The mole is swollen and red

Birthmarks (nevi) are benign formations on the skin, which can be congenital or acquired. They arise mainly due to genetic predisposition, exposure to sunlight and hormonal surges. There are pigmented and vascular nevi, that is, they are formed from layers of skin and melanocytes or from damaged capillaries. In appearance they are flat, convex and hanging. Exposure to external factors, such as the sun, can irritate nevi on the back, face, and other exposed parts of the body. Sometimes a person notices that a mole in the armpit or on the neck has become inflamed. Such places are often subject to mechanical damage, so you need to be aware of the existing formations in order to prevent this.

Causes of inflammation of birthmarks

The appearance of redness around the mole indicates the beginning of the inflammation process.


In most cases, it is a consequence of the following reasons:

  1. Mechanical impact. Redness around a mole often occurs due to friction with clothing or accidental hand contact, such as during bathing or scratching. Men often forget about them when shaving and can easily cut the top layer of skin, causing inflammation. In girls, the same problem concerns the groin area, legs and armpits. Damage and inflammation of hanging moles occur especially often due to their structure;
  2. Chemical damage. Inflammation of the mole in this case is a consequence of exposure to various chemicals, for example, detergent or reagents;
  3. Radiation exposure. Radiation is one of the main factors in the development of cancer, therefore, with prolonged exposure, a mole on the face or any other place can become inflamed and painful;
  4. Hormonal surges. Hormones have a strong influence on the body, so they are often the cause of a reddened birthmark;
  5. Sun rays. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on moles not covered by clothing, which can cause them to become inflamed. Many people confuse this process with a banal sunburn, but in fact it may begin to degenerate into melanoma.

Less common reasons include:

  1. Bleeding into melanocytes (the cells that give color to the mole);
  2. Infection in the nevus due to injury.

Moles that require attention


Not every mole can develop into cancer, but some of them need to be closely monitored:

  1. Convex nevi. They become very inflamed when injured and can lead to cancer;
  2. Moles on the nipple. In girls who are breastfeeding, they are often damaged due to the nature of this process, so nevi can become inflamed and painful. For males, this problem is relevant in the summer, when many of them walk bare-chested all day in the open sun;
  3. On the arms and legs. The degeneration of nevi into malignant formations often occurs when they are localized on the extremities. These places are regularly injured, and the process of inflammation begins;
  4. Nevi on the face. You need to be careful with moles on your face, as they are constantly exposed to sunlight and come into contact with your hands, so it is extremely easy to injure them.


It is possible to respond in a timely manner to the process of inflammation of the birthmark that has begun quite quickly, since the external signs are quite bright and appear approximately 2-3 days after the influence of the irritating factor. The main symptoms are as follows:

  1. There is redness and swelling around the birthmark, which is very painful;
  2. Nevus can change its coloring. It may become brighter or fade;
  3. As inflammation develops, the contours of the mole may change. Most often, they become unclear, and the formation can itch and cause pain upon palpation.

Actions of the patient in case of inflammation of a mole

What to do if a mole becomes inflamed? When the first signs of inflammation appear, you should consult a dermatologist or oncodermatologist. The specialist will interview the patient to find out about any symptoms that are occurring and examine the affected nevus. In the absence of visible reasons that could trigger the onset of the inflammatory process, the doctor will advise you to donate blood for hormones. If the mole turns red and has been inflamed more than once before, then there is a suspicion that cancer has begun to develop. The patient is redirected to oncology to continue diagnostics. The oncologist may recommend the following actions:

  1. Taking a skin sample from the affected mole for analysis. This method will provide comprehensive information about the beginning of the process of rebirth or its absence. However, unnecessary trauma to the affected nevus may cause the situation to worsen;
  2. Using computer diagnostics or dermatoscopy to examine the skin layer;
  3. Mole removal.

If there is no cause for concern, then you can limit yourself to an ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect. However, you should not use it yourself, and if the mole turns red, you should definitely contact a specialist to prevent the development of cancer.

