Serum instead of face cream

Today in cosmetics stores There is a real abundance of personal care products, so it’s not so easy to sort through and choose what’s right for you. Some women prefer complete care, including various creams, lotions, gels and moisturizing emulsions, while others believe that it is enough to wash their face and apply a moisturizer. Opinions differ here, and it’s not so easy to say exactly what you’ll like. This is the same as in the case of homemade masks: some people like them, but others absolutely do not.

But what if necessary give your skin complete care, but you don’t particularly understand all the intricacies? Study the effect of each product separately. For example, serum and cream - do you know how they combine with each other and what effect they provide? Is it possible to replace one product with another and how to apply them to the skin? You will learn about this in this article.

Main functions of serum

If you want to You shouldn’t forget about this product to stay young and attractive longer. In general, the serum is a real cocktail of incredibly useful microelements that have a wonderful effect on the skin, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis. Each company has its own serum recipes, so it is impossible to say for sure that everyone uses the same ingredients.


There are moisturizers creams, which do not give any special effect, only shading the skin and making it glow, serum is the absolute opposite. If you use it regularly, you will notice how much firmer your skin has become. A huge plus is that the serum is very easy to use and is more like a gel or water than a cream. Therefore, it does not provide protection and hydration for the whole day; there are other products for this. Skin serum is nutrition.

What are the main functions of a moisturizer?

The cream was developed for Togoso that moisture does not evaporate from your skin. It is also reliable protection against the negative effects of the environment. The cream contains a lot of moisturizing components that penetrate the upper layers of the epidermis, creating a reliable barrier against dry air. If you choose a cream with SPF filters, you can additionally get rid of unpleasant tightness during the warm season and prevent aging.

Everyday cream is essential choose according to your age and skin needs. First, you need to determine your skin type, and only then select products that will provide the necessary hydration or, on the contrary, slightly dry and make it matte.


Is it possible to replace cream with serum or vice versa?

No, and yet once No. This is an erroneous opinion that appeared at the same time that serums entered the market. In fact, these are two completely different products in their functions that must be used together. The first thing you should pay attention to is that the serum and daily moisturizer should be from the same line of the same cosmetic company.

What will this give you? Maximum efficiency, because they perfectly complement each other and provide complete nutrition and hydration at all levels. The serum acts on the deep layers of the epidermis, and the cream on the upper layers, so there should be no question of replacing one product with another. If you use one cream, it will be moisturized, but there will be no aging prevention, you will enjoy a temporary effect. And if you use only serum, you may even experience flaking and a feeling of tightness. This happens because you nourished your skin from the inside but forgot to protect it with a moisturizing product on the outside.

How to use these cosmetic products if you have aging skin?

Similar, combining them and using them in duet every day. Some women and girls believe that serum is an exclusively age-related cosmetic product, but this is not so. There are different types of serums that are created for both young girls and mature women.

If you are of age leather, you should use these two products regularly, and in no case replace one with the other. Apply the serum and wait until it is completely absorbed, and then use the cream, evenly distributing it over the surface of the skin with patting movements. Don't forget that the eye cream should be a separate product. Aging skin needs effective care, so you can’t do without serum.

If young young woman If you can still only use cream, then as you age you need to have both of these products in your arsenal. Do not overload the skin, especially when it is slightly flabby and dull. A couple of drops of serum for the entire face will be enough, this rule also applies to moisturizer. Apply both products with your fingers, without stretching the skin, but lightly patting it. This way you will stimulate blood circulation and give the skin elasticity.

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Today there is an incredibly large assortment of different facial care products. Each of them has certain properties and contains useful components. Many buyers ask the question: “Which is better - serum or face cream?” It is necessary to understand the main differences, what stages of skin care should be included in the daily routine, as well as the features of using these cosmetic products.

