Smas lifting what is this procedure reviews

SMAS lifting is gaining more and more popularity and reviews of hardware facelift will definitely convince you of this! Customer comments and “before and after” photographs are amazing: the effect of ultrasonic lifting is comparable to plastic surgery, despite its low invasiveness and relatively low price.

Non-surgical SMAS lifting is used for sagging skin and soft tissues of the face. The method helps remove excess fat from the cheeks, eliminates jowls and double chins, hides wrinkles, scars, and pronounced nasolabial folds.

This procedure can also be used to prevent prolapse of soft tissues and early wrinkles. In general, it has no age restrictions, and will be useful even up to 25 years old to delay the appearance of facial wrinkles.

What is SMAS lifting? And does this procedure really give such impressive results?

What is SMAS lifting and what are its features?

Ultrasonic lifting SMAS is an innovative hardware procedure that affects the deep subcutaneous layers. It tightens the skin and muscles of the face due to its effect on the SMAS layer, which connects the muscles and skin: due to the influence of ultrasonic waves, it is stretched, and the rest of the face is tightened after it.

The peculiarity of this procedure is that it is completely atraumatic and safe. If you choose a good specialist and the right device, it can be performed even with a very low pain threshold. Ultrasound lifting is performed very quickly, does not require long recovery and is not accompanied by negative side effects.

At the same time, the effect of this procedure is comparable to plastic surgery. It doesn’t just hide fine wrinkles: it is a full-fledged lifting, tightening not only the skin, but also the facial muscles. After the procedure, jowls and double chin are eliminated, nasolabial folds are hidden, and the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

Ultrasound has the only drawback - the long period of time required for a complete face lift. The effect of a facelift is cumulative, and it reaches its peak 3-4 months or even six months after the procedure. Unlike this procedure, plastic surgery shows immediate results.

You can learn how SMAS lifting is performed from the video:


The procedure also has contraindications. These include:

  1. bearing a child;
  2. breast-feeding;
  3. metal implants, with the exception of dental ones;
  4. presence of pacemakers;
  5. inflammatory elements on the skin;
  6. infectious diseases of various origins;
  7. diseases of the endocrine system;
  8. mental and psychosomatic diseases;
  9. Oncology – benign and malignant.

It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure after 50 years: it can tighten the face and skin, but will not give such a pronounced effect as plastic surgery.

Find out also: reviews of ultraformer lifting.

We recommend that you learn more about SMAS lifting.

You will also be interested in reviews of RF lifting at the link.

Real customer reviews with photos

Olga, 34 years old, Irkutsk – «Transformation into a beauty took longer than we expected»

“I’ve been doing face lifting using hardware procedures for four years now, but I only tried ultrasonic SMAS lifting just now. Frankly, this was the first time I heard about this method: before, only laser and radiofrequency tightening were heard. My cosmetologist recommended the procedure to me - I completely trust this woman, so I agreed.

The lift was done on Altera - this device is criticized on the Internet, but my cosmetologist says that the effect is much better. Yes, it’s unpleasant and painful, but everyone knows that beauty requires sacrifice! I was ready to endure for half an hour so that I could become a beauty later.

The transformation into a beauty took longer than we expected: usually people need three months for a full facelift, it took me seven. But now the result is stunning: I don’t look more than 25, there’s no end to men! I maintain the results with other procedures and am very pleased.”

Victoria, 44 years old, Rostov-on-Don - “After a week I noticed the first result!”

“Forums inspired me to use hardware SMAS lifting with ultrasound. There you can find a lot of negativity about this procedure, but positive reviews are much more revealing: they are more detailed, more informative, often with personal photographs. So, after looking at such photos with a wonderfully toned face, I decided to try it.

At this point, a week has passed since the procedure. I can already see the result: the skin has regained its former elasticity, it has become softer and more hydrated than before. Small wrinkles are gone. The face has not yet tightened, but it feels like the skin and muscles are becoming toned. I look forward to further results!”

