Salicylic acid what is it in cosmetics

Reduces inflammation and whitens the skin.

The content of salicylic acid in cosmetics (Salicylic Acid) ranges from 0.5 in lotions to 2% in chemical peeling products.

Properties of salicylic acid used in cosmetics:

Reduces inflammation. Salicylic acid effectively fights bacteria and prevents the appearance of acne on the skin, eliminates pustular rashes, and accelerates the healing of scratches.

Cleansing. Salicylic acid effectively exfoliates dead skin cells, cleanses the scalp with oily seborrhea, frees pores from dirt and sebum residues, has a drying property and reduces sebum production, reduces sweating.

Rejuvenating. Salicylic acid activates skin cell regeneration processes, stimulates skin renewal, evens out skin texture, reduces the thickness of the stratum corneum, and is used in salon procedures to combat wrinkles.

Whitening. Salicylic acid effectively whitens freckles and is used in the fight against photopigmentation.

In medicine, salicylic acid is the basis of many antipyretic, antirheumatic, analgesic drugs, antiseptics, and is included in ointments and solutions for the treatment of skin diseases, corn plasters, antifungal agents, as well as solutions for the treatment of acne and diaper rash.

What cosmetics are salicylic acid found in?

  1. lotion, tonic, foam for problem skin
  2. lotion, serum for aging skin
  3. brightening cream, toner, facial serum
  4. facial scrub
  5. exfoliating lotion
  6. cream, lotion, tonic, masks for oily skin
  7. night renewing cream
  8. cosmetic peeling
  9. peeling for scalp
  10. antiperspirant

Cosmetics with salicylic acid are stored in well-closed bottles, in a cool, dark place, away from open flame.

The use of cosmetics with salicylic acid is undesirable:

  1. during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since salicylic acid can negatively affect the baby’s liver
  2. for hypersensitive skin
  3. for fresh skin injuries, herpetic rashes
  4. with individual intolerance to salicylic acid
  5. before going outside, in the summer

What is salicylic acid used in cosmetology?

Salicylic acid (2-hydroxybenzoic, phenolic, BHA acid) is an organic substance that gets its name from the Latin word salix (“willow”).

The healing properties of willow bark have been known since the times of Ancient Rome, when its decoction was used to treat wounds and relieve pain. In the medicinal books of Hippocrates, willow decoction was mentioned as a remedy against fever and to relieve labor pain. In 1928, Munich professor Johann Büchner isolated a bitter substance from willow bark, which he called salicin, and 10 years later, Italian chemist Rafael Piria extracted salicylic acid from salicin and proved that it has valuable medicinal properties. In 1859, the German chemist Hermann Kolbe deciphered the chemical formula of salicylic acid, and soon industrial production of this substance was established in Dresden.

At first, salicylic acid was used as an antipyretic and analgesic and even as a preservative, since its ability to inhibit the activity of many bacteria was noticed. Later, the antibacterial properties of salicylic acid made it an indispensable tool in the arsenal of cosmetologists. Salicylic acid is fat-soluble and therefore easily penetrates sebum-clogged pores, cleanses them and relieves inflammation. Thanks to these features of salicylic acid, it is included in the mandatory list of prescriptions in the fight against acne and acne. In addition, salicylic acid is able to dissolve cellular connections between keratinized skin scales, facilitating their exfoliation, which is why it is used for salon peeling procedures.

Where do you get salicylic acid for cosmetics?

In ancient times, salicylic acid was obtained by soaking willow bark in hot water or preparing a decoction from it. Today, salicylic acid is produced from phenol. The resulting colorless crystals are poorly soluble in water, but easily soluble in ethanol, fats, and organic solvents.

The problem of acne is familiar to many. Acne is an unpleasant cosmetic defect. They spoil the appearance of the skin. There is no point in putting up with this state of affairs. There are a huge number of cosmetic products for acne. Many of them contain salicylic acid.