Proper care

Professional cosmetologists around the world claim that the skin needs constant cleansing, toning and moisturizing. In the modern world, a trend of Korean care has emerged, which includes a large number of stages using cosmetics. According to reviews from girls, using this technique you can quickly get rid of possible imperfections and improve the condition of your skin. To answer the question of which is better, serum or face cream, you need to understand what kind of care will be used.

  1. Makeup remover All kinds of products are used here: milk, oil, micellar water or cream to remove decorative cosmetics.
  2. Cleansing with foams, gels or mousses.
  3. Toning. Girls often skip this stage, but the skin needs to restore balance after washing. Using a tonic, you can remove remaining impurities, increase elasticity and improve the penetrating ability of subsequent products.
  4. Hydration. When discussing this stage, the question comes up about what is better - face cream or serum. For a clear answer, it is necessary to consider these two caring products in more detail.

Serum features

This cosmetic product has become very popular in Korea, where girls regularly include it in their skin care routine. When choosing which is better - serum or face cream, you need to understand that they differ in their properties. And accordingly, efficiency. Serum molecules are much smaller, which ensures deep penetration into cells.

With regular use, you can really get rid of various imperfections, improve the condition, even out the natural shade and saturate the skin with useful components. The serum is saturated with various acids, active ingredients, vitamins and mineral complexes, which increases the effectiveness of the cosmetic product for quickly solving specific problems.

Face cream

This cosmetic product is more popular among Russian buyers, as it is more familiar to girls. Various cosmetic companies offer products that will nourish, tone, brighten and moisturize. The face cream has a familiar texture and is used after wiping the skin with tonic. But this product is unable to penetrate deep layers, so the effect after the first use is absolutely unnoticeable.

The difference between a cream and a facial serum is that its components are present in lower concentrations, which virtually eliminates the occurrence of an undesirable allergic reaction. But manufacturers use various emulsifiers and fragrances that extend the shelf life of the care product. Active components:

  1. oils;
  2. vitamins;
  3. mineral salts;
  4. plant extracts;
  5. collagen.

Professional cosmetologists, when answering the question of what is better - cream or serum for the face, argue that these two products should be present in daily care, as they have a complex effect to obtain the maximum effect from use.

Selection by skin type

Each of them has distinctive characteristics and needs that must be satisfied to restore and preserve beauty. Creams and serums for facial skin have certain properties, are saturated with various components and are aimed at solving specific problems. How to choose a caring product is based on individual needs:

  1. Dry type. A constant lack of moisture, the presence of peeling, uneven shade and the rapid appearance of creases are the main characteristics of the skin. To solve problems, it is necessary to deeply moisturize, so cosmetologists do not recommend using serum instead of face cream, but applying them simultaneously.
  2. Fat type. Owners of such skin suffer from regular inflammation, sebum and enlarged pores. Some cosmetic brands produce special serums that control sebaceous gland secretions and help reduce imperfections. However, some products may contain hormonal substances or antibiotics, but creams do not contain them.
  3. Normal. This is a less common type as there are many factors that affect the condition of the skin. It is in this case that cosmetologists recommend using face cream instead of serum, because the dermis does not need intensive treatment.

Main similarities and differences

As was written earlier, serum is a more concentrated care product. It aims to eliminate certain deficiencies in a short period of time. What is the difference between a cream and a facial serum? It has a cumulative effect, as it must be used regularly over several weeks. Main similarities of the funds:

  1. Can be used on all skin types;
  2. solving various problems;
  3. availability;
  4. budget cost;
  5. good skin hydration;
  6. saturation with useful components.

Before purchasing a care product, you need to understand what the difference is. Serum or face cream is a pretty big choice to consider. The differences are as follows:

  1. consistency: the serum is more liquid, absorbs quickly and does not leave marks on the face;
  2. composition: high concentration of useful components ensures deep penetration and saturation of cells;
  3. effectiveness: with the help of serum you can get the desired effect in a shorter period of time, while the cream must be used regularly for several weeks;
  4. purpose: the cream can be used at any age due to the low content of active ingredients; the main task is to moisturize and protect the epidermis from the effects of various factors, and the serum is distinguished by the fact that it has a complex effect.