Lydia, 52 years old, Ufa - “It would be better to spend the money on something useful!”

“I am an elderly woman, so wrinkles and the floating oval of my face did not bypass me. My daughter gave me a hardware lift for my birthday: I would never have spent that kind of money on my face. At first I wanted to return the certificate, but then I decided - why not try? It won't get any worse anyway.

I didn’t like the procedure: it was painful, uncomfortable, I had to lie silently and endure for a long time. It was especially painful and unpleasant in the area of ​​the mouth and eyelids. I even wanted to ask to bypass the area, but I have the worst wrinkles there, so I had to endure it.

They promised results after a few months, but now a year has passed and nothing has really changed. Wrinkles tightened a little, the oval of the face did not change at all. I don’t recommend this procedure - it would be better to exchange the certificate for money and spend it on something useful.”

Maria, 45 years old, Yekaterinburg - “Not perfect, but I liked it...”

“The swollen oval of my face was my huge problem. I tried to tighten it up with exercises, massages, a special diet - nothing worked for me. Despite having few wrinkles and a good figure, he made me look old and unattractive.

To be honest, I didn’t believe in hardware cosmetology. I am one of the old-school people who believe that you can correct your face only with a knife and under anesthesia. I tried it because of the persuasion of a colleague: she herself suffered from the same problem, and recently got rid of it.

Surprisingly, the procedure bore fruit: the oval tightened, all my fine wrinkles. The only thing I didn't like was that you had to wait a long time. Of course, the effect was not perfect - the double chin is still there, the skin is not very elastic. But if you don’t believe in fairy tales like “at 45 I look 18,” the effect is really good.”

Daria, 31 years old, Novosibirsk - “Suddenly I noticed that my chin became smaller”

“I did a lift using the machine Double a month ago. I decided very spontaneously: I came to the salon for another procedure, started talking to the cosmetologist, and word for word they persuaded me to get a facelift. I have something to improve - genetics did not spare me, the oval of my face began to float at the age of 27.

The device is Korean, modern, I really liked it. The process did not hurt at all, although many people complained of discomfort. There was an unpleasant tingling next to my teeth, but I endured everything else without difficulty.

The first results appeared after 2 weeks: I washed my face in the morning and suddenly noticed that my unfortunate double chin had become smaller. Next is better! The skin became soft and elastic, constant dryness and flaking disappeared. The face was tightened, and small wrinkles also disappeared. I’m happy – I can finally look my age!”

Zhanna, 41 years old, Voronezh - “A year has passed, but the result is with me!”

“I’m now at an age when it’s time to think about plastic surgery. The skin sags, the cheeks slide down, a double chin has long become the norm. It’s not joyful to look at such a reflection, and I’m afraid of operations - so I decided to try hardware methods. Initially, I planned to sign up for another procedure, but the consultant girl convinced me that SMAS lifting was exactly what I needed.

In the salon I chose they worked on the Altera machine. I haven't heard anything about him, which is good! All the reviews on the network say that this is an outdated, ineffective and painful device - I didn’t notice anything like that. The procedure was easy and without discomfort, even despite my low pain threshold. The procedure took about half an hour; in the middle of the procedure they took a photo of me and showed me a photo after. The “before and after” effect struck me already at that moment.

I am an impatient person, so it was hard to wait for the effect. Fortunately, it didn't take long. The nasal lips and wrinkles on the forehead disappeared almost immediately, and after a week the oval of the face began to tighten. A month later I already looked very rejuvenated. Now a year has passed, and I am very pleased with the result: I no longer look my age, my colleagues and friends shower me with compliments. Definitely recommend!”

Raisa, 47 years old, Moscow - “It would be better to decide on surgical SMAS. »

“I decided to undergo ultrasound lifting because of my sister: she had a surgical SMAS lift and began to look ten years younger than me. I’m scared to death of operations, but I wanted the same effect, so I started looking for alternatives. I found it in a nearby beauty salon: also a lift, also SMAS, but it doesn’t hurt and without anesthesia.

