Method of cutting and piercing kidney cones

Removal of kidney cones is carried out either by cutting or with the help of sharp medicines. If there are several cones, you should not cut them all off at once, but, following the instructions of Hippocrates, leave one of them and treat it later. It is even best to treat by cutting them off one by one, if the patient can tolerate it, and leaving one lump at the end so that the spoiled blood flows out of it, the secretion of which is usual for nature. If the cut off cone is visible, then it is easier to remove it; a hidden lump is more difficult to remove. It is best to tie a visible lump at the root with silk or linen thread, or strong hair, and leave it like that. If it doesn't fall off, you should try some decongestant medication, or cut it off.

Hidden cones must first be removed and then cut off. Removal is sometimes done with a tool, such as a fire jar or whatever, which is placed on the anus and held until the lump comes out, after which the lump is grabbed with a hook. If you are afraid that the lump will quickly go back, leave the jar for a while so that the place swells and the lump cannot return. Otherwise, the lump is quickly tied up with thread so tightly that a swelling occurs, and because of this the lump remains outside; This is often done with the help of excretory medications; for example, they take squeezed centaury juice, fresh dill and larkspur, mix it all with honey and smear it on the anus or insert it on a piece of wool; this causes the urge to defecate, promotes protrusion of the anus and makes it easier for the lump to come out. They also use soda with ox bile or use pepper with soda; Add to this the squeezed juice of bakhur maryama or larkspur. As a precaution, basil is bled before cutting or piercing the cones.

If the doctor wants to cut off a cone, he grabs the one that needs to be cut off - and it either protrudes on its own or is brought out with a hook - pulls it towards him and cuts it off at the root with the sharpest and piercing instrument. You should not go further than the root and cut off anything other than it - this causes damage, swelling and severe pain, and sometimes causes urine retention and constipation. The blood is allowed to flow until there is no fear that the patient will weaken, and then it is stopped by means that we will mention later. When the blood does not flow profusely, it is released from the basilica. If it is permissible to cause bleeding with the mentioned means that open blood vessels, and blood flows from them, this is the correct method, if there is no fear that the patient’s strength will weaken from pain. Sometimes, for example, squeezed onion juice is sufficient for this.

If the doctor wants to pierce a cone, then he pierces a small one at the root, and a large one in the middle or in some other part of it; in this case, measures should be taken so that the lump does not swell and does not hurt, and put boiled onions or leeks mixed with ghee on it, or the treated plant is planted in astringent water, boiled in a jug, so that the lump does not swell, as well as in vinegar with water , in which galls and pomegranate roots were boiled. They are then treated with meat-building patches. The purpose of piercing is to prepare the lump for the penetration of the power of lump-killing drugs. If you see that from such measures the anus is swollen and very painful, then you should fumigate it with the smoke of bdelium and camel hump fat, and also apply the mentioned medicinal bandages or a bandage of white bread and egg yolk with a small amount of opium and saffron. It is surprisingly useful for soothing the pain from cutting out pine cones and the like, sitting in a nabiz layered with St. John's wort. It is equally beneficial to sit in the waters in which emollients have been boiled, or to pour them over the anus, and such waters are a decoction of flaxseed, marshmallow and its seeds, a decoction of cabbage, and the like. By the way, the following remedy is used especially against tumors of the anus due to kidney disease: they take “stone” tin white - three uqiyas, saculumus - one uqiya, lead oxide - two uqiyas and mastics - three dirhams, all of this is bound with squeezed henbane juice. You should also soften the stomach and not allow the stool to harden; if urinary retention occurs, it must be treated by softening the tumor, and the patient is not allowed to go to the outhouse for one day and one night, especially after severe bleeding.

If it is not desirable to cut off the cones or pierce them with a tool, but want to remove them with medicine, then the cones are sprinkled with a sharp medicine, it corrodes the cone and exposes healthy meat; if this causes severe suffering, they plant it in astringent water, after first putting a lot of melted butter on the cone. Then it should be treated with such remedies as, for example, a plaster of lead white and lead oxide, as well as plasters prepared from these substances with nightshade juice, bladder cherry and coriander. Sometimes pain prevents the use of acute medicine at one time, in which case the same acute medicine has to be used, and when the pain becomes unbearable, the treatments mentioned; ways and then use sharp medications again. With repeated, repeated use of acute medicine and drying of the lump, the treatment is tolerated more easily, and eventually the lump turns black and falls off. And acute medicines are dikbardik, faldafiyun and similar substances. When the cones turn black, boil the cabbage with olive oil, apply it to the cones, and the pain calms down; This is repeated until the cones fall off. As for the tusa, sprinkling it with vitriol dries it out and makes it fall off; sometimes such cones are also cut off. In this case, bleeding and relaxation are more necessary, and powders, fumigations and ointments are more effective.