On the shelves of cosmetic stores there is a huge selection of care products that can combine several properties. This is justified by the fact that whey has a more saturated concentration of beneficial components and can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is not recommended for use by girls under 25 years of age, when the skin is able to recover on its own.

Quite popular is cream-serum for the face and eyelids, which greatly simplifies the care process and replaces several “beauty jars”. The effectiveness of application will be much lower than that of the product in its pure form, but this combination will be the best option for those with a sensitive type of epidermis prone to allergic reactions. The result after using the serum can be seen after one or two applications, but the cream should take several weeks to take effect. This depends on the concentration of active ingredients and the focus of the cosmetic product.

Recommendations for use

To obtain the maximum effect, you must follow the instructions indicated by the manufacturers of cosmetics. When answering the question of whether cream is needed after facial serum, professional cosmetologists say that it is. The molecules of the saturated product are quite small and are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, but they can quickly evaporate and lose their properties.

To get maximum effect, it is recommended to follow these instructions:

  1. Cleanse your face of makeup and all kinds of impurities.
  2. Use a tonic to restore water balance.
  3. Apply eyelid skin care product.
  4. Distribute a small amount of serum between the palms and apply movements to the face. You should avoid getting the product on the delicate area around the eyes, as redness may occur from the active ingredients.
  5. Next, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream until completely absorbed.

This instruction will be an excellent option for evening care, when the skin needs more nutrition and restoration. In the morning, you should use either serum or cream to avoid clogging pores and not to apply an extra layer of cosmetics.


These cosmetic products have certain features and differences that help in choosing the right one for daily care. The benefits of the serum, according to cosmetologists and buyers:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. possibility of daily use;
  3. quick results;
  4. economical consumption;
  5. ease of use;
  6. availability of a large assortment and range of applications;
  7. rich composition;
  8. intensive hydration;
  9. anti-aging effect;
  10. restores elasticity;
  11. the presence of a pipette, which ensures hygienic use;
  12. enriched with acids and other active substances;
  13. saturates cells with useful components;
  14. absorbs quickly and leaves no residue.

Positive qualities of face cream:

  1. pleasant texture;
  2. minimal risk of allergic reactions;
  3. no contraindications;
  4. good hydration;
  5. Suitable for all skin types;
  6. restores water balance;
  7. may contain UV protection;
  8. Can be used at any age;
  9. economical consumption;
  10. allows you to eliminate unpleasant sensations in the form of dryness, tightness and irritation;
  11. budget cost.

It is worth noting that these are two completely different products, so professionals do not recommend using serum instead of face cream. To obtain the desired effect, they should be used in combination during evening care.

The best manufacturers

There are a huge number of manufacturers of high-quality caring cosmetics on the global trade market. A high price is not always an indicator of the effectiveness of a product, so it is worth listening to the opinions of professionals and other buyers. A review of manufacturers of face creams and serums will help you choose a quality product without much difficulty.

Thanks to reviews from cosmetologists and ordinary girls, you can make a list of the best products for solving various problems:

  1. Moisturizing cream "Aven" with sun protection 25. Perfect for both dry and combination skin.
  2. "Garnier" "Glow of Youth" is a budget basic product that can be used daily for hydration and nutrition.
  3. Vichy Anti-aging Cream is rich in collagen, antioxidants and sun protection.
  4. The rich Kils cream is an excellent option for those with dry and sensitive skin types; it moisturizes, restores water balance and evens out the complexion.

When choosing a serum, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of each type and determine the tasks that this cosmetic product should solve.

