Can moles on the face be removed?


There are a considerable number of examples when moles on the face became a female advantage.

In particular Cindy Crawford first suffered from her own mole, but then managed to make this feature one of its main elements of attractiveness.

In addition, many remember the charming mole on Marilyn Monroe’s face.

However, sometimes such age spots make you feel uncomfortable and do not become an advantage. Then you should think about removing your moles and improving your appearance.

How to safely remove a wart on your face? Find out the answer right now.

Types of nevi


Initially, people are born with a certain number of moles, that is, moles on the face can be present from birth.

In addition to this, there are also so-called acquired moles, that is, those that appeared after birth.

Approximately half of the moles on the human body are congenital, and half are acquired.

As a rule, approximately By the age of seven, moles are fully formed. Thus, the remaining moles that appear are acquired. If a large number of pigment cells accumulate under a certain area of ​​the skin, a mole appears.

There are different options for classification of moles, for example, by color:

Besides this, you can classify moles by shape:

There is a classification by size:

  1. large – more than 10 centimeters
  2. medium - between one and a half centimeters and 10 centimeters
  3. small - up to one and a half centimeters.

Such moles can turn (in about 30% of cases) into malignant tumor, in particular if the owner of such does not lead a healthy existence and has bad habits.


It should be noted types of acquired moles:

  1. epidermal – located in the middle layers of the skin
  2. intradermal – located, as the name implies, inside the dermal layer
  3. mixed – at the border between the dermis and epidermis.

It is not always necessary to have a medical education in order to understand the type of acquired mole.

There are many reasons for the appearance of new moles, we note most common:

  1. Excessive exposure to solariums or natural ultraviolet rays.
  2. Puberty or aging of the body.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Changes in hormonal levels.
  5. Excessive massage.
  6. Treatment with certain medications.
  7. Use of hormonal drugs.

Thus, you cannot always determine exactly why moles appear on the face, but you can roughly imagine what factor is the cause.

Which ones can be deleted?

Is it worth removing moles on the face? First, we should talk about moles that need to be removed. One way or another, it should contact a specialist for inspection.


Reason to think about deleting moles are:

  1. changing the shape or stretching of a mole in a certain direction
  2. the appearance of a glossy shade
  3. the appearance of pronounced sensations in the area of ​​the mole
  4. mole irritation
  5. the appearance of a dry crust
  6. presence of smudges or accumulation of fluid near the mole
  7. acquisition of nodularity by a mole.

In addition, many people remove moles purely for aesthetic reasons, that is, when they want to improve their own appearance, make themselves more attractive.

Such cosmetic operations are quite affordable, although they require some care. At the same time, to remove moles for aesthetic purposes, it is best to prefer the cold period of the year, when the skin is least exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

If the capabilities of the method used allow it, then you can remove almost any mole. Therefore you are practically you have no restrictions in this regard, but you should always consult a specialist first.

You can learn how to deal with papillomas on the skin of the face from our article.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date it should not exceed one year of storage.

If she gets in the way

Is it necessary to remove a nevus if it is in the way? There are certain areas of the face where the location of the mole is not optimal. For example, if we are talking about convex moles, which located near large vessels.

Sometimes raised moles are simply located where they can become damaged and cause destruction of the surface of the skin.

If you you experience significant inconvenience, then removing nevus (the medical name for moles) is quite relevant. Modern cosmetology provides a similar opportunity.

Therefore, if you can afford such a session, then you should not limit yourself, although you may need to learn about some possible dangers and the presence of such may change your decision.


Is it dangerous?

Now it should be noted that there are not the most pleasant features of mole removal.

However, modern methods (which we will talk about later) are very effective, optimal equipment ensures high-quality removal.

Before going to the session you must complete two basic conditions:

  1. Get detailed advice from a specialist.
  2. Choose the best salon or clinic for mole removal.

The doctor who will examine you will be able to find out whether you should have the mole removed and what the prospects are. If you choose reliable professionals for mole removal, you can have quality assurance.

Your nevus may turn into melanoma (an unpleasant tumor), however, a mole turns into melanoma with mechanical damage or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.


Removal is perceived by the body as a mechanical effect, but you can damage a mole anyway, and it is not always possible to minimize the impact of ultraviolet radiation.

Thus, you need to choose the option that is optimal: leave or delete.

Modern cosmetology has effective methods. You can remove moles with care, without causing a reaction from the body.

Safe ways

In general, there are a significant number of options for removing moles. Practically each option is safe in its own way, but differs in certain features.