In reality, everything turned out to be completely different. The procedure is still painful, the tightening of the SMAS layers is questionable, the lifting effect is weak... I was warned that I would have to wait a long time for the result - but, unfortunately, I never got it. The skin has become more elastic, wrinkles under the eyes have disappeared, but where is the promised facelift?

In general, I do not recommend ultrasonic lifting. This method is not a panacea or a replacement for plastic surgery, and it is simply unrealistic to achieve the same result from it as from a surgical SMAS lift. I was convinced of this from my own experience, and I advise you not to repeat my mistakes.”

Galina, 54 years old, Tomsk - “It hasn’t happened for 10 years!”

“Deep wrinkles, pronounced nasolabial folds, jowls, a double or triple chin - the full set of an aging woman was on my face. When the surgeon saw me, he very much doubted that the method would suit me: it is recommended for younger ladies and not in such advanced condition. But I still insisted on my own.

The procedure was easily tolerated, I don’t understand the constant complaints about pain and discomfort - I simply didn’t notice them. The only thing I didn’t like was the treatment around the eyelids: the skin is very delicate and sensitive, and there were plenty of wrinkles there.

About two months have passed, there is definitely an effect. The face is not so flabby, the skin looks less like a dried apple, the chin and cheeks are almost back to their proper place. Of course, this is not total rejuvenation - but at 54 I look 44, and I think this is an excellent result at my age.”

Natalya, 38 years old, Yakutsk – “The skin changed on the same day”

«I decided to have a hardware lift because of my husband. Age makes itself felt: wrinkles began to appear, the face crawled down under the weight of gravity, and a double chin appeared. Naturally, my husband didn’t like it - constant reproaches and criticism began. I decided that it was time to change something, and immediately signed up for the procedure.

After recording, I decided to read the reviews, and regretted that I had not done it earlier. The negative reviews were very scary: the girls told how painful and unpleasant it was, how the skin turned red after the procedure, but the effect never appeared. At some point I even thought about canceling everything, but the craving for adventure and a beautiful face won out. And I didn’t regret it!

The discomfort turned out to be mild, there was no redness, and I noticed the result immediately. The skin became more elastic the same day! It was especially felt in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin - these places were previously flabby, but after the procedure they tightened up. Now three months have passed, and for the first time in several years I am happy with my reflection. My husband is finally happy too.”

Svetlana, 38 years old, Yaroslavl – “I hope for a cumulative effect”

“Three months ago I had a hardware SMAS lift using the Korean U-one device. The idea to do the procedure came to my mind spontaneously: I looked at myself in the mirror, sighed and thought - why not?

The procedure turned out to be far from the descriptions on the Internet: they did not apply anesthetic ointment to me, they gave me the opportunity to choose the appropriate intensity, and marked my face as before plastic surgery. There was no pain as promised either: the sensations were not pleasant, but they were not difficult to endure.

Now a very good result is noticeable: the skin has smoothed out, become softer, the oval has noticeably corrected and tightened. I hope that this is not the final result, and that the cumulative effect will continue to manifest itself for some time.”

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SMAS lifting is an effective hardware procedure that helps tighten the shape of the face without pain and recovery period. If you are willing to wait to achieve the effect, this is the best method for correcting facial contours and eliminating wrinkles.

Despite the fact that this technology appeared relatively recently, numerous reviews of facelifts using hardware SMAS lifting speak eloquently about its high effectiveness. This technique successfully fights the first signs of aging, smoothing out wrinkles and folds, restoring tone and elasticity to the facial skin.

Direct hardware action on the SMAS layer tightens the facial skin so that jowls, ptosis, and double chin are eliminated; Nasolabial and cervical folds are smoothed out, the skin becomes noticeably firmer and more elastic.