This ingredient is considered the most effective in combating rashes. Cosmetology does not stand still. It is constantly evolving. But despite the latest advances in this area, a more effective means to cleanse pores and stop inflammatory processes has not yet been found.

How does salicylic acid work and how safe is it to use? How to use the solution and cosmetics containing this component correctly? Finding out the details will be interesting to anyone who, due to acne, has lost confidence in their irresistibility.

What are the benefits of salicylic acid?

Salicylic acid was first synthesized at the beginning of the 19th century. Since then, this substance has been used to treat dermatological diseases and treat wounds. The benefits of salicylic acid for the skin are obvious. It has the following properties:

  1. antiseptic;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antibacterial;
  4. exfoliating;
  5. annoying;
  6. softening.

Salycylic acid is used on the face to solve the following problems:

  1. skin rashes: pimples, comedones, blackheads or acne;
  2. black dots;
  3. dark spots;
  4. marks after skin rashes;
  5. excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  6. pityriasis versicolor;
  7. long-term non-healing wounds;
  8. chronic eczema.

People who have spent years unsuccessfully fighting skin rashes and then used salicylic acid claim that no other product compares to this acid. It is equally effective against acne, blackheads and age spots.

However, in order not to harm yourself, it is worth learning some rules. Failure to comply with the measure entails a number of unpleasant phenomena:

  1. redness;
  2. itching;
  3. roughness;
  4. allergy;
  5. burns;
  6. new rashes.

To prevent your skin from becoming covered with unsightly spots and to avoid discomfort after treating your face with salicylic acid at home, you need to learn how to choose the concentration of the solution wisely. By the way, you can mix some ingredients with salicylic acid. For example, honey.

For those who are looking for easy ways and are not going to bother preparing masks and lotions, the best choice is to use cosmetics containing this acid. The cream can be applied every day. This is especially true for oily skin. Masks are done periodically. And peeling as needed.

If you still decide to fight acne with a solution, it would not hurt to consult a cosmetologist before using it. Or at least independently study the theory of how to use salicylic acid correctly.

Life Flo Health, Salicylic Acid Spray, 237 ml

Rules for using salicylic acid

The instructions for use indicate that a solution of salicylic acid, in which ethyl alcohol is an excipient, is intended for external use. Using a cotton swab or disk, apply the product to the affected areas. The procedure must be repeated several times a day. The duration of the course depends on how advanced the case is. Treatment can last from 7 days to two, maximum three weeks.

If the goal is to get rid of age spots, you need to use the solution every day for several weeks in a row.

Salicylic acid can stop local inflammation and dry out a pimple literally within a day. In case of intense rashes, the entire surface of the face will have to be treated. Such procedures save you from acne in just 7-10 days. If the rash does not stop completely during this period, then at least the number of acne will decrease significantly. After a short course you need to take a break.

Salicylic acid has one disadvantage. It can be addictive. That is, with prolonged use, the product becomes ineffective. This is due to the fact that the bacteria that cause inflammation, which leads to acne, develop resistance to this acid.However, after a while, the alcohol solution again works at full strength.

E.L.F. Cosmetics, Makeup base for problem skin, with salicylic acid 2% transparent, 14 ml


Before using salicylic acid, it is worth figuring out what percentage will be appropriate in your case. If you are dealing with a solution for the first time, it is better to start with 1%. Over time, you can move to 2%. As a rule, it is 2% salicylic acid that is used for acne and other similar problems.

Taking 3% is acceptable if the skin is very oily and problematic. There is also a liquid containing 5-10% salicylic acid. It is not advisable to use it on the face. Just for peeling. And it will be better if you entrust this procedure to a master. The risk is that you can overdo it.Instead of the expected effect, there is a danger of getting burned. The cosmetologist will determine exactly how many percentages should be in the solution for application to your skin type.

Clean & Clear, Advanced 3-in-1 Anti-Acne, Salicylic Acid 2%, 240 ml

Cosmetics with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is found in various cosmetic products. This component may contain:

Some products can be prepared independently from natural ingredients. For example, lotion, mask and even cream. If you prefer ready-made products, there are many options from different manufacturers. These cosmetics are intended for daily care of problem skin.

