Mole on the heel of the right foot

Ancient mythology, using the example of a well-known hero, claims that the heel can be the most vulnerable part of the body. After all, her damage to Achilles really cost him his life. But is the foot of a modern person really so unprotected? And what do the new growths that appear on it mean?

What does a mole on your heel tell you?

Signs unanimously assert that a harmless nevus does not threaten its owner with death. However, he will be able to tell a knowledgeable person about the person’s inclinations and character.

  1. Often people who have a fateful mark on their heel suffer from health problems throughout their lives. Where others only cough a little or get away with a slight runny nose, the owner of a heel formation will almost certainly come down with a high fever.
  2. Among individuals with a “heel” mole, there are often incredibly active individuals. However, this feature does not evoke sympathy, since they draw their life force from the energy field of those around them, being real energy vampires.
  3. If among your friends there is a person with a nevus on the foot, then try to keep him at a distance. After all, such individuals are almost always distinguished by incredible selfishness, and for their own benefit they are capable of any meanness.
  4. It is believed that in the professional sphere, owners of spots on their feet easily and naturally rise to the very top of the career ladder. After all, they are incredibly persistent and always strive for absolute perfection in their chosen activity.
  5. The family life of a person with a mole on the heel is not easy. Only a chosen one with similar character qualities can withstand his high self-esteem and perfectionism.
  6. Owners of a “heel” mole should not forget that thanks to the mass of unattractive and at the same time outstanding character traits, they almost always earn many ill-wishers and envious people. Therefore, all their lives these people have to “keep a perimeter defense”, without being able to relax for a minute.

What does left or right mean?

Before you begin to interpret a birthmark on the heel, it is worth paying attention to which leg it is located on. Sometimes this is of paramount importance in determining the habits and nature of its owner.

  1. A mark on the heel of the left foot indicates that its owner is endowed with excellent intelligence and extraordinary intuition. Such people make talented businessmen and scientists who always achieve significant success in their work.
  2. If a nevus “settles” in the central part of the left foot, then we can talk about the highly spiritual essence of its owner. These individuals often include religious leaders, successful politicians, popular writers and journalists. After all, they are easily able to awaken trust in themselves and influence the consciousness of other people.
  3. A mole on the heel of the right foot always belongs to a restless person who loves to travel, energetic and easy-going. His life is filled with the most contradictory events and dramatic changes, but complete satisfaction never comes.
  4. Anyone who has a dark mark decorating the center of his right foot constantly embarks on adventures and all kinds of adventures. His vital activity overflows and constantly requires an outlet, which often ends in trouble. However, if the irrepressible energy is given the right vector, then the owner of the right-sided mole always achieves serious success in life.

Interpretation depending on gender

To correctly understand the owner of a mole on the heel, you should not only take into account the side of the body on which the nevus appeared. Experts in omens always pay attention to the gender of the owner of the foot.

  1. A dark spot on the right side of a man’s heel suggests that its owner has excellent intuition and a penchant for predicting the future. Usually such people become priests or direct their talents to the study of alternative knowledge, and sometimes find satisfaction in magic and witchcraft.
  2. The central position of a mole on a man’s foot indicates that he has financier abilities. Earning money for such an individual is not at all a problem, but he receives special satisfaction not from the wealth itself, but from the process of acquiring it.
  3. Left-sided nevi on the heel of a representative of the stronger sex indicate that their owner is very smart and perceptive. He always has excellent analytical skills, and therefore achieves significant success in the scientific field.
  4. A right-sided birthmark on a woman’s foot indicates a capricious and flighty lover of entertainment. The role of wife and mother does not suit her at all, but constant parties and fashion stores are her usual habitat.
  5. The mark on the left side of the heel on a lady's foot has exactly the opposite meaning. After marriage, such women become excellent housewives and real fighting friends for their spouses. Their maternal instinct is very strong, and their loyalty and devotion to the family is unquestionable.
  6. The middle location of the nevus on a lady’s leg clearly states that this is an open and glorious creature, always ready to take pity on the sufferer and support him in difficult times, not only in word, but also in deed. You can always rely on such a friend, and trust a colleague without hesitation in a difficult situation.

Each of us knows that for the hero of ancient myths Achilles, the vulnerability of his heel cost his life.

Can the image of Achilles be applied to an ordinary person? Is it true that this is the weakest part of our body? Or is it all a myth? It's safe to say that a mole on the heel does not in any way indicate a person’s powerlessness and vulnerability.


If a mole appeared on the heel, this may mean the presence of any diseases, acquired or incipient. Congenital mole on the heel informs about some hereditary characteristics. Also, such moles can predict fate.

What does a mole on the heel mean?

We know that moles can be anywhere on the body, the heel is no exception. We will tell you what this speck means in our article.

It's worth starting with the fact that people with a mole on the heel may not always boast of their good health. They can also be energy vampires, which is why they are very energetic, but not always friendly.

If you have mole on the heel of the left foot, which means you probably have good intuition and extraordinary intelligence. If the mole is on the right heel, which means this speaks of a desire for travel and change in your life.


People who have a mole on the heel always feel great, they strive for self-improvement, have extreme perseverance, allow their owners to make a career, and also become financially independent.

Such people in family life can find their happiness only with a person similar to themselves. Must be rememberedthat the heel is constantly exposed to friction and the weight of the body, and this impact is noticeable for it. There is nothing to worry about if this mole is small. But, if there is a large mole on the heel, convex and with uneven edges, it is better to remove it.