However, before using this method of rejuvenation, it would be a good idea to find out the details: what is SMAS face lifting, who is it suitable for, and what are the real, not advertising reviews about it? Details below.

What is a facelift SMAS lifting?

In order to understand what SMAS lifting is, you must first understand what the abbreviation SMAS means. This is the abbreviated name for the muscular frame of the human face. This is a muscular aponeurotic layer located under the skin and fatty tissue, the “Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System” in the English interpretation. It consists, respectively, of muscle fibers and aponeuroses - layers of connective tissue. This muscular frame ensures the clarity of the oval of the face. Which inevitably begins to get lost and blurred after 40 years (for some later, for others earlier).

It is this layer, and not the skin, that is affected by hardware SMAS lifting procedures. Until recently, technologies that provided lifting NOT the SKIN, but the muscular frame of the face, simply did not exist. Only plastic surgeons worked with this subcutaneous layer. Needless to say, not all of them succeed in an operation that not only tightens the face, but also preserves its naturalness... There are many examples around of how, after an operation, the face remained young, but at the same time became like a mask, or acquired some "puppetry".

How is SMAS lifting performed and why?

Modern SMAS lifting is carried out according to several treatment programs carried out without surgical intervention. The procedure is carried out using a special ultrasonic emitter - a device capable of providing the necessary focusing of ultrasonic waves. First, such a SMAS lifting device uses a special program to determine, with an accuracy of fractions of a millimeter, the thickness of the soft tissues of the facial skin and the depth of the muscle frame. Based on the results of this examination, nozzles are determined that regulate the penetration depth and intensity of ultrasonic waves.

The peculiarities of the SMAS lifting procedure are such that ultrasonic waves penetrate the skin without any impact on it: they pass through as if through glass. But at the depth specified by the cosmetologist - where the muscular frame of the face is located - they provoke local heating of the tissues, which damages the old elastin and collagen fibers. They shrink and contract. The processes of neocollagenesis, the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers are stimulated.

At the beginning of the procedure, an anesthetic gel is applied to the skin for half an hour, after which an antimicrobial treatment with chlorhexidine is performed. Using a special ruler, the doctor draws marking lines along which the impact will be carried out and treats them with a special compound that improves the passage of ultrasonic waves.

During the procedure, the patient feels only a rush of warmth and slight tingling from skin tension. At the end of the procedure, which is done within an hour, the special gel is washed off and the skin is treated with a soothing cosmetic cream. The effect of a facelift is immediately apparent only partially; its full manifestation can be enjoyed only after a few months.

Indications and contraindications

Hardware ultrasonic SMAS lifting is indicated for people who already have visible age-related changes in the soft tissues of the face and neck. Much less frequently, and only at the strong insistence of the client, the SMAS lifting procedure can also be carried out for preventive purposes, to stimulate the muscular frame of the face and prevent the formation of jowls, ptosis, etc. types of age-related skin sagging.

Of course, age-related changes in facial skin depend on genetic characteristics and a number of other factors and therefore occur earlier in some, later in others. However, in any case, it is not recommended to resort to SMAS lifting before the age of 40. Well, if only the patient has already become convinced of the ineffectiveness of simpler methods that do not have such a deep impact.

The list of contraindications is quite wide. Ultrasonic SMAS lifting is not performed in the following cases:

  1. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. if you have a pacemaker implant;
  3. in the presence of epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric diseases;
  4. in the presence of synthetic fillers;
  5. with a serious rash on the face, the presence of multiple acne;
  6. metal piercing in the affected area or near this area (metal dental crowns and dental implants on metal pins do not count);
  7. diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma;
  8. infectious diseases of the skin of the face and neck - fungi or viruses, bacteria;
  9. period of taking medications that reduce blood clotting;
  10. Decompensated diabetes mellitus.