Andalou Naturals, Pore Minimizer, Aloe + Willow Bark, Salicylic Acid 178 ml


The method of application is very simple. If you choose a tonic or use lotion, you just need to moisten a cotton swab with liquid and treat the surface of the skin. Of course, wiping is preceded by washing. The effect will be more effective if the product is applied to clean skin. What benefits will a facial lotion or toner with salicylic acid bring? These products have the following effects on the skin:

  1. tonic;
  2. soothing;
  3. drying;
  4. antibacterial;
  5. anti-inflammatory;
  6. wound healing.

A cream containing this acid has a drying effect. Its use is relevant for oily skin. Regular application to the face will significantly reduce the production of subcutaneous sebum, which in turn will eliminate the characteristic shine on the surface.

This cream is also suitable for combination skin types. After all, she is also prone to breakouts. Especially in the T-zone. However, there is one caveat. After using the product, dryness may appear on the cheeks and chin. If this phenomenon occurs, it is better to avoid this area and distribute the cream only to problem areas.

Visible results are achieved through daily treatment of the epidermis. Moreover, it is advisable to do this both in the morning and in the evening.

But for dry skin, such a product can be used only occasionally. As a preventive measure for acne. If you are prone to allergies and hypersensitivity, products with salicylic acid should not be used at all.

Reviva Labs, Lightweight Salicylic Acid Skin Peel, 42 g


Salicylic acid can act as a keratolytic. That is, it softens skin tissue and provokes the rapid separation of dead cells. Thus, the epidermis is renewed. When the stratum corneum peels off, defects such as spots, acne marks, and small scars go away with it. This effect also helps brighten the face.

Therefore, cosmetologists often use salicylic acid for peeling. You can also do this procedure yourself. However, you should be careful. If you treat your face with an acid solution, the percentage of which exceeds the permissible level, this can lead to problems in the form of overdrying and even burns.

Isvara Organics, Clear Skin Face Mask with Salicylic Acid, 88.72 ml


Facial peeling is best done with ready-made masks. The content of salicylic acid in them is such that it will provide an exfoliating effect, promote the penetration of other beneficial substances contained in the mask, and have a stimulating effect on the regenerating abilities of the skin. However, the mask will not cause any harm. Minor redness goes away quickly.

After your skin has rested from using this product, you can enjoy its refreshed appearance. After the first use, positive changes are noticeable. If you apply the mask 2-3 times a week, you can achieve the following results:

  1. get rid of age spots;
  2. clear your face of acne;
  3. lighten the skin;
  4. remove acne;
  5. reduce sebum production.

Recipes for masks with salicylic acid

You can make your own face mask. A good combination of salicylic acid and honey. Various recipes will help you understand how to properly combine an alcohol solution with honey. Let's give a couple of examples.

Recipe 1

Take 3 aspirin tablets and grind them into powder. Add honey. 1 tsp is enough. Add a little water or, if desired, lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the skin, paying attention to problem areas. Massage a little and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe 2

Mix salicylic acid, aloe juice and honey. Knead it all with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to the face and distribute in an even thin layer. We wait 10-15 minutes, go wash up.

Honey itself is very beneficial for the face. The combination of this ingredient with salycylic acid will have a beneficial effect on oily skin, on which acne appears every now and then.

Clean & Clear, Dual Action Moisturizer, Acne Treatment with Salicylic Acid, 118 ml

Cosmetics or alcohol solution - which is better?

It is important to know that salicylic acid is not only available in cosmetics. You can buy a special alcohol solution or ointment at the pharmacy. An alternative is to purchase aspirin. A solution of salicylic acid is used for spot treatment. Liquid from the bottle can also be added to tonic or lotion.

The solution will help get rid of rashes and even age spots. The fact is that salycylic acid not only has a deadly effect on bacteria that cause inflammation. It also provokes blood flow to the place where it was applied. Thus, skin renewal is accelerated. The cells of the upper layer exfoliate. Revitalized, blemish-free skin looks much more attractive.