The most optimal are radiosurgery and laser removal of moles, however, we will also talk about other options:

Radiosurgery. For this method, a so-called radiocoagulator is used - a unique, almost magical device. Thanks to this device, not only unnecessary tissue is removed, but also the wound is healed and disinfected. In addition, this method leaves no marks on the skin, there are practically no scars or stretch marks.


Modern medicine can safely use almost every method and you can choose the best option for yourself.

These methods are not only safe, but also painless.

Therefore, when choosing, you should focus on efficiency and no scars after removal.

What to do if you accidentally remove a mole at home? Typically, you cannot miraculously remove a mole completely.

Often we are talking about some kind of damage to the nevus or something similar. In such a situation, you need to use some means to heal the damaged area.

Therefore, it is better to spend money on a quality session in a salon or clinic.

To remove moles should be treated with caution and care. Do not neglect the information provided and always try to use the services of experienced specialists in this matter. Then you can effectively remove moles on your face.

You can learn about the indications for removing a mole on the face from the video:


You can see moles on the surface of the body and face of every person. What is this? And are they harmful to health?

Moles (nevi) are usually called small benign formations on the skin of a round or oval shape. They often appear darker than the surrounding epidermis. The pigment melanin gives them this color.

Usually moles do not cause their owners any trouble, but if they are large or there are many of them, people around them begin to pay attention to them, then this circumstance can even cause psychological disorders.

The content of the article:

Moles are divided according to the following parameters:

  1. depth of location in the skin
  2. by type
  3. form
  4. size
  5. coloring
  6. and dangers.

In appearance, such neoplasms can be:

  1. flat
  2. convex
  3. round or oval with a smooth or rough surface.
  1. from light to various shades of brown
  2. from blue to blue
  3. from red to purple.

Sizes vary from millimeter to very large. Most moles are harmless, and they never develop into cancerous tumors.


Most often you can see the following types of nevi on the body or face:

  1. Flat or epidermal moles are located in the upper layers of the skin. Their color can vary from beige to black. Dimensions 1–3 mm.
  2. Borderline nevi also have the same shape and color. They arise from melanocytes in the deeper layers, between the epidermis and dermis. The outlines can take different shapes - round or oval.

Hair doesn't grow on them. Under the influence of hormones or other unfavorable factors, they may acquire a slightly convex shape.

Blue moles are a type of epidermal nevi. They acquire this color due to the fact that they are colored in different shades of blue or black pigment, which is produced by melanocytes. They look like dense nodules, 1–3 cm in size. Vascular moles appear convex and are colored in various shades of red. This shade is inherent in them because they have small vessels of the circulatory system in their structure.

Read here about the effectiveness of microcurrent facial therapy.


Most moles, of course, do not need to be removed if they are located in places where they are not subject to injury and do not spoil their appearance. But sometimes it is desirable or even necessary.

It is recommended to remove moles in the following cases:

  1. for cosmetic reasons
  2. if they are located in places where hair grows on the face or head and are injured when shaving or combing
  3. when their shape or size changes
  4. when uneven edges or growths appear
  5. if ulcers, crusts, blisters or blood stains appear on the surface
  6. the mole itself or the skin around it began to itch or a feeling of burning or numbness appeared
  7. her skin acquired a glossy shine
  8. nodularity appeared
  9. You should be concerned if many new nevi appear on the face it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance of such neoplasms. It is not aesthetically pleasing and inconvenient it is better to get rid of them.
  10. blue or cyan moles also need to be removed immediately, since, once they appear, they continue to gradually grow slowly, and the percentage of their degeneration into malignant tumors is high.


The chance of degeneration increases with genetic predisposition and with frequent and long exposure to the sun or solariums.


There are no direct contraindications for removal each such case is considered separately, and besides, different methods of such intervention have their own contraindications.

But, there are some health conditions of patients that may be an obstacle to this manipulation.

It is prohibited to remove moles if the patient has the following during a preoperative examination:

  1. suspicion of malignancy of the skin. Surgery can stimulate tumor growth and metastasis. Such a patient should be cared for by oncologists
  2. inflammatory disease or exacerbation of a chronic disease
  3. infection
  4. herpes
  5. during menstruation. During this period, hormonal levels are disrupted, and the operation will not give the desired result blood clotting is also disrupted
  6. any chronic disease in the stage of decompensation
  7. severe cardiovascular pathology
  8. diabetes. With this disease, the healing process slows down.

Restrictions for pregnant women

There are several ways to remove moles, all of them are gentle and safe, but pregnant women should not rush into this operation.