Treatment at home

If it is not possible to visit the hospital, it is recommended to consult a specialist remotely. He will listen to the symptoms that are bothering the patient and tell you what to do if the moles become red and inflamed. It is advisable to send a photo of the affected nevi. Such a consultation will not be a complete replacement for a visit to the doctor, but it will help you avoid harming yourself until you have the opportunity to get an appointment.

At home, your doctor will recommend bandaging the affected area to prevent contact with the sun or clothing. An ointment like zinc or salicylic will help protect against infection. They should be applied to the affected area and left for 2-3 hours. If the infection does enter the body, then a local antibiotic or agent with an antiviral effect can be used, depending on the pathogen. It doesn’t hurt to wipe the inflamed area with alcohol or calendula tincture to remove any remaining ointment and disinfect the skin.

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Among the traditional medicines, one can highlight lotions made from a decoction of chamomile and celandine. They are especially effective if the hanging mole is inflamed and painful.

It is also recommended to use flaxseed oil to relieve inflammation. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Regardless of the outcome of the course of therapy at home, you will need to see a specialist as soon as possible.

If new symptoms are added to the previous ones, and your health condition has deteriorated significantly, then you should drop everything you are doing and urgently go to the hospital. Timely treatment is a guarantee of preventing the risk of skin cancer.

Nevus removal

Nevus removal occurs surgically. The oncologist gives permission for it. He will have to talk about all the features of this process and preparation for it. Before the procedure itself, it is important to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and inform the specialist about the possible presence of allergic reactions to anesthetics and other medications.

Removing a mole looks like this:

  1. Anesthesia is administered;
  2. Using instruments, the doctor cuts the skin and removes the formation;
  3. The wound is sutured and a bandage is placed on top.

After the procedure, the remains of the nevus are sent for histological examination to find out whether cancer cells have appeared. You need to wait for the results within 10 days and based on them, the doctor will tell you what to do next.

Moles rarely cause discomfort. But sometimes, as a result of exposure to various factors, they become inflamed and cause pain. If the mole turns red, this may be the first sign of infection, which must be treated promptly.

Causes of redness of a mole

You need to constantly monitor moles on your body. Redness of the nevus or the appearance of a halo around it is an alarming symptom that often appears during inflammation or the initial stage of oncology. In both cases, mole cells respond to health problems by activating or decreasing the production of melanin (coloring pigment).

In the worst case, inflammation of the nevus indicates the degeneration of the formation into a malignant tumor. But most often, redness appears as a result of trauma to the tissue of the mole and the penetration of dirt and pathogenic microbes into the wound. In rare cases, such a reaction can be triggered by taking medications during the treatment of acute forms of chronic diseases.

Signs of an infected mole

Infection in the nevus tissue can occur as a result of injury. Even minor damage, a light scratch, is a potential danger for the development of inflammation. The following signs indicate that pathogenic microflora begins to multiply in the mole or adjacent tissues:

  1. redness;
  2. swelling of the skin around the mole;
  3. itching and pain;
  4. bleeding or watery discharge.

If signs of infection appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to prescribe treatment.

What to do if a mole turns red and inflamed

You should immediately consult a doctor (oncologist or dermatologist) for advice!

Pre-medical care for an inflamed mole should consist of keeping the affected area clean and dry. If blood or fluid is released from the nevus, it is necessary to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and cover it with a dry bandage.

If the doctor diagnoses the presence of an infection in the inflamed tissues, he may prescribe a course of oral antibiotics: Analgin, Nimesulide, etc. For local treatment of the infection, antibacterial ointments, for example, tetracycline, are used. Very severe inflammation may require treatment with intravenous antibiotics.

If there is a suspicion that a mole has degenerated into a malignant formation, the doctor may suggest doing a tissue biopsy. A biopsy takes a small sample of the growth and sends it to a laboratory for testing. The procedure is usually done in the office of an oncologist or dermatologist.

Mole removal

If there is a high probability of developing oncology in the nevus area, then it must be removed. It is also recommended to perform surgery if the mole becomes inflamed again or if it is located in a place where it is often injured.

