His power is hot.
The squeezed juice is drunk for pain.
Fresh choukoudis with wine is used as a liquid ointment for bahak.
Wounds and ulcers.
It glues chronic ulcers; They sprinkle it on wild meat.
Tools with joints.
Shukudis with vinegar is used to treat gout; It is used to prepare a wax ointment for pain in the spine.
Breast organs.
Mixed with sweets, it is used to prepare a cough medicine for licking.
Nutritional organs.
It is given to drink in the amount of two dirhams in water sweetened with honey when there is a burning sensation in the stomach.
Eruption organs.
Two dirhams of shukoudis in water sweetened with honey are given for dysentery and difficulty urinating; if a woman inserts it into the vagina, it causes menstruation.