Side effects

Lively discussions on the SMAS lifting forum showed that hardware SMAS lifting often has minor side effects. The list of the most common of them includes:

  1. redness of the skin of the face (occurs if the patient, due to physiological characteristics, has thin skin and blood vessels close to its surface).
  2. soreness of the upper layer of the epidermis (may appear with pressure, or may be constant). Lasts up to one month after the procedure.
  3. numbness of the skin or decreased sensitivity. If such a side effect occurs, it usually goes away after about a week. During this period, you should not use scrubs and peeling products.

An important point: SMAS lifting is fraught with complications for those people who have a predisposition to the growth of connective tissue. Connective tissue is when small scars form on the skin. To avoid this unpleasant side effect (and the cosmetologist will definitely warn the patient about this), you need to listen to your feelings during the procedure. And if, instead of a slight tingling sensation, increasing pain appears, you need to tell the doctor about it. It will reduce the radiation intensity.

Types of hardware SMAS lifting

The most common option is ultrasonic SMAS lifting, but there are several other techniques that also have various reviews.

Microcurrent lifting

During this procedure, weak electrical discharges, rather than ultrasound, act as stimulators of collagen and elastin fibers. Problem areas, pre-applied with concentrated vitamin cosmetics, are exposed to microcurrents. They stimulate repeated contractions of the facial muscles. As a result, they are strengthened, the tone of muscle fibers and tissues increases, and the production of new elastin and collagen fibers is stimulated.


This hardware SMAS lifting has the same goal: an intense effect on the muscular frame of the face, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. The impact is produced by a series of special pulsed photo flashes.

Radio wave lifting

Accordingly, radio wave lifting (also known as radio frequency) is a technique for influencing the muscular frame of the face with concentrated radio waves. The effect is the same: correction and tightening of facial skin.


When there is a need to tighten the skin, hardware tightening can become a real alternative to surgery. The only difference is that it does not provide a long-term effect (like plastic surgery), but only a multi-month (up to 1-1.5 year) effect. But then the procedure can be repeated.

As already mentioned, ultrasonic type of lifting is the most popular. Ultrasound SMAS lifting technologies include two types of techniques. These are “HIFU” and “Ulthera”. “Altera” is a more gentle type of SMAS ultrasound lifting. And “HIFU” is more radical.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Unlike plastic surgery, the lifting procedure does not require special long-term rehabilitation. However, even in the photo after SMAS lifting it is noticeable that the skin has become more tender and sensitive. In this regard, within two weeks it is necessary (if there are side effects described above, then within three weeks):

  1. avoid intense physical activity. Especially those associated with long-term work in an incline;
  2. do not attend thermal procedures (do not steam in a sauna or bathhouse), wash only with cool water;
  3. do not sunbathe, and in general try to stay in the sun as little as possible. If necessary, use sunscreen.

Positive and negative reviews on SMAS lifting and photos

Olga, 44 years old: I have already resorted to hardware face lifting using old methods, with varying success. I did it several times over the course of four years (when I turned 40, I began to actively fight age-related changes). Having noticed the positive reviews on SMAS lifting, I decided to try it too. I performed the procedure using the Altera device. It wasn't painful, but it was unpleasant, to be honest. For a long time there was no visible visual effect. It arrived not after three months, like everyone else, but only after seven! But it’s actually just amazing. In appearance, I can now be given 25-30, no more. And this is very inspiring and helps in life!!

Victoria, 42 years old: It took me a long time to decide on hardware SMAS lifting with ultrasound. But since I definitely will never go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, I finally decided to try. Now I'm waiting for the final effect. Immediately after the procedure, I felt that the skin had regained its lost elasticity, became softer and more tender, small wrinkles were gone, but the main ones were still there. The oval of the face has not yet tightened either, but I can directly feel how the muscles and skin are becoming toned.

