Breast Cancer Eczema-like

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Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. It can occur in different ways and have different symptoms, which depend on the stage of the disease, its location and degree of aggressiveness. One type of breast cancer is eczematous breast cancer, also known as eczematoform carcinoma.

Breast cancer occurs as a result of cell mutation and uncontrolled growth. Eczema-like cancer refers to types of tumors that develop in the connective tissue (skin, mucous membrane) of the breast. Often, eczema cancer manifestations are an area of ​​changed skin on the skin of the breast, which looks like a red spot or a small depression. Often in the first case, cancer is discovered by chance when visiting a doctor for another reason. In the second case, breast enlargement leads patients to a specialist, who detects breast cancer. At the slightest