Neck muscles

Unlike others muscle groups, region neck in the course of everyday life receives relatively small loads. For this reason they physical development far from the maximum possible. At the same time, the neck muscles are quite good amenable to training and have significant growth potential. Very often, this ability to grow manifests itself voluntarily, as a consequence of the side effects of exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and torso.

You yourself have probably noticed more than once how the neck muscles involuntarily tense with any more or less significant physical effort. This effect is the reason for their spontaneous, unconscious training. In view of this, many TOP champion athletes, when describing their training plans, do not mention exercises specifically targeting the neck muscles at all. Usually bodybuilders include exercises for the cervical muscles in their training programs about a month before the competition, however, there are times when in the off-season special additional work is needed to strengthen them.

As an example, among the majority of famous bodybuilders, I would like to highlight the British Bill Richardson, who has the opportunity to boast of a truly champion’s neck, the girth of which exceeds 50 centimeters. Another example: Michael Dayton was able to hold back the tightening gallows noose with the strength of his neck muscles.

Train neck muscles recommended a couple of times a week, using 5, 6 approaches affecting them at different angles. The number of repetitions is not particularly important, but the main thing is not to try to hammer them to the limit in each approach, but to work them at an average speed, but over the entire available amplitude.

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