Lydia, 52 years old: I didn’t intend to have any lifts, although of course, due to age, the oval of my face had already swollen. They just gave me a certificate for hardware SMAS lifting. As a result, I did not like either the procedure itself or the effect of it. It was uncomfortable, sometimes painful, especially in the area of ​​the eyelids and mouth. I endured it. They told me to wait a few months for the results. A year has already passed, and there are no strong changes for the better. Yes, there is a slight toning and tightening effect, but the oval of the face itself has not changed in any way.

Marina, 46 years old: Which reviews of non-surgical SMAS lifting are reliable and which are not are easy to understand by their content. Do not believe in fairy tales like “at 45 I look 18” - this does not happen, neither after a lift, nor even after plastic surgery. But the floating oval of the face became a serious problem for me. Here, even a great figure will not help you look young. Surprisingly, the ultrasonic SMAS lifting procedure gave an excellent effect! Far from ideal, of course, but I generally expected less. The oval of the face was tightened, and small wrinkles were smoothed out.

Daria, 38 years old: SMAS lifting helped me cope with a delicate problem that had been bothering me for a long time: a double chin. After a couple of weeks, while washing my face, I actually “felt the first results”: it had shrunk! And then the effect intensified and became stronger. And the skin on my face has become softer and more elastic. I give +++++!

Zhana, 43 years old: what can I say, I haven’t read any advice or reviews. It was necessary to save the situation with age-related changes: the cheeks sag, jowls and ptoses stand out, and the 2nd chin has already returned to normal. When I started looking at my reflection completely joylessly, I decided to have a hardware lift (I will never go under the knife). There is a result, it manifests itself gradually, and overall I’m happy with it, I’ve been feeling rejuvenated for a year now. But don’t expect a miracle - there won’t be one.

Raisa, 46 years old: Of course, I was scared by the negative reviews about the SMAS lifting hardware facelift, but in the end I did it too. Because the alternative is surgery, which is completely undesirable. As a result, I also write a negative review. Of course, there is an effect, but not at all what you expect. The skin is toned, more elastic and fresh, some wrinkles have disappeared... But where is the promised visual restoration of the oval of the face? I don’t have it, although I’ve been waiting for a whole year! Not a panacea!

Galina, 55 years old: she endured the procedure, although at times it was very painful. Especially in the eyelid area. But there are a lot of wrinkles there, I had to endure it. The doctor did not give any hope about the future effect - age and the situation is quite advanced. But I was satisfied with the result! The face is no longer so flabby, the cheeks and chin (not the second, but the real one) have practically returned to the right places. I definitely look younger, as if I’ve lost 10 years.

Svetlana, 47 years old: several months have passed, but there are still no serious changes. I already doubt whether I started this in vain. The procedure itself was painless, a slight effect in the form of refreshed and smoothed skin occurred almost immediately. But where is that same basic cumulative effect? There are minor changes for the better, but the oval of the face does not change its place!

Natalya, 39 years old: I regret that I didn’t do hardware lifting earlier. It’s nice to look at the result – your reflection in the mirror! And even to the touch, the areas around the cheeks and chin became much more elastic, but were flabby. And the procedure itself caused virtually no discomfort, let alone pain. I recommend it.

Face lifting has recently become an increasingly popular procedure in cosmetology, allowing one to regain lost youth by smoothing out wrinkles and folds. The most modern technique - hardware smas-lifting - facelift, reviews of which are highly rated by women.

Smas lifting - what is it?

The abbreviation "SMAS" comes from the name in English and means "superficial muscular aponeurotic system". This system is located under the skin and tissue, where the muscles connecting to the epidermis pass.

In the facial area, it is located in places near the ears and neck, as it is responsible for facial muscles and the reflection of emotions.

The muscular aponeurotic layer is the framework that ensures the clarity of the oval of the face. With age, this layer begins to stretch, and facial ptosis appears (pathological changes in shape and size: due to weighting, the bottom of the face transforms into a rectangular shape, and the top into a square shape).