The best serums, according to customer reviews:

  1. Christina Detox Moisturizer is rich in caffeine, minerals and vitamins. Aimed at toning, evening out tone and intensively nourishing the skin.
  2. 5 in 1 gel serum “Evelyn” is one of the best in the budget segment. It moisturizes, softens, restores elasticity, smoothes and improves skin tone.
  3. Whitening "Belita Vitex" allows you to quickly get rid of unwanted pigmentation and freckles. Thanks to its complex effects, it can be used by owners of any skin type, as it not only deeply moisturizes, but also soothes inflammation, regulates the amount of sebaceous gland secretions and has an antibacterial effect.
  4. Hyaluronic facial serum “Novosvit” has become a real bestseller among buyers and professional makeup artists. With the help of active components, it fills expression lines and age wrinkles, smoothes the skin, moisturizes, softens and evens out the natural shade. This product is suitable for evening use and as a base product before applying decorative cosmetics.

It is worth noting that the wide range makes it easy to choose the right product. It is necessary to pay attention to the purpose of the serum or cream, its composition, manufacturer’s recommendations, as well as the expiration date.


The article addressed the question of how a cream differs from a facial serum, as well as what their main similarities are. We can conclude that these two care products are not interchangeable, as they perform different functions. To get results, you need to choose high-quality products that will meet the individual needs of a certain skin type.

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Cosmetically, serums are a relatively new product, somewhat different from traditional creams. They contain more active substances, and in greater concentration. Cream-serums for the face have a light texture, do not contain fats (except for oil-based anti-aging products) and perform various tasks: moisturize, rejuvenate, restore, lift, etc. They also enhance the effectiveness of conventional creams applied after them.

Indications for use of facial cream-serum

Cream-serums for the face are absorbed faster by the skin, thereby providing a faster and more effective solution to the problem. The end result depends on what goal you are pursuing and whether you have chosen the right product.

The main indications for the use of facial cream serum are age 30–35+, as well as:

  1. increased dryness, wilting;
  2. tendency to peeling;
  3. facial wrinkles;
  4. strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  5. presence of acne, pigmentation;
  6. prevention of aging.

[1], [2], [3]

Release form

Imported face cream-serums are designated “serum”, that is, concentrate. Names of face cream serums:

  1. Anti-aging lines Nyuksuryans brand Nuxe;
  2. Regenerating line for sensitive skin “Novean 3D” from Norev;
  3. Intensive strengthening “Isofil” from Uriage;
  4. "Izodex" with an instant lifting effect from Uriage;
  5. "Merveance Expert" brand Nuxe;
  6. “The glow of youth” 100 beauty recipes;
  7. “Narrowing of pores” Natura Siberika;
  8. Anti-Acne from Chocolatte;
  9. “Perfect skin” Bielita;
  10. Line from Via Lata;
  11. Prolixir line from Faberlic.

Moisturizing cream-serum for face planeta organic

Water and its components have been used effectively by cosmetologists for a long time, giving millions of women the desired youth and freshness. The face cream-serum of this brand was created based on the mineral components of the healing Dead Sea.

Planeta organic moisturizing cream-serum for the face penetrates into the deep layers, and on the surface of the skin creates protection against adverse factors. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, evens out the relief caused by dryness, and replenishes the lack of moisture. The activity of the product is enhanced by natural camellia and rose damask oils, eliminating dryness. They enrich the skin with vitamins, stimulate renewal, even out tone, improve color and natural appearance. Thanks to the ingredients of Damask rose, excess pigmentation is removed, wrinkles are smoothed, and elasticity is increased.

  1. The cream serum has a slightly pink color, a liquid texture, and a delicate aroma. It is well absorbed and does not leave any unpleasant fat content.

The cream is applied to a clean surface of dry or sensitive skin, rubbed in in a circular motion. A small amount of product is sufficient for one procedure. When applied systematically, it saturates with moisture and nutritional components, making the face well-groomed and toned.

Anti-acne facial cream-serum choco latte

Choco latte anti-acne facial cream-serum contains a complex of two-molecule hyaluronic acid - an excellent moisturizer. The compounds act in two directions: low molecular weight is absorbed into the deep layers, high molecular weight ensures leveling of the surface, filling in imperfections in the relief. There is no feeling of tightness.

