Weakness of teeth

The above-mentioned astringents help, as well as burnt galls slaked in vinegar, white myrtle seeds and Andaran salt, calcined and slaked in vinegar, ramik and good tooth powders.

Excellent powder. Syti three dirhams, yellow myrobalans, pitted, five dirhams, kirf - fifteen dirhams, Chinese cinnamon three dirhams, alum two dirhams, saliva gout seven, ammonia dirhams, long pepper dirhams, sukkah dirhams, saffron dirhams, salt five dirhams, sumac tanners two dirhams, three tamarisk fruits, four cardamom fruits, sixteen wild ginger, four pomegranate flowers. All this is ground and mixed.

Good powder. Red sandalwood, cubeba, betel - five dirhams each, kirfa fifty dirhams, Chinese cinnamon two dirhams and bakkam four dirhams. All this is mixed with wheat starch.

A good powder for this case. They take barley groats, crush it, crush it, mix it with honey and a small amount of Syrian kitran, turn it into flat cakes, wrap it in papyrus paper and place it on a burnt brick placed at the bottom of the tannur. When the color of the composition turns black, take it out and take one part of it, aloes crumbs, pomegranate flowers, sary, pomegranate peel and salt, one part each, grind and prepare a powder. And sometimes they take twenty parts of burnt and crushed barley, four parts of syti, betel, kazmazak, one part of ginger and make a powder from it.