It is difficult to say unequivocally whether it is better to choose a cosmetic product or use a solution. It all depends on the skin type and the intensity of the rash. Of course, the solution is stronger.

There is one more important point. If you are hypersensitive, you should not use salicylic acid on your face at all. If after applying salicylic acid to the skin there is no severe irritation, this product is suitable for you.

Using salycylic acid, you can regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, forget about the troubles of acne and free the epidermis from age spots. Take care of your own appearance, it will give you self-confidence!

To have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the skin, women use salicylic acid face cream, which normalizes skin balance. Cosmetic products containing salicylic acid have become very popular. What is this connected with? Let's figure it out.

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Benefits of salicylic acid for the face

The main benefit of salicylic acid, which is part of a cosmetic face cream, is its ability to dissolve dead epidermal cells.

Important! The cream, which contains salicylic acid and lecithin, should not be applied to the entire face, but only to problem areas.

Salicylic cream helps cleanse pores of dirt. With its help, you can quickly and effectively get rid of acne. That is why this remedy has gained wide popularity.

Salicylic acid has a positive effect on the facial skin, cleansing it. You can often find on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores tonics, lotions, scrubs, foams and other products that contain this substance that is beneficial for the dermis. When using it for cosmetic purposes, do not forget that this is, first of all, a medical alcohol solution, the main function of which is disinfection.

The effectiveness of salicylic acid is explained by the positive results that its use leads to. With its help you can:

  1. Exfoliate dead cells of the facial dermis. This alcohol solution is an excellent exfoliant;
  2. Get rid of facial pimples and blackheads. This positive effect is achieved thanks to the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of salicylic acid;
  3. Eliminate post-acne, dark pigments and spots of various etymologies on the face;
  4. Heal damage to facial skin, such as abrasions or scratches;
  5. Even out your complexion by whitening it;
  6. Regulate sebum secretion;
  7. Smooth out facial and deep facial wrinkles;
  8. Normalize blood flow to the facial skin. Salicylic acid perfectly stimulates blood circulation;
  9. Cleanse pores by removing blackheads;
  10. Dry the top layer of the epidermis.

Recommendation! Cosmetologists advise women with oily skin to use salicylic acid, as it has a drying effect.

Thus, this product is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for medical purposes. Thanks to the above positive effects, which are achieved through the use of salicylic acid for facial skin care, it is one of the most popular budget products in the modern cosmetology industry.

What facial imperfections can be eliminated with this alcohol solution?

  1. Pimples and blackheads;
  2. Warts;
  3. Facial signs of dermatitis;
  4. Inflammation;
  5. Ichthyosis;
  6. Hyperhidrosis;
  7. Signs of psoriasis;
  8. Signs of eczema;
  9. Seborrhea;
  10. Hyperpigmentation;
  11. Facial signs of an infectious disease;
  12. Ringworm (tribal and multi-colored);
  13. Black dots;
  14. Expression and deep wrinkles;
  15. Signs of skin aging.

To get rid of facial imperfections resulting from a skin disease, salicylic acid can only be used after prior consultation with a qualified specialist, a dermatologist.

This alcohol solution has not only antibacterial and antimicrobial effects on facial skin, but also exfoliating, softening, drying and irritating effects.

According to people who have used this remedy in the fight against facial skin imperfections, there is no alternative to it. They argue that salicylic acid cannot be compared with any modern cosmetic product, since its benefits are difficult to overestimate.

This alcohol solution prevents the appearance of such unwanted “guests” as:

  1. Papules;
  2. Redness;
  3. Pigments;
  4. Increased sebum secretion, leading to oily sheen;
  5. Acne;
  6. Comedones;
  7. Uneven complexion, etc.

Thus, using salicylic acid to care for problematic facial skin is an excellent therapeutic measure. It can also be used as a prevention of age-related facial changes.

Find out more about cosmetics with acids and their benefits for the skin: