Clotted Blood

When the blood congeals in the stomach, it necessarily turns into a poison of this kind, although it does not acquire toxicity from the outside. If blood congeals in internal cavities of the body such as the chest, stomach, intestines or bladder, bad phenomena arise from this. When the blood freezes in the chest, the complexion disappears, and the pulse weakens and decreases, which first leads to its acceleration and relaxation of the patient, and then leads to fainting, and if the blood freezes in the stomach, then the body becomes cold, suffocation occurs, the pulse decreases and one after another fainting. When blood freezes in the bladder, phenomena similar to those mentioned above occur, just as when blood freezes in the intestines.

These are chamomile, especially white, but also red, bdellium, thyme, various rennets - three obols, and especially hare rennet, as well as the milky juice of figs, caustic vinegar, asafoetida, twice-distilled water with the ash of fig wood. They also mention, and it has a wonderful effect, goat’s milk is said to dissolve congealed blood in all the insides. Or take stinking ferula and cabbage, in equal quantities, and give it to drink in vinegar - this is an excellent medicine.