A method of opening “deaf” kidney cones and removing blood from them

First of all, you should soften the bumps by bathing in a bath and resort to the help of means that help open them, that is, bloodletting from the jugular vein and from a vessel located on the bend of the knee, as well as rubbing, for example, oil from peach kernels and bitter apricot, melted fat camel hump, deer bone marrow, bdelium and other substances, individually or in combination. Then you should use strong squeezed onion juice, to which sometimes squeezed juice of bakhur maryam is added, and often, along with it, some yattu, larkspur and pigeon feces are added; then the cones will definitely open. Sometimes squeezed onion juice is mixed with cow bile.

The agents included in such medicines include galbanum, as well as rue leaves and chamomile oil. Eating chamomile itself drives blood and dilates pores. A medicine made from myrobalans with seeds, while helping against kidney rash, at the same time expels blood from the cone, as it contains thinning seeds. Here is one of the remedies that expels the blood locked in the cones: take the pulp of coloquinth - three dirhams, bitter almonds - four dirhams, make a long wick from this and hold it in the anus, changing it every hour, so that within five hours there are five wicks . If the pain intensifies, place a wick of rose oil into the anus and keep it there. When bleeding from the jugular vein, the cones sometimes open on their own.