Your doctor may remove the growth with a minor surgical procedure. But before it is carried out, it is necessary to undergo an examination, including a number of tests:

  1. general blood analysis;
  2. research to identify tumor markers;
  3. analysis of blood clotting indicators.

This examination is carried out to assess the general condition of the body and determine the cause of inflammation. Additionally, tests for drug reactions and allergy tests may be prescribed.

There are several ways to remove a mole:

  1. Laser surgery is considered one of the safest methods for removing nevi. Therefore, it is suitable even for sensitive skin. Allows you to eliminate a mole in one procedure. The ablation laser used for the operation is the most gentle tool, allowing you to gradually remove the stain layer by layer. The beam is directed to pigmented tissues, leaving healthy epidermis untouched. Performed under local anesthesia.
  2. Cryodestruction is a method of exposing tissue to low temperatures using liquid nitrogen. The cells of the mole die as a result of freezing, and a crust appears at the site of formation, under which the process of skin regeneration occurs. This is a rather extreme method, after which a long recovery period is required. Cryodestruction is usually not performed to remove moles on the face.
  3. The radio wave method is based on the use of a special tool in the form of a loop, which cuts off the build-up. And exposure to radio waves cauterizes the wound and prevents bleeding. This method is only suitable for small growths protruding above the surface of the skin.
  4. The surgical method is a proven and proven method for removing large moles. If there is a suspicion that the nevus is malignant, doctors recommend surgery.

Contraindications to mole removal

It is impossible to remove a mole using radical methods if you have the following diseases:

  1. acute dermatological diseases;
  2. HIV;
  3. autoimmune diseases;
  4. oncology;
  5. diabetes.

In these cases, the doctor prescribes therapeutic treatment for inflammation of the nevus.

Prevention of inflammation

Typically, adults have no more than 40 moles on their body. People with lighter skin tend to have more spots. These can change as a person ages. Some become darker or lighter, and may increase slightly in size.

Most moles are harmless, but people should check them for changes and follow simple tips to prevent breakouts:

  1. Protect skin from direct sunlight;
  2. Avoid excessive tanning and sunburn;
  3. Be extremely careful when visiting a solarium;
  4. Use sunscreen;
  5. Wear clothes that do not rub moles;
  6. In case of trauma to nevus tissue, carry out timely disinfection.

Taking steps to protect your moles will help reduce your risk of developing inflammation and skin cancer.

A birthmark is a benign formation that consists of pigment cells. By its nature, it does not pose a health hazard. However, if you discover that the mole has swollen, reddened, or begun to itch, you should contact a dermatologist for examination. Dermatoscopy will determine the cause of the modification of the mole, on the basis of which the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. It is forbidden to treat or get rid of a nevus on your own; this will aggravate the situation, resulting in consequences.

Why can a mole swell?

Traumatic factors that cause a swollen mole:

  1. Mechanical damage. Nevi do not affect a person’s life rhythm, but if they are poorly placed, there is a risk of injury. Such places include the neck, head, armpits, groin, legs and face. Items of clothing, shoes, and hair removal cause rubbing or tearing off of the mole. Children are more often exposed to mechanical damage.
  2. Chemical exposure. Products that consist of chemical components have a negative effect. Cosmetics containing excessive amounts of synthetics, hygiene products or household chemicals that contain abrasive substances.

In the absence of injury to the nevus, redness or swelling occurs due to the following factors:

  1. The beginning of the process of degeneration of a mole into a malignant tumor poses a danger to life. At the initial stage, melanoma can be treated without the risk of death. The condition is a timely visit to a doctor who will conduct an examination and identify the nature of the mole.
  2. Prolonged exposure to open sunlight provokes the appearance of new nevi or the transformation of old spots. It is not recommended to be in the sun in the summer from 10 am to 4 pm, when ultraviolet radiation is most aggressive.
  3. Hormonal imbalances appear in adolescence, during pregnancy, menopause, and lactation. Hormonal imbalance also occurs during treatment with hormonal drugs, abortion, and thyroid diseases.
  4. When you try to remove the formation yourself. There are means and methods of traditional medicine that promise to rid a person of the stain. Doctors say that resorting to self-removal is prohibited. With the help of such means, you can get rid of the upper layer of the nevus, while the base of the spot remains deep in the dermis.
  5. A hair was removed from the formation. Removing hair from the surface of the formation causes skin damage and increases the risk of infection. The onset of the inflammatory process is characterized by itching and swelling.