What processes occur during facial skin aging:

  1. the appearance of small folds in the neck area;
  2. enlarging skin tissue contributes to the appearance of a double chin;
  3. “jowls” appear in the cheek area;
  4. small folds and wrinkles around the mouth;
  5. folds of skin around the eyes.

Hardware smas-lifting, its advantages

Non-surgical smas-lifting is based on the passage of ultrasonic waves through the layers of the skin on the surface and their concentration at the desired depth, where the aponeurotic layer is located.

Due to the fact that no damage to the skin occurs during the procedure, the risk of postoperative complications is almost minimal. The effect of ultrasound is based on the fact that tissues are heated at the point where the waves focus, which leads to a reduction in collagen and skin elastin.

Hardware smas-lifting has 2 advantages over surgical methods of facelift, as evidenced by reviews of women who have successfully used it:

  1. Ultrasound acts in a targeted manner, thereby reducing the area of ​​the aponeurosis and tightening the tissue;
  2. due to damage, metabolic subcutaneous processes are strongly activated, which has a positive effect on the rejuvenation of facial tissues.

Advantages of smas-lifting:

  1. there is a choice of depth of impact, providing several levels of tightening: fat layer, oil layer, deeper;
  2. The technology makes it possible to correct different areas of the face;
  3. the process itself is quite comfortable, pain-free and highly effective;
  4. after smas-lifting there are no scars;
  5. the effect of the tightening is visible almost immediately;
  6. rehabilitation time is minimal;
  7. can be done in any season of the year;
  8. as a rule, the effect lasts 1-3 years;
  9. safe for the human body.

Indications for smas-lifting

Hardware mas-lifting (facelift), reviews of which allow one to draw conclusions about its high effectiveness, is recommended for people who have age-related changes in the soft tissues of the face and neck. Sometimes this procedure is also carried out for preventive purposes against age-related ptosis of skin tissue.

Note! Age-related changes in skin tissue have genetic characteristics: for some they occur earlier, for others later. Therefore, before going for a procedure that has such a profound effect, you should make sure that simpler methods are ineffective.

Reviews about hardware smas-lifting (facelift) allow us to draw conclusions about its high effectiveness for people with chrono- and photoaging.

Smas lifting is performed on two categories of women who are at least 40 years old:

  1. who has age-related skin changes, but does not want to undergo surgery using general anesthesia;
  2. patients who have already had a facelift before (several years must pass) and want to increase the effect of the operation.

What kind of results can you expect from the procedure:

  1. cheek skin tightening;
  2. raising the corners of the eyes and mouth;
  3. restore facial contour and definition of the chin;
  4. visually improve the skin of the neck;
  5. smooth out fine wrinkles, as well as deeper skin creases.

Smas-lifting with hardware: contraindications

Smas-lifting hardware (facelift), reviews of which are mostly positive precisely due to the lack of surgical intervention, still has some contraindications:

  1. presence of built-in pacemakers;
  2. the presence of metal implants near the device’s coverage area;
  3. epilepsy and neuropsychiatric diseases;
  4. pregnancy and lactation;
  5. inflammatory and infectious skin diseases (acne, purulent pimples, fungal and viral diseases);
  6. the presence of foci of infection in the patient’s body;
  7. endocrinological diseases (diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  8. oncology (benign or malignant formations);
  9. systemic diseases of the skin and tissues (lupus erythematosus, etc.).

How is the smas-lifting procedure performed?

Smas-lifting is carried out using a special device that provides focusing of ultrasonic radiation. During its implementation, ultrasound waves act on collagen fibers (compress and shorten) and activate the process of neocologenesis, which promotes the synthesis of elastin fibers.

The formation of new fibers usually lasts for 4-5 months, and the visual effect will improve gradually.

At the beginning of the lifting procedure, the doctor applies an anesthetic gel to the skin for half an hour, then performs an antimicrobial treatment with chlorhexidine. The areas intended for treatment are applied using a special ruler.