Mole on the heel of the right foot speaks of great physical activity. Its owner is an energetic person with an adventurous streak. Such people have technical abilities and a penchant for creative work. They manage, thanks to excellent relationships with people, to achieve their high position in society. These people quickly rise through the ranks.


Mole on the heel of the left foot speaks of the great spirituality of the owner. These people often go into religious activities, they become journalists, writers or successful politicians. These people have power thanks to his excellent intellectual abilities. One mole on the left heel indicates a brilliant mind. Such people grasp everything on the fly. They are insightful, always strive to delve deeply into the essence of the issue, and are inclined to engage in research and scientific activities.

Moles on the feet appear for many reasons. They may be safe or require medical attention. Their location can tell a lot about the wearer.

What does a mole on the foot mean in one place or another?

A point on the right side of a man's left leg means high intelligence. The owner of such a mole is insightful and makes the right decisions. Thanks to his intelligence, he achieves success and income, and builds global goals.

Education in the same place for a woman means variability in decisions and inconstancy in relationships. She quickly gets bored with men, and she always wants to receive new emotions. He treats work with indifference, if not hostility, and seeks entertainment and new pleasures.


The owners of the spot in the center of the left foot are distinguished by prudence. They are charming, sociable, tactful and have a strong character.

A formation on the left side of the foot indicates a happy life. Such people do not have a high income, but they do not need it. They are surrounded by their favorite work and colleagues, beloved spouses, children and relatives. They are religious, but at the same time they study different directions. They can choose the latter between their own and someone else’s.

A mole near the big toe, little finger or between the toes on the left foot indicates the simple life of such people. They have an average job, an average family, and a stable salary.

A formation on the right foot of the left leg means that the wearer's intelligence is above average. If this is a child, you can be happy, but often their owners do not strive to get high grades in educational institutions.

A large mark on a woman’s right foot means that the bearer will be a caring mother, a loving and faithful wife, and a good housewife. A man with the same spot is a good family man, values ​​his reputation and his word.

Several small dots on a man’s foot mean success. He will achieve the desired position and high income. Women, on the contrary, will not have a good family; their lives will suffer great failures. The owners are open and kind, but they have a difficult character.

Moles on the heel

A formation on the heel is a harbinger of an upcoming illness. It is unknown how severe it will be. Often the disease is hereditary. However, such people are full of energy and have resilience. Men and women can be energy vampires.

The owners of such a mole are self-centered and selfish, rarely kind to people. They are typical braggarts, do not like to listen and talk only about themselves. Workaholics are willing to sacrifice time, friends, family, and achieve the desired position or income.

A mark on the left heel characterizes a person as having a developed mind with good intuition. They are wise and interested in religion. They make successful researchers, writers, journalists and politicians.

Those with a mole on the right heel are travelers. They love change and always strive to change the environment around them and the world as a whole. They love an active lifestyle.

Types of moles

Moles come in different sizes, volumes, and colors. Some you can live with calmly, while others require a visit to the doctor.

There are 5 types of birthmarks:

  1. Nevi are convex moles, shaped like a tubercle with a diameter of 1 cm, formed from melanocyte cells.
  2. Smooth blue in color - they appear from birth or over time. Their surface is smooth with a diameter of 2 cm.
  3. Large pigmented moles of brown or black color - such formations are on the human body from birth and can increase in size over time.
  4. Hemangiomas are the same nevi, only hanging from the skin, which have a brown tint.
  5. Flat moles (pigment spots) - they look like dark freckles.


Reasons for appearance

Moles appear on the body from the first year and throughout life to a greater or lesser extent. They often occur during puberty, in adolescence, during pregnancy, or after breastfeeding and childbirth. In a healthy person, the process of manifestation of such formations ends at approximately 25 years of age. Over time, they become pale and decrease in size.

  1. wrong lifestyle;
  2. overwork, stress;
  3. heredity;
  4. hormonal disbalance;
  5. diseases of internal organs, oncology;
  6. lack of ultraviolet radiation.

How does a mole appear?

In the layers of human skin, melanocytes are produced in excess. These cells are responsible for skin color. The pigments then appear on the surface of the skin and cluster together. Eventually one or more moles will form, depending on how many melanocytes there were to begin with.

In alternative medicine, it is believed that moles appear in places where there is an inflammatory process in the body. In this way, the body fights the disease.

Birthmarks and nevi often appear near an unhealthy organ or between the nerve endings that are connected to it. Therefore, the appearance of a mark on the leg, be it a foot, lower leg, knee or calf, after 25 years of age can make its bearer worry.

In most cases it will be benign. However, its appearance may indicate that the body is not healthy, and a serious disease is arising or occurring within it.

Why are moles on the foot dangerous?

Moles on the sole are susceptible to injury, which increases the risk of a benign formation becoming malignant. People with fair skin are at greater risk.

Attention! Independent removal of nevi and self-medication can lead to dire consequences.

Formations located between the fingers are considered more dangerous. People who have or have had relatives with skin cancer need to be especially vigilant.


Signs that should alert the owner of a mole:

  1. it increases rapidly;
  2. the spot has asymmetrical or smeared edges;
  3. nevus hurts in the center or at the edges;
  4. the formation burns or itches;
  5. a rim of different color appeared around the mole. Or there are dots of purple, black or red inside;
  6. the stain has a dense structure.


Moles on the foot and other parts of the body require constant monitoring and observation. People with such formations are recommended to undergo a medical examination once every 3 months.