Pregnancy causes serious hormonal changes in the body, and any surgical intervention at this time can manifest itself in completely unexpected ways.

Pregnant women should resort to the removal procedure only in the most extreme cases, if there has been some visible change in the birthmark or mole.

Traditional methods


Cosmetology specialists have developed and successfully used several safe methods for removing various skin growths in the form of moles, nodules and age spots, including those on the face.

They are all applicable and each has its own pros and cons:

Surgical method. Doctors have been using this method for a long time. This method has worked well. The operation proceeds quickly, complications are extremely rare, most often due to violation of aseptic rules during manipulation or in the postoperative period.

The disadvantage is that after the intervention, scars remain at the site of the mole after healing. Subsequently, they have to be excised or removed in another way.
Laser method. One of the modern techniques. With this method, the mole is cut off layer by layer to the very root, the surrounding tissues are not affected. There are no scars left.

As practice has shown, it is better to use this method when removing small-sized nevi after eliminating large formations, light spots may remain on the skin.
Radioexcision. This method uses a device called a radiocoagulator. The operation requires little time, and patients do not feel pain. The tissue around the mole is not injured.

The wound does not become infected and heals quickly, leaving no marks on the skin (scars, spots). Experts and patients rate it as the most optimal method. The only downside is the high price.

Electrocoagulation. When choosing this method, the neoplasm is exposed to high frequency electric current. A burn wound remains at the site where the current is applied. After healing, visible scars or scars are often left behind. Cryodestruction. This procedure is lengthy. The mechanism of action is as follows: the mole is treated with liquid nitrogen using a special apparatus. Its upper layers freeze, then they fall off on their own.

It often turns out that such sessions have to be repeated several times, since the desired result may not be obtained at one time. The procedure takes time, so few people choose this method.

Watch the video for information on removing moles on the face with a laser.


Wound care is simple, no special measures are required. You just need to take some precautions:

  1. do not tear off the crust formed on the surface
  2. do not expose to mechanical stress
  3. protect from exposure to ultraviolet rays
  4. Do not apply cosmetics to the wound.



Traditional medicine for removing moles has now begun to be used much less frequently. It has been noted that self-treatment is dangerous.

Such neoplasms on the surface of the skin should be treated with extreme caution and should not be touched unless necessary. If their size or appearance begins to change, or they are located where they are constantly injured, it is better to contact a medical facility without delay.

Only qualified specialists will be able to conduct the necessary examination and select the correct removal method. You cannot use any cauterizing agents yourself!


  1. A pineapple. Natural pineapple juice gives a good clarification result. Used to wipe moles several times during the day.
  2. Garlic ointment. Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and turn into a homogeneous mass. Butter – about one tablespoon, honey – about 50 g.

Mix everything thoroughly, apply the ointment to the mole, and cover it with a band-aid for 4 hours. After this time, rinse with warm water. Duration of use is at least one month.
Cherry pits. Cherry pit kernels (100 g) should be finely chopped, half a liter of vegetable oil. Combine the crushed kernels with oil and leave in a dark place for two weeks.

Apply this mixture to moles for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. It is recommended to use the product several times daily, for approximately one month.

Chalk – 1 part and hemp oil – 4 parts. Connect. Insist. Lubricate moles several times a day for a month.

Read this article about how rehabilitation goes after lower blepharoplasty.

Choosing a method

It is not safe to make a choice between methods of getting rid of moles on your own this can lead to unexpected consequences.

Consultation with a specialist is required. Only a dermatologist or oncologist can decide which method to remove a particular tumor.

When degeneration begins, doctors choose only surgical excision of the mole, including healthy tissue.

If there is no suspicion of cancer, specialists choose other, modern and less traumatic methods.

Signs of degeneration


The patient often does not even realize that the process of degeneration is already underway, but in the meantime the tumor has already metastasized.

The thing to be most afraid of is melanoma, the signs of malignancy of which are not immediately visible.

Obvious signs that should not delay a visit to a medical facility:

  1. pain appeared
  2. began to be bothered by itching
  3. there was a burning sensation.
  1. emerging asymmetry with a change in proportions
  2. the edges have become fuzzy
  3. bleeding or fluid discharge
  4. upon palpation, the heterogeneity of the mole is determined
  5. the appearance of areas of increased pigmentation, or, conversely, depigmentation, on the mole itself or next to it.
  6. resizing
  7. constant positive dynamics of change.

Watch the video about which moles are dangerous to health.

