseases;
  6. Parallel use with hormonal drugs, tetracycline antibiotics, and other retinoids.

Side effects from using the product are as follows:

  1. Headache;
  2. Nausea;
  3. Increased pressure;
  4. Malaise;
  5. Depressed state;
  6. Conjunctivitis, corneal clouding, disorientation;
  7. Nosebleeds;
  8. Anemia;
  9. Changes in blood counts;
  10. Muscle soreness;
  11. Excessive sweating;
  12. Dermatitis;
  13. Dryness and flaking of the skin;
  14. Allergy;
  15. Irritation.

In some cases, retinoic ointment can cause really serious health problems. Thus, to avoid facing side effects, you should first conduct a skin test to determine the reaction of the drug. Only in this case can you be sure that your health is not in danger.

For the test, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the substance to the wrist, cover it with a band-aid and leave it in this state for a day. If after this time you do not experience any redness, itching or burning, the ointment can be used for rejuvenation. If the slightest redness occurs, the ointment should be removed from the skin and used for the procedure.

Analogues of retinoic ointment

Today, the Russian market does not have direct analogues of retinoic ointment, which could be used with the same success for anti-aging procedures. However, there are so-called pseudo-analogs of the product, which contain retinoids of a different type. For the most part, they fight acne and acne, improve the overall condition of the skin, but do not fight aging. These means include:

  1. "Retrin-A";
  2. Lotion "Retasol";
  3. Tablets "Acnecutane", "Roaccutane".

Retinoic ointment is a unique substance that, according to experts, literally remodels your face. The ointment not only reduces the depth of wrinkles and makes the skin look better, but also:

  1. Stimulates collagen production;
  2. Reduces the depth of fine lines on the face;
  3. Helps improve fibroblast activity.

You can purchase retinoic ointment without much effort. This product is freely available without a prescription at any pharmacy. The average cost of a tube of ointment is 200-250 rubles. The price of the product may vary depending on the size of the tube and the concentration of the main component.

If you decide to use retinoic ointment to combat aging skin, then you need to stock up on endurance and patience. You will need to follow all the instructions recommended by cosmetologists for the use of this substance. Also remember that the first noticeable results will be visible only after 8-12 weeks of proper use of the ointment.


Photo: Retinoic ointment for wrinkles, reviews from cosmetologists

Benefit or harm? Reviews from cosmetologists

Only specialists can answer the question of how beneficial the ointment is for the skin. The opinions of cosmetologists most often agree that Retinoic ointment is a universal cosmetic product and is suitable for a wide variety of skin types. Here are just some opinions of authoritative experts:

Review 1:

Retinoic ointment is well tolerated by patients regardless of age. This remedy was previously used only as a cure for acne and acne, which is no secret. And only after a while, when many of the patients began to notice its rejuvenating effect, dermatologists began to mention it more and more often.

In cosmetology, we use this product quite often. According to my own statistics, allergic reactions occur in only 1 out of 100 patients. In order to avoid skin rashes, we first apply the ointment to the wrist and wait for a rejection reaction. I recommend this method to those women who decide to use Retinoic ointment on their own.

Evgenia Seleverstova, cosmetologist

Review 2:

The effect of using the ointment is absolutely in every case. Personally, I will say that even girls in their early 20s notice how the ointment smoothes out the smallest facial wrinkles and makes the skin more elastic.

In my practice, there was only one case when Retinoic ointment did not suit the client. The girl was very upset, because all her friends praised the ointment, and she really wanted to rejuvenate her face with it. But redness of the skin around the eyes and obvious swelling forced me to stop the procedure.

In general, I recommend purchasing the ointment to all clients who come to me with a desire to try youth injections. Before starting painful and expensive injections, I recommend Retinoic procedures.

Tatyana Bun, cosmetologist

Review 3:

In the medical practice of a dermatologist, Retinoic ointment is used more than often. My patients, who have repeatedly come with the desire to get rid of acne, rosacea or the consequences of these ailments, almost always receive a prescription from me that includes Retinoic ointment. The point is not that this is a panacea for all diseases, but that the drug has a very simple, but safe and effective composition.

Those of my patients who are well over 30 have come to me with gratitude many times, and the point is not that the ointment helped them cope with acne or seborrhea. They often conveyed their great gratitude to me for the additional effect of the Retinoic composition. The thing is that I personally observed the excellent anti-aging effect that this ointment gives. I’m not afraid to be unfounded, but most patients after a course of ointment looked 3-5 years younger.

Sergey Vlasov, dermatologist

Review 4:

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles is a godsend. There are several advantages: first, it’s inexpensive, second, it’s natural, and third, it’s effective! My clients, who have been wearing tones of makeup for many years, especially theater actors and TV presenters, every single one uses “retina,” as it is colloquially called. At first I didn’t even know what kind of ointment it was, but then I couldn’t stand it and decided to try it on my own clients. Since the skin of my clients is usually very dry, but clean, I can’t say anything about the effectiveness of Retinoeva in the fight against acne. But I know for sure that the ointment rejuvenates very well and quickly. The skin tightens and becomes more elastic. Unbelievable but true!

Olga Svetlichnaya, makeup artist

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles, review 5:

Retinoic ointment is a product that can delay cosmetic procedures in the form of injections or facial skin tightening. This product has an absolutely positive effect on a wide variety of tissues that are opposite in structure. The medicine copes well with dry, gray and lifeless skin.

In addition to the fact that Retinoic ointment perfectly tightens tissue, it also plays a significant role in exfoliating dead skin cells. You can use it yourself, the main thing is to find out if you are allergic to any of the components of the product. If in the middle of the course the patient notices redness, swelling or itching of the tissues, then use should be stopped for 3-4 days. After this, you can start the course again.

Yaroslava Volzhenko, dermatologist

Consumer Reviews

Retinoic ointment is better than any lotions, cucumbers on the face and creams at exorbitant prices. I found it at home quite by accident; I once bought it for my daughter for acne, which almost everyone suffers during adolescence. I looked on the Internet what this product was and found out that it can be used for anti-aging purposes. I took a risk and didn’t regret it. I used it for exactly 2 weeks and saw an amazing effect. The skin on the forehead and around the mouth became tightened, very elastic and softer. Although, to be honest, at first I didn’t really believe that there would be an effect. Plus, I also got rid of acne on my chin. Now, if a pimple pops up, I immediately smear it with Rtinoic ointment and everything goes away.

I suffered very much from the indentations on my face left by acne. At puberty, this nasty thing befell me in full and I was able to get rid of acne only with the help of nitrogen burning. But the characteristic scars on his cheeks and cheekbones remained. I went to a dermatologist and was prescribed Retinoic ointment. The product is very good, the pits are smoothed out and the skin is tightened. Now my face is almost perfect, and as a bonus, retinol helped me get rid of pronounced bags under my eyes.

I have a tendency to have large pimples on my face, which I haven’t done before, but they keep appearing. I break out especially often during the cold season and high humidity. I went to a cosmetologist, but his procedures don’t help me for long, it lasts about 3-4 weeks and then I get acne again. Now I use Retinoic ointment and so far I am completely satisfied with the effect. When I finish the course, I will write about the results in the comments.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles is truly a universal remedy. At 68 years old, I use it with my granddaughter. I - for rejuvenation, my granddaughter - for pimples. My dermatologist recommended it to us. No cream has tightened my skin as much as this ointment. I advise you to try it, the main thing is that there are no allergies, otherwise you will have to be treated for rashes and redness.