In addition to the fact that the mole is swollen, the clear boundary of the spot disappears, the shape changes, and symmetry disappears. The nevus becomes dark or red, its size increases, and a blister appears around it. When in contact with clothing or another object, pain and burning are felt. An inflamed nevus causes the following diseases: oncology, hormonal imbalance, malfunction of the cardiovascular system. In addition, gastrointestinal disease, vitamin K deficiency, and liver failure may occur.

What to do if a mole is swollen

When a hanging nevus swells, it is forbidden to apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or iodine to the inflamed area. If itching and burning occurs on a swollen mole, you should avoid contact of the mole with external irritants and do not scratch. If severe itching is present, you can relieve the condition with a vinegar solution. To do this, soak a cotton swab in a weak vinegar solution and apply it to the itchy area for 5 minutes. If the mole is swollen and painful, it is not recommended to press on it while wetting it with a vinegar solution. After applying the tampon, lubricate the bladder with three percent hydrogen peroxide. This will reduce the risk of infection getting inside the growth.

Treatment and medical intervention

When contacting a dermatologist, a person will undergo a siascopy, during which the stage of the inflammatory process is determined. After examining the patient, the dermatologist sends him to an oncologist, who prescribes tests. Histological examination can detect melanoma. Based on the histology results, appropriate treatment is prescribed. If no danger is detected, the swollen nevus will be cauterized. If a pathological process inside the formation is detected, the doctor will prescribe removal of the mole, which is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Laser removal is based on cauterization of the nevus using a laser. The method is safe and does not leave a scar on the body.
  2. Cryodestruction. Involves the use of liquid nitrogen. Used for medium and small moles.
  3. Radio wave removal involves the use of high-frequency current, which removes the inflamed nevus layer by layer.
  4. The surgical method is based on the use of a scalpel. Before the procedure, the patient is given local anesthesia. The disadvantage of the operation is the scar. Surgical intervention is necessary for large nevi.

The operation lasts half an hour. The duration of the procedure depends on the location and size of the nevus. The doctor treats the skin area with a disinfectant, administers an anesthetic, and removes the formation. After excision, it is treated with a solution that will reduce the risk of infection and sutures are applied. The removed lesion is sent for histology. The patient is advised if a mole is swollen, what it means, and how to care for the wound.

If there is no need to remove the birthmark, the doctor will prescribe medication treatment. To relieve the inflammatory process, use calendula tincture or ointment, which contains an antibiotic. Wipe the swollen area with a cotton swab dipped in tincture or ointment. Carry out the procedure until the abscess disappears. An effective remedy for removing swelling is streptocide. Crush two tablets and sprinkle on the nevus. After 15 minutes, wipe the birthmark with hydrogen peroxide.

You can relieve swelling with flax oil, which heals tissue. Pour ten drops of oil onto a cotton swab and apply to the inflamed nevus. Carry out the procedure three times a day for no more than five days. Tincture of celandine helps reduce the blister. Apply a cotton swab soaked in the solution to the mole, and stick an adhesive plaster on top. After 15 minutes, remove the lotion. Perform the procedure three to four times every day for two weeks.

An effective remedy is a mixture of garlic and lemon juice. Apply the components one at a time no more than twice a day. An ointment made from hemp oil can relieve redness, itching and thickening. To prepare you will need 15 grams of chalk and 3 pieces of butter. The treatment is carried out for 10 days three times a day. You can add fig juice to the mixture.