  1. The formula of the face cream serum contains salicylic and azelaic acids, vegetable oils, decoctions and extracts, black cumin oil, and silver concentrate.

The product is created for oily and combination skin, regardless of age, that is prone to acne. The high content of beneficial ingredients destroys bacteria in comedones, heals wounds, reduces fat secretion, and provides an antiseptic effect. The deep layers are saturated with moisture, and the surface takes on a matte appearance.

The serum is ideal for summer. Apply a small amount to the face and around the eye area. Pat until absorbed. Also used under makeup.

Anti-rosacea facial cream-serum

This is a moisturizing product with a maximum of active substances. Known as spider vein cream. Contains many useful compounds that are obtained from natural raw materials: kelp, flax, hazelnuts and walnuts, verbena, cypress and a number of plants loved by cosmetologists. Designed for sensitive, thin skin suffering from rosacea.

The serum of this brand strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the outflow of venous blood, eliminates redness, and evens out the shade. Deep hydration ensures smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

The face cream-serum is applied in a thin layer, once a day, to the skin not only of the face, but also around the eyes. Pat lightly until absorbed. Store in a cool, dark place for no longer than 9 months. from the moment of manufacture.

Night rejuvenating facial cream serums

The aging process starts in the body quite early, already in the third decade. First of all, undesirable signs are reflected on the skin, in particular on the front of the head. Few people manage to maintain youth without proper care with the help of cosmetics. Night anti-aging cream serums are designed to perform this task while resting the skin and the body as a whole. They eliminate existing signs of wilting and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Serums have the following properties:

  1. smooth out wrinkles;
  2. even out tone;
  3. nourish and moisturize cells;
  4. tighten the contour;
  5. prevent pigmentation;
  6. renew cells responsible for elasticity;
  7. protect from the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  8. stimulate metabolic processes;
  9. perform anti-inflammatory and antibacterial functions.

These properties are provided by special ingredients: collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, peptides, keratin, hormones, proxylane, polyphenols, plant oils, vitamin complexes.

In serums they are contained in concentrated quantities. The advantage is that this composition guarantees an intense effect; minus – the use of such drugs requires proper use and increased caution.

The choice of night anti-aging facial cream serum depends on age, composition, financial capabilities, and specific problem. You must first read the instructions for its use.

Among the popular products, the Prolixir series from Faberlic, which includes a cream-serum for the face, is of interest. It combines the effectiveness of the innovative complex of the same name, which can remove toxins from the skin, and hyaluronic acid, which accumulates and retains moisture. In addition, the serum contains a special peptide, on the basis of which “youth pills” are created. Any age after 25–30 years will benefit from using this product.

Daytime rejuvenating face cream-serum Ecolab

Rejuvenation – this is the main function of Ecolab day cream-serum for the face. The product was created using the latest technologies using natural oils and extracts. Ecolab anti-aging facial cream serum contains 97.2% herbal ingredients and is free of silicones and parabens.

  1. Avocado oil restores fat metabolism, stimulates the production of collagen bonds, which promotes cell renewal.
  2. Jojoba oil is rich in amino acids, similar in structure to collagen. It is what maintains elasticity and prolongs the youth of the skin.
  3. Hyaluronic acid normalizes water balance, fills wrinkles, and evens out the relief.

Under the influence of a complex of active ingredients, the skin rejuvenates, becomes fresh, begins to shine, and the resulting wrinkles disappear.

The Ecolab product is easy to use: the bottle is equipped with a dispenser and is beautifully packaged. The consistency is thick, however, it spreads easily over the surface. After absorption, it moisturizes for a long time, but leaves a feeling of stickiness and heaviness. This drawback is noted by all users who wish to leave reviews on the forums. The disadvantages of the serum also include the aroma, which lasts for a long time and smells of chemicals.