The final price consists of the following:

  1. mole size
  2. the methodology used
  3. regional location of the clinic
  4. histological examination
  5. class of equipment used.

The average price in Russia for this procedure starts from 650 rubles.

For different methods, the price is also different:

Removing one element up to one centimeter in size:

  1. Electrocoagulation method – 400 rub.
  2. With laser exposure – from 300 to 1000 rubles.
  3. Surgical excision – from 1000 rub.
  4. Cryodestruction – 200 – 300 rub.
  5. When using a radio knife – 800 – 3500 rub.


There are a large number of reviews on the Internet about different methods for removing moles on the face. Among them there are many positive ones, but there are also those where people are dissatisfied with the results.

You also have the opportunity to express your opinion about the procedure in the comments to this article.

Moles or nevi come in different shapes, sizes and colors, but every person has at least a dozen such marks. And if pigmented spots on the body usually do not cause any discomfort, benign formations on the face can cause self-doubt or more serious consequences. We'll figure out in what cases moles on the face can and should be removed, who shouldn't touch them, and what removal method to choose to avoid problems.

Indications for removal

Indications for nevus removal can be personal or medical. The first are limited by the patient's wishes. If a tumor spoils your appearance, you can easily consult a dermatologist and get rid of this cosmetic defect.

Medical indications are based more on physical changes and discomfort. The procedure is carried out to prevent the degeneration of benign formations into malignant ones. A mole should be checked when it:

  1. changed color - the spots should be colored evenly
  2. has grown - small nevi can also pose a danger, but an increase in size, especially a sharp one, should be the reason for a visit to a dermatologist
  3. has changed shape - the boundaries of neoplasms are usually clear and even
  4. itches, hurts or bleeds - the spots should not bother you at all
  5. changed structure or shape. If a mole suddenly becomes convex, becomes crusty, cracked or peeling, or the hairs growing on top fall out, it is better to show it to a doctor.

It is recommended to remove marks on the face that are subject to constant mechanical stress.

These are moles located at the edge of the hair, in the eye area or on the chin - in areas that are rubbed by glasses or damaged during shaving or combing.

Removal methods

For moles that have pronounced signs of malignancy, the choice of methods is small. Most often they are removed surgically. There are more ways for “good” nevi. You can get rid of tumors using:

  1. laser
  2. cryodestruction
  3. electrocoagulation
  4. radio wave exposure
  5. folk methods.

Before removing a mole on the face, you should definitely contact a dermatologist-oncologist.

The doctor will examine the tumor and give permission for removal. If necessary, he can also select a suitable method. You should not completely trust beauty salons - they are not always equipped with the necessary equipment, and their employees often do not have sufficient knowledge.

Surgical removal

On the face, they try to resort to surgical removal only in extreme cases, when the tumor threatens the patient’s life. Large scars often remain on the skin, so the procedure is not worthwhile for cosmetic purposes.

The mark is cut out along with part of the healthy skin to ensure that no aggressive cells remain. This is one of the most reliable methods relapses are practically excluded. After the nevus is removed, the wound is treated, cauterized, and an antibiotic bandage or stitches are applied. The recovery period takes quite a long time.

The method is suitable even for large moles. The procedure has virtually no contraindications, with only one being intolerance to anesthetics.

Laser removal

One of the most preferred methods for removing moles on the face if the neoplasm turns out to be “good”. The procedure is bloodless. The patient does not experience pain during removal it is performed under local anesthesia. The laser is aimed directly at the mole. The beam burns out a small point without damaging healthy tissue. After removal, a small crust appears at the site of the tumor, which comes off in 5-7 days.

Scars are not typical for this method. Only a light spot may form, but over time it will acquire a normal shade. If it is important to you that there are no marks left on your face, take a closer look at this method.

The video shows the process of removing a small nevus on the forehead. Please note that the entire procedure takes 2-3 minutes.

There are relatively few contraindications to the procedure. Laser treatment should be avoided:

  1. in case of degeneration of the mark into a malignant tumor
  2. pregnant women
  3. people with allergies to ultraviolet radiation
  4. with exacerbation of herpes
  5. with menstruation on the day of surgery
  6. inflammatory diseases.

Radio wave method

Also a great way to get rid of a mole on your face. It will help remove small marks without leaving a trace. If the formation was large, a scar of the same size or slightly smaller may remain.

Psychologically, this procedure is a little easier to endure than laser manipulation. The tissues are not cauterized here, but are removed using high-frequency radio waves. The operation takes a few seconds you simply won’t have time to feel anything. The method is safe, suitable for nevi of any size and allows you to take material for subsequent research. The wound heals in about a week.