A gel is applied along the marking lines to improve the passage of ultrasound waves. During the procedure, the doctor uses 2-3 sensors and processes 2 layers of tissue.

Interesting fact! Devices designed for smas-lifting use a special program to determine the thickness of the soft tissues of the skin and the depth of their occurrence, after which attachments are programmatically selected that allow the use of the required intensity of ultrasound radiation in different layers of the dermis.

The treatment process begins with one of the halves of the face, after which you can independently compare the difference, which appears almost instantly. During lifting, you only feel warmth and slight tingling from the tension of the skin. At the end, the gel is washed off and a soothing cosmetic cream is applied.

The procedure usually lasts 0.5-1 hour and, although the changes are noticeable immediately, the final effect will only be achieved after several months.

Possible consequences after hardware smas-lifting

According to statistical data from a survey of patients who underwent the ultrasonic smas-lifting procedure, a positive result is observed in 89% of clients, and 11% are those for whom the procedure did not produce visible changes.

Possible consequences:

  1. Slight facial redness - this effect is observed when the skin is too thin and the blood vessels are close to the surface - most often it goes away within a day.
  2. Some soreness of the epidermis (constant or with pressure) lasts, as a rule, about a month.
  3. Numbness of the skin or decreased sensitivity This does not always happen and goes away within 7 days, but during this period peelings and scrubs should not be used so as not to cause harm.

After the smas-lifting procedure, some complications may appear. Typically, this happens in people who have a predisposition to excess connective tissue growth, resulting in small scars.

Important! To avoid the appearance of scars (and subsequently negative reviews of the result of the procedure), during the process of hardware mas-lifting (facelift), you should report pain in a timely manner: if they increase, the doctor should reduce the intensity of the radiation.

The lifting procedure is usually done once, and it can only be repeated after 2-3 years.

How to care for your skin after smas-lifting

Immediately after the Smas-lifting procedure, slight redness is noticeable on the skin, which usually disappears within 2-3 hours. Over the next 2 days, slight swelling is possible.

There are several warnings and recommendations during the post-procedure period:

  1. no need to visit the bathhouse, sauna, or wash your face with hot water for the next few days;
  2. Staying in the open sun and especially sunbathing is prohibited;
  3. It is not recommended to experience heavy physical activity or engage in sports activities;
  4. Do not use exfoliating products (cosmetic preparations for exfoliating and cleansing the skin) for several days.

Hardware smas-lifting: what result to expect

The result of 1 session of hardware smas-lifting is the following effect:

  1. restoration and tightening of the facial contour that was 5-10 years before;
  2. lifting of the soft tissues of the face;
  3. The cheeks have been lifted (the jowls have been removed), the corners of the mouth are raised;
  4. lifting the eyebrows and the area around the eyes.

Smas-lifting hardware, price in the showroom

The price of ultrasonic hardware smas-lifting varies depending on the level of the salon and the device used to perform the facelift (according to experts, Altera has a deeper level of penetration).

Salons also often set prices for individual parts of the face, neck and chest:

Facial area (zone) Altera device, rub. Dablo device, rub.
Lower and middle parts of the face 60-85 thousand
Lower, middle and chin 70-100 thousand
Full face 95-110 thousand 45-60 thousand
Face and upper neck 130 thousand 60-70 thousand
Eye area 30-40 thousand
Neckline area 50-70 thousand 30-50 thousand
Each additional processing line 450-500

Reading reviews of women who have tried a facelift using hardware smas-lifting, we can conclude that the ultrasound method is more painless and does not affect health, but the positive effect of the procedure is immediately visible and will allow every woman to look younger.

Video about the benefits and results of smas-lifting

Smas hardware lifting - facelift. Reviews and results:

Non-surgical SMAS lifting, comments from the head physician of the Moscow Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Gerontology: