Sisaliius - tortuous frog

This is the Rumian stinking ferula, it is similar to the commonly used stinking ferula, but is a little longer and whiter.

Hot, dry in the second degree.

Absorbing, thinning, purifying, expelling the winds, such are its roots and seeds. Sisaliyus soothes internal pain and makes frozen mucus melt. It is given to livestock to drink, and this increases the number of offspring. If it is drunk in wine, especially mixed with pepper, it prevents colds and their harmful effects during travel.

Tools with joints.
It helps with back pain.

Organs of the head.
It helps a lot with epilepsy.

Respiratory system.
Sisaliyus is useful for asthma, difficulty breathing, "standing breathing" and chronic cough; Its seeds and roots taken together are especially useful. If you knead its root with honey and lick it from a spoon, it cleanses the chest of sticky liquids.

Nutritional organs.
It resolves swelling and soothes pain in the insides. Its root especially promotes the digestion of food and is good for the stomach.

Eruption organs.
Sisaliyus dissolves wind cuts in the intestines and facilitates childbirth in all animals. It soothes difficulty urinating, stops pain in the uterus and its “suffocation” and helps with pain in the insides. The squeezed juice of the stem of this plant and its seeds, if they are fresh and if drunk in the amount of three obols in maybukhtaj for ten days, cure pain in the kidneys. It is generally good for the kidneys.