In the video, a nevus is removed using a radio knife. A large tumor requires several movements, but a specialist can cut off a small point with one.

This method is not recommended to be used:

  1. during pregnancy or lactation
  2. for diabetes mellitus
  3. when wearing pacemakers.


After electrocoagulation, a barely noticeable scar may remain at the site of the mole. For marks on the face, it is worth choosing if a laser and radio knife are not suitable for you for some reason.
The method involves exposing the tumor to electric current. The marks are burned under local anesthesia the patient does not feel pain. During the procedure, healthy tissues are cauterized and this avoids bleeding or infections entering the wound. The crust goes away after surgery in 7-10 days. Of the contraindications:

  1. intolerance to electrical procedures and anesthesia
  2. problems with blood clotting.


During cryodestruction, pigmented spots are frozen with liquid nitrogen. It is less intimidating than previous methods and is painless. Immediately after surgery, the moles remain in place, protecting the wound from infection. Within 2 weeks, the tumors disappear, leaving healthy skin. After removing a nevus on your face, you will have to take a vacation or tolerate this cosmetic defect for a while.

If it is psychologically difficult for you to endure procedures where the skin is exposed to high temperatures or electric current, this is the optimal method. Only on the face cryodestruction should be carried out with caution. Be sure to read reviews about the specialist you are contacting and look at his work. Nitrogen cannot be directed in the same way as a laser or radio knife it often freezes healthy skin and leaves scars. The method also has a relatively high risk of relapse sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure.
Allergy to cold is a contraindication to the use of the method.

Home methods

It is better not to experiment with mole removal at home. Independent manipulation of tumors is dangerous. But if you decide to try non-medical methods at your own risk, it is still important to have your spots examined by a dermatologist first.

Most often, “Super cleanser” is used to remove nevi on your own. The method is very budget-friendly - in the pharmacy the liquid costs up to 100 rubles. To carry out the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, and a healing ointment is applied around the mark. Celandine is dripped directly onto the mole. It cauterizes the damaged tissue, leaving a crust and a wound at the site of formation, which gradually heals.

It is better not to use Super Clean on the face. There is a high chance that you will damage healthy skin. There is also a risk that the manipulation will not remove the nevus completely and a new one will appear in its place.

Photos before and after removal

Results of electrocoagulation. On the left is a “before” photo, the second was taken 1.5 months after the operation, the third was taken a year later:


Also removal by electrocoagulation:


Radio wave method. The photo shows the nevus “before”, immediately after the procedure, after 9 days and a month. The wound healed very quickly, there was practically no trace left:


Laser operation. On the left – immediately after removal, in the middle – after 5 days, on the right – after 20:


Care after removal

To ensure that the wound heals faster after surgery and that a scar does not remain on your face, you must follow the doctor’s recommendations. In the first week after surgery, the treated area It is forbidden to wet, smear with cosmetics, rub or scratchso as not to cause an infection and to avoid accidentally removing the resulting crust. It should go away naturally. The wound is treated only with non-aggressive antiseptics, which are recommended by the dermatologist.

Within three months after the procedure you need to avoid sunbathing. Solariums and spending time on the beach will be prohibited, and creams with a high degree of SPF protection will have to be used every day.


The most terrible consequence that threatens after removal of a mole is the degeneration of the formation into melanoma. This is why it is dangerous to get rid of pigmented spots without consulting a doctor - you can affect a “bad” nevus or not remove all the affected tissue. Damaging the tumor will only speed up the process of its development. The remaining malignant cells can grow again and quickly penetrate the blood and lymph, which spread them throughout the body.

You should be wary after surgery:

  1. a lump at the site of the mark - this is probably the initial stage of a malignant tumor
  2. non-healing wound - infection could get inside
  3. prolonged bleeding.

In all these cases, you need to contact a dermatologist-oncologist as quickly as possible and not hope that the problems will go away on their own.

If the mole is removed by an experienced doctor, serious consequences or relapse can be avoided. But no one can give a guarantee that no scar or light spot will remain at the site of the nevus. Usually they are small and disappear on their own over time, but for some, even such minor defects on the face can be critical. When you go to remove a mole just for the sake of aesthetics, remember that an even more pronounced mark may form in its place.

Try not to experiment with your face and don’t be afraid to go to clinics - they will determine the type of tumor, select the optimal method of removal, and carry out the procedure according to all the rules. Remember that stories about terrible consequences after mole removal are most often spread by those who went to regular cosmetologists or self-medicated.